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Messages - LePatron7

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Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:41:29 pm »
I figured I'd post the details of my routine now.

I'm still following Dr. Hoffer's niacin therapy. I take 1,000 mg 3x a day w/ 50 mg b complex and 1,000 mg vitamin c. This is the protocol outlined in Dr. Hoffer's book "Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments." Another very important thing to mention is that Dr. Hoffer got the best results with patients who had less schizophrenic episodes. His 90%+ cure rate was with patients who had 3 or less episodes. The success rate was less depending on how many episodes they had. I've had 3 episodes, and I started the niacin after my second one with great success. This is the most important part of my routine.

Fortunately after my second episode I stayed on the medications which helped prevent any further episodes. Had I stopped the medication as I had the first time I would've had more and more episodes. In that respect I'm glad I stayed on the medications. If I had episode after episode the niacin may not have been as effective.

In addition to Dr. Hoffer's niacin therapy, I also use Dr. Brownstein's iodine protocol. I take 50-100 mg Lugol's solution iodine daily. I also use unrefined salt (Redmond's Real Salt, 1.5 tsp dialy). I use a shower head filter, and a distiller for drinking water. I use fluoride free toothpaste. I don't eat organic produce now, but eventually I plan too (which is recommended). I also take the companion nutrients recommended for the protocol (magnesium, selenium, etc.) Dr. Brownstein has various books, a youtube channel, and other resources with information.

After getting genetic testing for MTHFR (a genetic trait that decreases the ability to convert folate into its active form), I started taking a methylfolate supplement (Quatrefolic) in the range of 2.5-10 mg. I also take the active forms of the b vitamins.

I also take glycine (8 mg 3x daily). It's supposed to be helpful for schizophrenia, and also the WPF recommends eating glycine rich foods. Glycine is supposed to help boost the body's glutathione (the master antioxidant) levels.

I've been doing something called the "Vitamin K2 Protocol." Basically the idea is that Vitamin K2 regulates mineralization, calcification, and other things. A good read on the subject is "The Calcium Paradox." It didn't make sense to me to just take vitamin A, D, and K2. So I decided to take all the fat soluble vitamins - Vitamin A, D3, E, K1 and K2.

I also eat a raw diet of grass fed meats and fats, pastured eggs, and fruits/vegetables/nuts.

Here are the complete details of doses, amount of meat/fat, etc.


4 oz of grass fed meat 3x a day (beef, buffalo, lamb, veal, etc.). 3 oz beef fat 3x a day. Fruits/vegetables/nuts whenever I'm hungry for carbs.

1.5 tsp salt daily.


1,000 mg niacin 3x daily

50 mg b complex 2x daily

1,000 mg vitamin c 3x-9x daily

1.5 mg vitamin k2 3x daily

400 iu vitamin e 1x daily

10,000 iu vitamin a 1x daily

100 mcg vitamin k1 1x daily

1,000 iu vitamin d3 3x daily

1,000 mg calcium and 400 mg phosphorus from calcium hydroxyapatite daily

11 mg zinc chelate 1x daily

50 mcg selenium 1x daily

8 mg manganese chelate 3x daily

125 mg magnesium taurate 1x daily

50 mg magnesium threonate 1x daily

100 mg magnesium glycinate 1x daily

230 mg magnesium from blue ocean minerals 1x daily

chromium 200 mcg 1x daily

2.5-10 mg methylfolate (Quatrefolic) 1x daily

36 mg riboflavin-5-phosphate (B2) 1x daily

25 mg B6 P5P 2x daily

1 mg biotin 1x daily

Iodine 50-100 mg daily

8,000 mg glycine 3x daily


At the least push ups, sit ups, and weightless squats daily. Usually a good amount of aerobic exercise like walking, sprinting, etc.


Generally I get a good 8 hours each night.

Recommended Reading

Dr. Hoffer - Healing Schizophrenia: Complementary Vitamin & Drug Treatments. He has other books, and they're all very good.

Dr.  Kate Rheaume-Bleue - Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life

Dr. Brownstein - Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It. Overcoming Thyroid Disorders. Salt Your Way to Health.

