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Messages - actionhero

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Hot Topics / Re: durianrider on youtube is a fag...
« on: May 19, 2010, 06:12:30 am »
He's not a fag but I'm not sure he's a man either since he CASTRATED himself.
That would make him a ladyboy, no wonder he spends so much time in Thailand.

Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 18, 2010, 07:53:24 pm »
Actionhero, do you know if you have good iodine intake, adrenal function and thyroid function and do you think that could explain why you tolerate fruits fairly well? I'm amazed by the people who can do 811 for years without their teeth falling out.

Well, if we're supposed to eat fruit (the one half of our diet, raw animals being the other) then it is only logical that one should have no problems with ripe fresh fruit provided that the body is in good health. Most of us have at least 25+ years of SAD damage to heal, we should not forget that fact. I don't know about iodine and thyroid function but when I used to eat greens like spinach and other vegetable crap I started to get cold at night and this only stopped when I cut out all greens. But this was in my fruitarian period.

Teeth problems are indeed one of the most common problems fruitarians experience along with feeling cold (we're tropical animals, it's normal), hair falling out (you're detoxing too fast, you need more cal from sweet fruit), disappearing sex drives (this is normal because we stopped eating evil hormone meat) and lots of women stop having periods just like anorexics. Most of these problems are because of lack of raw animal fat which is needed for optimal body chemistry and hormonal function (avocados and nuts don't seem to help). They come up with the most ridiculous rationalizations as to why they are having these symptoms. Full tilt delusion galore!

Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:19:13 am »
Do you consume fruits that're fully ripened, so as to minimise organic acids on the teeth?

I do eat fully ripe fruit but I do this because that is how fruit digests best. I've eaten up to 4 kg of oranges in a day and did not have any teeth problems. But yeah there are lots of people who will get problems from even one orange. Only dates and raisins gave me sensitivity problems but I avoid dried fruit anyway and eat only fresh ripe fruit. Tooth healing is indeed possible even if you eat fruit but if they are giving you problems it might be a good idea avoid them or stick to those that you do well on. We don't know what healing priorities our bodies have. Your body might have other more important healing work to do so this is maybe why the teeth regeneration is a bit slow. What we can do is to give it the best possible raw material, nutrients and building blocks. The rest is up to the body to do its magic.

Off Topic / Re: Yet another reason to go rawpalaeo
« on: May 18, 2010, 01:26:18 am »
How cool would it be if the article ended like this: "But this problem can be instantly and completely solved by adopting a raw meat diet!"


Wai Dieters / Re: Fructose
« on: May 18, 2010, 12:30:53 am »
Does anyone have commentary? Are there any RVAFers that have healed tooth enamel, or is it just RZCers? I don't mean increase in bone density, I mean healing teeth...

Of the raw meat eaters I probably eat the most fruit daily/weekly (a guess from what I've read so far). I had 4 mm black spots on the surface of both last molars. It wasn't deep but there was some damage mostly because of ben&jerry's icecream/haagen dazs and cola from SAD era. The damage did not get worse on 100% fruitarian diet. I only experienced some mild sensitivity when eating dates. Others in the fruitarian/80/10/10 world were less lucky and their forums are filled with horror stories. Having said that there are also people who have been on that diet for years and never had any teeth problems.

But in my case they certainly were not healing, even when I introduced cooked meat later. Right now, six months after starting raw meat the black spot on my right molar is gone and slowly filling up. On my left side the black spot has shrunk to 2 mm and become thinner. I never went zero carb for more than one week and eat about 500-900 cal from fruit daily. Some days even 1800-2200 cal if I am doing a fruit only day. I do a zero carb day every couple days but not because of problems with teeth. So it's not just RZCers that are getting these results but my guess is they might be healing/regenerating much faster on zero carb. 

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:54:17 pm »
my weight would vastly increase and a huge potbelly would appear if I ate any cooked animal foods of any kind

Well that's because your body chemistry is all fucked up. You can't be a couch potato and expect to have an athletic body.  Both Art de Vany and Mark Sisson eat cooked animal products but have very lean muscular bodies. Exercise is very important. Funny how most people have no problem replicating what paleo man ate but somehow ignore that he was extremely active (hunting, lifting heavy things, running/sprinting).

