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Messages - actionhero

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Personals / Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
« on: May 06, 2010, 06:11:57 pm »
"What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?"

Hunt bison, wild game and raw vegans and then eat freshly killed meat.

On the original question "Why am I always so tired after eating fruit?"

I only get tired after eating fruit when I eat high fat raw. So the solution to thrive is on days when eating fruit eat only raw lean meat (not together of course). And on days when you want to eat high fat raw don't eat fruit but be zero carb. It's really that simple. But this might not work for people with damaged bodies who are managing symptoms.


General Discussion / Re: I feel like I am at the end of my rope
« on: May 05, 2010, 10:05:02 pm »
chronic constipation, bloating, and undigested food....Along with arthritic pain in my knees, chronic pain in my back, blurred vision, cuts that don't heal, insomnia, hands and arms falling asleep at night.

Well there's got to be a reason why you are having these extreme symptoms. What have you done to cause this? Are you extremely overweight or are you lean and muscular? How are your hormone levels? Was you body damaged by medical doctors in any way including chemical damage from drugs? Do you have a history of high refined carbs, refined sugars or alcohol addiction? Have you used anabolic steroids in the past?

If healing is desired one has to realize what has caused the problem in the first place. Some bodies might be damaged to such a degree that it cannot be repaired no matter what we do. In that case solutions should be looked for to minimize further damage but the CAUSE should first be discovered. Only then can we look for possible solutions.  

General Discussion / Re: I feel like I am at the end of my rope
« on: May 05, 2010, 06:37:03 pm »
The second reason is that if I eat a single apple I feel an intense craving to have another and another.  I could eat 20 apples in one sitting.  My hunger cravings are much more intense when eating fruit

This is a clue, don't ignore it. Try 3 days 100% fruitarian diet and get around 1800-2200 cal from fruit. Best is 3 monomeals where you eat one type of fruit for each meal. On the fourth day eat only 2 monomeals of fruit and one meal of raw lean meat. Then go back to 3 days 100% fruitarian and again on the fourth day replace one meal with a raw meat meal. Do this for one month and see if you feel much better. This is a protocol for healing and not recommended for longer periods. After you are healed you should be able to eat raw meat and raw fat with no problems but high raw fat is not the answer when your body is broken. Fruit is as it is the lightest for the body to digest so an enormous amount of energy is freed up for healing. You will get some raw fat from lean meat meals and this is enough for healthy body chemistry and hormonal balance while on this healing protocol.

FRUIT=fuel for the body
RAW PROTEIN=cellular regeneration and repair
RAW FAT=optimal body chemistry and hormonal balance

After you are healed a protocol I recommend is 2 raw meat meals and one fruit monomeal (500-700 cal) per day. Then each third or fourth day one high raw fat meal instead of raw lean meat meal. This gives the best energy, vitality, mental clarity, optimal hormonal levels, lean muscular body, incredible strength and stamina. High raw fat every day I have found to slow me down drastically and I don't want that. I want power and explosive vitality.

Health / Re: Fatigue and sleepiness after eating raw meat, why?
« on: May 04, 2010, 04:57:39 pm »
how do you warm something for 1 second? how heated is the butter/oil?

Hot enough to jolt it back to life but no longer than a second on each side as to not kill the meat. That's the best way I can describe it.

Health / Re: Fatigue and sleepiness after eating raw meat, why?
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:16:24 am »
Ok, I just did an experiment and here's what I've found out:

cold meat = sleeping meat but still alive
warmed up meat= alive and vibrant
cooked meat = dead matter

Warming it up like I did kick starts it back to life. It becomes alive again. I took 2 pieces of raw meat, one cold and one warmed up for one second on both sides.  I ate both of them. I closed my eyes to focus completely on the experience of how it feels in my mouth. The cold raw meat I don't want to chew. I just want to swallow it as quickly as possible. But it's still alive. Then I ate the warmed up 'kick started' meat. Something energetic is absorbed, I can feel it when it makes contact with the inside of my mouth. I want to chew as long as possible and absorb all of it whatever it is. It feels more alive and vibrant.

From experience I know that it doesn't work with ground beef. Ground beef does not feel alive anymore. But it's still less dead than cooked meat. I can't wait to try just killed meat, I can only imagine what it must feel like.

Health / Re: Fatigue and sleepiness after eating raw meat, why?
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:45:33 am »
I've also noticed that at other times eating too much raw meat and fat seems to overstimulate my adrenal glands and make me jumpy, nervous, impatient and irritable.

I've had something similar but only if I eat cold raw meat. What solved my problem is warming the meat up in hot coconut oil or butter for 1 second on each side. Since warming it up like this I don't get the irritable nervous energy and just feel incredibly grounded and satisfied. Another side effect of cold meat is I get extremely thirsty afterwards but not when I warm it up for one second on each side. I have no idea why it happens, it's just something I've noticed.

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