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Messages - goodsamaritan

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Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 21, 2008, 06:28:46 am »
And by the way, Goodsamaritan, you come across as a very trusting and accepting individual.  This is a wonderful quality to have, but it is one that most people lack.  Whether or not AV's intentions are pure, you have to understand that the way he comes across will leave many people deeply suspicious of his ideas and of his motives.

When I came across Aajonus and his books I was already a hobby healer.  I had already healed myself and many friends and relatives.  I had already made , , and .

By the time I came across Aajonus I had already learned PH Balancing, raw vegan, raw fruitarian, natural hygiene, the teachings of Barefoot Herbalist MH and Dr. Christopher, the teachings of Dr. Tam Mateo, the teachings of Hulda Clark, the teachings of Andreas Moritz, the teachings of Wai Genriiu (already raw paleolithic diet).

So Aajonus was a late addition to my cure protocol and reading materials I recommend at

What I mean to say is, I was already healthy by the time I came across Aajonus, I had gone around healing circles and had healed many people by that time.  I did not become interested in aajonus simply because I am a trusting individual.  In fact I am up in arms against western medicine (except for the emergency room)... in my experience western medicine theory and practice regarding diseases is mostly a FRAUD!

I became interested in Aajonus because I had read his books and his articles and his principles of healing LOGIC is very much consistent with what I already knew about holistic health.  I agree with almost everything AV recommends, and I like his recipe book because it is useful to get my family into raw paleo.  I do recognize that many people are unsuited to consume dairy like me.

General Discussion / Re: raw sausage?
« on: November 20, 2008, 10:32:38 pm »
In the meat stalls of the wet markets, sausages are made from those unsold parts of animals.  Those unsaleable parts are the unpopular parts... they aren't fresh because these were the ones unsold.  And then they put flavors, seasonings, preservatives in them.  The casing is traditionally from the intestines.

Might want to check if the raw material, the animal was pasture fed.

Hot Topics / Re: Barry Groves Daily Telegraph Article
« on: November 20, 2008, 09:47:54 pm »
cooked beef fat is intolerable too.
Raw beef fat I can eat a lot, but cooked beef fat, my instincts says stop.
Maybe the body realizes cooked fat may be toxic?

Hot Topics / Re: Tainted Meats :(
« on: November 20, 2008, 09:46:09 pm »
That study was done using commercially farmed meats and commercial supermarkets.  Absolutely non-paleo stuff.

This afternoon I was a the wet market buying my freshly killed beef which I had missed for almost 1 week.  I make sure to tell the butcher that I would like a clean plastic bag on the weighing scale so he can put the beef slice there because I do not bother washing it after he slices it.

Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 20, 2008, 08:54:38 pm »
Maybe AV is a double edged sword.
From your POV, you don't like him.
From my POV, I think he's the real deal.  Unfortunately, the raw dairy I get in my country does not work with me or maybe I'm not suited for raw dairy the way he is.  I also like his healing methodology... The recipes in his book are good too.

Hot Topics / Re: Tainted Meats :(
« on: November 19, 2008, 10:23:26 pm »

Best wishes,

This is why it is important to learn how to do the wet marketing yourself.  Ever since I got into raw foods beginning with vegan, I always brought along our cook with me so I can learn from her discerning eyes.  With fruits, I bring along our maids who grew up in provincial farms... they grew up with an eye for what is fresh... many times I would get caught buying un-fresh produce or sea food.  But that's okay.  Learn from your mistakes.

Some of us, like me were born and raised as city slickers and were not taught basic marketing skills.  But we can learn.  It also pays to befriend your butcher or the fish vendor.  He will teach you what you need to know to be able to buy the good stuff.  And feel free to taste before you buy. 

As for buying frozen produce.  This is a matter of trust and taste.  And complain if you feel the meat is bad.  I live in the big city and there are big markets with lots of choices, so sometimes being in the big city has its advantages.

I have no experience with mail order shopping for meats.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:43:11 pm »
Glad to have you on board.
We hope to learn a lot from your experiences too!

Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:33:51 pm »
Hi Timmy,

The picture I'm getting is raw paleo diet is such a wonderful discovery... return to the original human diet... so let's try and make this more popular so that more people will benefit.

I think we are moving in that direction... it just seems slow. 

