a link of a baby dying because it was only fed soy milk and apple juice.
The couple that fed the baby were sentenced to life in prison. Good Riddance...

The studies show that even baby's who are not vegan but their moms are, are at risk because the breast milk studies show that vegan breast milk lacks enough docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, the omega-3 fat found in fatty fish or grass fed meat. It is difficult to overstate the importance of DHA, vital as it is for eye and brain development.
this site is a great site with great info and has plenty of these cases was the moorehead case you saw. I saw the video to but it is no where to be found now. Its almost like we're not supposed to see it.

There have been dozens of dead babies due to veganism. was reading facts and myths about fertility and found this interesting
20. MYTH: Diet is important for pregnancy, not conception.
FACT: Removing sugars from the diet, (e.g., caffeine, white flour, white sugar, white corn, white rice, etc.), will improve ovulation and regularity. Foods that are broken down quickly raise insulin levels too quickly and disrupt delicate hormonal values in the ovaries causing more testosterone to be produced, impairing egg quality and thus possibly lowering the chance of conception. In some women, high insulin levels may cause irregular ovulation, irregular periods, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
23. MYTH: Vegetarians and those who limit their protein have no problems with conception.
FACT: Adequate protein intake is essential for conception. About half of all women do not get adequate protein intake, particularly vegans and vegetarians. Vegans and vegetarians also do not get vitamin B12, zinc, iron and folic acid.
women, you all know how much folic acid is for babies dont you?