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: May 16, 2010, 07:39:08 am »
I had zero libido on high carb and low carb vegetarian. On raw ZC, I have a very high sex drive. I'm not at all irritable. I build muscle very well, too. I think the higher sex drive and more muscle must be the beneficial increase in testosterone after being so low when I was a vegetarian, and eating soy, too!

Yes, more muscle and higher libido are indeed signs of an increased testosterone level. Optimal hormonal balance, which zero carb gives, is absolutely essential for healthy body chemistry and well being. It also keeps you lean and will protect you from any fat gain. I tell girls all the time they need to eat more saturated fat and that it will make them very lean and sexy but the cultural conditioning (fat=fat) is just too strong. You are obviously thriving on zero carb and getting the results you desire. Just more proof that a raw animal diet is what gives real power, energy and vitality.

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: May 15, 2010, 10:19:35 pm »
Has anyone noticed that when they go very low carb that they get more irritable and aggresive?

I become extremely aggressive when doing vlc and if I'm arguing with someone I always feel a strong urge to become violent even though I have no history of violence what so ever. I actually just punched a whole through my door and usually I laugh at people that smash their things when their angry because I feel it's so stupid.

I'm just curious what you think causes this?

Becoming more aggressive is the result of increased testosterone levels. Going zero carb high fat raw has this effect. Bodybuilders who take anabolic steroids are known to get 'roid rage'. Higher testosterone levels go hand in hand with increased social dominance and detection of treats to ones status (which explains the urge to become violent). It can be quite a disturbing experience if you never had so much testosterone in your blood. But once your body and mind adapt to the presence of these higher hormonal levels you will exude a calm power and receive increased respect from people around you. 

Hot Topics / Re: Chewing meat. What's your take ?
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:21:39 pm »
I understand that komodo dragons have a fiercesome toxic bite which has poisonous bacteria in the mouth.

They only use that to take down large prey. One sneaky bite and then they follow the prey until it collapses. But what's most fascinating about these creatures is the utter disdain and contempt they have towards their prey. They don't even bother to kill the animal before they start eating it. It's like they derive pleasure from doing it this way. Watch these videos to see them in action doing just this (don't watch if you're raw vegan)


Hot Topics / Re: Blood - The most overlooked nutrient?
« on: May 14, 2010, 12:31:52 am »
Fruitarians also claim this  "bioenergy" exists within fresh fruits. It sounds convincing - yet I actually feel more full of energy after eating high-meat than any fresh raw meat.

Well having been one I know this to be true. Dry fruit or rehydrated fruit doesn't even come close to ripe fresh fruit in terms of energizing the body. And it's not just water, there really is something going on.

Re high meat, I can't comment on this as I have yet to try high meat but there is a difference between mood elevation and increased potential for explosive power and endurance. 

Hot Topics / Re: Chewing meat. What's your take ?
« on: May 13, 2010, 11:46:37 pm »
A little bit offtopic but I found this article about the dinosaurs gulping down their food:

Yeah this is how they did it

That's a komodo dragon btw, one hell of a predator. Right up there with t-rex and lion as my favorites.

Hot Topics / Re: Blood - The most overlooked nutrient?
« on: May 13, 2010, 09:50:45 pm »
Not being able to eat freshly killed animals has bothered me for quite some time. It would make sense that if humans were truly top level predators that we would have adapted to needing the nutrition in blood for optimal health. I think virtually all the blood is drained after slaughtering and so all the meat that I have been eating is absent of this very nutrient rich substance.

YES, I agree with this 100%. I also think the blood, meat and organs are more alive directly after the kill which allows you to absorb some of the life force of the animal. I know it sounds pretty mystical but I'm certain there is something to it. Check out the video of the man eating that just killed reindeer and drinking fresh blood, it looks so good.

INSANE video!!!

That just blew my mind.

This is how we're supposed to eat, EVERY DAY.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:44:23 am »
I posted pics of how my jaw and chin looked when I was a fruitarian and how it looks now on raw paleo. It's in the Before & After section.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:24:20 am » long did that take?

