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How are you feeling on the all that milk now Brady?
I've seen people who could digest nothing else, subsist on raw pastured eggs.
Brady, are you drinking milk now?
Yeah I drink about 1.5 - 2 L per day.
I would not recommend an all egg diet to anyone, need some carbs and alkaline minerals.
Was very into raw meats and eggs. No wonder he was so skilled.
Know when to use raw dairy.
I am incompatible with raw dairy. I experimented many times. I just can't digest it without my body resorting to intense gas formation.
My 10 year old son benefited with a short stint on raw dairy for a few weeks to help heal his intestines. After that he just went downhill with constipation and mucus formation. End of dairy. But his intestines and pooping to color brown normal were helped.
Does anybody here use red palm oil as a regular source of fat?
I get really good results with fresh coconut milk. After reading Bruce Fife's book on RPO I tried it two or three times but didn't feel well. Bruce Fife seems to believe that red palm oil is as good as coconut fat. One thing that makes me skeptical is the very bad w6/w3 ratio.
Yes, you're not the only because I'm also not big on the theory and have written skeptically of it both in this forum (such as here http://www.rawpaleodietforum.com/health/raf-and-ph-levels/msg22330/#msg22330) and at the Paleofood forum (though I also don't eliminate the possibility that there might be something to it), so there's no need for chemistry debate on that, I'm just trying to understand what you're talking about. Surely you can understand that your dramatic change in take on honey is bound to inspire some questions? Since this thread appears to be dedicated to the benefits of raw milk, I'll take my honey questions to your honey thread.
I got oregano oil in capsules. Giving this now. Wiping under feet.
I also got olive leaf extract in capsules. Still evaluating safety and clearing with doc.
Will try to get GSE tomorrow.
I also strongly advise you to avoid zero-carb diets as I found them devastating, they destroyed my glandular system.
Hi guys,
I just stumbled upon this thread and thought I put in my 2 cents, speaking from my own experience with a raw (almost) all milk diet.
I was born premature and never had mothers milk. I also never had raw milk of any kind. I grew up on Ersatz milk.
Anyways, at the age of 38 I found a raw goats milk farmer that would milk it by hand and give me however much I want to fill my nutritional needs.
At first I couldn't get enough of this stuff. When I didn't have any or ran short I started to panic, crying, whining and bitching at everyone around me. Raw milk seemed to finally fill that nutritional hole I've been trying to fill with Dark Chocolate, Nut Butters and Raw Honey. Nothing worked but the RAW milk finally did it. ALL cravings for everything else vanished. If I had a carb craving for pie or ice cream, I got myself a cup of raw milk and the cravings and headaches were gone!
I drank 2-3 gallons of whole raw goats milk per week for 1.5 years straight without a break.
I lost 20 lbs because I switched to paleo at the same time, BUT, the flab on my midsection never really got any thinner. Many, many good things happened while drinking raw milk, stronger nails and hair, clean skin, strong teeth...but I can't say 100% that all this is from the raw milk because remember, I switched to Paleo at the same time, so it might've just been the new 'diet'. I also consumed bone marrows, organ meats and bone broths.
1 year and 6 months have passed and I have to say I'm getting slightly sick of milk. I think I had my fill and whatever nutritional hole that was to be filled, is full.
I am currently for the first time of my entire life weaning myself off milk in general...my main reason is 1. I'd like to get my body fat % down and 2. I don't want to worry about the calcium/magnesium ratio anymore.
I have cut down from 2-3 gallons of raw milk to 1/2 a gallon of raw milk over the last 2 weeks and here is what I've observed :
My clouded mental state that I used to get after drinking (this raw) milk is gone. I have no longer the feeling of wanting to take a nap after drinking this milk. It used to make me calm when being slightly angry or having anxiety over something...I don't need to be medicated with milk anymore to deal with stress. The fact that I don't feel tired and exhausted or lazy, sluggish all the time drinking raw milk has given me a boost of energy or motivation to get up and do things. I've noticed I have slightly less mood swings, I am the same character with the same mood every day and it takes a lot to get me angry. No more emotional ups and downs.
