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Messages - Dorothy

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Whenever it came to the problem of parasites and bacteria on fresh raw vegetables my thought process was always that my immune system is supposed to kill parasites and get rid of them and if I am capable of having parasites make me seriously ill - it means that my immune system is not strong enough - which means for me that the only way for my immune system to be so weak would be for me not to be eating raw foods - or never to be exposed to that particular bacteria or parasite before. That's why Americans can get so sick in Mexico - brand new bacteria and it's not about raw meat - even fruit.

What would be the difference with parasites on meat? I mean - if you need meat to be healthy, then you need meat to fight any parasites from anywhere don't you?

Besides, parasites and bacteria can be much like vaccines - a little of them just teach your immune system how to fight them more efficiently the next time they show up - or at least that's what I learned on a cool video on the immune system years ago.

That's why I imagine that folks say that high meat is for people that are more advanced no? Don't you have to slowly get used to smaller amounts of the bacteria/parasites in order to train your immune system before giving it a big dose of bacteria that it isn't used to yet?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Braaaaains
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:42:31 am »
Good points Zi. I think I will test myself and my oldest dog who's so miserable on fresh meat to see how we all do. The dogs already eat frozen meat so the next step up would be fresh. Tonight I bought some ground organic grass-fed meat at the store. SCORE! I'll take just a taste and give doggie with mange a taste. I used to give them all fresh meats from the store but not grass-fed and I had to go through bouts of diarrhea that weren't much fun. Maybe grass-fed will be different.

Eve - I've signed things like that before too - it's to get round the guvment - but the FARMER knew I was drinking the milk and not my dogs. I had to at one point to give a farmer a few dollars for a "share of a goat" - so that I legally owned one of the goats that she cared for. Such silliness. So, I would tell anyone else EXCEPT the butcher/farmer that I was giving it my dog. I would probably do a big wink and say with my utmost tone of sarcasm that OF COURSE it COULDN'T be for ME because I would never dream of eating that - and I would probably say out loud "wink, wink" or "a wink's as good as a nod - ya know?" And smack my lips or something - anything to let the person I'm buying from realize that I was going to be eating it - so don't go dragging it on the floor or whatever. But again - one day I might feel like my gut and immune system is so strong that such things wouldn't matter anyway.... hope so.

Phil - you are such a gem. That summary of Lex's journal will be extraordinarily helpful. Just one more question - did he come to the diet with serious health issues?

Hubbie and I were laughing at dinner tonight because he got a great fortune cookie. It was, "People come to conclusions when they're tired of thinking". Precious huh?

I feel like I want to spend more time on the Slankers site and looking around and planning before asking - just in case it's obvious and I just missed it - which is sadly way too likely and I absolutely refuse to ask Lex any questions without getting completely through his journal - so instead I bother you because I'm pretty sure you won't get TOO mad at me.  :D

I'll have a few days because our street is being repaved tomorrow so Here I will be researching and reading.... and we got lots and lots of salmon to last us.

Your idea though to be completely prepared for any outcome when eating this new food is EXCELLENT. I will make sure I have my nux vomica 30c, clay and ipecac ready. Ginger, peppermint and licorice are staples. I too have never been anything close to bulimic or anorexic so making myself throw up because of eating something my body can't handle makes a great deal of sense instead of having to wait it out and let my immune system deal with it.... which usually means sleeping it off for me. I wish I had thought of these things after the prosciutto incident! If I'm going to keep on experimenting on myself I have to be ready that such a thing might happen again. Thanks a million times over for that idea. I will feel much safer now experimenting on myself.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Bacteria - from site
« on: August 02, 2011, 07:03:44 am »
Zi - reading this material is what made me relax about raw milk - and now that I KNOW that raw milk is LESS dangerous for me than most other foods (especially the raw milk I get - grass-fed from a responsible farmer) and since I ferment it - and I have experimented and it seems to NEVER GO BAD OR MAKE ME SICK NO MATTER HOW OLD IT IS! - I kept some in the fridge for half a year and I still felt great from it) I have realized that all the fear mongering is truly nothing but big business trying to make it's sub-standard foods the standard by making sure all of it is bad for us - which makes me now question the fear mongering regarding raw meats as well.

