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Messages - TylerDurden

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Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: October 16, 2008, 12:04:00 am »
I know you're taking adrenal supplements, but I seriously think that taking raw thyroid is essential, given your above symptoms. After all, hypothyroidism has cold-intolerance(and more rarely heat-intolerance) as a major symptom. I don't think, IMHO, that it really matters if you combine both raw adrenals and raw thyroid together.

Don't worry re 100% top-quality, given the current situation, just get the best sort of glandular supplement you can afford as long as a) the dosage of the relevant glands is reasonably high, and b) it's less adulterated with chemicals than the average in the industry. I'm sure there are plenty of those examples.

I really can't think of anything else other than adrenal burnout which can cause such poor digestion of meats. If it isn't that, then you really need to see a doctor to find out if there's some problem with some other organ linked to digestion(eg:- pancreas, lack of enzyme-production etc.)

Journals / Re: iceman jurnl
« on: October 15, 2008, 08:51:54 pm »
I simply noticed that the more I depended on raw eggs for my fats, the slower my health-recovery was. Sure, they give a short-term boost and are no doubt useful for daily exercise-bouts, but they shouldn't be used as a mainstay of the diet.

Personals / Re: Chicago
« on: October 15, 2008, 06:46:16 pm »
Keep a look at this thread to be notified of Aajonus's appearances across the US:-'-appearances-and-primal-potlucks/
(You could alternatively e-mail Aajonus to ask him to put you on his mailing-list so that you get such updates directly, without having to check that thread).

I've been told that there are plenty of minor, unofficial Primal Potlucks in many States such as New York,but there's no info on them online, right now. I've been informed that the best way to meet up with such local Raw Animal Foodists/Primal Dieters, is to go to 1 of the major Aajonus appearances, meet with the people there, and arrange further meetings(usually 1 person will host the others at their home,  and everyone brings their own raw foods, much like what happens with Aajonus' gatherings).
I Do remember that Aajonus visits Chicago at least once a year, most likely more often than that, as I've sometimes read Aajonus' updates re workshops in which he mentions going to Chicago.

Of course, if you ever move to the Los Angeles area, you could expect far more frequent Primal Potlucks to happen.

General Discussion / Re: Food induced body highs?
« on: October 15, 2008, 06:32:40 pm »
I only got intense "body highs" from eating either raw dairy, raw eggs or "high-meat". The raw-dairy effect would last about half an hour before I then would get intense chronic fatigue, for the rest of the day - not good or healthy.

The "high-meat" boost in energy lasts much longer(2-3 days if I don't carry on eating "high-meat"), but it akes the next day for me to feel the full effect after eating it the first time. I also get an intense boost in energy from eating raw eggs, but it lasts much less time than the "high-meat".

I don't get such intense body-highs from eating other raw animal foods, instead I just get a feeling of well-being and contentment.

Journals / Re: iceman jurnl
« on: October 15, 2008, 06:26:54 pm »
I would STRONGLY suggest that you include more variety in your diet(if not raw meats, then at least raw fish/raw shellfish). Eating all those eggs a day just isn't healthy and you'll find your health deteriorating over time, if you carry on in this way.

Cordain recommends eating only 6 eggs a month on a cooked-palaeolithic diet, and I tend to agree with him. I only use raw eggs when I can't find other better sources of raw animal fats.

Another issue is the avidin in raw egg-whites, which is an antinutrient which specifically blocks uptake of the vitamin Biotin into the body. 1 or 2 Bodybuilders who've eaten vast quantities of raw egg-whites(30 or more a day, with nothing much else eaten) have(reportedly) died from such.
Even including the biotin-rich egg-yolk is only protective up to a point . According to this website, if you eat 24 raw eggs  or more a day, you start geting problems:-

In short, don't overdo things(it's a common newbie mistake to overeat specific raw foods).

(Avidin-levels are  reduced significantly if the raw egg in question has been fertilised(as would have been mostly the case for eggs from wild birds found in Palaeo times).

Welcoming Committee / Re: Greetings from an ABCD
« on: October 14, 2008, 06:34:22 am »
Welcome to the forum!