At least today we have blogs, forums and cms websites.

To make something wildly popular needs funding too... marketing... we would need a funding mechanism, or an industry will have to grow up around raw paleo and make money while informing people of the benefits...

Maybe we can all have a piece of that action?  Maybe all the organic meat, ocean fish, and organic fruit producers will send each of us their top of the line products so we can sample them and write honest feedbacks.  That would be tasty.  There aren't that many of us currently for them to send mouth watering samples... hmmm.... makes me hungry.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Better beef
« on: November 19, 2008, 09:57:54 am »
Someone wrote me from

Anyone tried them?

General Discussion / Re: PRAL VALUES
« on: November 19, 2008, 06:15:18 am »
PH Balancing techniques have some merit in them.
Raw organic / wild meat should be alkalizing if the have the nutritious minerals in them.
Raw organic / wild fruits and vegs should be alkalizing if they have the nutritious minerals in them too.
You will have to get PH Paper and record on a log book your urine and saliva PH measurements.
Mr. Moreless of teaches that technique.  Moreless is omnivore.
Robert Young teaches this too in his book PH Miracle. Robert Young only eats fish twice a month.

Hot Topics / Re: Your experience with raw dairy?
« on: November 19, 2008, 06:04:31 am »
I experiment weekends.

For 3 or more weekends I experimented with raw cow milk, 1 liter at a time.  Caused my stomach to rumble and my colon to be gassy... I fart all day and night.

For 3 or more weekends I experimented with raw carabao milk (water buffalo), 1 liter at a time... Caused my stomach to rumble and my colon to be gassy... I fart all day and night.

For 3 or more weekends I experimented with raw goat milk, 1 liter at a time... Caused my stomach to rumble and my colon to be gassy... I fart all day and night.  The last time the gas was so bad, it caused me too much pain.

So I gave up on raw milk.

I voted on NEVER.  What I mean is I tried raw milk, but it obviously does not work for me.  So I don't want to drink raw milk again.

General Discussion / Re: Weird smelling kidney?
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:33:46 am »
My personal rule of thumb with food is if it smells bad or tastes bad, I don't eat it.  You could always taste a bit of it and observe.

Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 17, 2008, 05:55:57 pm »
to quote Aajonus from an interview when asked why he had not yet tried to attract mainstream attention for his movement: "There’s no money to finance a study...

Aajonus is right on the money with this opinion.

Same thing Loren Howe says in this video which is available in my Cure Manual website:  There is no money for studies on cheap truth.

Short Discussion from Loren Howe on the effectivity of the Raw Paleolithic Diet in reversing diseases. Also promotes the WAI Diet.
Loren How reads a PALEO DIET STUDY made by a French Doctor who funded his own study.
Listen to the success rate.  Of course it is fantastic.  And that is cures through diet alone.
But cures are diet + many other things.

I have made the point that I had wanted to make, and have probably riled enough feathers in the process to earn myself permanent pariah status on this forum.  That said, I am hereby divorcing myself of all ties to this argument.  I fear that if I continue to press any further I'm likely to either start a flame war or suffer an brain anurism out of sheer frustration.  I sincerely hope that my message has made at least some small impression on this wonderful community of smart, open minded and curious individuals.

I don't think you ruffled anyone's feathers just because you don't like AV.  What is odd is you don't like AV and you take it on Raw Kyle who you mis-interpret. 

Now you think you are starting a flame war when there is absolutely none.  Ummm... the flame war is just in your mind.  Maybe you need to relax and have a cool lemonade?  In my experience it was the liver flushing that did me good.  Have a smiley  ;)

Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 17, 2008, 03:14:29 pm »
Does raw kyle, or anybody on this forum for that matter, actually know personally somebody who has been miraculously cured by Aajonus? 

Since I live far away, I don't know Aajonus' circle.  But my own personal experience was when I read Aajonus said raw land animals were safe to eat and since I was getting bored with Wai Diet, Aajonus helped convince me that eating raw land animals was a good idea.  I felt even better than just wai diet.

"recognizing" Jesus Christ for his "healing works" makes a person a faithful of christian dogma because it means he believes the word of the bible in spite of the fact that he has no first person evidence to back it up.  So, when Raw Kyle recognizes Aajonus for his "healing works" without having any first hand evidence of these "healing works" (if I'm wrong about this, please clarify Raw Kyle), that makes him a faithful of the Dogma of AV as far as I'm concerned.