The dairy farmer I go to does not shut up his cows and feed them junk so his milk CAN be raw and healthy. Big Dairy hates that. I'm figuring that it is the same with big cattle etc. They don't WANT small grass-fed farmers around with such healthy meats that you can eat them raw and gain health.

It's all about bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator - which is all based on greed.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Braaaaains
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:52:10 am »
Oh - and Phil - what I meant by asking if it could be dangerous telling someone that the food is for a dog when it isn't ... referred to the brains discussion. I meant is it really safe to go to butcher for instance and tell them that you want the brains for your dog when you are going to be eating it yourself? I know that Slankers does not market their dog food for human consumption and people have decided to eat it anyway. I don't think I would tell my egg or milk vendors that I was going to only feed it to animals because I think they might handle the food in ways that I might not be comfortable with if I did that. I'd rather tell them what I will be really use it for and risk not getting the food. If it's just for a dog they might take the stuff that was say put out in the shed with paint cans or who knows what? Maybe I'm just still too much of newbie and overly concerned about such things.

I better go back and get through Lex's entire journal. I could barely get through the first posts of his medical lab reports and all his percentages of this and that though. Sigh. I wish he had a summary of his health history and progress. I'll suck it up and stick it out - if for nothing else to be able to come back to you Phil and say, "Did it!".  :D

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Braaaaains
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:27:54 am »
Thanks Phil. I have been making my way through Lex's journal but it is very long and some of it is quite confusing without a basic foundation.

Yes, I read Tyler's info on high meats and have read about them before, but if I remember right you keep them in the fridge or at least stir them - you don't exactly bury them in the backyard. lol. High meats also are not for newbies it seems - even newbie doggies.

I didn't see anything about that new mix on the Slankers website yesterday. I've been trying to read my way all the way through that too. I'll look more and then ask them before ordering.

My eyes are getting a bit blurry these days - so much to read!

So - if you get a ground up mix with more bones than a human would naturally eat - it would seem that it might be too much calcium - no?

I know dogs that chew on hooves. They sell them dried out in the pet stores for them actually. They really, really stink though once a dog starts on them. Pew.

I have totally gotten over the bacteria fear when it comes to eggs and dairy through slow education. How I did that partly though was through knowing my sources well and having confidence in them. That's the challenge with the meat. Frozen seems to take away any concerns regarding parasites, but needing to regenerate actual body tissue, I wonder about AV's comments on how frozen meats do not help with cellular regeneration and all the other jazz he says.

KD and Phil - what is your feeling on freezing vs. fresh meats both in terms of your own experience and your intellectual opinion on the "rumors" about frozen meat being so inferior?

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 02, 2011, 06:04:36 am »
Thank you Phil!

Right now it's the Dorothy makes herself into a guinea pig show!

I'm totally convinced that hubbie is highly allergic and that if I can get him on the right diet I can get him healed up pronto - no matter what anyone says.

If I can find meats that don't harm me - it is much more likely that they won't harm him. Just like I did with the dairy and eggs.

That's my assumption any way.

What I do after that is anyone's guess - but I am DETERMINED to figure this out!

And hey listen - if I happen to turn into a superbeing in the process that wouldn't be so bad. hee hee.

Taste is important. Even after a week in the fridge would you say that the taste of the raw meat was still better than frozen/defrosted meats?

Is there any downside to ordering meats to be delivered or bought from a vendor once a week and kept in the refrigerator for someone new to the diet?

Thank you very much Tyler for the guidance. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: I think I have posted everywhere BUT here!
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:39:28 am »
Maybe slightly skewed to the sattvic and yin is natural and feels right to me and that's why I feel so good vegan and so good raw vegan for a limited time? Who knows.

I guess after 17 years is when you started to feel a big change huh? Maybe I would eventually too. I will never know I guess.

But this experiment is interesting and exciting. I sure do hope that hubbie's sleep can be helped. It has gotten much better in recent years though. I wonder why.