Dr. Edward Howell - Enzyme Nutrition

Dr. Carolyn Dean - The Magnesium Miracle

Multiple Authors - Advances in Food Research vol. 26

Linus Pauling - How to Live Longer and Feel Better

I see my doctor tomorrow and I'll be stopping the meds.

Journals / Re: Sorentus' Journal
« on: March 16, 2014, 07:49:08 pm »
Here is an old one, it changed a lot, my vitamin dropped by more then half on the last test and I had so much other test done but here is what I got.

Could you post which ones were out of range? It would be a tedious job to search the normal values for each one.

Journals / Re: Sorentus' Journal
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:38:37 am »
How is your blood work? Can you post the results of any blood work you've had done (without your name)?

Journals / Re: Sorentus' Journal
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:03:26 am »
I cannot makes sense out of this, I tried every diet, every supplement, read every book and I just keep getting worse. What the hell is this curse that happened to me?

Sorry if I missed it but what's your official diagnosis? Also, what are your specific symptoms? Growing up were you ever given antibiotics?

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: March 16, 2014, 06:40:54 am »

Off Topic / Re: Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 16, 2014, 06:27:10 am »
Have to as well consider what the impact on humanity as a whole would be if supplements were used every day for hundreds of thousands of years and more. The human body would perhaps notice an abundance of certain substances that the body could use to enable more potency in certain abilities, physical or mental. Dependency would develop, doing without would lead to severe health problems. All supplements have to be produced, they don't grow on their own, unlike food. Yet, this would be rather far future... many possibilities...

You might say the use impacts only you within your lifetime and no one else is affected. It is not true at all. If you plan on using supplements as something akin to staple food then first come to a decision of what you want humanity to one day be.

Supplements are unnatural and the goal should be, in case of every single person on the whole planet, presently, to do without. We know as good as nothing how human bodies work, and most probably will know about as much for centuries or longer. So, until then it should definitely be real food only. Using them when battling some illnesses and such caused by false diet, sure. But at one point you have to get rid of them, they are not food.

If I was really concerned about the outcome of human evolution, and that were an actual goal of mankind - all humans would need to rethink what they're doing to the environment and themselves. You also imply that illness is caused by a "false diet." I have yet to hear any stories of people with real illnesses being cured by said "real diet." There are plenty of people on this forum who had stomach pains, lack of energy, etc. resolved by eating a raw diet. Even some who had great improvements in their symptoms who had more severe problems. But I've never seen anyone with heart disease, diabetes, or any other "real" illness be cured by said "real diet."

Also, we know a great deal about how the human body works. We might not know a great deal about how a raw diet works on the human body - but that's not a reason to go claiming your made up theories are fact. Just because the information isn't out there on how a raw diet affects the body, doesn't mean that making up theories and other things makes it valid. That's something I notice a lot about raw diets. There's so little information on how a raw diet affects the body that everyone has a theory on how it's a magical fix for human health. That's a reason I think so many raw food guru's become so popular. There's simply no other information out there on a raw diet, so people look for anything they can find. Then people flock to the egg yolks and fish diet, or the raw milk and honey diet, etc. There's just so little information out there.

I think a raw diet reduces heat created toxins (HCA's, AGE's, etc.), is more nutrient dense, and the lipids are less prone to oxidation. Being grass fed/pastured they have healthier bacteria and it's less likely to get food poisoning, better balance omega 3:6, more healthy fats, less toxins. That's what the science supports. There could be more, but till there's evidence to support it I prefer not to make things up. If you want to think there's magic to it, by all means go for it. But I simply prefer not to dwell on things that could be.

Before taking them though, it is usually a good idea to ask ourselves whether they can be found as-is in nature or not... Since most of them are the result of rather heavy human processing (heating, boiling, drying, concentrating, mixing, coloring, etc.)

Supplements are made by chemical processes. They're made through chemistry. Chemical processes can produce substances as found in nature, just like one could produce perfectly good oxygen through chemical processes.  So are a lot of fertilizers used on pastures.

