So you say none of the instruments he says were still working in the water could actually have worked in that situation.
Please tell me under what knowledge you base this claim that the instruments could not have worked at that point or are you just pulling it out of your ass as you accuse me of doing and to which I gve a source for each accusation.
He wrote that the only
light they had was from the dashboard instruments. Mechanical instruments may work in water, but electric instruments, appliances, power windows and
lights don’t. If you don’t know that, try to immerse a working electric lamp, hair drier or any other electric appliance and see what happens.

wheel imbalance wheel misalignment=two different words for the same exact thing
Ok, after a lesson about basic safety precautions on electric appliances, a little lesson on automotive chassis engineering seems to be needed. I see that Wikipedia saves me the work to typewrite about wheel balance:
Tire balance, also referred to as tire unbalance or imbalance, describes the distribution of mass within an automobile tire or the entire wheel to which it is attached.
When the wheel rotates, asymmetries of mass may cause it to hop or wobble, which can cause ride disturbances, usually vertical and lateral vibrations. It can also result in a wobbling of the steering wheel or of the entire vehicle. The ride disturbance, due to unbalance, usually increases with speed. Vehicle suspensions can become excited by unbalance forces when the speed of the wheel reaches a point that its rotating frequency equals the suspension’s resonant frequency.
Tires are inspected in factories and repair shops by two methods: static balancers and dynamic balancers. Tires with high unbalance forces are downgraded or rejected. When tires are fitted to wheels at the point of sale, they are measured again on a balancing machine, and correction weights are applied to counteract the combined effect of the tire and wheel unbalance. After sale, tires may be rebalanced if driver perceives excessive vibration.”
Wheel alignment is a completely different thing. In its basic form, it is the angles of the wheels, which should be more or less perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when steering straight. You can check the toe alignment yourself with the help of a friend and a string stretched between the rear and front wheels, without forgetting to compensate for the prospective difference in front and rear track width. If these tracks are about the same, you can also have a good idea of the toe alignment by a quick visual check with an eye closed.
See also overall you just basically wrote a bunch of nonsense. and dont see anything to backup any of what you just wrote. just fantasies of someone in denial.

I find it funny that you dont even blink at the theory that burger was framed for pedophilia because of his revulotionary activity but you cant ven begin to accept the possibility that aajonus was murdered …
Did I write that can’t begin to accept that possibility? On the contrary, I consider it could
perhaps have been a possibility and that’s why I was curious and contributed to this topic. But the stories reported are totally implausible and make no sense.