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Messages - nummi

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General Discussion / Re: Hydration problems
« on: February 03, 2015, 06:24:33 am »
I read some article, somewhere, about testing bottled water vs tap water. Something such. Most bottled waters they tested, but not all, were common tap water, or had nothing special about them just like general tap water.
It makes sense... which is cheaper? We all know how corporations love milking money from people while spending little to none themselves, usually with extra added twists not in our favor.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:51:25 am »
Maybe potato starch could help somewhat? Food for gut bacteria, thus improved digestion.

I began taking 4 tbsp of potato starch a day (about a week full now), and now seem to be able to handle somewhat larger amounts of plant stuff in general. And overall feeling better.

General Discussion / Re: Hydration problems
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:38:49 pm »
Most bottled water is tap water anyway... but in many cases with extra toxins.

Journals / Re: Alberto's Journal
« on: January 28, 2015, 02:34:17 am »
I think the epsom salts even made my stomach a bit upset.
Too strong solution? If not dilute enough it will definitely upset stomach.

I used to feel like wanting to sleep all day long, constantly tired and sleepy, for months, during many years. Now I know the primary cause was magnesium deficiency.
I used to have instances of "short breath", not exactly asthma but something similar, also over many years on and off. Now I know the primary cause was iodine deficiency.

Now I use dried and ground sea vegetables for iodine, and MgCl2 for magnesium.

These are two very important minerals most people are deficient of. Very hard to get enough just from regular food.

Health / Re: Loss Weight
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:45:54 pm »
If diet is correct enough, then without doing exercise weight will go to its correct range and remain there. That should be around 15-18%, body fat percentage.
If overweight, exercise is not needed to lose weight (though it can speed it up). It will correct itself with just diet. Or if underweight, then will gain weight, and still to the correct range.

If you add just exercises, and are already around 15-18%, it might lower your weight (body fat) by very little. Or might also increase it through building some more muscle, also just by a little bit. So in this regard not much change, if at all, weight wise.

If you actually train, well and correctly, then you will gain weight as muscle mass, and your body fat percentage might go to around 10% or a little bit lower.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 27, 2015, 12:01:32 am »
Fiber only becomes "bad" if eaten in excess. If is eaten in excess and developed issues, then it will take some while to heal from it and normalize body's reaction to it.
Instead of removing, best to try and find your personal limit, and stay below it. Though to heal from the damage done, for a time it might be necessary to cut it out completely, at least until is healed.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Namaste!
« on: January 25, 2015, 11:20:47 pm »
Same thing happens when body builders work on their pecs, abs, and biceps because they can see those regions in the mirror. They never build their core, legs and backs.
Not just that but bodybuilders never incorporate exercises that use multiple muscles together. They isolate muscles. Our bodies are not built the way they train them, nor what they train them for. Our bodies are built to have muscles working together.
Our muscles/bodies should be trained the way they are built to work. Which means mobility, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, plus whatever else - all of them, which also would mean having a very good physical appearance, something like an athletic body.

For the last week I've been writing down different exercises (including different variations of same exercises) that can be done in the gym, primarily with weights. Currently have about 700 exercises (about a hundred of those are for abs/core...). People in general maybe use only 50 of them (among which some few are very bad exercises that should never be done at all; and only about 5 for abs, I don't think they are even aware there's such a thing as "core", or just 1-2 exercises for core), and even those they mostly do wrong.

Hundreds of cities underwater... globally.
Many around Japan, then India. Hundreds in the Mediterranean sea, which basically used to be a huge valley once, with a big river flowing to the Atlantic from the middle through present-day Gibraltar, basically an extension to present Nile (and probably other rivers). A long and powerful river. So a cataclysmic event, and the Atlantic flowed into the mediterranean valley - a flood.
Then underwater ruins around pacific islands.

And where-ever else.

Rise and fall of continents, polar shifts, polar relocations, cataclysms, etc.

There have been many floods, some worse than others. There will come new floods. Evolution and conditions on this planet are not calm and steady, never have been that naturally nor manipulatively. And from present day back to the "paleolithic"... the changes in between in all aspects... "paleolithic" means nothing to us, it cannot mean anything. Taking paleolithic as an example of something or anything, when the fact is you really cannot know how it actually was back then, and imitating those presumed (believed) qualities out in present day simply because they are presumed (believed) to be correct, is not smart nor healthy.