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:42:18 am »
Ah Phil - I just saw your post!

Of course, of course. I am who I am now only because I am living now and in the modern society that I do.

I told you how 20 years ago it was in a very deep meditation that I was instructed that I must stop eating meat. It did me personally a world (or two) of good.

If I were in a traditional society, I might not have any of the traditional roles - if I was allowed to use my abilities and eat in the ways that would support and expand them.

You might find this interesting. After that seared steak and that burger I ate all of the healing energy that normally goes to my hands stopped completely. I no longer could take away hubbie's pain with my hands! That would not do.

This is what I keep on thinking. What if the reason I was told to stop eating meat was because I could not get decent meat - animals that were not tortured and made into non-food and I never even heard of or could imagine eating meat that wasn't cooked at the time.

The meat I ate with hubbie was cooked. I tried to eat prosciutto di parma next and nearly killed myself (or that is the way it felt). My energy field stopped turning clockwise and started spinning counterclockwise. I could not stand and was in terrible  physical pain. But I have no idea how that meat was raised or killed or if it wasn't even irradiated or not.... and all that regular salt - I never eat that.

My next experiment is going to be to find grass-fed compassionately raised and killed animal meat and eat it fresh and raw and see what happens.

I make no claims that eating meat is inferior in any way. I just think that I could not fulfill my own destiny while eating what I had available at the time and perhaps individually - it might not be appropriate for me and my system.

Fish does not affect me. But........ if eating even the best raw meat has the same energetic affects on me I will try to take fish out of my diet as well again and see what it does to me. I need my healing ability to be magnified. If I can do that it might not matter nearly as much what hubbie eats. 

It has been a great thing for me to be able to eat the eggs, dairy and fish to know what was really good for the body and what wasn't before feeding it to my "others". It would be a very good thing if I could do that with meat too.

I have no idea what is "right" "wrong" "natural" "healthy".... all I know is what does what to me. I might not have been able to do what I can do in any other time or place or society. I guess that makes me pretty darn lucky.  :D

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:24:22 am »
Yes, it makes sense KD. To be more clear - as a cooked vegan and vegetarian I had way ABOVE average health with none of the sattvic feelings. It was only being on exclusively raw vegan for half a year or so would those feelings arise - but up to that point where the energy became what I felt to be unbalanced I felt more than above average - I felt truly amazing.

Here's the thing KD, the big problem as I see it is that meat in our society is very difficult to get in a healthy form. For me, it was better to not eat animal foods when the animal foods were cooked and of terrible quality. The meat that I knew about and had available to me was only the feed lot, hormoned, antibioticed. gmo, genetically modified kind.... and never did I even guess that meat COULD be eaten raw. Raw seems to be a key factor for me with any food, which makes me wonder if it is going to be the same thing with meat.

It is the taboos regarding foods in our society that is the problem as far as I see it. The irrational fear. All I could get to (perhaps until now? We will see) is to at least stop the onslaught of damaging foods.

This is the FIRST time I have had good raw eggs, raw grass-fed fermented milk and grass-fed/pastured meats available and the first time I ever heard that these things could and should be eaten raw. I was all on my own eating all raw produce - but it was not taboo. See?

I did the best that I could with the information and resources I had and had superior health because of it. Now, I have new information and new resources to work with and it is going to be extremely interesting for me to see how it pans out. I would not be stepping out of my comfortable healthy peaceful zone for myself though if I didn't need to do figure things out for another - that is the honest truth. The comfort zone for me is plain old cooked whole-food vegan. I feel better than just about anyone I have ever met eating just that. If I wanted to be just really healthy, grounded, flexible, strong and have stamina and never get sick just for me and not try to explore the feelings of outrageous super health or help others -  I would simply eat cooked whole-food vegan.