General Discussion / Re: should i cleanse??
« on: October 13, 2008, 05:25:27 pm »
Well, then don't do the fast-option. Try cooked-palaeo instead and then gradually reduce the cooking-temperature over days/weeks/months until you can eat it raw at room-temperature. Please read the various sticky topics at the top of the General Discussions forum, to get an idea of what to do, where to buy from etc.

General Discussion / Re: Yahoo answers
« on: October 13, 2008, 06:28:19 am »
There's the rawpaleodiet yahoo group which is much like this one. Then there's the livefood yahoo group run by Vinny Pinto. There's also the RAV-Food yahoo group run by Dr Nadine Winocur. The other 2 genrally have their own character, but are raw-animal-food-oriented.

Personals / RAF Diet meetups
« on: October 12, 2008, 06:45:19 pm »
I've been thinking of ways to get RAFers to meet up. Obviously, this works, for the moment, only in the States, and probably best in California. What would probably work is if someone offered up their house and set a specific date a year off, and we had people writing in and saying that they're coming. What do others think? It's just that I see all these websites offering raw vegan meetups all over the world, and think we should do the same.

General Discussion / Yahoo answers
« on: October 12, 2008, 06:30:47 pm »
I've noticed that 1 question a week, or so, in recent times, turns up on Yahoo Answers concrning raw meat diets for humans. I was searching online for something and found this question, and managed to answer it in time before the asker selected 1 of the dumber answers as her choice - you generally only get a few days after the question is asked before the best-answer is selected and the question is closed.

Here's my own example:-

General Discussion / Re: A fluke in my pancreas
« on: October 12, 2008, 05:55:16 pm »
I wouldn't worry about this issue.Judging from reports, most flukes are generally harmless. It's only if one is in ill-health andf simultaneously overloaded with  large numbers of parasites that there might be a problem.

Re 7 years:- I do wish people wouldn't cite me as the most experienced RAFer around. I've only done a mere  7 years, whereas others in the community  have been RAFers for 14 years or more.

Journals / Re: Squall's Journal
« on: October 12, 2008, 02:10:50 am »
Thanks for the advice Tyler. However, would this not defeat my progress of trying to attain low/zero carb or would eating raw fruit for a while first actually help my chances?

If the adrenals are to blame, then an extreme diet like zero-carb(or indeed mostly-raw-carb such as raw vegan) would not be a good idea. Why not just go low-carb(or very low-carb) for a while? You can always ease into zero-carb once you've healed a bit more. It's just that far fewer people have issues with raw foods(primarily allergies) , whereas quite a lot of people have problems on a zero-carb diet(over-stressed adrenals have been cited as 1 reason for problems with the latter) - so it makes sense to try the easier option first.

Journals / Re: Squall's Journal
« on: October 12, 2008, 12:02:56 am »
A panicky feeling sounds as though the adrenals are being overstretched - my advice is to go raw but add in plenty of  raw carbs until the problem goes away(not veggie-juice or liquid honey, however raw, I mean raw fruit and raw honeycomb)

Off Topic / It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:54:34 pm »
All the newspapers are screaming that this current economic crisis will be as bad as the Great Depression, and perhaps even worse, with the Icelandic and Pakistani economies practically bankrupt, and more to follow. I've even had someone e-mail me, telling me how she was approached on the street by a reporter who asked her how she thought she would be affected by the current crisis.

I'm not really that impressed, though as the newspapers always sensationalise everything to fill up the columns,such as making a huge fuss if house-prices go down a percent or two etc.. Sure, my brother(who works in Finance) is concerned, but I was just wondering what other people are experiencing in their own corners of the world re this current crisis.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Foul fowl?
« on: October 11, 2008, 05:55:04 pm »
It's a mistake to feed chickens on a 100% grain diet, as their natural diet consists of worms, insetcs, leaves etc. Grains are only a minor part of the diet of jungle-fowl in the wild. My own experience has been that the taste of wild fowl, such as wild mallard duck etc., is always far superior to that of the free-range/organic grainfed chickens that are available in my farmer's market.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Braaaaains
« on: October 11, 2008, 05:22:21 pm »
You should of said tanning! omg big newbie mistake! it sounds like he would of given it to you!

