Hot Topics / Re: Grassfed Beef in Ireland
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:53:22 pm »
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All I can say is that during the time I took them, my iris-colour lightened a bit faster than usual, so that's a positive clue, AFAIAC(though the krill-oil I took recently was even more effective re iris-lightening).
Tried one years ago, shat better than ever before, didn't make much difference otherwise.
IMHO it is best to cultivate the right internal microbes by eating raw zero carb and not being too clean.
I know of no reports re dr ron's supplements, only that I am certain they have the highest quality products as they are one of the very few to avoid using trans-fats such as magnesium stearate as fillers etc. I only tried dr ron's adrenal/thyroid supplements many years after I'd healed my adrenal-/thyroid-related conditions via an RPD diet, so can't really state whether they were effective or not. All I can say is that during the time I took them, my iris-colour lightened a bit faster than usual, so that's a positive clue, AFAIAC(though the krill-oil I took recently was even more effective re iris-lightening).
I do understand your position re supplements. I too had a mega-supplement phase some years prior to going rawpalaeo and they were mostly ineffective, with a few giving me odd side-effects. The ones which did work were almost all homeopathic and in those cases only worked short-term re temporarily curing symptoms but not healing the various conditions. I have since then only gone in for a few supplements like raw cod liver oil, and then only when I am reasonably sure that they are as unprocessed/raw as possible. Otherwise I leave the RPD diet to do the work.
Well, good luck. I've tried getting raw adrenals in the UK and I found it impossible. if I even managed to get my suppliers to ask the butchers at the abattoir to provie me with adrenals(difficult at best), the butchers would apparently just laugh. I think that adrenals are routinely thrown away as they are seen as useless or linked somehow with the spine, which doesn't make sense. If you have a lot of cash, you might consider getting hold of those freeze-dried thyroid or adrenals from dr ron's website in the USA, it's expensive, but it saves time. It's extremely difficult for people to get hold of raw 100% grassfed adrenals in the UK unless they know personally a farmer with their own abattoir. Have you tried google images re searching for raw adrenals?
aging meat has done wonders for me!
find tasty marrow, soft kind, and grass fed slabs of back fat, and experiment with how much you can eat along with meat. Often I will snack on fat so as to get enough calories in. This snacking lets me ease up at times with how much fat I eat with my two meat meals a day. Meat with no fat digests so quickly for me, but at the expense of what I believe to be causing an insulin response which appears to be more than eating meat with fat-slowing down digestion. My favorite is mixing soft marrow with cut up pieces of meat. Very easy to digest! It all gets easier the longer your body has a chance to convert over to using fat as fuel. But in the meantime listen and experiment to what works for you, and it changes all the time, as it should.
Now, how about we steer back to helping Brady with his transition such as this thread was intended and stop with the pemmican tangent?
Is your first meal your large meal of the day? I'd make the large meal of the day the red meat meal as it's fattier and better for your healing IMO. If you want to have oily fish as your other meal by all means do so just make sure you're making the fattiest meal the big meal.