It does not work that way.  Wrong analogy.  The way I see it is I can re-create Aajonus' teachings and apply it to my patients who may be sick.  This means Aajonus is teaching healing principles.  He teaches us to be independent of him.  I thank Aajonus for his principles, his explanations of how things go, and I am able to heal people, as well as make myself healthier.

  Some people believe only some parts of the bible, but we still call them Christians.  Raw Kyle may not beleive everything that Aajonus says, but I would content that his decision to believe in AV's miracles on an article of faith is damning evidence that AV exerts an influence (however weak) over him.

Gosh, you so mis-interpret Raw Kyle.  We read the same post of Raw Kyle, yet you mis-interpret what he said.  I have re-read all of Raw Kyle's posts and it is clear AV has no "influence" over him.

Just as AV has no "influence" over me.

Most RPDers are so non-dogmatic.

You must check your mis-perception.

goodsamaritan, you mentioned that we shouldn't miss out on the teachings of any of these gurus. You suggest that we take something away from what each of these raw icons have to say.  I guess this is one way of dealing with the reality that all of these guru's phrase their teachings in such a way as to preclude all other dietary philosophies (If one truly believes in what Aajonus has to say, he cannot also believe in philosophies of the wei diet for example).

That is your conclusion.  Which I do not agree with.  We are our own best doctors.  We can get ideas from several different people and make it our own.  For example I get to make and I get to make

I'm cool with all those healers.

Most of these figures are promoting "comprehensive doctrines" that don't allow for alternative viewpoints.  In other words, by "cherry-picking", you are effectively bleaching out the elements of fanaticism in many of these dietary dogmas. 

It does not work that way.  When you are curing people of diseases hands on.  You do what works.  It is best to have a wide array of tools and see what applies to the situation at hand.

My feeling is this, why not bleach reference to these figures out of our discussion altogether, since even making reference to them creates the appearance of fealty to these individuals and their empires of fanaticism? 

No one is fanatic in the RPD forum.  We're just happy to find things working for us and hope others are helped too.

I'm not sugesting we wholsale reject all of their ideas, just that we be careful not to sound too much like we are blindly following profiteering gurus with no background in science.  When I see threads gushing about an Aajonus meet up, I can't help but worry about the impression we are giving off.

Aajonus currently has enough fans so he can organize pot lucks and people can socialize.  Maybe in the future, other RPDers will be popular too.

The problem I see here is you have so much blind rage against AV it colors your perception of things.  Let it go.  You will feel better.  I also read someone post here that Hulda Clark was a nut case.  That's okay.  Live and let live.

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: November 17, 2008, 01:37:35 pm »
This morning I had pico mangoes and coconut juice with coconut milk.  A while later I had 2 fertilized duck eggs I stole from our ducks.

Just finished lunch and I had 1 small goat liver and 4 goat kidneys.

Then I peered into what our maids were eating and i snacked on some cucumber slices topped with fermented salty small raw fish (dilis).

Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:45:44 am »
I think Raw Kyle's defensiveness on behalf of Aajonus speaks volumes about the influence he wields over many individuals on this forum.

I've re-read Raw Kyle's replies on this thread regarding his point of view about Aajonus and he was not defensive.  Raw Kyle made it clear that Aajonus wields no influence over him.  Raw Kyle recognizes Aajonus for his healing work and it does work for many people.

I myself review Aajonus' teachings when it comes to healing people.  Healing diets are different than the current I'd like to be more handsome and more muscular diet I'm currently doing. 

You could say in matters of healing, I combine and cherry pick teachings of Hulda Clark, Barefoot Herbalist MH and Aajonus Vonderplanitz.  I've tried Aajonus' recipe for raw liver pate... just add a red onion and put in blender.  Good stuff.  It's okay to question those 3 healers.  Somehow I understand where they are all coming from.  Don't dismiss any of them, let's not miss out on their teachings.

Hot Topics / Re: RAF: A Problematic Public Image?
« on: November 17, 2008, 09:02:44 am »
I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of flack for making this post, especially since I'm pretty new here, but hell, I'm going to speak my mind: I don't think we raw meat eaters market ourselves well.