One of the issues for me to work through, and hence a big part of this discussion, however, is the idea in my mind that one should not eat anything that one is not prepared to kill for oneself. I've been thinking about this. If I were in a natural human tribe - as a woman - I probably would not do the hunting! I would be foraging and preparing. I have been thinking lately that I might have been thinking in a way that is too based on our modern individualistic society framework. If I were eating my species-specific diet, my species procures its food in tribes, not as individuals. My diet perhaps should NOT be based only on what I would do for myself, but on what the tribe would do together. Just because men would be hunting, would that mean that they wouldn't eat the berries that the women picked too - even though they might prefer to hunt, or eat a larger amount of the meat?

What is right for an 18 year old guy - that I have not a clue about. I would assume that it partly would depend on the guy, what's available, their health history and how they perceived things. Same with people in general I suppose.

Anywho - these are where my thoughts are going a bit lately. It's good to talk to you about them. I enjoy your viewpoints and they make me think.

You are right - there was no footnote to that study regarding feeding dogs frozen vs. fresh - I just went back and checked. AV does tend to make general statements that seem like they should have some references as to how he came to those conclusions that give me pause at times. But when it comes to the skin problems, my three dogs do eat all frozen/defrosted raw meat and one of them does have mange and is not wanting to eat the food any more. I will try giving at least him unfrozen food and see what happens.... if I can figure out where and how and all. It will be good to verify such a claim for myself.

So when you get your chilled delivery (if you do) - how many days worth of food do you get and do you store it in the fridge? How do you store it in glass, bags etc? Does it ferment?

Have you gotten your food frozen and still felt the healing benefits continue?

Thanks Tyler.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:19:19 am »
During my 100% raw stretches, if I did it until my body was really happy, when I ate my first cooked food - out it would come - projectile style. Either that or I'd be holding my stomach and feeling really sick and not being a very good guest at all.

So, being more of a bunny than a carnivore anyway, all I had to was gently say that I had a special diet that I needed to eat for health reasons.  :'(  This usually would get me much sympathy, compassion and people real conversation if any. I wasn't telling anyone else that what I was eating was better or right, not even thinking it, just that poor little me had to eat it - and that was the truth because truth be told I'd much rather be able to eat nothing but chocolate cake and feel good. I would make a big deal about how yummy the greenery that was used as decorations was - or the tiny salad at the beginning. I got lots of giggles. American restaurants all have salads and it's customary to bring a dish usually if you are going to someone's home and I would always bring something I could eat some of.

What would usually happen is that I would bring with me on outings a big basket of all sorts of raw goodies because inevitably everyone would want to taste what I had because it looked so interesting and yummy - and I had to bring lots and lots just to get a little for myself.

It is my opinion that what other people really want from me is my attention, my good will, my positive energy, my loving thoughts - and these all flow so much more easily when I don't block that with bad food. People really don't care what I eat I find. They care much more what I think towards them.

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:46:27 pm »
I think - or at least I hope - KD that I am one of the lucky ones that has the feelings that I do towards animals as I have been one of the healthiest people I know since I changed over to a whole foods diet so many decades ago. Veganism and vegetarianism have seemed to fit me. I never get colds or flus and I usually am stronger and have more vitality than the young people around me. I'm healthier now that I was 35 and more years ago. I get tired of hiring younger people to work for me just to be amazed at how sick, tired and sluggish they are.

As a logical person I know that I cannot say that a diet that I have not tried would not make me feel even better. I cannot say that eating raw animal meat and fat wouldn't make me into a superhero. That, I will find out. I do know that cooked meats would not do that. I'm much better off without them.

I do admit that just recently finally having contact with other raw foodists for the first time in a forum, in the raw vegan community I saw such intense denial that I now am scouring myself for it. I think the big difference is that there are now people evangelizing against fat and protein - which was and still is a marvel to me. Raw foods just used to - don't cook anything - and that's it.

When I seem to feel so much better than everyone else around me, it's difficult to judge the diet that I have been on harshly - but what I would love to do is put myself in the midst of raw paleos and see how I seem to myself then in comparison. I guess that's part of why I am here. On forums of raw vegans I noticed so many that were giving away that they were getting manic, getting sick, their posts got less logical and more aggressive and less balanced over time. Not all of them - but enough that I saw a pattern - and it shocked me - because it didn't seem to match up to my experience - unless of course I also am in denial.  ;)

The good thing about being human and in society is that we DO have the ability to get food without having to go out and find it or kill it........ and it's the bad thing too........ and it is a concern of mine that it might soon be close to impossible to get non-irradiated raw food from the food production system in this country of any quality at all for much longer.