This is pretty much what I was avoiding this thread becoming. Everyone throwing in their 2 cents without any actual information to support it. I get the general consensus is that supplements are bad - what I was hoping for was information from studies, doctors, etc. saying why supplements are bad.

Off Topic / Re: Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 16, 2014, 04:54:45 am »
Well, he was saying in “Dance with the Devil” published in French in 1963 (and in the 2 next books published a year or two later) roughly what the serious ecologists say now about the destruction and poisoning of ecosystems (forest, soils, water, air) by our agricultural, industrial and other methods. In a subsequent book published in French under the title “The last cards of the devil” (as the Editor had refused to publish his whole manuscript in a single book) there’s a chapter about nuclear power generation (which was in research  and development but not yet implemented at the time) he even predicted disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Most interesting for us, he said about the same as Weston Price (he possibly based his chapter on nutrition mainly on W.A. Price work). He sharply criticized the medical practice of addressing the symptoms instead of searching for the root cause of troubles. He  condemned pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture, food additives and modern food processing, etc. He didn’t go as far as totally condemning cooking, but he nearly did.         

Very interesting.

Off Topic / Re: Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:37:46 am »
"May have missed"??? LOL To be sure, there are nearly an infinite amount of studies, yet no consensus. I think this is because studies are funded, so there is always a special interest. Oversight by government or academic agencies help somewhat, but oversight can be turned into a rubber stamp of approval in the blink of an eye.

Anyway, I often prefer information that comes from the fringe, that I can test with N=1 to see if it is good information for me.

Lol I also prefer hearing things that work for others and seeing if they work. For example that's what got my to try the iodine protocol.

But like, I saw studies showing regular folic acid was bad, and I switched to a better form. Same thing with Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and even various forms of K1/K2. It helped me seeing those studies.

TD, I'm curious what kind of supplements you used. I've had similar experiences to yours where I've tried supplement formulations and gotten horrible results. Ie. like sleeping formulas, joint formulas, etc. What I've found works best for me is buying the vitamins by themselves and combining them. For example if I bought a bone formula it has all the right vitamins there, but in ineffective doses. Any way feel free to share what supplements you were using.

Off Topic / Re: Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:58:19 am »
imo, studies are meangingless in this case. You are too biased in favour of supplements  to accept even a rigorous study.  Talk about placebo.  At any rate, I used to dose myself with a huge amount of supplements(herbal/vitamin/mineral, fatty acid pills etc. etc.) They all failed to work. Sometimes I would get nasty side-effects such as a splitting headache from them, but far more usually, I would just get nothing from them and just have my urine turn orange and/or frequently urinate or something weird like that, implying that my body was very keen to get rid of the unnatural substances within it as soon as possible.

I appreciate your feedback and explaining your personal experience. I'd hardly call it placebo, but call it what you will. The fact is that in the other thread both you and Iguana posted studies that were clearly flawed. It's not simply that my "being biased" is why I said those studies were flawed. Those studies were legitimately flawed. No one expects a multivitamin to prevent heart attack patients from dying of heart disease. That's why I made this thread, to post scientific evidence that they're actually harmful. While I appreciate your feedback on supplements not working for you, that is personal experience, and I'm looking for hard, scientific evidence.

Between 14 and 18 years old, I was week, always tired and sick. MDs being unable to find out what was wrong with me,  I was prescribed all kinds of supplements. I trusted them and thought it was good for me, but with no avail: it seemed to make my health even worse.

Then I read Günther Schwab and understood. I stopped all the supplements at once along with white sugar, white bread, coffee and as much as possible all food additives. In one week I was fine, no longer tired and sick.

I'm not sure your point in posting about that book or author - Wikipedia apparently claims he was a Nazi. Maybe you could summarize what you learned from that book that made you cut out refined foods.

In the realm of good health, good nutrition, and good environment, supplements are meaningless, but when health, nutrition, and/or environment have failed, supplements can be therapeutic.

I like the term bio-hacking, meaning "managing one's own biology using a combination of medical, nutritional and electronic techniques." In my experience, bio-hacking can be loosely based on scientific information, but most of the evidence of bio-hacking's efficacy comes from my own response. Empirical science takes a dim view of N=1 trials, but I hold them in high esteem. Even when one of my short-term successes turns out poorly in the long run, my success rate beats medicine's alternatives.