In regards to diet and health. Not "paleolithic" but "what works best in present world". Saying paleolithic works best is simply wrong. You may eat raw animals and whatever else and however else, but you are not eating a paleolithic diet, because this isn't paleolithic, nor have we access to paleolithic foods in their paleolithic condition.

In fruits the problem might not be from the sugar but from fiber. Though excess sugar is also bad.
Fiber in excess is harmful to the gut, and if gut is harmed it will leech minerals from the body to the gut for healing. Minerals like magnesium that is needed for mental clarity and many other things. So you'll end up being down low in all regards.

Personally, there are times when I can't eat fruits at all (including berries). And times when I need them a bit.
The intolerance to fruits can be a temporary thing (especially when they are consumed too much and to excess, in this case might take months to "normalize" the body's reaction to fruits).

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:54:09 pm »
About 2 hours ago at work I noticed when I applied even the slightest pressure to my Mid Right Andominal region it produced a very sharp pain. 

I did workout and play hockey today so it's possibly a pulled muscle. But it feels internal. A quick google and the pain looks like it's around the Liver, duodonem area.
I've been learning about training stuff. Came to this (after 4:30, explains something that might be your cause of pain)

That guy has other really great videos as well (categorized by muscle groups on his website), explains how to make exercises right and effective, and how many different variations there are, and more.

Health / Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« on: January 20, 2015, 04:51:00 pm »
Those are magnesium deficiency symptoms (though something else can also contribute). First thing I'd check is whether you are deficient of Mg or not.

In our present world, the way it is, you cannot get enough Mg easily just from food. You could if you paid large amounts for it and would get your food from pure and clean places with soils rich in nutrients and not polluted, or lived in such a place yourself.

Blood tests don't show whether you are deficient of Mg or not.

General Discussion / Re: remianing in a state of alkaline vs Acidic
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:03:01 pm »
When talking about "alkaline" diets, then have to consider the basic fact that we have very strong natural stomach acid. This actually says enough about "alkaline" diets...

What we need are minerals, most people are deficient of these. Minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, etc. and they of course make an alkaline water solution. Point is if we needed alkalinity the way they claim we do then any kind of substance, even lethal, should be okay to consume, and should compensate the deficiency of whatever mineral. But magnesium does not remove the deficiency of potassium, or any other than magnesium deficiency itself, not to mention toxic stuff.

Those who spout alkalinity nonsense are concentrating on the wrong aspect.

There is something alkaline diets can do. They can alleviate some bad symptoms somewhat. One reason being that minerals make water alkaline, and when eating/drinking something alkaline it transfers that effect over to the body, thus sort of imitating the presence of mineral containing environment, to some extent. But it's no "cure", it's temporary and limited and absolutely does not address nor cure the underlying cause. It's more like fooling the body.

General Discussion / Re: List of fermented paleo foods
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:59:40 pm »
A book "Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning" might come useful. I'd go as far as say (for now) that "it's a must".

General Discussion / Re: List if fermented paleo foods
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:10:38 am »
Sunroot has many names, the best known in english is a completely idiotic one (the plant doesn't even originate from Jerusalem or anywhere near that region...). I use sunroot as it's simple and very much an appopriate name (of the same family as sunflower, but instead tubers).

They should work without salt. Salt is used to ensure the right kind of bacteria survive and grow, and it also creates more acidity.

Lacto-fermentation has nothing to do with dairy other than that dairy can also be lacto-fermented. Didn't know myself, about two weeks ago, what exactly the "lacto" meant... though I knew how to make those ferments and that bacteria produces acid. The "lacto" is about the acid produced by the bacteria, lactic acid. Differences in languages, in my own language there's no equivalent of the word "lactic" used (no specifics), only refers to acidity in general.

General Discussion / Re: List if fermented paleo foods
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:57:00 am »
Sauerkraut recipe works for almost any vegetables.

I made a mix of cabbage, red cabbage, carrot, turnip, sunroot, onion, garlic, ginger (should've ground this well first...). Turned out rather good, aside the occasional slightly big chunks of ginger...
Will try just sunroot in a couple weeks or so. While researching fermentation a little I found someone saying when they first tried fermented cabbage it was good, but turnip was better, and sunroot the best of them (taste and texture wise at least). Going to see if it's true, as I've got sunroots fresh in the ground.