Soon, anyone who wants to eat healthfully of any kind might have to go back into producing or finding their own food - whether they want to or not. Then all us privileged gentle folk would be truly face to face with what we would and would not do.

General Discussion / Re: ancestral health symposium
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:21:20 pm »
FYI Denise Minger is also on the speaker list for the annual Weston A. Price symposium - this year to be held in Texas. Go Denise!  ;D

A friend lent me Aajonus Vonderplanitz book Recipe for Living Without Disease. I have my own chickens and have great eggs but in his book AV says that the "protein in eggs is not utilized for cellular reproduction. They are utilized for regeneration and maintenance and cannot be substituted for meat except occasionally."

He also says that "Freezing food alters, damages, or destroys most enzymes and damages many vitamins. In animal tests, animals fed exclusively uncooked frozen meat developed severe skin problems, including mange. The other group fed the same diet of the same meat but unfrozen remained healthy and vibrant."

AV talks extensively about the dangers of irradiation and eating animals that are not fed their natural diets so it's not like I'm going to be able to go to the store and buy the standard meat.

My dogs although eating an all raw frozen diet DO have skin problems now.  :o

Slankers sends its meat frozen. All the raw dog foods are frozen. Getting grass-fed meat from the farmer's market - it's all frozen.

A store near me JUST started to carry grass-fed so I have a lot of research to do, but I wonder what the rest of you do besides going out and hunting for yourself? Do y'all just take get a whole animal and what you can't eat you make into high meat or something until it's gone? What do you do about fish? The freezing is what kills parasites and just about all sushi is frozen in this state.

I'm having a hard time figuring out the practicalities. I've got the eggs down from my yard, never refrigerated, bloom on. I've got a great source of grass-fed dairy and figured out how to ferment it properly for digestion. I have not a clue how long you can keep raw meats in the fridge and still have them not get really smelly or two intense for a newbie. I have to go slow with this for the hubbie and not scare him away. The eggs and milk took me a VERY long time to figure out. Would y'all help me some with this meat learning curve please? I've been reading through as many old posts as I can - but I'm still lost and I don't have time to sludge through this the way that I am and help my hubbie the way that I need to.

Thanks in advance.

Welcoming Committee / Re: I think I have posted everywhere BUT here!
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:57:34 pm »
Thank you Zi. I guess I was lucky that I've always slept like a baby. Vegan sleep was actually some of the best. The thing with raw vegan is that I would feel unbelievably great for the first 3 - 6 months, and even then I felt amazing, just not able to continue, like there was something wrong with my ability to "accept" feeling so much energy. It wasn't until I saw so many raw vegans talking/acting manic and people talking about being too "sattvic"  etc. that I finally was able to see that maybe I was just taking care of myself going back to eating cooked vegan and then vegetarian when the energy got too intense.

Sleep though - that I have always been a pro at.  I can't imagine not being able to sleep soundly and how hard that must be on a system. Hubbie has that problem and I feel so bad for him.  :'(  I'm glad you figured out how to solve that.  :)

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Braaaaains
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:47:57 pm »
Didn't someone tell me that Lex ate Slanker's pet food? In that section it says that they some times just grind up the whole cow! - which would include the brain and all the organs. That makes me wonder about the bones, the skin, fur etc. A dog can digest bone, we're not supposed to be able to - no? Can we eat skin? Some things I would think would be ok for dogs that are not ok for us. What could the dog eat that we shouldn't? Are there human limits as to parts we would be better off avoiding?

If you tell someone that you are giving it to your dog or will use it for tanning, would they handle the animal or animal part in a way that might not be good for a human that would be fine for a dog or make it only useful for tanning and not consumption by anything? Dogs have elements in their saliva that kill parasites - we don't. I mean - we can't bury a bone in the backyard and dig it up months later and eat the decaying meat off of it and be ok - can we?

