@OP - that news is old - see the date 2009 saw that ages ago. That was when the CDC paniced when the circ rate in 2009 dropped to 33% and 67% of newborns were left intact in 2009 woot
The new and awesome news is the SanFrancisco Circumcision BAN which will be heading to the Nov 2011 ballot to ban circ in San Fran: http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/19/male.circumcision.sf/index.htmlAlso lots of states are ending medicaid coverage of circumcision this year which is awesome.
http://www.circumstitions.com/Philippines.html Good reasons not to circumcise:
http://circumstitions.com/reasonsnotto.html you should show your wife sexuallymutilatedchild(dot)org thewholenetwork(dot)org doctorsopposingcircumcision(dot)org
Genital mutilation is very traumatic and has a psychological impact especially when done as the infants first memory into this world during the developmental stage from birth:
http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/goldman1/An infant just died today from hemoragging from circumcision
http://www.drmomma.org/2010/05/death-from-circumcision.html You should also read up on Dr Momma posts to show your wife so that she doesn't cut and risk your children's lives
http://www.drmomma.org/2010/01/are-you-fully-informed.html, and circumcision does sexually diminish and lose sensitivity which is why the glans keratinizes and circ and female circ was originally pushed in the us to end masturbation(we do it anyway and diminishing ones sex is sick but failed) through reducing people's sensitivity (circumcision and female clitoral removal both reduce sensitivity norm(dot)org tlctugger(dot)com) Many men consider prepuce regeneration to regain everything lost to circ and foreskin restoration to regain some of everything right now that they lost to circ - therefore men are dissatisfied.
Here's a sensitivity test: Rub a finger across your palm(bottom of your hand) then the top of your hand. The difference being Your palm being intact and the top of your hand being circumcised is the amount of sensation you lose to circumcision because your palm has meissner corpusles, nerve endings also found in the prepuce which is lost to circumcision, and you lose 20,000-70,000 nerve endings whereas the vagina only has 8,000 nerve endings compared to the 70,000-20,000 of the intact man.
, but hospitals cover it up and foregen(dot)org for the fact that men like me want to reverse their circ through regen medicine and gain everything we lost back.
And as for hygiene - enjoy your shower and have a good day. Women produce more smegma or white cheese than men, google it that's what gives the vagina that fishy smell when you don't clean it. But we don't go around doing female circumcision in the U.S., is illegal but also a religious practice and about 90%+ Egyptian Women are circumcised over hygiene and cultural and religious reasons while the UK, Europe, Austrailia, and Most of Asia remain intact. Only Israel and Asia are majority circumcising nations as 20% of the world genitally mutilates, the 80% of the world is left intact circumstitions.comMost people don't know this is torture - they torture children and alter their bodies and submit them to pain and strap them down to a device called the circumstraint to prevent them from escaping (i'd escape too if this was done to me now! Im upset being unintact) :
http://circumstitions.com/Images/Glossary/circumstraint.jpgGogo intactivists!
If men and women were meant to have foreskins/prepuces we would be born with them. And we are.