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Messages - norawnofun

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It´s sometimes hard to convince people otherwise. This one might change some minds..It is a new group where people share their experience after getting the new Covid shot from different manufacturers. It has been taken down already, but it´s up again since the admins changed the rules (you are required to make a picture of your vaxx certificate before posting). There are some drastic examples of what people experienced. It also includes an official CDC list of people that died as a direct result of the shot (can be found in the group photos section).

The best part is that there is already a group called "Covid19 Vaccination Healing Group"


Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: January 21, 2021, 06:37:32 am »
Very interesting thoughts. Have you ever thought or experimented with introducing medicinal mushrooms (non Psilocybin) extracts against fungal toxins?

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 16, 2020, 02:46:22 am »
When looking closer at all the pics provided, there are certain spots that stand out yellow. I would look at other places, such as the palms of the feet, at the sclera under the eye lid. Tongue, stool can also be an indication. Not everybody has issues processing VA though. But eating liver every day, if your liver can´t handle it, is dangerous. It also seems to be common that people lack Vitamin D if they consume high A.

More info about VA toxicity is dr. garrett smith
grant genereux
a good podcast is
and a fb group

this VA topic is pretty unknown, but very important. Another thing, skin creams can also contain a good amount of A. So by just cutting back on foods but still using products that contain A might not be efficient enough to detox it.

but when I look at the picture the only thing that I noticed was the yellowish hue, I don´t see any lumps. If you google search lumps on finger you get to see what a lump is. What is pictured here is nothing ordinary I would say.

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 15, 2020, 04:43:07 am »
Looking at the color it could very well be a problem with Vitamin A. If you friend is eating foods high in Vitamin A, be it retinol or beta-carotene (and all the other types) from foods such as liver, egg yolks, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, dairy, supplements and so forth, he seems to no longer be able to safely store it in his own liver - it´s overloaded and therefore places "vitamin a" in different areas of the body, such as the whole skin, palms, finger tips, eye whites and so forth. Constipation can also be an issue because your elimination process is disturbed. You can start detoxing Vitamin A by staying between roughly 100-800IU per day. As with detoxing oxalates, detoxing A can also cause similar herx reactions. Here is a nice list of VA toxicity symptoms: and I´ll attach a list of foods showing the content of A in foods.  If u need more info lemme know

Also keep in mind that eating saturated fats together with VA foods increases VA absorption.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Muscle Testing
« on: November 14, 2020, 05:58:12 am »
Iguana, this one is for you but also anyone else having success with Instincto.

I've been working this year to heal up after getting really sick from mold. It's forced me to really listen closely to my body and understand the little signs of nutrients I need. Lately I started doing self muscle testing and I'm finding following those instincts, even if I need to follow a step like muscle testing to hear them, is resulting in improvements. I was curious if you've used the process or have other personal ways to tell what your body needs. Does it get to the point where you get the same feedback without asking your body?

how do you exactly do your muscle testing? As far as I know there are several ways. Which one did you find works best for you?

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 04, 2020, 04:32:34 am »
trash the CLO nonesense. This rancid shit can get you in serious trouble, if you take it for too long.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: October 27, 2020, 03:47:28 am »
I am wearing the Q-Link since several months and my conclusion is that it does make me less anxious in front of EMF sources. I tried to switch for a day to the shungite pendant, but my feeling was that I should revert back. Since I have it I also don´t feel that shitty anymore driving a car (which, if you measure the EMF inside, can be a driving antenna), being in front of the oven/cooker while being switched on, and being in front of the computer. I do have shungite magnets and stickers on these electronic devices/Wifi router and electric hobs as well, as I am the only one in the household wearing it and I do want to protect others. I also calmed down a lot since wearing it. My aggressive behavior, when let´s say the oven was turned on was no longer bearable for me and others, so I needed a solution. Needless to say I though to myself that it could just be in my head, but after several observations I can say it´s not. Besides, EMF is real and can cause proven damage, that´s not something that you just "put in your head". Certainly people that have no health issues might not feel EMF at all, or just don´t notice it, but if you have problems then it can effect you a lot.

