Hot Topics / Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:23:05 pm »How can you be afraid of a single celled organism? It represents nothing when compared with your whole body. I don't believe such a microscopic thing could ever be a serious threat.That an organism is or turns to a nature of life that harms and damages other beings does not mean one has to be afraid of it.
Chances are this so-called parasite is nothing but an aid that the body utilizes in some sort of detoxification.
It represents nothing to a body that is not deficient of nutrients and minerals and positive energies, a body that also isn't suffering under excess toxins, stresses, or any other negative influences. But one that is, and the deficiencies aren't relieved, and in some cases are used no methods of getting rid of the parasitic organisms to give more time to correct the deficiencies, all so to heal and remove the possibility for future parasitic infestation, can in severe cases even die from the exposure.
Something you know as microscopic does not mean it is "microscopic" on every level of its existence. You look through a microscope and see little cells or organisms, but that is just the physical/material side of it. Physical/material is not all there is.
Yeast and candida are a simple example. Small microscopically, but not that small when you consider how it makes you feel and how it manipulates you, all to promote it's own life and growth on the expense of your health. And, given a lack of capacity to heal oneself and resist it (due to whatever reasons), would eventually take one to the grave.
Not every organism is of benefit (also depends on mental and spiritual perspectives, or the lack thereof). There are symbiotic and parasitic organisms. And those in between, those with qualities of both.
Obviously it is easy to not regard the symbiotic ones, because they are good for you. You don't even notice them, because they don't make you feel bad. It's wishful thinking that every organism you can come into contact with is good for you at least in some way. All when the possibility, in our world, for organisms that try to only take without giving, is real. The mentality "It is making me feel bad, but it must be for the good because I don't know any better, and can't research nor think nor experiment for experiences any deeper on the subject" (due to whatever reasons) is not a good mentality; it's a mentality where ignorance on the subject is used to justify that something inherent to the subject is not real (in this case something negative), thus the opposite must be true. "Ignorance is bliss..." "Not everything is well", but since there's a lack of awareness or perception, "all is well".
Just because you haven't noticed, experienced, nor really even tried to look at, does not mean there is no "bad" side. (Not to mention you might not have definitions/understandings in yourself that allow the easy recognition of the "bad".) Merely because you cannot see the good side, because you are rooted in it, you are of it, so you don't notice it anywhere near as well (or at all) as you notice the "bad" side.
Seems to me even positive organisms, the symbionts, are at least somewhat underestimated... As people tend to not be aware of them because they are a reason we are alive. They are part of us, they help us make us who we are.