It's best to not be honest, I always tell farmers, butchers it's for my dogs never for me and they are happy to give me unusual things really really cheap and for some reason they often chuck in some free stuff like old meat/fat which is totally fine or chuck  in a marrow bone!

I'm a crap liar and know nothing about dogs so if they ask about my imaginary dog I just tell them it's a big one and its my brothers not mine.

I agree, I've lost a few sources because I asked for unusual organs like brains or adrenals(and, on very rare occasions, letting slip that I eat the meat raw - doh!)  - farmers are pretty limited people and probably feel they're doing me a favour by not providing me with such foods, out of concern for my health or whatever nonsense. Much better to pretend you've got a dog on a raw, prey-model diet.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« on: October 11, 2008, 04:55:08 pm »
"I have been to Aajonus' lectures every year for 5 years and learned more every time. People think that
it is the same...but Aajonus gives new health-empowering information. Even the old becomes...more
profound because I am able to understand more since I eat his Primal Diet...The information is beyond
value. Each time I am better able to health!"  -  Simon, age 43  Palm Beach , FL

Would you like to meet the man who, as a young adult had 8 "incurable"
diseases including blood & bone cancers, and Type I diabetes, and
through personal experimentation, reversed his diseases through
diet alone...and later helped 232 out of 242 people put
their cancers in remission through diet alone...and was on
Ripley's Believe It Or Not TV program July 17, 2002...and in 2001 wrote
 the expert report that reversed Los Angeles County's 38-year ban on Grade A raw dairy?

Come to his very affordable workshop at
PAHOA, HAWAII (the Big Island)

who is a terminal cancer survivor, now leading nutritionist. Aajonus had
developmental autism, diabetes, psoriasis, bursitis, and angina, and was
diagnosed with stomach, blood and bone cancers at age 20, He outlives his
medical death sentence by 40 years, enjoying excellent health clarity and energy.

At  Yoga Oasis Retreat which has rooms and cottages at very reasonable rates for our Primal Diet group.
Aajonus will be staying here during during all of the events, including Rainbow Raw Games.

FREE LECTURE:  MONDAY, November 24, 2008, NOON - 1 PM
Please call Kieba or Star for reservations and directions at 800-274-4446 or 808-936-7710.

WORKSHOP:  MONDAY, November 24, 2008 1 PM until as late as 7 PM;  $85.
No more than 30 people may receive Mini-consults in which Aajonus analyzes
each person's glands and recommends particular food s/he could eat to speed better
 health:  additional $40. Please call Kieba or Star for reservations and directions at 800-274-4446
or 808-936-7710

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTS* are available Tuesday and Wednesday November 25-26.
Please call Kieba or Star for reservations and directions at 800-274-4446 or 808-936-7710.

LOCATION for lecture and workshop:
Yoga Oasis Retreat,  13-1776-13-2049 Pohoiki Rd, Main Building, Pahoa, HI 96778, USA
800-274-4446 - Reservations, 808-965-8460 - Office, 808-936-7710 - cell

Cash or checks accepted only.

*Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $375; includes iridological
and glandular analyses. Reading the book We Want To Live is a requisite to individual
consults.  The book can be purchased by calling 1-800-247-6553, for $30 + S&H.
Follow-up consults last about 55 minutes and cost $300.  for downloadable pdf versions of both books and newsletter subscription.

General Discussion / Re: Salt is a chemical
« on: October 11, 2008, 03:04:57 am »
Barry Groves conveniently forgets that it's a  well-known fact that Palaeolithic humans would do FAR more exercise than modern humans, on a daily basis. And yet, despite all that activity, they still didn't need to go in for mining salt-mines etc.

Off Topic / Re: Question re website maintenance
« on: October 11, 2008, 02:53:35 am »
Well, the updates section of the website only included the two most recent updates(january and february 2008), and some much later updates starting from 2006 and working downwards. I'm hoping that they don't include all most recent updates and so will update within the next month or three.

Off Topic / Re: Question re website maintenance
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:51:51 am »
It really depends on many factors.  Is it a commercial site with time sensitive information?  If not, then it's really up to the owner/webmaster.  For instance, I own and operate, an informational site on RPD.  But then, I have many other clients whose sites I must update more regularly than my volunteer effort.  It really just depends.  Is the owner technically challenged?  Perhaps updates are a scary thing to the owner.  Many, many considerations.  You could always politely ask about it.