General Discussion / Re: Eating liver a lot more frequent?
« on: October 27, 2020, 03:23:01 am »
I would be careful. Eating it every day in that amount can cause vitamin A toxicity, which can lead to many health problems. Detoxing VA is no fun. You could resort to other animal based foods if your body needs magnesium or copper. That might be the reason why you sleep so well.

General Discussion / Re: Local Spring or Re-mineralized distilled water?
« on: October 22, 2020, 04:19:44 am »
Actually distilled tastes better than other waters, just without the so called "mineral" garbage that is present in mineral waters. Store bought distilled water stored in plastic containers can taste bad, I tried that. Some of them are actually not distilled but deionized, that´s a different process and can be harmful for human consumption, but it can be more cost effective for producers. So if you buy it from the store, make sure it´s true distillation. True distilled water usually has 0 or only a couple of TDS (total dissolvable liquids). If you speak to long term distilled water consumers they all say that normal water tastes bad after doing the change. That makes sense, because it´s pure water without contaminants. Try distilling your water for a couple of cycles, then scrap off the white residue that is left in the tank and eat that. It´s so good you´ll want to vomit. Adding artificially processed liquid mineral drops to distilled water is like adding raw milk to pasteurized, to make it healthy again. Complete nonesense.

It can take some time to get used to distilled water, but I consume it since quite some time now, for cooking, pure drinking and making tea, to no ill effect. It can have a cleansing effect, that can sometimes be a bit too much, but that depends on the person. I do sometimes make breaks of drinking it, because I drink carbonated water which is very acidic and helps kill candida as it raises stomach acid. Distilled water, once it gets in touch with CO2 gets acidic on the PH, but not as much as I would need. I also drank naturally sparkling water, just as it comes out of the source, like AV suggested, however my stomach does not like all brands I tried.

I know of some people that had issues with it, so it fits for some people and for some it does not. It might be the cleansing/detox effects that it can initiate, you might take longer to get used to it, or you simply don´t tolerate it. There is some very good info about distilled water on the net, also on yt unless they took it down already. Lastly, rain water is naturally distilled water. Only problem is that our environment is contaminated, so drinking rain water might not be a good idea in some regions. The only downside I would see from distilled water is that apparently it has no energy, people call it "dead". To counteract that you can add some shungite on the outside of the distiller, or you let it go through a vortex to mimic the natural flow of waters in rivers and the like.

So to answer the question, you don´t make it safe, it is safe already because you filter out all the contaminants. But it can take some time to get used to it, or you sometimes need a break of it. If you drink mineral water you drink dissolved limestone that the water picked up and dissolved on the way out of the spring source. Just look up calcium carbonate, the type of calcium present in mineral water, it´s the same type you find in egg shells, just this can lead to health problems already. There is a lot more info out there..including the spiritual just need to know where to look for.  They drink it on the ISS, in submarines, it´s praised by real doctors...Anyhow, I´ll finish with the below:


“What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated.”

“Distilled water then is water of the purest kind.  It is odorless, colorless and tasteless.  The divine purpose of water is to act as a solvent.  In nature, water in evaporation is so fine that your eye cannot perceive it as it is drawn up into the clouds.  Then it falls as rain, keeping the earth from being parched and burned.  As a solvent, it dissolves rocks and soil.  It figures in the transport of nutrients into plant life.

In the human body, water fills similar functions.  …Distilled water acts as a solvent in the body.  It dissolves food substances so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell.  It dissolves inorganic mineral substances lodged in tissues of the body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of purifying the body.  Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth —the only one that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.”

Health / Re: ruined my health with medication
« on: October 17, 2020, 05:35:46 am »
The gut can be key to almost all sicknesses. But to fix it can be tricky. I think fasting, especially dry fasting can be a key to achieve that. Give your digestion a break for some time, unless you are on the brink of death due to malnutrition. I read both books of AV with great interest, listened to almost all his videos and podcasts, made a lot of notes and tried a lot of his suggestions. I also experimented a lot with different types of dairy over the years. The biggest obstacle I find with healing is to know what you should consume in order to heal. If you only listen to people telling you what to eat, and blindly follow their advice hoping to get better, then you might be in for some real trouble.