DaBoss88, I consider your use of supplements to be an excellent example of successful bio-hacking. Would you allow a doubting scientist to override your experience? As you know, those doubting scientists exist, and they publish peer-reviewed research studies with large randomized sample sizes and lots of statistical words, and they would have no trouble shooting down your N=1 experience as "anecdotal" nonsense.

It wouldn't override my experience. It's working, and has worked for me. I've tried without, I've tried with. I'm doing what works for me now. Honestly I was hoping for a thread that would have scientific studies posted. I was interested in looking into studies I may have missed.

Off Topic / Re: Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:25:02 pm »
Vitamin D works for me.  PaleoPhil can confirm that mineral supplements often worked well for his customers when he worked at a health food store.  Certainly calcium and magnesium supplementation has helped me, as have healing clays like Terramin.

I know supplements help a lot of people. I can post endless amounts of information about supplements being beneficial. But with all the skepticism about supplements and negative views, I was hoping someone could provide legitimate scientific evidence that they're bad. Either way, I'll continue taking supplements as it's what has done the most to improve my quality of life.

Hot Topics / Re: Marijuana Causes Long-term Brain Changes
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:13:57 pm »
Wait, DaBoss, are you trying to tell me that you believe the mind and thought processes are not malleable and cannot be restructured with proper nutritional balancing upon cessation of habits that take them out of what is considered the "norm"?

There's nutritional balancing and modifying the mind and thought processes, but marijuana use isn't something that contributes to that process. Discontinuing marijuana and then working on nutritional balancing is a different story - sure you could quit using drugs and potentially repair the damage done, and even be better off than you were before using said substances. Possibly you could even still use marijuana, and perhaps have the damage being done be less than that of someone with a less healthy lifestyle. But the take away is that marijuana use disrupts the body's normal endocannabinoid function.

That being said, I still support legalization because I'm pro freedom. If someone wants to smoke pot, or anything else, provided they're not causing others harm (though they may be causing harm to themselves) then I think it's better legal.

Hot Topics / Re: Marijuana Causes Long-term Brain Changes
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:16:11 am »
This is an excuse for yourself to not stop using... After all, you are generalizing from one insignificant point that probably isn't even true in the first place, and if is true through some "miracle" it isn't anywhere near the whole truth. And you take this as the absolute indicator. Speaks for itself really... a six letter word.

Intoxicant, drug, little difference. Messes with the body and mind either way.
Helps cancer patients? And those patients got cancer why exactly? I assure you, it had nothing to do with not smoking pot. And the cure has nothing to do with smoking pot. Not even the raw variant. Using it makes ones mind numb, "cuts the edges", makes one "happier", as a result reduces stress which is a strong catalyst for health problems. You literally become incapable of normal sharpness of perception of yourself and your surroundings and others.

If you smoke, in general. Or use any substances like this. Do it privately, without anyone seeing it, and never tell others it is good and okay. Because smoking and using such substances is bad. You speaking out as you do, as if they are good and okay, are propagating a mentality without awareness to harm and damage they cause. People unaware and not knowing enough might take notice of your sayings and comments of denial.

A round of applause to you Nummi. Very well said.

Off Topic / Scientific Information About Supplements
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:50:27 am »
Hello everyone. I'm posting this so there can be an open discussion on supplements - the only rule is that any information presented has to be backed by scientific evidence (studies, etc.). You can post any studies you like, however I will check them and see if the studies were flawed (used the wrong forms of certain vitamins, to low doses, made false conclusions, etc.). A lot of the talk on this forum about supplements being bad is speculation, and often times based on people's "views" of what natural is. Yet all the studies that have been posted have been the equivalent of a study done on RPD's health effects, but using feed lot meats, eggs, etc. and finding everyone's health declined.

So feel free to post any studies you can find, as I legitimately am looking for actual evidence that supplements are bad and/or good.