Off Topic / Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« on: January 15, 2015, 03:14:17 pm »
Somewhat long...

You seriously need to rethink your entire worldview regarding this topic because, seriously and honestly, none that you take as real is based on reality. It's based on lies, literal lies, and all of it. Not trying to offend or anything, just putting the fact straight out.
I once thought and believed the same you still do. I mean the negative and blind belief - where you absolutely do not know where the object of belief actually came from, why it is, what it really is, etc. But then reality got in the way and I found out.

There's too much to consider and say to give a whole answer. So you'll have to find the missing on your own.

these these appeared not just because someone wanted it like that, it took thousands of years to evolve the money system we have today.  it is not perfect, but it works the best at the moment.
They in fact did appear just because someone wanted it like that. But then the question is why did someone want it like this? Quite simple really - living according to money. You don't have money, you don't live; you have little, you live a little; you have a lot, you live a lot. But who controls the flow of money? Who decides who gets how much? The system? But then why is the system designed in a way that people live in severe lack of money and suffer day in and day out because of it?
Population increases, prices increase. Who makes the extra money? And from what? Also, why does the debt of countries and people only rise, why can't anyone pay up their debt? Debts constantly increase, there's always more money needed to pay them up. But then where should they get the money to pay their debts? Squeeze people even more?? Or take a lot of money from a bank - which translates again into another debt. Where should the money come from to pay up the ever increasing debts? Why is the system designed in a way that debts rise and rise and rise? Where does the money come from? Who makes the money? Who keeps this circle of imbecility running, and why?

It's obvious nothing is right, everything is wrong. If money was so right and so good, then why is the system designed to squeeze people who already don't have anywhere near enough for a decent life; why is the system designed in a way that people literally become slaves to money and they literally are willing to do anything for it? Because they believe money is the only reality, that money is the only way it should be and only way it can work? Why do people even take money as the only and best and right way of society, when, as you can see yourself just by looking around anywhere, that all money does is hurt everyone!
Have you ever noticed or considered that this present society is one that's driven by suffering and fear. Lack of money for a decent life is suffering, the constant thought of "can I pay my bills, my debts this month" is generating constant fear.
Do you think it is right for a society to be driven by suffering and fear, when in stark contrast there exists happiness and joy?
Being a rawist, I think you know well enough what suffering and fear is like, or should be like, and what it does to health and productivity in every way. In opposite, you also know what joy and happiness does to the same aspects. One takes lower and lower, the other higher and higher.
It is all so obvious.

Who makes all the food, clothes, everything else? Does money do that? No! People do all of that. Money only gets in the way.
There are so many jobs that are about managing money itself, that deal with just money - those jobs are 100% pointless waste of workforce that could alleviate, by a lot, the work hours of those who actually produce something essential that everyone needs.
How many jobless people are there? There's no need for them to be jobless, there's so much to do absolutely everywhere, always and ever. And they can't utilize themselves because there's no money for them, because no one's willing to pay a decent wage for them?
If everyone was utilized in producing something essential and necessary, and no pointless crap, no nonsense, then one person would maybe have to work just one day a week. Is one day a week too much?

In what conditions do people work better and more efficiently? Suffering and fear, or happiness and enjoyment?

Money is backed up only by lies the people are led to believe and live by.

Rewards as they are viewed from capitalistic perspectives are lies. We don't need rewards, we need food, clothes, tools, etc. - things that actually matter and actually are absolutely essential for positive progress and enjoyment of life.
What better reward than happiness and enjoyment of living a life worth living?
Do you enjoy the lack of money? Or just do you enjoy money? Or is money actually a burden to you? Would you rather live in a world where you have all you need and get all you need, whenever you need it, and thus live in constant happiness and enjoyment and thus in the true reward of life? Or would you rather live in a world where you live in constant fear of running out and the suffering of deficiency? Pointless to ask, isn't it...

It's all beyond imbecilic.