The easiest way I to get every part of a grass-fed animal does seem like it would be to order pet food from slankers - but it is frozen - AND it is for pets so ........ aren't there concerns?

I'm new - so please forgive me if this has all been talked about previously. I'm just about to do an order from Slankers and start my dogs on their pet foods. Are there reasons for me not to put a spoon and take a taste? Aren't there dangers telling someone that the food is for a dog when it isn't?

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:40:31 am »
Oh Phil - I am not nearly that flexible. Even if I become closer to family members by killing them and eating them - I am just not capable. I'm far from saying that how I feel is "right" or "good". I'm just never going to be able to kill and eat the animals I feel so connected to and I'm never going to be able to hunt. The only way that I would do it is if my husband or pets were starving. I for myself would not kill or eat a chicken and for myself I would not kill a cow or deer etc. To feed myself I would steal eggs, kill bugs, fish and milk an animal and take honey from bees. That much I know I would do for myself. Killing anything higher up on the food chain than a fish (and that might not be easy) is not for me. I guess I can't honestly say what I would do until I was actually starving, but brain damage for instance (what someone here said that vegetarians get) for me wouldn't be a reason to eat higher up on the food chain. If that sounds crazy - maybe it's because I'm already brain damaged?  l) Preventing brain damage for someone I love though - that's a different thing for me. I'm just incredibly grateful that I don't have to hunt or kill. I consider that one of the gifts of my life.

Again, I would surely not say that others should not hunt for their food and how the real people live with the natural world impresses me. I'm just either out of touch or just different. I seem to fit vegetarianism very well but somehow never got the memo that I was supposed to think everyone else - or anyone else for that matter - should also be one. I'm willing to go out of that comfort zone for those I love, but not for myself.

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:21:09 am »
Zi - raw milk is illegal to sell in stores in Texas. I buy milk once a month and make my own fermented quark cheese, butter and whey. I cannot drink even the great quality milk I get raw. I have to ferment the dairy to make it digestible and healthy for us. The butter I make is nothing like anything you can buy in any store anywhere. It's amazing stuff. My desire for butter flows, but Brian always likes to have pretty much the same and is missing having none right now - as am I.   :(

I wish these articles would use the words "sodium chloride" if they mean the crap that is called "table salt". It's just not the same thing as whole salt without all the minerals stolen from it - which is what they usually do - to sell in pills - and then sell with the label "salt" or "sea salt". "Whole salt" can lower blood pressure and make the heart function better because of the balance of minerals including all those trace minerals. Sodium chloride and what is usually sold as sea salt is not salt to me. They are examples those man-made mutant horror foods.... no different than white vinegar, mineral oil, saccharin etc.  .   

General Discussion / Re: Yolk color
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:04:54 am »
Oh yeah - with 5 acres of lush land who needs fake food chicken feed?! I didn't realize it was such a small flock. My yard won't even support three chickens so they need to be fed. I put their feed into fermented whey - cuts down on waste and is a great protein and good bacteria source for them.

I think of chicken feed much like the modern diet, good feed more like Weston A. Price for chickens and foraging like the paleo diet.

You get your eggs from paleo chickens!  ;D

Welcoming Committee / I think I have posted everywhere BUT here!
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:59:48 am »
Oopsy - I guess I felt welcomed immediately already?

How I started eating RAFs. Well, I was into raw for very long time and then not very long ago I landed in Texas where a neighbor said, "Hey, did you know you could have chickens in your backyard?" Ooooo. Open door - in comes thought - life suddenly different. The welcome message made me laugh because I use "fowl" language all the time because I love talking about fowl - chickens, ducks etc. hee hee. I love me my raw egg yolks. Cluck, cluck, cluck!

Then my doggie got cancer and I had heard about the Budwig cure and  one thing led to the next and here in Texas I was able to get super high quality raw milk! In NYC 20 years earlier I tried that and nearly had my head handed to me.

