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Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:52:12 pm »
but the bacteria in your gut that is adapted to a fat and protein diet with almost no carb content will not be able to digest the carbs as well as the bacteria in a moderate or high carb eaters gut

Is this really such a problem? You complained about dizziness on ZC 2 weeks in. If having a fruit meal once in a while prevents your dizziness episode who cares if it's not digested 'perfectly'. I personally wouldn't be bothered by some dizziness. It is probably the last bunch of the sugar critters dying out and asking for a nice load of sugar.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 28, 2010, 08:50:01 pm »
For me it's usually 1,5 liter upon arising, 1,5 liter after exercise and throughout the day another 2 liters. Makes me think that some might be experiencing problems on ZC because of insufficient water intake. Could be something those people might look into.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 28, 2010, 06:34:46 pm »
Lastly, water is your friend.

This is huge. I drink 5 liters of water right now. A week ago before ZC it was 3 liters. Fruitarians also drink huge amounts of water, around 4-6 liters despite eating fruit all day long. This could be because they urinate 14-20 times a day. SAD eaters I have observed drink only about 1-2 liters and it's mostly soda or coffee, very little water. So not only are they chronically clogged up with toxins from diet related inflammation but they are also chronically dehydrated and not able to flush that stuff out. No wonder they need stimulants all day long.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 27, 2010, 07:03:24 pm »
I never tried that, but I would think eating just fruit for a day would disrupt fat burning mechanisms. I don't know this for sure but biochemically and anecdotally it seems that the body adapts faster switching from fat to carbs for fuel than it does the other way 'round.

I'm not sure it would 'disrupt' the fat burning metabolism. You are merely switching the fuel for a day but the machinery is still fine tuned to burn fat. It's not like the mitochondria will go away in one day just because you have a day of fruit. What drives this is what food is taken in most of the time, so a metabolism adapted to fat has no problem burning sugar for a short period. A fruit meal on a fat burning metabolism can act like nitrous oxide, a turbo boost of energy. Here's what KGH says

Now here is the good part. When you race, you have new mitochondria and your newly efficient fat-preferring metabolism. Add a moderate carb load and some GU bars if its a long race, and you will be faster than you were before. Glucose is now your nitrous oxide, not your primary fuel.

quoted from

What would however disrupt the fat burning metabolism is having fruit every day. That way you are just confusing the body by switching fuel constantly. And the other negative thing about eating fruit daily is that it seems to interfere with optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat/fat. So once in a while fruit is fine and gives a nice boost of extra energy but daily consumption is less than optimal.   

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 26, 2010, 08:11:49 pm »
I have a few questions. What is your ethnic ancestry?

My parents are from the Balkans.

How much carbs were you eating daily before this experiment?

500-900 kcal from fruit daily
1800-2200 kcal on fruit only days, a couple times a month

It seems like your negative symptoms ended after only a few days, do you think you mostly adapted this soon, or do you think this is a temporary up that might be followed by a few more up and down cycles during further adaptation?

I'm curious about this myself. Frankly I have no idea what will happen. My previous attempt at ZC was before RPD and followed KGHs PaNu protocol. Cooked meat, fried eggs, whole cream, camembert cheese, grassfed butter. It did nothing for me and I did way better as a fruitarian before that. I still think fruit is awesome but recent experiences tell me it interferes with optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat/fat. So if I eat a meal of fruit in the future it is purely for enjoyment and delight of the senses not because I think it is somehow needed or is a superior fuel.

As for what happened to you. Have you tried doing a fruit only day once every 2 weeks on ZC? If you are thriving for 2 weeks and have a fruit only day before the dizziness episode you might not get it at all and be able to have another 2 weeks of kick ass time in ZC land. Then repeat ad infinitum. That way you still continue to develop mitochondria, enjoy the benefits of increased GH secretion, maintain low insulin levels and experience the nuclear-like energy from a fat burning metabolism.                 

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 26, 2010, 05:57:30 am »
Day 6 on zero carb. Digestion of raw meat/fat has become very smooth. I thought I had perfect digestion on fruit+raw meat. I never had any discomfort after eating and I falsely thought this meant perfect digestion, lol not even close. It is only now that I realize this. Right now it runs like a well oiled machine. Hunger is nonexistent but when food is eaten it is appreciated by the body.

Another thing I can clearly notice now is how energy is generated. Using sugar for fuel is like a tank of gasoline that is burning up. After a fruit meal you feel propelled to move to get rid of the energy. You can't just sit and do nothing. You feel an urge to move just to get rid of something. I can see how fruitarians interpret this as 'motivation to exercise'. And after the exercise the tank is empty and needs to be refilled.