Eating raw meat for 6 months now. I'm quite certain it has to do with increased testosterone levels.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: May 12, 2010, 12:27:21 am »
Anyone else experience widening of the jaw on raw meats?

I can confirm this. I feel more power in my jaw now. It is also more defined like the jawlines male models have.

What kind of fruits are you eating, usually? Do you have any favors?

My favorites are:
- ripe persimmons
- mangoes
- pineapple
- pomegranates
- cherries
- figs

Right now I eat mostly apples and oranges, sometimes bananas for a change.

Have you tried some other kind of WOEs? Like raw vegan, zerocarb etc? Or is this your first raw journey.

This whole thing started for me in 2008 when I got food poisoning from eating fish. It was 3 days of hell but had it not happened I would have never changed my way of eating because I never experienced health problems in my life. I wasn't even looking for other dietary protocols at the time. I was just surfing the web looking for info on food poisoning. In 2 years this is what I tried, in order of progression:

Arnold Ehret> Doug Graham> Art de Vany & Mark Sisson> PaNu> Aajonus Vonderplanitz> RAW PALEO

I kept what worked, eliminated what didn't and was left with the best. My fast progress was because I wrote down every day what I ate and what effect it had on me. When you have everything down on paper there is less room for self deception. This was most important because ideas in our minds can delude us into believing all kinds of nonsense that are in reality harming us. See for example the fruitarians who are wasting away even though they are eating 3000-7000 cal a day and need b12 shots to stay sane and functional. If there is one thing I want to share with the whole world it would be this : "Don't let an idea in your mind distract you from reality". And this is not just about diet but life in general.

As for you, you don't have to try eating the way I do. I'm just sharing my own experience. It may work for you or it may not but you are free to try of course.

How long have you been eating like this, Actionhiero?

How do you feel?

Why do you skip the fruits on your fat-days? Digestion?


- about 6 months

- I feel pretty awesome, raw paleo really is the best dietary protocol

- I feel it confuses the body somehow. Yes, digestion is much better of both fruit and raw fat when not eating them on same days. High fat raw I do every 4 days or so to keep my hormone levels high but there is more vitality in my body when I do fruit+raw lean meat.

Health / Re: Buteyko Method: Learning to Breath Properly
« on: May 10, 2010, 01:59:49 am »
Don't know about the Buteyko Method but when I'm in deep meditation my breathing slows down to 2 breaths a minute. A 40 min meditation session energizes the mind and body more than any exercise is capable of doing. The more I can slow down my breathing the more energy I get when I finish my session. The key really is stopping your thoughts and increasing your awareness of reality. When it is done correctly a huge inflow of energy is felt that refreshes the mind and gives vitality to the body.

How much lean meat do you eat per day to meet your caloric needs on those days?

2 meals of 250gr lean meat, so that's 500gr total (plus 500-700 cal from fruit). 

When eating high fat raw I have one meal of 400gr fatty ground beef and it keeps me satiated until next day. Or I'll have one lean meat meal earlier in the day and then 250gr ground beef in the evening.

"How much fruit do all of the raw paleo omnivores eat?"

500-700 cal on days when eating raw lean meat (most of my days)
1800-2200 cal on 100% fruit only days (a couple times a month)*
ZERO cal on days eating high fat raw (like fatty ground beef)

*When I skip meat for a day and eat fruit only the next day I drool like a dog when I see a piece of raw meat. I don't even have the patience to cut the meat into small pieces before I eat it. I just cut 150gr from the 1kg piece of meat I buy and rip it off with my teeth from the fork. But I have definitely noticed some benefits doing a fruit only day every once in a while. You get a boost in energy and awareness and the taste/desire for raw meat increases which might be helpful for people who say they get bored of eating meat daily. My 1 day of sweet tropical fruit is like heaven on earth. But do it longer than 3 days and you will notice that you are depriving yourself of something important.

General Discussion / Re: meat turning brown
« on: May 09, 2010, 12:13:09 am »
It means that it is turning into a delicacy.

I highly doubt there is anyone in the world who knows more about RAW PALEO than folks on this board. Aajonus is a pioneer but the people here are perfecting it through ruthless observation of what works and what doesn't. While he may have discovered the treasure the diamond is polished right here.

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