Speaking your mind is good.  Thanks for giving your newbie perspective.  Let's work on how to correct mis-perceptions.

Marketing wise,  I don't think people here are deliberately marketing ourselves.  This is not a for profit website marketing any product or service.

Of course I would like to stress that Raw Paleolithic Diet is not just about raw meat.  Many of us eat fruits and vegs too.

  While I appreciate the open mindedness on this forum, and certainly don't want to slam anyone's views, I can't help but recoil at the apparent zealotry I frequently witness on these forums.

I have not seen the zealotry you speak off.  In fact the reason I was attracted to the raw paleo forum was the absence of zealotry and the quality of the open mindedness of raw paleo practitioners as we get to exchange ideas and learn from one another.

  I understand everyone's enthusiasm with finally having found a diet that works so well and that seems so common sense in retrospect,

I've been through raw vegan, raw fruitarian, wai diet, homo optimus diet, tried the dairy of primal diet, it seems RPD is the one that works and is delicious, comfortable, easy... comes in naturally.

but as someone (relatively) new to these ideas, I can attest that when people start peddling the views of gurus like Aajonus as if they are indisputable facts, I start getting a seriously cultish vibe.

I think you are just railing against Aajonus' books and writings. 

I have observed the complete opposite of your observation.  I have observed that the raw paleo forum people are always analytical and respectfully critical of Aajonus' work.  Many of us have reported unsuccessful attempts at consuming raw dairy and raw juiced greens.  Seems there are only a small percentage of people who respond well to raw dairy.

I have observed that raw paleo forum practitioners are open minded self-experimentors and just report matter of factly what works for them and what does not work for them.

  This is not to say that those ideas are not worth serious consideration and thought, I just don't think that anyone can legitimately pretend, for example, that the whole raw detox is theory is true beyond a shadow of a doubt and that food poisoning is total BS.  Last I checked, Aajonus hasn't any specialized knowledge about the human body than the rest of us do not. 

I'm the family healer.  Not as experienced as Aajonus.  My story and website is on my signature.  Detoxing is very important for toxic people.

Raw detoxing due to diet is true in my opinion.  But I do not like guessing if the person is experiencing detox or not.  I was lucky to have done direct detox measures prior to switching to raw diets.  This is why I experienced no discomforts when I began with raw vegan.  See my detox protocols, i believe it is faster and more comfortable than the gradual let-raw-food-detox-you approach.  But of course others will disagree.

My feeling is that there is enough to recommend this diet without reverting to the unsubstantiated theories of celebrity seeking gurus. 

I do not see Aajonus being celebrated as the guru of Raw Paleo Diet.  He is mentioned because his books are the first ones popularized.  And some people respond well to raw dairy.

I myself was looking for something better than raw vegan and raw fruitarian.  I first stumbled onto Wai Diet made by Wai Genriiu.  Wai Diet is already raw Paleo but limited its animal food consumption to all ocean creatures and egg yolks -- excluded raw land animals.  Lots of research with Wai Diet.  Wai is quiet.  Other practitioners are running their forum.  They focus on curing acne.  And they do indeed cure acne.

I was getting bored with Wai Diet and wanted more variety so I stumbled onto Aajonus' primal diet.  What made me interested in Aajonus was he was also a healer, just like my previous teachers who I learned some healing concepts from: Dr. Tam Mateo (vegan), Barefoot Herbalist MH (fruitarian).

Aajonus' teachings have merit from my point of view.  In my natural hygiene readings, Aajonus' methods are very much consistent.  Aajonus' recommendations should be seen that there are specifics for really sick an dying people. 

Some of us here are in the coasting stage... building up stage... trying to be more handsome stage so the diet at this stage is different.

My point of view as a fellow altruistic healer is that Aajonus teachings work.  Work with a healing practitioner.  Healing is not just diet if one is sick.

The raw paleo forum is not reverting to Aajonus or any celebrity guru.  I never had that impression

I was attracted to the yahoogroups and this forum when I read the teachings of Geoff Purcell.

I know that its a natural inclination for movements to find leaders to attach themselves to, but honestly, as charismatic as figures like aajonus may be, they can also be pretty damn intimidating and generate a pretty strong nutcase response from people new to his ideas.