Right now energy is constant and always there. You do not feel like you have to move just to get rid of something. But if you choose to move the energy is there to fuel you fully. And the best thing is after exercise the energy is still there, that constant smooth flow. This is huge, at least for me it is. The way energy is generated now is like a nuclear reactor. You can draw from it as much as you like and there is still more. So before it felt like a tank of energy that can be emptied with use but now it's like a nuclear reactor where you can draw from as much as you like.

Brain is being powered fully now and I suspect things might get really interesting as my body adapts even more. No wonder some ZCers act like they have discovered some secret nobody else knows about. I'll have to seriously reconsider the value of fruit in diet. But I suspect it will be a rare treat once in a while like some sweet juicy oranges on a hot summer day. Purely for enjoyment but no way the most optimal fuel for the body, not even close.

Hot Topics / Re: RPD relationships/ dating
« on: May 25, 2010, 04:18:22 am »
>I'd rather make a fortune for myself first (I'm aiming at 25-50 million euros)

What's your secret? Or are you just dreaming?

Study everything you can get your hands on about entrepreneurship and marketing. Study what people like Donald Trump do and other successful entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Duncan Bannatyne, Felix Dennis, Nicholas Van Hoogstraten. What you are making a year is only limited by your self concept (the limitations you set up in your head). There are no secrets only hard work and determination not to quit when things get tough. A good starting point is the books of Robert Ringer, Jay Abraham's stuff and Dan Pena's. This will give you a good foundation to start making at least a million a year. A job is a waste of time since you are spending most of your time making the other person rich. You've got to create your own businesses if you are serious about creating wealth for yourself and achieving real freedom. Once you got enough money you can stop working and keep making money from smart investments. I'll probably retire before 40.   

Hot Topics / Re: RPD relationships/ dating
« on: May 25, 2010, 03:55:51 am »
I know I'm sorta blanked on it. I'm recently single myself, so I'm not exactly chomping at the bit for P*(&@#, but it seems pretty difficult, even in a logistical way when I do start searching.

It's not really that difficult. You see a girl you like, you walk up to her, you introduce yourself to her "Hi, nice to meet you I'm KD" (with a big confident smile), you make a small chat and ask for her number. Do this to 10 girls and I guarantee you will get at least 3 numbers in one day. Some are not single so they will turn you down but they are always nice about it and very polite, mostly flattered that someone noticed them.

I don't even bother with that stuff anymore. I just walk up to girls I want and say "You look like trouble!" (with a cocky smile on my face). They know what's going on immediately and light up like candles. You can pretty much have sex the same day if you're communicating the right stuff. I only take girls to drinks if I'm already sleeping with her. It's the complete opposite most guys do who think paying for dinners, drinks, movies is required first. It's not, you do that stuff with girls you already like hanging out with. Stay away from bars and clubs. You meet the best women in everyday life. Nightlife is mostly people who do lots of coke, alcohol and cigarettes.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 25, 2010, 01:48:44 am »
Plus, there's the Bear's example of throat-cancer which shows that ZC doesn't protect against cancer at all, even after decades.

He might have gotten that cancer to manifest 30 years earlier where he not ZC but a fat SAD eater. In that case his ZC did protect him for 30 years. It tells us really nothing. Little children of 2 years old get cancer too, nothing to do with diet in their case just DNA damage.

Hot Topics / Re: RPD relationships/ dating
« on: May 25, 2010, 01:13:53 am »
I got wives and kids, you could fall in line and take a number, there's room for more.

I always want to be in touch with children, raise them, feed them, teach them play with them, cure them when they are sick, take pictures, take them on trips.  Children are the best, it's what makes life worth while.  And you've gotta have good relations between mommy and daddy and the extended relatives.

Spoken like a true alpha male. Hats off to you my friend.

I'm not concerned about raising a family right now since I'm only 28. I'd rather make a fortune for myself first (I'm aiming at 25-50 million euros). Then somewhere in my 40s I'll start making children with multiple women. Until then I'll just keep having lots of fun with super hot girls and enjoy my new found paleo powers. I couldn't care less about having a RPD relationship, there's tons of beautiful girls out there who are in great shape. But I agree if you have children you should give them the best possible quality of life and not be like ghetto people are (procreate and flee).