I'm not sure I really want to, to be honest. The site has submissions guidelines. While I've fulfilled most of the criteria, I consider myself lucky to have had my data accepted and don't want to antagonise the owner(there aren't many such download-websites around for the subject). The website is an ad-supported website but not a company-based one, AFAIK.

I enjoy the site, and I will continue to update it over the years as time allows.  And speaking of that, Tyler, I notice that you posted dairy dangers here on the forum.  Perhaps you cleaned it up some?  May I take it and post it on this month?  I can format links and such (and hopefully it is nowhere near the length of the BYV debunking article, as spectacular as that piece is).  And any of you who wish to have your story posted on the site, send me a personal message.  Those of you with journals could easily cut and paste the portions you want for your testimonial and send that in to me.  It is a community effort, and I am very happy to include as many ideas and points of view as possible ... so long as they are supportive of some sort of RAF diet.  If any of you want to write an article, I can give credit and all that jazz as desired (or not).

Yes, the dairy dangers and info on toxins in cooked foods threads in the general section should probably be "sexed up" a lot more (to use a phrase borrowed from reports of Tony Blair's "weapons of mass destruction hoax!"). Give me a few weeks, though, to turn them into proper essays. I'll, later on, have to do the same thing for an anti-grains article, which is going to be difficult to do properly as it's a complex subject(I seriously doubt that there's anywhere near enough info online for an organ-meats article, and we're not allowed to filch entire essays on the subject by the WAPF). I'm no writer, so if others are willing to help, that would be most welcome - I'll post my efforts on the moderators site, and leave it to others to alter words/paragraphs or express opinions re my texts etc.

Oh, and if moderators come across any data that could/should  be added to the sticky topics already posted on the general discussions forum, feel free to add it in.

Off Topic / Re: Question re website maintenance
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:39:41 am »
Maybe if we transform the website to use a CMS like Wordpress or CMS Made Simple, Geoff can make the changes himself if he is given Editor access level.

I have no idea what CMS even is. The thing is that I am so technologically illiterate that there's no point in putting me in charge of anything of that kind.

General Discussion / Re: Fatty Fish
« on: October 11, 2008, 12:36:19 am »
Personally, I think that the whole notion of deterioration of PUFAS is somewhat exaggerated, though I would agree that fish do deteriorate much faster than other meats - the solution is to simply eat fish fresh. Then again, the Eskimoes thrived on using mainly fish for making "high-meat", as opposed to other types of foods.

As regards the whole issue of hydrogenation of pufas in the stomach etc., not only are these traces of trans-fats microscopic by comparison to the trans-fats created via processing cooked junk-food, but also it's been suggested in many quarters that such natural trans-fats have not been proven to be harmful in the way that industrially-produced trans-fats have been, with claims that any minimal harmful effects are easily countered by the natural amounts of CLA(also a trans-fat of sorts) in the diet, etc..  In fact, studies have shown that some of the trans-fats produced naturally in the body, are actually highly beneficial(eg:-

) and, of course, there's plenty of evidence in favour of CLA(conjugated linoleic acid) that can be found online.

Off Topic / Question re website maintenance
« on: October 10, 2008, 09:09:47 pm »
How often do websites get updated, usually? (If they're moderately popular). It's just that I've sent some data to be uploaded(for download by other users) to 1 particular website and I have been promised that it will go up on the next site update.

Journals / Re: my so called journal
« on: October 10, 2008, 08:33:55 pm »
One other thing I've noticed re being on a raw palaeo diet is that on the very rare occasions I eat (unadulterated) bread or similar pastry, that I have to gulp large amounts of water to force it down. Pre-rawpalaeo diet, I had no such problems with highly-dried cooked food.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Blending Raw Organs
« on: October 10, 2008, 04:44:16 am »
If you have any digestive issues, then I would suggest not mixing everything together(and certainly not in large amounts). Mind you, Lex does this more or less, as he buys a petfood mix with all the organs mixed in(10% of the mix?).

Be careful with the coconut oil., Plenty of people report problems with it, due to antinutrients within it,  and I;m no exception. Better to get your saturated fats(or other fats) from animal sources, not plants./

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