Some people tend to only eat what a person tells them to, without considering their own personal instinct, and that can lead to more health issues than before. I have come across far too many people on the web and in the real world that took everything for granted, and got burnt badly along the way. Although their instinct told them to stop their dietary regiment, they ignored the warning signs. Personally I would only listen to people that understand that nutritional needs can vary greatly, that have many years of experience and people that eat based on their instinct. You will read about people that after all these years still struggle with their health, I would rather listen to people that fixed their health. Several of these people on this forum are no longer active, or very rarely active, but their knowledge remains and you may find a lot of answers by searching with the relevant keywords. But the smartest and most experienced people on this forum have one thing in common. Instinctive eating. Therefore I would suggest you to read the book Instinctotherapy by Guy-Claude Burger. You can also get an older version of the pdf for free from forum member "iguana". Although I do not entirely agree with some of the things both AV and GCB lay out, at least GCB´s book focuses on one´s intuition, rather than going into some bizarre daily dietary regime á la Aajonus. That of course does not mean that some things AV suggested won´t work, but again, you better listen to your inner self.

This can sometimes be very hard, depending on the state of your body (amalgam, heavy metals, root canal, candida...) and mind (depression, anxiety, sleeping disorder...), environment (mold, noise, air quality) and of course personal situation (stress, money problems...). Calming down, going into nature, avoiding or at least protecting from EMF, meditation can help to calm the mind. And once the mind is calm instincts can be awoken again. If you are stressed before eating, don´t chew your foods to liquid (especially if you have digestive problems), you tend to overeat which results in getting indigestion that can result in malnutrition and all the health problems in the world, making it impossible to fix your gut.

Although instinctive eating would possibly be the best way of regaining health, I will still summarize the most important basic nutritional knowledge I gained here and on several other forums:

-Be careful mixing fat and high carbs, not only can it be addictive, it can also cause many problems
-Raw Dairy and eggs, but especially dairy can cause a lot of problems that you might not realize at first
-Some people need more carbs, some less, but going zero carb can result in serious health issues, especially if done for too long
-Although fruit can be a good addition, too many fruits can again be addictive and cause issues
-Be careful with organ meats, too much liver can cause Vitamin A toxicity and low quality marrow is not a good idea

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus ciloantro heavy metals
« on: October 11, 2020, 02:23:54 am »
I remembered that I had issues when just eating cilantro by itself. I also used it for juicing and I didn´t feel too good, back then when I had an overload of mercury. Maybe that was a detox reaction, same as when I had pumpkin seed oil and I almost started halluzinating. Now I can eat it without getting any reaction, guess I did cleanse it to a degree. But the Andy Cutler protocol was praised by some experienced people to get rid of heavy metals, which seems to me far more detailed:

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Nuts on Instinctotherapy
« on: September 09, 2020, 05:09:39 am »
ok. Phytates are part of the anti-nutrients that are inside the nut, people commonly know it as phytic acid . The thing is that some nuts, even though they are called raw, are heat dried. So if you want a truly unprocessed nut you would need to pick it up from the tree yourself.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Nuts on Instinctotherapy
« on: September 09, 2020, 04:04:22 am »
Thanks. When you say "refresh them" I guess you mean lower the phytates due to the soaking? I didn´t know chestnuts can be eaten raw. I only know of cooked or roasted versions.

Instincto / Anopsology / Nuts on Instinctotherapy
« on: September 07, 2020, 05:23:38 am »
I wasn´t able to find it in his book, so I want to ask what GCB thinks about consuming nuts? Coconut, Hazelnut, Macadamia, Almonds....