Look at what happened to Soviet Union where no one could own Intellectual Property and could not be rewarded monetarily.  They've got nothing except for special interests like military and space and even then most of it is already far behind Western products.
Soviet Union was a charade, a "false flag" nonsense, or such, an attempt to make moneyless societies seem stupid, impossible, and very very bad. Globally. You fell for that lie and are still in it, for a time so was I, because it is taught to us in school, and through other methods, and we are also taught to not question "authority". And who gives us all that "knowledge" of what is real and right and impossible? "Authority" of course... Since we are taught to not question authority, we simply believe what it says without ever thinking critically.
Considering you know about dieting and the lies of health that "authority" spews; you know authority literally lies about diet and health... Is it really such a big leap to consider that maybe the lies go much farther and much deeper?

So when someone brings out various moneyless systems I see it as a step backwards.  Humans been there already.
If you meet a dead end, you have to go back to see where it all went wrong, and why. Money is a dead end, going back is removing it altogether. You cannot fix the problem if you keep the underlying factors in place. The same with health, you cannot heal if you don't address and remove the real underlying cause.

Has humanity been in a moneyless society with such numbers of people? Well, I'm fairly certain it has, but those societies were ended on purpose with nuclear and energy weapons of mass destruction... of which there is abundant proof globally, and absolutely no proof that any such things didn't happen.

Backward... Money is backward. Removing it is onward.

Just look yourself, at present humanity and what money is in actual truth doing. Forget what "authority" claims and has taught you, just for some moments, and look, you cannot miss it.

If I have a rare skill or a great idea that's in high demand, how do you I think I get rewarded in moneyless system?
Demand? Rewarded? They are lies. Both of them, at least by the rules of capitalism, of money.

If you have a rare skill, why wouldn't you be able to utilize it? And you say it's in high demand... In a moneyless society... Contradictory...
You evidently lack the definitions and understanding necessary to see how and why a moneyless society would work. If you apply capitalistic values and rules and try to understand a moneyless society through those, then of course nothing would work!! Different set of rules and values. It's like trying to describe human metabolism through steam technology or hydraulics principles and rules, or whatever else that doesn't fit at all. Different values and rules - you don't even know what they are - and are asserting understanding of a system you don't even know the rules and values of.

Off Topic / Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:27:01 am »
No one should follow anyone nor anything.
No person who sufficiently understands the world and how matters should be, would ever want a following.

People who follow are religious. Being religious is negative, because being religious means the person simply believes no matter whether the object of belief is true or false, and in fact without personally having any true understanding of the object.
There's two kinds of beliefs (maybe more...): one when belief originates externally, also meaning the object believed is not part of the person, and in truth doesn't understand the object; the other when belief originates from within the person, because what is believed is part of the person, which also means the person actually has deep understanding of the object. (And mixes of these two belief forms, like in religions where truths and lies are mixed up, and thus how one form of belief is confused with another on many levels. Where perhaps actual truth is indeed part of the person, but to it is attached lies, thus lies are in extension part of the person... It's a negative vortex hard to get out of once in deep.)
Someone can follow something only if that something is not part of the person. If it was a true part of the person, then the person would not be following anything, but would simply be who he or she is.
You cannot follow yourself, you are yourself. But if you do follow something, then who are you?

Anyone who does something or says something and likes having followers doesn't really have a clue about the world, or has some negative agenda and uses people as a tool.
Belief and believing is a wall of the box of the matrix we are subjected to.

Imitating truth is one thing, but living it, having truth as an actual part of oneself, is something completely different.

Messiahs? Impostors, hypocrites, plain and simple.

We don't need messiahs or anything such, as all they do is talk empty and collect followers without actually making anything better, because they are victims or users of the belief matrix, and they suck those unaware into the very thing we need to get out of. What we need is people who can guide and help others find themselves and the world they live in, to show people how to find truths and integrate/incorporate those truths so they could start living truths and not keep imitating them.

From birth onward we are taught to imitate truths. Parents who are unaware, schools, media, etc. If we imitate truths, then at the same time what are we living?

Messiah is someone that's supposed to be like a "savior" or something such? Every person can save only oneself, others can help but they can't do the act of "saving"; no other person can do this for anyone but him or herself. The word "messiah" doesn't even have meaning that's actually worth something, because it is a part of the belief matrix. The worth of the word and concept of "messiah" is negative in its essence (at least in the context it's been used throughout the ages).