As I mentioned, this raw paleo diet forum, yahoo groups and website does not revere aajonus... he is just mentioned. 

It seems raw paleo diet makes us think and act as clear thinking, logical, egalitarian humans.  We just share and share alike.

  I mean seriously, this guy claims that he discovered his diet after being led to a dead carcass by a tribe of foxes (or something like that). 

Humans are routinely rescued by wild dolphins.  I'll give Aajonus the benefit of the doubt.  Even if it were just in his dreams... it doesn't matter.  What matters is he teaches useful things.  His teachings are logical and they work in the hands of people who can see.  I'm lucky I'm a hobby healer... his teachings are useful... more tools for me.

I teach people how to cure "the incurables."

I have eczema and psoriasis cure protocols... when I initially reported my joy and shared my knowledge... the forum administrators at screamed at me and shut me out and called me a fraud and they deleted everything I posted on their forum.  So I made my own website so everyone will know
This led me to learning about cures for cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, pneumonia, gout, etc... they are all cureable... and some people call me nuts... and some people send me emails and just say thank you.

I say most people are narrow minded television addicts.

I can't help but worry that the odd mix of pseudoscience, cultism, and spiritualism that Aajonus has managed to market so successfully to his niche community of followers has been more of a liability than an asset to the public image of RAF.

I do not see Aajonus' work as pseudoscience, cultism or spiritualism.  I've been through other teachers and healers and Aajonus' work just shows experience... hands on. 

Aajonus is not about RAF.  Aajonus is about healing, what in his experience works, he also uses vegetables and fruit. 

Other healers or practitioners have to adjust according to what works for your patient.

   My feeling is that if we want to attract attention to and build credibility for our views on nutrition, we would be better off sticking to the more substantiated, scientific side of the RAF debate, at least publicly.

As mentioned, many scientific studies and personal practitioners are just reporting their results.  I do not see why you are so focused on Aajonus when there is Weston Price, Wai Genriiu, Francis Pottenger, Vinny Pinto, Geoff Purcell, natural hygiene teachers and many scattered videos of practitioners in the internet.  Maybe you just need to be pointed specifically to the URLs of the other teachings?  I got a couple of videos on my recommended diet page at and Aajonus is not on that page.

I realize that this forum is basically a private group of like minded individuals, and I don't mean to suggest that we ought to completely mute our discussion of these sorts of ideas. I just think that its worth keeping in mind that at this point in time, information supporting the dietary views that we support are pretty scarce.

Truth is not a popularity contest or gets to be voted upon.  Truth is just what works.  I believe this forum is all of us altruistically putting our heads together to provide information for each other.  Also to give those poor unfortunate raw vegans who have crumbling health... just like many of us who came from raw vegan... the only natural transition was to add raw animal food and ta dah... you have RPD.

Vegetarianism is more far fetched - there is no historical human tribe that is vegan.

  In most parts of the developed world, the sight of a person eating raw meat is more likely to give the impression of psychopathy than superior health. 

Good thing I live in a 3rd world country where eating raw eggs and raw ocean fish and raw ocean shellfish is NORMAL.  But I've been to france and italy and they eat raw beef with nice sounding names.

Japanese restaurants in our city charge exorbitant prices for sashimi. 10x the price in the wet market.

Being one of the few public communities on the net, I think we would be wise to keep in mind the impression we inevitably have on the outside world, especially open minded individuals who are considering a RAF diet.

It's good you brought this up.  Thank you.  I can see a lot of mis-conceptions.  And yes you are entitled to this mis-conception.  Maybe we need to arrange the NEWBIE section so that it is more prominent so as to avoid future newbie mis-conceptions.

Keep it up.  Your comments will help make the websites better.

I hope I did not offend anybody.  I am indebted to this community for expanding my horizons nutritionally speaking, and the last thing I want to do is to step on the feet of those who have been so helpful me.  I just want to shed some light on the sorts of things that a newcomer to the idea of RAF finds potentially outputting (speaking from experience) so that others like me are not turned away from the great health advantages eating this way confers.

No offense taken.  We learn from each other.

General Discussion / Re: Mushrooms anyone?
« on: November 15, 2008, 03:35:42 pm »
Which mushrooms are safe to eat raw? 
Please reply with your personal list.