Health / Re: Mineral Deficiency
« on: September 02, 2020, 03:04:24 am » is a great group discussing all different types of mag supplements. According to morley robbins, the guy behind the group and the protocol (he has some great podcasts on yt with extremehealthradio - listen to them), there are 4 ways to get more mag. With food, water baths in epsom salt, mag oil, and supplements like mag malate and glycenate. He mentioned to stay away from citrate or ascorbate. Personally I tend to stay away from supplements, i prefer the natural way by now, so therefore can´t give any advise regarding that.

And no idea about decaf and mag. I never used to drink decaf, so I have no knowledge here. That would require some research. And according to morley robbins, the guy mentioned above, the best copper sources are veal liver, because the young get the copper from the mother and have lower stored iron, (beef liver contains a bit too much iron as they accumulated in when they grew up), bee pollen and whole food vitamin c like oranges. I would be careful with liver though, especially when eaten as a whole food, the high amount of "vitamin a" can cause lots of other issues. I think its better to opt in for non liver sources like seafood. I would not go crazy now on the pumpkin seed oil either. And capsules..well, i´d stick to real food that my body can identify as such, you don´t know how the capsules have been processed and how much the body can actually convert from that. But naturally it´s up to you..

Health / Re: Mineral Deficiency
« on: September 01, 2020, 03:28:36 pm »
id´ love to try, how does it taste? I assume that buying the whole pod is rather impossible for most people due to their location though. Besides, wouldn´t the pods be too hard to eat?

Health / Re: Mineral Deficiency
« on: August 29, 2020, 03:23:53 am »
I have/had kind of the same thing going on. But before you only look at mag, you should more focus on copper, since it regulates mag. EMF and stress can deplete mag, so better fix that too.

Regarding the mag itself, I also consumed plenty of dark chocolate for several month, practically every day, but small portions. I craved it a lot. Staying a lot on the computer, EMF and also having past stress, I´m certain my mag was super low. I had tried different mag supplements, like malate and citrate, was pointless. So i went for the chocolate, but now I can´t stand it. Some weeks ago I tried again just one piece, and I had to vomit. Just recently I tried ceremonial chocolate, the real deal, but I was not attracted at all and it did not taste well, my senses said no. So I assume my mag reserves went up. Chocolate, after some time, also gave me headache, that was another reason why I stopped. Certainly it was the caffeine.

The best mag animal source are mollusks. The cheapest option here would be mussels, most shops sell it frozen which makes them even cheaper. Clams are the highest source, as far as I know. Octopus, squid, cuttlefish are within the mollusca family. There are other animal products that contain mag, for ex dairy and eggs, among meat, but nothing beats mollusks

The best plant based sources, as far as I researched and experimented with, are:

cacao (dark chocolate), since 100 percent dark chocolate contains a lot of fat, just the powder would be better, but it´s so high in oxalates, I wouldn´t do it.

pumpkin seed oil and pumpkins itself. In the oil there are a lot of pressed seeds, so that would be a good source (aside of animal products of course). At one point I was consuming it quite frequently, with no side effects. Yes, it´s a PUFA, but it´s low in oxalate (the seed)

Coffee has apparently the highest amount of mag, maybe thats why people use it for constipation a lot. I was consuming a cup a day, but it was too strong and after some time I couldn´t handle it anymore. Now I bought decaf and I will experiment with that. Since there are different types of methods to remove the caffeine, i went for the least harmful, which is CO2. Will try my first cup tomorrow, i´m pretty curious, since I found a lot of benefits from coffee, but I couldn´t digest it, even if it was a very mild one.

But one thing I would be careful is your chocolate consumption. 100g, so a whole bar or more, is quite a lot mate. That´s a lof of oxalic acid and caffeine. You better consume some calcium with that to bind the crystals. I would focus on copper if I were u, beside changing your mag source. Oysters would also be an excellent choice for several nutrients. Eat a couple every week, and you might fix your problem fast

Personals / Re: What happened to Tyler Durden?
« on: July 31, 2020, 03:45:55 am »
I had thought the same some time ago. Apparently he is the type of person that goes "off the scene" for some time, then comes back. However, half a year without nothing, considering that he was posting daily, seems a bit odd.

