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Messages - Brady

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Hot Topics / Re: Grassfed Beef in Ireland
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:53:22 pm »
Pheasants hill farm in Comber Co Down has the best Grass Fed Organic Beef I've ever tasted, they do rare breed beef like Dexter and Irish Moile, arguably the best quality beef in the world.  I don't think they deliver though, give Alan a call though, tell him Conor (the guy who eats his meat raw) told you about it.

Health / Re: Need help obtaining Raw Adrenals/Thyroid
« on: March 30, 2010, 01:38:57 am »
All I can say is that during the time I took them, my iris-colour lightened a bit faster than usual, so that's a positive clue, AFAIAC(though the krill-oil I took recently was even more effective re iris-lightening).

When I met Aajonus in Australia he suggested that everyone should have light blue eyes but we don't due to pollution and chemical poisoning etc.  I thought he was a bit nuts but are you suggesting there is something to this?  Perhaps he's just taking it too far.

Health / Re: Soil Based Organisms to restore Digestion and Health
« on: March 26, 2010, 11:30:53 pm »
Tried one years ago, shat better than ever before, didn't make much difference otherwise.
IMHO it is best to cultivate the right internal microbes by eating raw zero carb and not being too clean.

What product did you use?  How long did it take for the bowels to improve? I could do with a good shit. lol

Health / Re: Need help obtaining Raw Adrenals/Thyroid
« on: March 26, 2010, 11:27:12 pm »
  I know of no reports re dr ron's supplements, only that I am certain they have the highest quality products as they are one of the very few to avoid using trans-fats such as magnesium stearate as fillers etc. I only tried dr ron's adrenal/thyroid supplements many years after I'd healed my adrenal-/thyroid-related conditions via an RPD diet, so can't really state whether they were effective or not. All I can say is that during the time I took them, my iris-colour lightened a bit faster than usual, so that's a positive clue, AFAIAC(though the krill-oil I took recently was even more effective re iris-lightening).

I do understand your position re supplements. I too had a mega-supplement phase some years prior to going rawpalaeo and they were mostly ineffective, with a few giving me odd side-effects. The ones which did work were almost all homeopathic and in those cases only worked short-term re temporarily curing symptoms but not healing the various conditions. I have since then only gone in for a few  supplements like raw cod liver oil, and then only when I am reasonably sure that they are as unprocessed/raw as possible. Otherwise I leave the RPD diet to do the work.

What kind of fish oil do you use?

Also do you know if there are any issues with UK customs regarding importing glandulars?

Health / Soil Based Organisms to restore Digestion and Health
« on: March 24, 2010, 10:52:43 pm »
Has anyone had any joy using SBO's.  I have been reading about Jordans Rubin's incredible recovery from life threatening crohns disease using SBO's , so have started eating soil from a local pristine forest near where I live in the hope that I to can regain my health.
Would be keen to hear if anyone has had any experience using SBO's or has any pointers for me.


Health / Re: Need help obtaining Raw Adrenals/Thyroid
« on: March 24, 2010, 10:42:40 pm »
Well, good luck. I've tried getting raw adrenals in the UK and I found it impossible. if I even managed to get my suppliers to ask the butchers at the abattoir to provie me with adrenals(difficult at best), the butchers would apparently just laugh. I think that adrenals are routinely thrown away as they are seen as useless or linked somehow with the spine, which doesn't make sense. If you have a lot of cash, you might consider getting hold of those freeze-dried thyroid or adrenals from dr ron's website in the USA, it's expensive, but it saves time. It's extremely difficult for  people to get hold of raw 100% grassfed adrenals in the UK unless they know personally a farmer with their own abattoir. Have you tried google images re searching for raw adrenals?

Thanks for this Tyler,

I had a look for pictures but couldn't find any.  I know you overcame Adrenal issues in your recovery, did you use Adrenal glandulars to do so or just RPD?  Also what kind of reports have you heard on Dr Rons glandulars?  Been down the supplement road before and blew alot of cash so weary about doing it again.

Health / Need help obtaining Raw Adrenals/Thyroid
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:57:08 pm »
Hi,  if possible could someone post pictures of raw adrenals when they are attached to the kidneys (bovine).  My butcher should be able to get them back from the abatoire but they will have no idea what to look for so I figure if I can provide them with a picture and instructions I should be able to get sorted.  Also if anyone can do the same for raw thyroid I would appreciate it.