King, messiah, prophet, priest, etc. - all the same. As if one, or a small group of people is going to "save" everyone else (save from what?? those very same few people and their agendas?), and so everyone else can simply not do anything (thus keeping themselves in the negative), because they are going to be "saved" by a few people. But sure, it's all about perspectives... the people are going to be "saved", but from truth and positivity, into lies and negativity, or from one rut to another of the same.

There are no messiahs, never will be. Those who seemingly do something great, they are just people like any other, who perhaps have merely noticed there's more to this than meets the eye, and have investigated further. Put any person through the right conditions suitable to them, that sparks truth in them... (maybe not all, but definitely most).

Welcoming Committee / Re: Tips for transitioning to raw paleo?
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:06:03 pm »
Some toughing out might be necessary, as your body, gut, and cells are still adjusted to your previous diet. Takes a little for them to get what's going on and readjust.

Some cravings might actually be because of lack of good water or minerals, and not (solid) food itself (there are many signs of dehydration, not just thirst; thirst rather shows you got late hydrating yourself). What water do you drink, how much?
And approximately how much minerals are you getting a day (especially magnesium and iodine - many have issues with these, or develop issues with them, generally very hard to get enough just from basic food).

A lot of fruit sounds like a bad idea to me. Personally I can get away with a lot of fruit for a few days, and rarely. If I go longer than that it will mess up my gut and body. Also depends on the fruits.
Fruits also promote eating throughout the day, as they digest rather fast and sugars in them are used fast. Sugars (in excess) also have an addiction-like effect. So the body will constantly ask for more - also an explanation for the cravings.

Definitely try to get raw animal fat. The diet can't work for long without this. Fat is very important.

Vegetables can be fermented. Basic sauerkraut recipe works for any vegetable, just replace cabbage with something else, or even make a mix.

You can go slow or jump right in, have to decide yourself what feels right. Jumping right in might take more/stronger toughing out.

Off Topic / Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« on: January 08, 2015, 05:21:13 am »
Not just presently.  It's been like that since day 1.  Manipulation has always been there throughout human evolution.
And not just humans.  All animals that form tight groups from small packs to huge colonies are highly manipulative.  Individualism is not tolerated. 
I didn't mean it in the sense that just presently and never before. I meant it in the sense that they, we, still are manipulated (and/or still suffering the consequences of the manipulations), and that's why utopia is (still) mostly regarded as unachievable and nonsense.

Animals form groups because that's how they can survive. Even we humans couldn't survive nor progress without each other, so even for us it is natural and right to form groups.
In case of native human tribes there are elders and shamans people look toward for guidance. It is natural that some individuals, in terms of self growth, either physical or rational, or emotional, etc. grow faster than others and get ahead.

With animals, from our perspective, there seems like little individuality, so you have to look at them from their perspective. Plus the fact that our mental abilities enable much more varied individualities, but animals don't have such minds (plus animals aren't so highly genetically manipulated over the ages, unlike us).

The suppression of individuality is also a negative manipulation.
In case of animals, for example those who have higher individuality in the sense that they are physically and mentally above others (meaning they will win the challenges), those will become the "leaders" of the group. It is natural.

Humans already went through moneyless period.  If it is such a good system, why do you think they abandoned it?
Negative manipulation. That's why.

But when did they go through it? What times are you referring to?

My body temperature is very low, my hands are very cold, like death.
Iodine deficiency does this... and again gut inflammation can also lead to this. And some possible other causes for similar effect. Iodine the likeliest and easiest to solve.
Sea vegetables are high in natural iodine.

My sex drive are better, but I'm feeling and dealing with much much anxiety, feeling very sad, loss feelings.
I can't control this anxiety,  :(

Maybe it's the fruit carbs? or the body healing?
Can someone help me again?
Magnesium deficiency. Those are magnesium deficiency symptoms.

What can also lead to magnesium deficiency is gut issues, inflammation and bloating; and too high fiber. Doesn't let nutrients, especially minerals be absorbed well, and it leeches them from the rest of the body to the gut for healing it. And too high sugar; sugar needs quite a bit of magnesium to be metabolized.
Plus the effects of EM radiation, toxins, noise, and more that play a part on magnesium levels.
Also, a healing body naturally requires more nutrients and minerals.