Health / Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« on: July 17, 2020, 03:35:51 am »
No, I don´t. You might need to dig around on the net to find the answer. If you do, post it here pls.

Health / Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« on: July 15, 2020, 07:52:52 pm »
I did the Liver and Gallbladder Flush from Andreas Moritz once. Was very effective in terms of flushing out small stones. Only downside was drinking the raw self juiced green apple juice. It was an overload of sugar and it was disgusting. I´d never do that again with apples. But the reason why apples are sometimes recommended is the malic acid content in them. See the paragraph in the pdf I attached here:

The malic acid in the apple juice or sour cherry juice softens the gallstones and makes their passage through the bile ducts smooth and easy. Sour cherry juice has about 4 times the concentration of malic acid that apple juice has, and is usually better tolerated by those who cannot deal with the large amount of sugar contained in apple juice. Both apple juice and sour cherry juice have a strong cleansing effect. Some sensitive people may experience bloating and, occasionally, diarrhea, while on this much apple juice. While some of the diarrhea is actually stagnant bile, released by the liver and gallbladder (indicated by a brownish, yellow color), it may also be due to fermentation of the sugar in apple juice

I think drinking cranberry juice would be even better. Also contains a good amount of malic acid and is very low in carbs. more than half of what sour cherry has. There are also pure malic acid supplements, that might cut out any carbs at all. Or you can also just try the tea "chanca piedra", which can be bought on amazon. Has a great reputation as "stone crusher". Tried that as well, but the tea gave me a bit of stomach ache, so I went for the flush. Can´t say that the flush gave me any improvements though, beside getting rid of stones (which is certainly a good thing). Allthough many people swear on it.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: July 15, 2020, 05:16:31 am »
are you aware of heavy metal toxicity in relation to candida/sibo?

did you ever try turpentine, sodium thiosulphate, borax?

I am aware of the connection between heavy metals and candida, and I never tried the 3 you mentioned, although I know about them. But I got fed up of experimenting. I decided to stop all supplements and "extras", also finished the herbs I had, although they clearly made a difference, but I decided to put my focus on food and EMF. The shungite pendant I have definitely helped me, but I recently took it off since I got a q-link pendant. Just to see what´s more effective. Some people swear by it and funnily enough "vegetable police" might have found the cause for his year long health issues Imagine if "just" EMF is the main cause for most peoples never ending health problems. I would bet on that. Either way, so far I see not much difference by wearing the q-link. For some people it can take some weeks and some feel great right away. I´ll wear it for around a month, only then can I say that Shungite is better. I did notice however that recently I put another q-link (beside the one I am wearing) on my laptop and after some time I felt really shitty in front of my laptop. My vains started to pop out of my fingers and I felt very uncomfortable. I´m not sure what that means but I won´t do that again and just stick to the q-link necklace that I wear.  I am also waiting for some additional shungite protection "stuff" that I am very curious about.

I also decided to change my diet. Keto did not work. I felt weird at times, had no energy for so long, didn´t gain weight and sometimes got super tired after eating some cooked carbs (such as tomatoes). So I decided to eat more carbs and I couldn´t care less about counting them. I got fed up of the restrictions, that brought me to nowhere. Meat wise not much changed, although I eat more wild game now, but I decided to add acidic raw fruits that don´t have too many carbs, have a low GI and not too high oxalates. That would be kiwi, plums, green apples, and of course berries. I also found a brand that does low temp coconut butter, which initially I found way to sweet and now I can eat it with no disgust, but I think I need to be a bit careful with it. And I worked myself up on bee pollen. 1 tablespoon a day.