Alternatively if anyone in the Uk/Ireland knows of a source of raw adrenal/thyroid that would post that would also be just as good.

I'm hoping to overcome this chronic fatigue and get my life back for the upcoming summer.



Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: March 06, 2010, 12:00:07 am »
I think my adrenals and thyroid are really shot.  I was doing pretty well till we hit the depts of winter then I crashed.  Has anyone else in the Northern Countries experienced this before?  I'm hoping things will start to improve now that Spring has arrived.
Also should I still eat meat and fat even when they cause such fatigue and stress on the body?  Or perhaps I should give my organs a rest and get by on green veg juice and butter then slowly introduce meat?  Not use as I'm extremely under weight.

Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: March 05, 2010, 11:57:17 pm »
aging meat has done wonders for me!

'High Meat' is all I ever eat, some of it 7 months old and extremely high in bacteria.  I have grown to really like the taste but even this is wipes me out all day. 

Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: March 05, 2010, 11:50:54 pm »
find tasty marrow, soft kind, and grass fed slabs of back fat, and experiment with how much you can eat along with meat.  Often I will snack on fat so as to get enough calories in.  This snacking lets me ease up at times with how much fat I eat with my two meat meals a day.  Meat with no fat digests so quickly for me, but at the expense of what I believe to be causing an insulin response which appears to be more than eating meat with fat-slowing down digestion.  My favorite is mixing soft marrow with cut up pieces of meat.  Very easy to digest!  It all gets easier the longer your body has a chance to convert over to using fat as fuel.   But in the meantime listen and experiment to what works for you, and it changes all the time, as it should.

Yeah even bone marrow causes extreme fatigue, it just seems to take all my energy to digest it. 

Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: March 05, 2010, 01:09:39 am »
Now, how about we steer back to helping Brady with his transition such as this thread was intended and stop with the pemmican tangent? :)

Cheers Dan, yeah guys any more advice?

I took a stint at zero carb there but my adrenals don't seem to be strong enough and I crashed even further.  It also seems I really need the bioavailable sodium from celery and the like so I have started drinking some green veggie juice again.  Water and salt just wasn't working.  I hoping the juicing will be temporary till I build up my adrenals again.  I also really struggled with suet my liver just couldn't digest that kind of fat yet, again I think my adrenal & thyroid are so weak my protein and fat digestion is nill.  As I felt like I was fading away and the fatigue becoming unbearable I started eating some raw butter again and have got more energy as a result, although it still causes some problems it seems to be easier for the liver to metabolise.  Again I am hoping this is a temporary measure till I get soem strength back then I wish to go dairy free as I know its bad news in the long term.

Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: February 05, 2010, 12:55:11 am »

Many thanks for this comprehensive response.  It is very encouraging to see that you are overcoming your health challenges and thriving.  Its stories like your taht keep my going when time are tough.

Is your first meal your large meal of the day? I'd make the large meal of the day the red meat meal as it's fattier and better for your healing IMO. If you want to have oily fish as your other meal by all means do so just make sure you're making the fattiest meal the big meal. :)

Yes my first meal is the largest.  However I don’t thing I was eating enough fat so I managed to get 6 llbs of suet (grass fed in summer / silage & grain fed in winter) and started eating it yesterday with my morning meat meal.  I noticed my dehydration was very much improved (kinda back up what Aajonus says about dehydration being more dilapidation) .

I started reading through your journal with relish, great stuff!  However one question comes to mind, why do yourself and other zero carbers partake in the eating of tallow and pemmican when they are not really raw and appear to cause problems, not to mention the lipid peroxides produced by heating fat.  Why not just eat it all raw (not heated or dry)?  I got the butcher to mince my suet so it just melts in my mouth, just an idea.

Also I take bitter herbs to improve digestion and increase bile flow, any experience with these?

What about clays?

Sorry I am a bit slow in responding but I have to limit my computer time due to my electrosensitivity or pay the price.

Many thanks


Health / Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:33:30 pm »
hi djr_81

Many thanks for this and I would love to hear more about your journey where can I read about it in more detail? also I have a few questions if you don't mind?