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: November 15, 2008, 10:18:37 am »
This morning at breakfast I had:

Mangoes - pico variety
Coconut juice and meat

Then my cook and I went to the wet market to shop: we got goat meat, goat liver and kidneys, 4 kinds of ocean small fish, ocean dulong fish, yellow fatty beef, organic coconut vinegar, 1 kilo of blue marlin.  None of these were frozen, these are all freshly caught or killed.

Upon getting home I had:

1/2 cup of the dulong fish and squeezed 2 calamansi citrus in them just for disinfection
1 fertilized duck egg (I stole from the nest of one of our ducks)  ;D

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: dodgy fruit vs quality honey
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:35:35 am »
What would you choose for your carb intake, imported fruits (possibly unripe and inorganic etc. quality of which cannot be checked or verified) or exceptional unheated honey from bees living in the forest?

I choose "exceptional unheated honey from bees living in the forest".

General Discussion / Fruits and Meats are easiest to digest
« on: November 14, 2008, 05:16:18 pm »
One big benefit of the raw paleolithic diet is the consumption of the easiest to digest raw fruits and raw animal foods. These are the best foods for humans. Plants, aka vegetables are a far 3rd… eat in times of starvation… or as herbs… but not as food! Only the raw vegan educated will gladly eat awful tasting grass instead of a succulent tree ripened fruit or a freshly killed juicy raw steak.

I live in a tropical climate so our fruits are organic / wild and they are fantastic… fantastic in price too… compared to dirt cheap vegetables. Of course if budget is a problem, you can be miserable and eat raw veggies instead of expensive fruit.

What brought up this blog post is a conversation with Patrick Timpone at Patrick is the owner and radio broadcaster of One Radio Network. He is smoking hot on the trail of all the very best health experts he can find. Download his podcasts and burn it in your CD and listen in your car or upload it to your mp3 player and listen to his radio interviews in your spare time. Awesome. How the convergence of technologies allows a health truth seeker like Patrick to be able to interview all these gurus.

So Patrick has been doing raw vegan for some time and this time decided to add some raw animal foods to his diet. Of course there are adjustments in the execution of the raw paleolithic diet from a raw vegan mindset. Whereas in a raw vegan setting it may take a combination of plant foods to approximate the nutrition required by humans… raw meat itself is a complete super food that needs only to be eaten alone.

This is how our conversation went in the forum and I hope everyone benefits by reading this:

Patrick said in response to how to eat raw beef video:

    “cute children. Do you try to buy grass fed beef? Many say that is the very best. Do you agree? I’ve been mixing think slices of raw grass fed beef/buffalo from people I know at local Farmers Market…I mix all in to salad with olive oil, sea salt, ground up seaweed etc. and it tastes way yummy.

    I must say my first two weeks was the best and the past few days…not digesting as well. Not sure what that is about.


I reply:

    “Hi Patrick,

    I only buy grass fed beef.

    The reason you are not digesting well is you made the worst food combination which is a primary caution on eating raw paleo diet:

    - Never, never, never ever mix your greens (salads) with your fats (olive oil) and meats (beef)

    - The reason being greens need alkaline digestion. Meats and fats need acid digestion. They are complete opposites. Put those two together and your stomach can’t decide how to go about it.

    - This is why using extra virgin olive oil with salad greens is a false paradigm. This is why leafy greens are suggested to be juiced and the fiber thrown out. Just drink the green juice as is.

    - Fiber consumption for health is a myth. Barefoot and Aajonus also point this out. Even david wolfe prefers to juice his greens. Here is a link to this fiber myth expose:

    - The only natural fiber we humans should consume is that naturally found in fruit.

    - What makes people move their bowels are fruit and fat… not fiber.

    - A salad like fruit is cucumber. Cucumber is a fruit. It has seeds. You can dip cucumber in your raw mayonnaise or extra virgin olive oil and some raw honey and balsamic vinegar.

    The best raw food combination is NO raw food combination. Eat one food at a time.

    If you are ever going to eat another food after or before your fat or meat, make it a fruit.

    Another item you may want to remember is to not drink water within 30 minutes before or after a fat or meat meal because it dilutes your digestive juices.

    Disclaimer: Of course these are opinions that work for me and my family which I have verified with teachers.”

Patrick replies:


    Well, all that is very interesting indeed. I’ve eaten extra virgin olive oil on salads for years, and really never had excellent bowel health.