I also have completely cut out dark chocolate. Even just one piece almost made me vomit and gave me stomachache and headache. It´s funny how you gorge on one thing for so long, then the next day you can´t stand it. I even started to crave raw dairy. Which is a problem for me after all the knowledge I gained about it, mostly the downside of it. I would say I am very much against it. But I decided that I listen to my body and drank it cold, and it felt very good. One strange thing I noticed though is that when I drink organic raw milk I did not feel good, but when I drank the non organic one it´s fine. The milk comes from the same indigenous breed (so no A1), so that can´t be it. It could be the chemicals they use to clean the milk machine (in the organic one), or it could be something very speculative, the area it comes from. Maybe you should drink raw milk from the area you live, because the microbiome of that area is in the pasture is what your body is used to? I don´t know, that was just a though. It is said that for bee pollen this is what you should do. Maybe the same counts for milk.

After adding more carbs great things happened, first my dental decay got better, then I started to train again after many months, and I started to gain weight (which is kinda obvious). I don´t go crazy on carbs though. I do eat max one piece of fruit, maybe some berries and the coconut butter. And some saurkraut, tomatoes and such sub acid things. Veggie wise I stay low carb, I just feel that the raw fruit is helping against candida. Previously seen as "the enemy" I see raw acidic fruits now as helpers. So the conclusion so far is that EMF is the main issue, keto might not be a too good idea on candida (i´m not the only one that things that way), that I should listen more to my body rather than restricting myself and that just raw milk (no altered products such as cheese, butter, cream or kefir) might have some benefits. 

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: June 17, 2020, 05:40:11 am »
I use both raw cacao powder and regular cocoa(not raw)powder.Two different things.Two different tastes...etc.
I'm not a stickler for 100% raw,especially when it's only a teaspoon or so.
Do you use "baker's chocolate" for your fatty dark chocolate?
I've used baker's chocolate before and found kind of too hard,and it didn't mix well with my coconut milk concoction:)
In terms of honey,I don't use it at all anymore,so it's all good.

As far as I know there is no such thing as "raw" cacao powder. All the labels that I see say raw, but most, if not all are heat processed. I think there is a lot of misconception what is truly raw, especially with dairy or coconut products. Same goes for the distinction between cacao and cocoa. Unless you contacted the producer regarding the temperature used to process the product, or it´s stated already on the website, I would not trust any "raw" label. Another thing would be the cacao butter. What you get in the health shops is yellow butter in the form of nibs or a whole block of butter. But that´s not how real cacao butter looks like. When it´s yellow it has been desodorized/filtered. The real butter is dark like the chocolate itself. Another interesting variety is ceremonial cacao, but that´s another story altogether. Anyhow, im not here to judge, eat whatever you like. I had a look at the bakers chocolate, never got that, not available here and tbh I would never get it in the first place. Something that just states "chocolate" as an ingredient in their 100 percent chocolate product, and the fact which corporation is standing behind it, being non organic as well, would all put me off.

Fascinating information about EMF. I have already bought Shungite pendant with 98% Carbon (12 gm stone). It took me hours to read and then to buy it, but I am happy I completed this task while I have very disturbed sleep and illnesses despite taking almost 75% raw food.

What do you think about Faraday Cage sleeping canopy as protection against EMF?

Firstly I would highly recommend watching if you want to know the different kinds of EMF and how to measure them, save it too, many things are being taken down from yt lately. Yeah, I spent a lot of time researching shungite as well. There is some very interesting stuff concerning this material. Moving into the sphere of energies and understanding them can be very fascinating and helpful at the same time. I have a faraday net over my router, and it does work, although when measuring the frequencies that are still being emitted it´s still too high. But it might work as a sleeping canopy, since you are not emitting the signal yourself. Unless you have strong electric fields and the like under or close to your bed. In that case I would add additional things, not only shungite. There are certain devices that seems to be able to create protecting fields. is a good place to learn more. And again, suck up as much info as you can. Certain groups have been taken down by fb already. Also, magnesium seems to be protective against EMF, and so is Ascoric Acid, so Vitamin C. Maybe that´s why I was craving chocolate so much..who knows.