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 24, 2010, 08:13:08 pm »
I think I can report some first positive benefits on ZC so far. My sense of smell has become like 4 times stronger compared to a week ago. On raw paleo it was already way stronger than on SAD diet but now it seems to have improved even more. I just walked through a park and I could smell the overwhelming scent of flowers from a great distance. The trip on the bus however was a less pleasant experience.   

Also I don't think the head ache and brain fog was because of not being keto adapted. It's these little critters that are dying out who were feeding on sugar and either they are dumping something toxic into my blood or it is a byproduct of their death. I can feel that my blood is becoming cleaner and as it does more energy is becoming available to power my body and brain. This could mean improved oxygen uptake of blood and cells.

Sleep has become deeper which could mean GH secretion has increased because of low insulin levels.

Brain is powered 8/10, body might have already surpassed previous state.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:51:51 am »
It looks like I should severely limit or avoid all honey in my case.

That's just how honey is. I get no blood sugar problems from any amount of fruit but honey even in small amounts starts the highs and lows like SAD candy. I think everybody experiences this on honey. Also it tastes way too strong, not pleasant at all.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:16:22 am »
Some people do well with cold turkey transitions to ZC, whereas others do better with gradual transitions of a week or more. So if you encounter difficulties you might try a more gradual transition.

I was going to do it like include one or two apples a day but I decided not to as full adaption might take longer that way. I literally want to shock my body into creating more mitochondria so I can use fat more efficiently. So unless I start passing out, going into coma or something similar no fruit shall pass through my mouth. Also I just read these two articles by Dr Harris. Didn't understand all of it but from what I did fat-burning gives the best fuel and sugar burning is merely a backup mechanism.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 24, 2010, 12:15:47 am »
Interesting to see how you go, there's a fair few people on here who have done well on RZC

I'm trying to find out if running on fat is superior to running on sugar. If fat burning proves superior I might purposely keep fruit intake low to stay in that mode, but for now fruit is out until I'm fully adapted.

Do you fast? there's so many studies that show benefits of fasting such as higher HGH,T and ghrelin.

I eat twice a day now at 10.30 and 17.30. So that's a fasting period of 17 hours every day after my last meal. Even before the ZC experiment I noticed that finishing my last meal before 18.00 results in much deeper sleep and more energy in the morning. Late eating interferes with growth hormone secretion. Increased GH levels is one of the things I'm looking forward to as apparently this is another benefit of lower insulin levels. I remember DeVany talked about this at great length in his dvds.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 23, 2010, 05:36:52 pm »
Day 4 zero carb. Huge improvement compared to yesterday. The pain in my head is gone now. Yesterday, the pain started in the front of my brain then later moved to the middle part. Was able to get some work done despite this distraction. My muscles seem to be powered almost fully today. It is either some emergency reservoir of glucose that has kicked in or I'm starting to burn fat for fuel. I feel a smooth stable constant flow of energy. Brain still only powered 6/10, but much better than yesterday.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Inger's carnivore-meals ;-)
« on: May 22, 2010, 11:28:18 pm »
That looks delicious!

It's like an exclusive raw paleo style restaurant.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 22, 2010, 04:58:48 pm »
No I don't like greens (lovely pics btw). This is purely a carnivore experiment. Eggs do nothing for me. I can drink 6-8 raw eggs no problem but they are not as nourishing as raw fatty meat. As to what I eat, yesterday I had 600gr of raw ground beef spread over 2 meals. Wasn't even hungry that much and probably could have had just one meal. I'm not really looking for solutions to what is happening. I know what is going on. My body is being deprived of sugar and it hasn't yet adapted to making sufficient energy from fat. A meal of fruit would instantly give me a rush of energy because that is what it has been running on. I'm just reporting what I go through. It might not get better until I get past the 4-6 week barrier. 

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 22, 2010, 03:54:20 pm »
Day 3 without fruit now. Woke up pretty tired. There is weakness in my muscles especially legs. The most obvious thing I'm noticing is the effect on my brain. It is working only 3/10 where before it was 10/10. It really feels like it is not being powered, cut off from energy. My head hurts a bit in the front. Not sure I'll be able to get much work done today.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 22, 2010, 05:15:49 am »
Inger that's interesting. You women seem to have less problems with ZC than men here. I wonder why that is.

I believe the crucial thing for Graham, is still the fat %. I don't think he recommends diabetics to add massive amounts of fruit to their already processed or fat heavy diet. Either way, his information has no value in my opinion.