    Yes, I do fruits and fats together. Coconut butter etc. in smoothies with lecithin etc.

    Interesting indeed the idea of having the raw meat, cheese, kefir or eggs totally alone, nothing else.

    So my thinking was the enzymes from the greens will help digest the meat. It worked for about two weeks and then no go. Interesting.

    I’ll try the animal food alone and see what happens. Keep in touch and thanks for the ideas. As you say, the proof is in the pudding. It is also important, I think to try ideas from people who are getting the results that you want.
    Hey, you have a family and live in on a tropical’re doing something right

    I sent an email to the Fiber is a menace author and we’ll get him on the show.



I reply:

    “Hi Patrick,

    To experience skyrocketing digestion, stop eating plants… yes… stop eating vegetables… Barefoot Herbalist MH will tell you the same thing.

    Eat local raw ripe organic fruits in season and fatty raw animal foods

    Fruits digest in 30 minutes.

    Raw animal food in small quantities in just 1 hour. remember to eat raw fats.

    Wai Genriiu has a factual observation on:

    We Don’t Need to Eat Plants

    In Short :

    We are not pigeons.
    We are not cows.

    Therefore we don’t have a crop to digest cereals, nor 4 stomachs to gradually digest grasses or leaves. Cereals and vegetables contain many different substances inhibiting digestion and the uptake of nutrients in humans. To maximally absorb all required nutrients, you need to consume easy-digestible raw foods. And fruits and sashimi or fresh raw egg yolk (mixed with avocado) combined, contain all nutrients you need. There is not a single nutrient in vegetables or cereals, fruits do not contain. (see site3)

    To prevent your tummy to swell; don’t consume any beans, vegetables or grains. However, some vegetables you may find easy to digest, which allows you to eat these.

Wow, Patrick will contact Fiber Menace author for an interview. Go Patrick, go!

Originally posted at

General Discussion / Re: Vegetable Cellulose
« on: November 14, 2008, 05:13:10 pm »
Wai Genriiu's opinion:

We Don’t Need to Eat Plants

In Short :

We are not pigeons.
We are not cows.

Therefore we don’t have a crop to digest cereals, nor 4 stomachs to gradually digest grasses or leaves. Cereals and vegetables contain many different substances inhibiting digestion and the uptake of nutrients in humans. To maximally absorb all required nutrients, you need to consume easy-digestible raw foods. And fruits and sashimi or fresh raw egg yolk (mixed with avocado) combined, contain all nutrients you need. There is not a single nutrient in vegetables or cereals, fruits do not contain. (see site3)

To prevent your tummy to swell; don’t consume any beans, vegetables or grains. However, some vegetables you may find easy to digest, which allows you to eat these.

Off Topic / Re: Star Wars Fans!!!
« on: November 14, 2008, 09:31:59 am »
I don't watch star wars for the science or the physics.

When I want science and physics I go to and lately what is interesting is the Bedini Motor and the Keppe Motor, all tapping into the scalar energies... "free energy" or in practicals... greatly reduced energy consumption.  Plus the fact that scalar energies have been used in healing for quite some time.  Scalar enhanced mineral supplements like EMC or Quantum Mineral Drops work fast... like magic for some... it's just new science... and Filipino inventors are catching up.

I understand your POV.
I like Star Wars because of the cool special effects and the worlds created by Lucas.

Off Topic / Star Wars Fans!!!
« on: November 13, 2008, 08:22:52 pm »
I just got my hands on the new TV episodes of Star Wars Clone Wars... awesome!
I'm like a kid again!
Fantastic missions shades of Wing Commander and Free Space video games.
Story line is top notch.
Special effects top notch.
It's as if Lucas made full fledged short films and chopped them up in TV episodes.
First 6 episodes broadcasted already.
Waiting for episode 7.

Any Star Wars fans out there?

Off Topic / Re: What made you happy today?
« on: November 12, 2008, 11:04:01 pm »
I'm happy to have been watching the new TV series Star Wars Clone Wars.  It's everything a Star Wars movie should be.  Great acting, great animation, great action.  I'm like a kid again... watching it over and over and over again.  I never thought they could produce such high quality Star Wars television shows, each episode is a work of art... George Lucas art.

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