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: June 16, 2020, 05:05:47 am »
That's cool.Fatty dark chocolate is a new one on me though :)
I mix my coconut milk/cream with raw cacao or cocoa powder(just because i like it).
Taste great,feels good,healthy(in my experience anyway)what else can you ask for? ;)

Note:I was using raw honey for a while with coconut milk/cream,but the fructose was doing a number on me,so I terminated that experiment.

I have to be careful not too eat too much. Sometimes just 2 pieces are enough to give me great focus, clarity and digestion. I guess the caffeine content is one of the main reasons for that, maybe also improved digestion due to the amount of magnesium. Another positive I see is that it´s very soft and easily digestible. If I eat too much I get a headache though. But one major downside of very dark chocolate, especially cocoa powder is that it´s extremely high in oxalates. One suggestion to not absorb too much of an oxalate food is to eat a calcium or/and magnesium rich food with it. But I generally stay away from cocoa powder, which is never raw btw. I prefer 100 % dark fatty chocolate, which consists of cocoa mass (around 50% cacao and 50% fat) + fat only. Another thing to consider is that chocolate is always produced by roasting the beans (that´s how it´s traditionally made anyway). There is one exception of a brand that makes unroasted "raw" chocolate, but thats a super exception.

I would also be careful not to mix honey (high carbs) and fat together, it can cause issues.

I believe I have big issue with Candida, but didn't know that it effects the HCI. But for sure animal fat/olive never helped me.
I do get diarrhoea from coconut oil, but it breaks the constipation for me and I found out that it coconut oil works better for me than animal fat/Olive oil.

Dark Chocolate is an important tip too.

What could be else done against the Candida and about the HCI production?

Candida lowers my HCI since years, took me ages to realize that. But I find that another major culprit, if not the major culprit is EMF. Whenever I´m close to a turned on oven, or close to a turned on cooking top, things go nasty. Wifi and laptops do damage as well. Initially I thought its mold, turns out it´s not. I think people focus too much on only their nutrition, but if you have health issues, that even after dietary changes could not solve, you need to look into EMF, that is magnetic fields, electric fields and radio frequency. I recently bought a good EMF meter and it opened my eyes BIG TIME on how surrounded I am by radiation. It´s crazy how much certain things emit. The difference between normal incandescent light bulbs and led bulbs is huge, aside of the fact that they are fucking up your eyes, and can do some other nasty things as well.

Either way, your question what can be done is vast. I tried a trillion things, and got a bit smarter by the years. First I would say change your diet to eat as much raw foods as possible, especially if you fucked your pancreas with alcohol, with the least anti-nutrient content, that is lectins, PUFAs, oxalates, too much vitamin a and so forth. Some people do better with plant foods some without. That is individual. Some people do great on keto and ZC, some better with more carbs. I think in the end what matters most is eating as much raw as possible. Raw meat, dry aged meat, raw low glycemic, low oxalate fruits including berries, and maybe some fake vegetables that actually are fruits, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers (high in vitamin c), raw corn (good for HCI) seems the more raw bacteria that you indigest, the more it can balance out the candida yeast, even raw fruit seems to work. A keto diet can make candida worst for some people. The more you overload your body with living foods, the more they take over the "bad guys". Candida seems to like feasting on heated carbs, starches and the like. Stay away from foods high in estrogen, candida can feed on that. So out of the window with dairy IMO, regardless if raw.

Second most important I believe is fix the EMF. Get a good EMF meter. I found this video helpful,  go through your place and spot the issues. Sometimes people sleep shit for years until the realize that there are EMF sources above and below them. I think EMF causes an aggrevation and possible die off from candida, so fixing that is priority before you only focus on diet. EMF can also fuck up your thyroid, which is immensely important. Then you need things to protect against it. I´m currently experimenting here, but after doing some digging and self experimentation I realized that shungite is great. Even for enhancing plant growth it can be used. I got a pendant and since using it my mood went from lethal while being in the kitchen to far better. The aggression that candida can cause is incredible, especially in combination with EMF. A tensor ring could work too, so does the qui-pendant. Still experimenting though.

