You are a textbook beta simpanzie mangina cuck.

Proud of it
By discouraging people of this forum from having children you are doing us all here a disservice. We are already a fringe minority and need to encourage people who enjoy the raw to adopt this evolutionarily regenerative way of life, and to pass it down to the next generation.
My original optimism when I began posting here over a decade ago, has become somewhat jaded in light of the state of affairs, but I still hold on to the inherent worth and value of the liberated individual, and the power of the unchained human mind to overcome all obstacles.
We are right now in an epic sociological war of attrition, which I view as adding layers of complexity to the already complex cycles of epigenetic adaptation, which has guided our evolution up unto this current phase. The depredating ethos espoused by PA and other vison lacking misanthropes such as Bertrand Russell, is just another layer of obviation in the Great Filter; standing in the path of the destiny of human kind!
Its time to dig down within the recesses of our collective human experience, and reactivate the awesome latent powers evolved out of the Apex Paleolithic hominid Predator's from which we spawned, and if we are to be doomed then let us not go without one hell of a fight!.....I refuse to sit aside while the human race goes out with such a pathetic whimper, lead by the hollow men who are hell bent determined to turn the once free people of earth into souless Gelflings; reducing the great spirit of humanity to the level of invitro-Metro-noid domestic slaves of the transhuman overlords!!
Lofty rhetoric aside, it may not be possible for us to mount a direct assaults' upon the machinations that are besieging the ramparts of the hold outs like ourselves who are not interested in participating in these self mutilation genetic genocidal experiments. I am taking a practical approach of making provisions for the long war! The Evolution processes has always in a way been like a war of attrition, culling the weak and dimwitted who couldn't last the long dark cold winters; this process of winnowing out the useless and nonviable was a vital part of a natural processes that once culled our numbers and set the balance in order.
Seen from the eyes of history, it is remarkable how Human evolution has on some levels broke free from the environmentally driven culling cyles of past eras, and has managed to develop a number of newfangled self culling behaviors, which combined with sexual selection, has shaped our species into something radically different from all other animals . The Genocidal nature of humanity, has its origins in the dominance hierarchies of our primate ancestors, and has been a driving force of the development of societies and civilization. In the past there were multiple hominid species, and through a long process of migration, interbreeding, and War it became a survival stratagem for the different races of Man to merge into what is now homosapien.
Holding together such a monolithically large convergent globe spanning organism called collective Humanity, while under constant pressures for divergence, is a mindboggling impossible feat. I am often in awe at how we have so far managed not to completely blow things up. Perhaps there is a hive mind that's evolving out of the melee of the multitudes. There are likely ancestral memories of past culls and die-off's, and certain signs in the environment will create a reediness for action. This explains how readily so many people accept conditions leading up to the great world wars and genocides of history. The current passivity of much of the population as we inter into this scientifically managed culling genocide, makes it seem like there is an instinctive resignation for a vast majority of the population to subjugate itself to a central authority, much in the same way the cells of the caterpillar will sacrifices themselves so that the butterfly can emerge from the corpse of the cocoon.
My objection to the systematic killing and scientifically engineering of society, is more than just a moral objection. If there was a truly wise and competent leadership overseeing the operation, I may not be so objectional to what's going on, unfortunately I feel that the individuals within the dominance hierarchy that is directing the actions have already fouled their own nest, and their judgments are perverted by their own polluted organisms. There is so much pervasive interference in the evolutionally processes... be it electromagnetic, heavy metals, poor nutrition, transgenerational genetic deformity, hormone disruption....that I dont trust the soundness of minds of those making all these grand plans for the rest of us.
So I advocate for the survival strategy of going rogue. Maintaining genetic integrity and reproductive viability should be the number one priority. We need to be the living seed banks of heirloom, unmodified, free range, organic, humanity....During this next generation of warfare the victors will be those who can survive long enough to see all the experimental humans either be culled or rendered infertile. Once the power structure of the failed coup against humanity catabolizes itself, then perhaps the meek can reemerge to inherit the wind and continue to life and evolve in a free world!