I no longer suffer from a constant bloated gut that looked like someone blew up a balloon in me. And the biggest improvement was I no longer have a horrible BAD sewer breath after drinking all this milk. My breath seems fresher and the stinky sock breath is gone. Also, my underarm sweat smells much, much cleaner. My body odour has improved a LOT since going paleo/primal but since cutting down to 1/2 a gal. of raw milk per week it's gone down even more. No more bad smell coming from my arm pits at ALL, even when sweating.
I am kind of convinced that there is something other than lactose that I am allergic to. I am not lactose intolerant, I had a test done...but something else might be going on.
After suffering 30 years from digestive problems, hard stools, constipation, cramps and severe outdoor allergies I didn't notice any of the things raw milk might do because ALL my other health problems vanished switching to primal/paleo.
Raw milk has many nutrients that are highly beneficial to us, but I gotta say there is something else going on. After all this time drinking large amounts of raw milk to fill some hole that wasn't filled after birth I am now kind of convinced that mother nature shuts off the milk cravings after about 1.5 - 2 years automatically.
I feel like a baby that finally had its mothers milk and is turning 1.6 years old and is ready for solid food. I now crave tons of fish (inland fish) and steak tartar warmed up in butter and perhaps a raw egg yolk. These would probably be the first foods a baby would eat being weaned off its mothers milk because those foods are soft.
No craving whatsoever for green things. Only soft berries like raspberries every other day or so.
As soon as the goats dry up for the winter I will cut the last remaining bit of raw milk I consume for good and go completely dairy free over fall/winter to observe the effects.
Good Luck everyone
Not to hijack this thread, but I've been on a mostly-milk diet for more than a year now. In the first 6 to 9 months, it was even more "mostly". The last month or two has been less.
My mostly-milk diet consisted of drinking a half-gallon of whole raw milk from Organic Pastures Dairy. I might have a non-milk meal of some sort at home in the evening, but it was very small. I started as a 165-170lb adult; the milk only provided 1250 kcal/day, so I was also essentially dieting, but that was not the intent. A year+ later, I'm at 154. I was going to drink a gallon a day and try to live on nothing but that, but it was hard to push it all down. I'd also develop "cravings" to chew something, didn't matter what; adding raw eggs to the diet did not satisfy the need to chew. Sometimes I'd add extra cream (from OPD), or have a banana+milk+cream shake, but the bananas+milk can be constipating.
These days I still drink a half-gallon a day, on average, but have additional food for breakfast and/or dinner, not strictly raw.
Typically I consume the milk after letting it warm up from the fridge for several hours, and I never put it back in the fridge, but I can handle the milk cold, too. I am unable to drink pasteurized or otherwise cooked milk.
I could talk about this at length, for those interested. I experienced many healthy changes.
By acidic, do you mean acidifying foods that produce acidic ash after you digest them or foods that are acidic in your mouth and stomach when you ingest them (in other words, they have a low pH)? These are two entirely different and unrelated factors. As a matter of fact, acidic foods like raw honey tend to be alkaline, not acidifying and indeed raw honey is alkaline (ie, it produces alkaline ash):
"An alkaline-forming food, this type of honey contains ingredients similar to those found in fruits, which become alkaline in the digestive system." http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/raw-honey.html (see also the chart at http://www.alkaline-alkaline.com/ph_food_chart.html,
"unprocessed raw honey has been classfified as an alkaline-forming food. (Processed honey is only little acidifying" http://arthritisreviews.com/apple-cider-vinegar-and-honey-remedy-for-arthritis
Some believe that the sugar in honey offsets the alkaline ash, producing a net acidifying effect, but even if true, I'll bet that is offset by fermentation: "Honey and raw sugars produce alkaline ash, but because of a high concentrate of sugar become acid-formers" http://www.angelfire.com/az/sthurston/acid_alkaline_foods_list.html
I don't know if this is related to your dehydration problem on your pound-of-honey-a-day diet you reported or not, but I found that unfermented raw honey dries my skin, whereas fermented raw honey clears up any dry skin on my face and reduces scalp flakes for me.