I think the fastest way to heal is go into the woods in a cabin, with zero EMF and eat raw foods. Or go to a real ayahuasca ritual with a indigenous shaman, if you are mentally stable and take no meds. I could suggest a million things that might work against candida and HCI, but I think the above 2 are the most important. Mold can also be an issue for some people.

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: June 15, 2020, 02:53:34 am »
If I am able to juice raw coconut cream, which can sometimes be problematic due to temperature changes (don´t leave the coconut in the sun, then off then on again), or due to an already spoiled coconut (even the best looking coconut can be spoiled inside), or simply because it´s not warm enough outside (heating up in the oven did not really work), I usually consume maybe 2-3 tablespoons of it. Once I juice one or 2 I usually eat that stuff daily. And it ferments quickly. After a week, even if you seal it in a air-tight jar in the fridge, the taste can change and it can get rancid slowly. So sometimes its better to juice one coconut at a time. AV recommended adding lime juice for preservation. I never did that. Alternatively, the solid heated coconut milk fat blocks I consume almost every day, because I recently broke my juicer, so I can´t do the coconut cream, which sucks ass. I usually consume the coconut cream or coconut milk fat with mixed berries, sometimes including ground hazelnut or 100 % dark chocolate with zero additives. If you eat too much of coconut cream/milk you can get diarrhoea, so if you have that already you might want to be careful, if you have constipation that mentioned mix can do wonders, especially when you just drink black tea and coconut milk fat together.

I was looking for an alternative fat option aside of animal fats, because I stopped consuming raw dairy which caused way too many issues. I found my substitute in raw coconut cream and fatty dark chocolate in small amounts. I experienced that animal fats, avocados, olives and nuts sometimes won´t cut it, I think the reason for that is that coconut fat does not need HCI to be digested, so if you have issues with HCI production, for whatever reason (candida, h.pylori...), coconut fat can be your saviour.

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: June 13, 2020, 05:19:27 am »
I remember, you also told us that you also use coconut oil (or crushed coconut). And you wrote that you consider consuming coconut an important step in your diet. May I ask you to please explain us why coconut oil is important? Thanks.

He does not consume coconut oil. And coconut oil is almost never raw, even if store bought, unless you make it yourself. He eats low temp ground coconut butter, because he uses it as his main source of carbs. It´s the only carb food he eats, at least until recently. I tried all methods for consuming coconut..

- just the juice, way too sugary

- the whole piece, very hard to digest due to the fibre, allthough I love eating it

- raw flour from the juiced coconut which is extremely agitating as it´s pure fibre, the worst

- flour you can buy at the store, which had the highest carb content and is ultra processed

- homemade coconut butter with my raw coconut, first I cut it in pieces, put for a couple of seconds in the blender, then leave it on a tray out in the sun for a day, then put it in the blender (not food processor) until it becomes butter, which takes quite a while. I measured the temperature due to the high rotation speed, and it was still considered raw. That contains everything, the fat, the oil but also the fibre, which I found problematic if you have an irritated gut lining.

- homemade coconut butter with store bought shredded coconut, problem here the shreds were processed and heated, but you can make butter out of that quite easily if you put it in a blender.

- raw coconut cream AV style (homemade with slow juicer), incredible taste, not too sugary, contains the raw oil plus the fat, little to no fibre (if you juiced a sun exposed coconut that was out in the sun for a couple of hours).

- store bought coconut cream, processed and too sugary

- coconut milk (UHT) that sometimes becomes a solid piece if the temperature is right. I find that the second best although its heated and processed. Some brands are more buttery then others but if you get a good one its a solid piece of fat, that melts amazingly in warm drinks (its heated already anyway), great against constipation.

The only thing on coconut I didn´t try and won´t bother making is coconut milk and the oil itself. So if you don´t mind the sugary taste, higher carb count and fibre go for homemade or store bought raw coconut butter, if you prefer a less sweeter taste go for raw juiced coconut cream, if you just want the fat, although heated, you can try the solidified coconut milk, and that I only found in cans. shake it and if you don´t hear any liquid it solidified.´s UHT, in a bpa


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