It is very hard to get enough magnesium from just food. To get enough from just food have to live in rather specific (clean, unpolluted) places where soils are richer (or rather not farmed empty) of magnesium (and other stuff) and you eat local foods (or a lot of seafood).

So... I'd recommend MgCl2 or MgSO4.

Off Topic / Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:47:46 pm »
Classical utopia.  It only works in ... ants or bees and only within their nest.
People naturally are not suited for this model.  You can't fool nature.
100% (99.99999...%) wrong. This what we have and have had for a long time is outside negative manipulation, not nature. If there was no manipulation, it would essentially be utopia right now.

I'd suggest to upgrade your definitions of the world in regards to society and what's really possible and right and thus should be.
People presently are manipulated. People literally are not who they are supposed to be, thus of course everything will be messed up and no utopian-like society in effect.

I came to the exact same conclusions about money and how society should work all on my own some years ago. Then about a year ago I found this guy saying the exact same things, essentially wording the exact same solutions I would have in his position.

And of course in utopia there would be mistakes done and happening now and then (more in the beginning, less as it progresses), but they would be learned from and corrected and never, high emphasis on never, repeated. Because people would become aware of them quickly. And so mistakes would become rarer and rarer, until as if none at all, and until actually none at all (unless when potentially dealing with something that's outside their society and have little to no knowledge or experience with).
Repeating mistakes is how presently people are manipulated. Repeating mistakes is negative manipulation, not nature.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:33:20 pm »
What kind of working out? Gym?

When working out and training it's not about body muscles, it's about the heart. Have to concentrate on the heart, not body muscles. The heart determines whether training is occurring or not. Heart has to be working well and strong and/or fast when training. If heart is working strong and fast, then breathing will go strong and fast, and there will also be strong perspiration - these are all simple indicators that training is or has occurred. Body muscles are irrelevant in the sense that heart must be the one "leading", and body muscles "dragging behind".
If you follow conventional way of training then it is the exact opposite - body muscles lead, and heart drags behind. Body muscles heal easily and rather fast, heart does not, for heart to heal it takes much longer.

Working out 1-2 hours, and also 1-2 hours of hockey, each day really is too much; plus the off-time exercises... At first it might seem as if no big deal, and you might get away with it for a while, maybe a few to several months, even longer if you are rather "obsessed" (get a negative mental feeling if you think of "skipping" a day or more, and thus force it on) with training, but eventually it will hit you hard. After that there's potentially several months to a year worth of healing from the damage. Especially prone for to this to happen if you eat 4-6 meals a day... when is your digestive tract resting and healing from all the digestion? During sleeping? Sleep time is not enough. If you eat too often, for a too long period, then the digestive tract will become overloaded. If it is overloaded it will become hurt and somewhat inflamed, if it is hurt and inflamed nutrient absorption goes down. Then you get health issues, because nutrients, especially minerals, aren't absorbing well. Since they are not absorbing well but healing of the gut requires those nutrients, then they are instead leeched from the rest of the body to the gut for healing purposes. So hurt gut not only absorbs less nutrients but it also leeches from the body, leaving the rest of the body even more severely in deficiencies.

Salts don't leech nutrients, but water. But then water is also a nutrient, aside other things. We definitely don't need salts, but we do need minerals. Salts are made of minerals.
To get minerals from salts salts need to be in water solution, as they go into ionic form.
If you ingest just pure salt, water is needed to neutralize it's toxic and harmful effect, by converting it into ions which the body can use easily. So water from the body will be directed toward the ingested salt, leeching it from elsewhere.

When the body becomes deficient of water (at least in some parts of the body), as there's excess salts to deal with, nothing can work right. For well-working metabolism the most important nutrient is in fact water itself. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can work right if there's too little water (and not just water, as water also has to be structured right...). Water directed elsewhere, too little for well-working metabolism, so it will seem as if nutrient deficiency when in fact nutrients are all there, but what's missing is the necessary amount of correctly structured water for the nutrients to do their job.

Since water is sent to deal with excess salt, that salt along with the water is expelled from the body, as water also serves as a medium of transport.

So here's two or three ways for the same/similar effects. Deficiency of correctly structured water necessary for nutrients to do their job, or the deficiency of nutrients themselves, or both together.

I suppose similar applies to excess minerals as well.

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