Hot Topics / Re: Marijuana Causes Long-term Brain Changes
« on: March 13, 2014, 01:29:10 am »
Could be that these brains aren't able to utilize the changes because they don't have the proper nutrients to enable rewiring :D

Could also be that long term marijuana use disrupts the body's normal endocannabinoid function. - Article with information on the body's endocannabinoid system.

"How Does THC Affect the EC System and Behavior?

When a person smokes marijuana, THC overwhelms the EC system, quickly attaching to cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and body. This interferes with the ability of natural cannabinoids to do their job of fine-tuning communication between neurons, which can throw the entire system off balance."

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: March 12, 2014, 08:48:21 pm »
Also do tell how wonderful life is schizo cured!

Life is good, lol.

Welcoming Committee / Re: hi
« on: March 12, 2014, 08:46:52 pm »
im doing 2 .. 500 mg a day.. splitting it up.. one on empty stomach .. beginning of day .. one while eating at end of the day.

What form are you using?

Welcoming Committee / Re: hi
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:58:47 am »
The easiest way to check for magnesium deficiency is to supplement with magnesium for a few days. I would start with 1000 milligrams a day for 3 days. If you're deficient, you'll notice specific things getting better.  If you're not deficient, you'll probably just have slightly loose stools for those 3 days.

I use raw dairy, but I also supplement with magnesium, to balance out the calcium. Excess calcium is bad for the cardiovascular system, and there's a lot of heart disease in my family history.

That's a lot of magnesium! Maybe start with a smaller dose, and make sure it's a good form (chelated/bound to an amino acid or ionic). I mention the form because even at 300 mg of magnesium citrate, I got loose stools. I later tried magnesium chelates and the ionic form, and I could get up to 1,000 mg daily with no loose stools. Indicating that the loose stools were caused by the form I used, not that I had sufficient levels.

Also, it's important to note that calcium has been blamed for the calcification of arteries (heart disease). But it's really a deficiency of Vitamin K2 and the vitamins needed to ensure Vitamin K2 functions optimally. A good read on the subject is "Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life," by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue.

because vitamins/pills/whatever seems to me to just be another scam.

If you're skeptical of supplements, there are "whole food" options for magnesium. Blue Ocean Minerals, and also Trace Minerals Research have ocean water with the sodium removed, leaving a very concentrated dose of magnesium. There are also nuts, some seeds, and other foods. A google search for "magnesium rich foods" should yield some information.

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:46:48 am »
I'm a week away from going to see my doctor. Then I'll stop the medication. I'm likely to make my presence here much less frequent once I've stopped the medication. It's been great documenting and sharing my experience, but I'll no longer have things to update once I'm off the meds. Mission accomplished I suppose lol.

I'm doing well on 5 mg. Everything (blood work is perfect, mentally well) is great.

I'll update after I see my doctor and stop the meds. Then I'll make another post with details on my complete routine.

Off Topic / Re: How is the colour of your urine?
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:48:36 pm »
I'm generally dark yellow to no color, though generally more in the middle.

Every food ever will be found to have some kind of anti nutrient.






If you google "anti nutrients" and any of the above listed, you'll find examples of each.

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: March 05, 2014, 10:54:16 pm »
I had the feeling the Vitamin K1 from the spinach/veggies I've been eating hasn't been very effective, so I'm trying a Vitamin K1 supplement - 125% RDA.

I prefer muscle meat trimmings rather than suet.

It's interesting that there's so much bashing of plant foods, yet all the healthiest animals we eat (ruminants - cows, sheep, etc) all eat plants.

Journals / Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:19:15 am »
I've decreasing my magnesium from about 1,000 mg daily to 400-500 mg daily. I've also started doing some stretching daily, and minimal exercise (push ups, weightless squats, calf raises, sit ups).

General Discussion / Re: Raw rotten Mackerel and Tuna, DANGEROUS?
« on: March 04, 2014, 11:58:50 pm »

I must admit that yes,some things he told are questionable..but maybe it was a way of engagin people into his diet..dont know..anyway, what was the problem with the rotten chicken?

Maybe his intentions were good, and he hoped to help people, but that doesn't change that his recommendations were potentially harmful. Search this forum for how many people have joined asking if their food poisoning from chicken was "detox." There have been quite a few.

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