He puts clients on a two week mono diet, usually bananas. It does seem to work if they are off insulin by the end of first week. I wasn't really promoting a fruitarian way of eating. Just interested about potential insulin resistance because of fruit in my diet. But if fruit is healing diabetics then I see no reason why I should fear them if I am not experiencing health problems. Dr Harris says they are just sugar in an attractive package, candy bars from trees as he likes to call them. But why are the 3000-7000 cal consuming fruitarians not fat if it's just candy? Try eating that same amount in m&m's or even just pasta and see what happens after just few days. I always get lost when I get into the science stuff. They all cite their references and stuff making it look very convincing but then in reality the opposite seems true. That's why I just have to go by my own experience and come to my own conclusions.



Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 22, 2010, 02:21:50 am »
Went looking for info on what diabetics experience when they go on a fruitarian diet. Here's a quote from Doug Graham who is the top guru of the movement.

On average, the Type 2 diabetics I work with reduce their insulin use by about 70% in 3 days. Many are totally off insulin before the first week is out.

ForTheHunt is right, the data on processed carbs doesn't apply to fruit because if it did the diabetics would certainly know.

Might still go on with the experiment just to see what happens.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 21, 2010, 08:20:01 pm »
So if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

You definitely have a point there and I thought about this a lot. But I recently went through most of Lex's journal and Bear's wisdom who to my knowledge are the longest ZCers. Bear claims his body at 70 has the same vitality he had at 30 and while Lex says there is no magic in zero carb it did however stop all his serious symptoms and gave him his normal life back. My experience as of now tells me fruit does indeed not cause any noticeable damage. But if fruit doesn't cause insulin problems long term then why do a lot of people here have their past symptoms returning when they start eating fruit again? I think I'll just have to go through the zero carb experience myself to make an accurate observation. If I can adapt to fat burning then I should have no problems adapting back to mostly fruit+raw meat if it results in a less than positive experience. Anyways thanks for jumping in.

Well, judging from the past accounts, those who do well on raw, zero-carb are the ones who already knew they had some sort of food-intolerance towards most carbs by the time they started RZC.

That's why I think my experiment will be interesting because I do extremely well on fruit.

Proceed with caution.

Yeah lol, if I start rolling on the floor from pain it might indeed be a good idea to not continue the experiment.

Everything else is fair game.

I have been ZC since March 2009, and raw ZC since September 2009, so more than 6 months now.

Thanks, now I will feel super bad if I don't make it to 6 months.

Maybe the admin could do that thing which makes it so that anytime DRs name is mentioned it shows #@%##. We don't need him here or anything he has to offer. He is spreading lies and disinformation about something that is deadly serious. He is discouraging people from consuming raw animal meat and making up lies how it has killed numerous of his 'housemates'. Like he would share a house with a raw carnivore. Many who are managing symptoms of disease are extremely desperate and fragile anyway and that advice is absolutely detrimental in their case because they will never try the one and only thing that could heal them, RAW MEAT. 

He posted pictures of what must be a crack addict with totally destroyed teeth and told everybody how it was caused by eating raw meat. We know from experience that this is complete bullshit. Also his videos about bloodtests are false. He had chronic b12 deficiency for years because of veganism and had to take b12 shots to stay functional. When confronted about this he made up some bullshit story how he can't absorb b12 from food because of drug abuse and past bulimia. Since when has fruit b12? Seriously this guy is one messed up individual.


Journals / 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: May 21, 2010, 04:05:04 am »
I've been thinking about this for a while now and I feel it's time to just do it and see what happens. While my vitality has increased dramatically and my health improved beyond what I ever expected I can't deny the science about the role insulin has on bodily deterioration. The reason that I'm not experiencing any problems from high fruit could be that I just haven't reached a critical mass of insulin resistance so no symptoms are developing. But in about 20 years from now I might have a different story to tell. I can't make a correct observation about reality if I've never experienced full adaption to fat burning and using it as my main source of fuel.

So for 6 months I'm going on a zero carb no matter what experiment. As of now fruit is out. Only raw lean meat, raw fatty meat and some organs. After 6 months if I am not 100% convinced that I am doing better without fruit I will introduce it back but not sooner. I'm mostly interested in how zero carb affects my energy levels, vitality, awareness and attitude. Also trying to discover if some next level of health exists. Very excited to see how this goes.


It should be outlawed to turn raw meat (which is extremely nourishing) into something that is basically useless and hazardous to people's health. Not only that but it's also disrespectful to the animal which died for our sustenance. Right now I'm not even sure I could stomach that stuff anymore.

Salami, hot dogs, salty bacon =  -v

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