Have you tried some other kind of WOEs? Like raw vegan, zerocarb etc? Or is this your first raw journey.
This whole thing started for me in 2008 when I got food poisoning from eating fish. It was 3 days of hell but had it not happened I would have never changed my way of eating because I never experienced health problems in my life. I wasn't even looking for other dietary protocols at the time. I was just surfing the web looking for info on food poisoning. In 2 years this is what I tried, in order of progression:
Arnold Ehret> Doug Graham> Art de Vany & Mark Sisson> PaNu> Aajonus Vonderplanitz> RAW PALEO
I kept what worked, eliminated what didn't and was left with the best. My fast progress was because I wrote down every day what I ate and what effect it had on me. When you have everything down on paper there is less room for self deception. This was most important because ideas in our minds can delude us into believing all kinds of nonsense that are in reality harming us. See for example the fruitarians who are wasting away even though they are eating 3000-7000 cal a day and need b12 shots to stay sane and functional. If there is one thing I want to share with the whole world it would be this : "Don't let an idea in your mind distract you from reality". And this is not just about diet but life in general.
As for you, you don't have to try eating the way I do. I'm just sharing my own experience. It may work for you or it may not but you are free to try of course.