1/ what selections of meat do you eat?
2/ what are your sources of fat?
3/ how often do you eat? / time of day? / quantities?
4/ how much water do you drink?
5/ bowel movements- frequency/size/ease?
6/ Energy levels- would you have the enegy to play sport or go to gym?
7/ did you suffer from any liver pain?
8/ could you give me a typical days schedule from when you wake to when you sleep?

I am pretty keen on going zero carb but my main issues are dehydration, constipation and fatigue (almost bed ridden some days)  I find water to be a poor hydrator and low sugar fruits to be very good but I really want to get of fruit altogether as it agrevates my condition.  I definately agree with what you say about carb cravings being alleviated by fat and I experience this with coconut cream however it leaves me extremely fatigued so I want to get off it as well.  The animal fat I'm eating (fatty meat, bone marrow) however doesn't seem to quench my thirst or kiil the carb cravings as well. Any suggestions?  I not been able to get grass fed suet or mutton yet.  I am also reluctant to drink water to close to meals as I don't want to dilute my hcl and hamper my already poor digestion which leaves me dehydrated for a few hours after i eat, especially if i eat lots of red meat.  At the moment I eat two meals:
10-11am selection of meat, foul and bone marrow
6-7pm seletion of wild caught cold water oily fish

In between I will chew on a little celery (spitting out the pulp), have a cuccumber or maybe a bell pepper (all to quench my thirst)

Would aprecaite you help mate and perhqaps a few of the other zero carbers could join in.



Health / Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: January 29, 2010, 01:02:11 am »
Hi, I'm a newbie to the site from Northern Ireland.  The thread below is from Allexperts where I got some excellent advice from the RPG, however he suggested I post it here also to let you lot give me some pointers in regaining my health.  I am open to all suggestions so please chime in.

Expert:  RawPalaeoGuy
Subject:  Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / ME
Question:    QUESTION: Hi RPG,

I suffer from the above plus multiple chemical sensitivity and extreme sensitivity to EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields).  Six months ago I was down to 8 1/2 stone and felt I was going to die then someone told me about the Primal Diet, after just 2 days it was like wakingfrom a coma! I had strength and clarity for the first time in about two years and gained a stone in 3 monhs.  This continues for about two months then symptoms gradually returned and I am very tired again although nowhere near as bad as I was.  I had to give up raw dairy (I eat a little raw butter), raw honey, raw egg whites and minimize fruit as they all exasberrated my condition.  My diet at the momemt is basically:

Green veggie juice
Raw Meat (beef, venison, lamb, pheasant, turkey_
Raw fish (Mackeral, hering, salmon, prawns, scallops, sardines)
Raw egg yokes
Cold pressed Olive oil
Raw Butter
Avocadoes (minimal as it causes fatigue)
Cocnut Cream (minimal as it causes fatigue)

I know the return of symptoms could be detox and the body repairing it self but I'm not sure.  I struggle with constipation but regularly eat lots of high meat which helps sometimes.  Like Aajonus suggests I drink very little water as it doesn't seem to satisfy my thirst but even with the veggie juice I get extremely dehydrated especially during the night and in the morning.  I do agress with aajonus on the 'no-fibre' thing as I do much better without it, however I fear even the small amount of Carbs in the green veggie juice feeds the Candida so I'm unsure how to proceed.  While I live in Australia I drank the water of young green cocnuts which really hydrated me but having returned home (Northern Ireland I do not have access to these.  I would like to go zero carb as I feel best when eating raw meat but the thirst makes it impossible.
I am planning to purchase human hookworms and whipworms in he new year as I've they are having astonishing effects on people with ME like conditions, and this is without a proper diet like mine so their is hope.

Anyway I would like to hear you feedback and suggestions.

Other info:
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Weight: 10 st
Blood Type: O  (I do believe there's something to this)

Many Thanks


ANSWER: OK, you appear to have had some of the issues I faced pre-rawpalaeodiet. Getting rid of most raw  dairy products was a very good idea as it's notorious re causing CFS issues. But, you really need to get rid of the raw butter as well. I've heard many rawists claim that they did OK on raw butter but not on other raw dairy, but, in the end, they invariably admitted, that in the long-term their health suffered on it. Sure, raw butter contains much less lactose and less casein, but people forget that they can develop minor inflammation and other issues from even tiny amounts - while things may seem OK in the short-term, a food-intolerance to a food, even if it is very mild indeed, can disrupt the body's attempts at healing itself, thus slowing healing down considerably, perhaps to zero.In short, I would only ever recommend raw dairy if that person was fine on ALL types of raw dairy, not just raw butter.