Don't forget the Celts, Turks, Evenks and Maasai. However, those traditional peoples had some practices that modern dairy eaters don't tend to follow. Their cattle sometimes included different species than bovines (for example, the reindeer of the Evenks), and even when they were bovines they were older breeds than what are common today and were pastured, with no antibiotics or hormones, they ate their dairy mostly raw, low-cooked or dried, they fermented/cultured/aged much of it, and long ago they apparently tended to mix raw blood with the raw milk and then fermented the mixture. Yes, I came across a report that even the ancient Celts mixed in the blood, like the Maasai still do today.
Hmmm, night sweats are usually not regarded as a good sign, though they could be harmless and not sweating at all can also be a symptom of something. Is it regarded as a sign of a detox of some sort? Was the room really hot?
I had unusually low sweating in my youth myself, and also had other health problems, then in my 30s my feet started to get increasingly warm and sweaty, so that it was unpleasant to wear socks or shoes for very long, and I started gradually getting more common mild lower extremity edema. Since going Paleo, I get less of the feet sweat and other issues and seem to get more of the more-normal chest and scalp sweat.
Do you think you were getting any bad effects from the honey, or did you just decide that you wanted to try the Bernarr McFadden diet? You had looked rather good while eating plenty of honey, but I know that appearances can be deceiving, of course.
The question still stands, will you wean yourself of milk and introduce "adult" foods such as meat or simply continue with this all milk diet?
Paleo-Phil's point and Bernarr's statement suggests that you are slightly meandering from a strictly milk diet:
It must be distinctly understood that with the exceptions mentioned here and to be further mentioned in Chapter IV, no other food than milk is to be taken while you are on the “diet.” I mention this for the reason that many have told me they have taken the milk diet without results, and upon inquiry I usually find they have taken three regular meals with whatever milk they were able to drink at and between meals, and have imagined they were on the milk diet. Such a procedure is not “dieting” but “stuffing.”
Anyway, do you intend to continue this diet or include other foods such as meat gradually?
Brady, I was just about to thank you for reporting your good results from raw honey after getting my own gradually increasing benefits from raw fermented honey when I read this thread title and was concerned that maybe you were getting bad results from it and had abandoned it, but apparently not? Don't mean to quibble, but if you're still eating plenty of honey as well as a little veggie juice, maybe it would be clearer what you're doing (and give me fewer heart attacks), if you called it an all raw milk, honey & veggie juice diet or a raw Primal diet?
Or most probably it's because your body became accustomed and stopped to react to poisoning, just like it happens for every noxious stuff if you consume it regularly for a sufficient long duration. In other words, the immune system, being constantly overwhelmed by an antigen, goes on strike against it because it has invaded every cell all over the body and to destroy all the cells marked with such a recognition antigen would mean destroying the whole body.
With some luck, that may remain ok until you reach a venerable age, but with bad luck some cancerous cells will happen by coincidence to be marked with the same recognition antigen the immune system is "on strike”and thus won’t be destroyed. So the end result of milk consumption may emerge by a cancer 10, 20 or 40 years later, when this forum will no longer be here.
Good luck!
I'm wondering which animals make the lowest fat milk. I know womens and cows' milk varies in fat by season and what they eat. I know humans have higher fat than cows to develop our brains, and cows have more calcium for their bones. I am seeing goat milk has higher fat than cow and human here. I know various women say their milk is very fatty or creamy certain times depending on diet changes or just thicker than other womens. I guess I'm really lucky I'm getting jersey milk, cause I make butter, and it looks like it's higher fat than many of the other cow milks. Maybe that's why some people who have problems with milk can deal with jersey, with a varied diet higher milk fat helps. With my son who is using milk to heal, the fat is so helpful to him that he puts half the skimmed outside for animals and drinks his milk with double cream.
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/milk#ixzz1b4BNOFj8
I think the mucus you're experiencing is from...too much milk. I would cut back, and start adding some seafoods or raw meat, and a little fruit.
Is the milk grass-fed?
There are different rates of A2 for different breeds, but to the best of my knowledge there is no breed that is 100% A2, guernsey I believe is the closest with a current rate of about 90% A2. I have raw milk customers who can digest our guernsey milk but no other raw milk that they've found.