Sushi I knew about and indulged in occasionally. There was about a decade in there somewhere that I was totally vegan. But I never thought it even possible to eat other raw meat than fish. When I heard about it I was delighted that maybe I could get hubbie to eat raw too! The guy just aint a vegetarian. I was always extremely healthy (unless I was in denial or something) the whole time I was vegan and vegetarian.

PaleoPhil then told me on another forum (first exposure to other raw foodists - just did it on my own for about 30 years) that the way I eat now in Texas is paleo. I eat raw animal foods (I eat raw eggs and fishes... and milk is sorta kinda maybe included in paleo?) and other whole raw natural stuff - whatever feels good. He says that makes me paleo. I hope so because I like the idea. I have a great deal to learn if I am going to help my hubbie to transition to eating a raw food diet. I will do anything I need to to help him with it. I've already learned a great deal here and I just arrived!

Sometimes I'm all raw - sometimes I'm not. Here's what would happen over and over. I would go from almost raw to all raw and about 3 months into being 100% raw I would get so much energy that I would feel like I was going to jump out of my skin until I couldn't take it any more and then eat some cooked foods. I would do these 3 to 6 months cycles over and over - FOR THIRTY YEARS!

I'm hoping that when I try 100% raw with RAF included that I might be able to have more solid, steady, tolerable energy that will be maintainable. Fingers crossed.

I'm looking forward to get to know you. I'm looking forward to learning from you. I'm hoping I can contribute something useful. 

Suggestion Box / Re: Tribal hierachy
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:21:01 am »
One of the last remaining rules of the house is that no one eats a species that is a member of the family - so no one gets to eat chickens here. Good thing I don't live on a farm right? As it is we are already an old age home for hens and dogs.

I wish things were easier in terms of trading here. People just don't seem to do it when it comes to food. I had the most amazing raw fermented butter I wanted to trade and could barely give it away. Weird. Now I wish I had kept it. Little did I know that in the summer the fat content of milk goes through the floor.  :'(

But hey - someone told me just today that the store we shop at just started to carry grass-fed. So, I think we'll be ok.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Yolk color
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:02:53 am »

The only thing that gives me pause is that they feed the chickens alfalfa hay. Is that it? No other seeds or grain? They must have fertile land where their chickens have room to forage and can catch enough bugs and eat enough weeds and naturally occurring seeds - which is perfect. You can't get better than that.

They probably have to wipe off the eggs because they are afraid of anyone reporting them. Every tiny home-grower or farmer fears being set-up or fined. Maybe after they know you longer they can put some away for you that are not wiped - but they might never get to be that trusting. It's a hard world for people growing real food out there.

The large agri-business farmers have automatic systems that wash the eggs and then spray on a replacement for the bloom. It's just the way it works. The best ones spray on soy-based waxes - but even those eggs taste horrible to me. Eggshells are permeable. The chick needs to be able to breath.

General Discussion / Re: Yolk color
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:20:20 am »
You are quite lucky that they use soy wax and not petroleum based oils! The soy wax replaces the natural bloom so if they are putting on the wax they of course would take off the bloom. They might be worried about inspectors or they more likely put all the eggs through an automated process where they are washed and sealed. You are also quite lucky to be able to get unrefrigerated eggs. Sounds like you are pretty lucky in general as most people are not able to get unrefrigerated pastured eggs that are fresh. I'm sure you have asked about how the chickens are fed and kept Zi so if the only issue is the washing and using soy instead of the natural bloom it doesn't sound bad at all. You might want to ask what they are washed with because if it's just water that isn't bad. Soap residues can stay on the egg and get absorbed.

The best way to preserve eggs is the way nature designed an egg to stay fresh for a couple of weeks while the chicken lays their eggs to sit on them all at once. The sealing bloom that chickens use is ideal. But because humans are terrified of feces anyone that is selling eggs commercially must wash off the poopies and with them the bloom. In America they can't sell feces covered eggs or keep them around. It's understandable. With the way that chickens are raised, the eggs are often covered. With my few hens and their always fresh bedding for their nest and how they run around, just looking at the eggs one would think they didn't need to be washed at all they are usually sparkly clean. Really dirty eggs are because the chickens lay their eggs where they poop - not something that would happen naturally.

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