Next issue:- Other than raw dairy, the next biggest problem Primal Dieters face is the raw veggie-juice. Numerous people have complained over the years that they would develop health-problems such as nutritional deficiencies if they drank more than a big glass of raw veggie-juice a day. So, AV's standard recommendation of 25% of the diet consisting of raw veggie-juice is a bad idea. You see, raw veg contains antinutrients - these, unlike grains, are not a problem as they are only in trace amounts in solid, raw veg - but when you juice the veg, you not only make the nutrients in the veg more bioavailable but the antinutrients as well - plus,  few rawists enjoy eating raw solid veg much, given taste issues, so they simply can never eat the vast amounts of solid, raw veggies that they would ingest via using a juicer. Now, some people claim they do fine on raw veggie-juice as long as they don't overdo the 1 glass a day practice, but, given your current health-problems and the fact that so many RVAFers have issues with it, I'd remove it from the diet to see what happens.

Re coconut cream:- I never indulged in the Primal Diet practice of eating raw coconut cream as it was so time-consuming. A recent thread on rawpaleoforum on the subject suggested that many people get serious digestive issues if they ate more than a certain amount. My own view is that it's always a bad idea to indulge in foods that have been processed, even if the food is raw(the only exception I can think of is "high-meat", but "high-meat" isn't really refined/processed as such, it's just food that's been left to age).So, my view is, ditch the coconut cream and the cold-pressed olive-oil. You're far better off consuming raw animal fats such as suet, marrow, tongue, fatty muscle-meats like raw mutton . I personally find raw marrow more suitable for me, but others swear by raw suet. Try all of these and see what works for you. Since avocadoes affect you in some way, remove them for now.

 Yes, "high-meat" often is useful re easing digestion. As for Aajonus and his recommendation to avoid water, I find that a bit dubious, myself. I mean, distilled water does indeed leach off nutrients and is to be avoided, but normal water, and mineral-water doesn't leach off nutrients to the extent Aajonus claims. 1 thought:- I've heard that putting a little salt into one's mineral-water helps retain the water in one's body.

That said, I do think the extensive thirst symptoms are a sign of something else. I don't know much re the candida issue, there are people far more experienced with this subject on the rawpaleoforum website. I gather that raw zero-carb works a treat but the transition involves issues(perhaps you could do raw VLC instead?). You would be best placed to post on rawpaleoforum about this. I also believe there are various products such as tea-tree oil(?) which are routinely recommended for candida, but you'll have to check with the ex-Candida sufferers on that board.

Re type O:- Well, multiple anecdotal evidence on rawpaleoforum and the rawpaleodiet yahoo group all indicate the opposite, IMO. We've had type Bs do very badly on any grains/dairy and so on. Besides, D'Adamo has completely changed round his diet, nowadays, and recommends in his new book something quite different now, all because of the frequent criticisms of his previous dietary theories.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Many thanks for this great info.  Will definately implement these suggestions and see how I go.

Its encouraging to know you recovered from similar issues I have.  Did this include chemical and EMF sensitivity?  Where can I read about your health issues and recovery in more detail?

Also I eat raw organic mushrooms (Portabello), what is your experince with mushrooms on the RPD?



Answer:  No, I never experienced electromagnetic radiation sensitivity, though I think I had some nasty reactions to certain chemicals over the years(for example, as a child, I would routinely feel violently ill after travelling in one of the school vans presumably because of various chemicals that were in the seats), and there were a few other times I had some chemical sensitivity, can't recall them offhand right now. I have occasionally come across a few RPDers who had gotten EMF sensitivity on SAD diets, prior to going rawpalaeo. I'm not sure if/how they cured themselves of it, as the topic is so rarely mentioned on RVAF diet forums.You'll have to ask questions on those websites.

Re mushrooms:- My experience on RPD diets was that I became more sensitive to the antinutrients found in mushrooms and nuts(I developed minor stomach-aches if I overindulged them). I did a trick where I would soak nuts for 24 hours before eating them but that only solved the problem a little. There were a few mushroom species and nuts that I didn't ahve issues with, but generally speaking, I avoid them now - besides, they're not really ideal nutrition, from my POV.

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