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Messages - actionhero

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Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 27, 2010, 12:24:35 am »
so actionhero, whats your perfect diet day-to-day so far?

There's no such thing as perfect diet, it changes as the body extracts specific nutrients for specific needs. But right now I drink less raw eggs (6-8) and eat more lean meat. Bone marrow I eat twice a week, it's too potent to eat it daily right now. Very fatty ground beef is also often on the menu. Things to try in the near future are brain, liver, fresh blood and high meat.   

So because you think this is happening to you you think it is what happens to everybody? Other people on ZC have posted about chunks of undigested fat in stools etc...

That's their problem, I can only report what I'm going through and noticing on ZC.   

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 26, 2010, 11:58:02 pm »
But maybe I can switch to eating raw honey after the meat instead of eating fruits. Haven't tried that. What do you reckon?

Yes, a little raw honey is better than a meal of fruit. From my experience raw honey & honeycomb will not affect the almost complete digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat & fat, but fruit will. It's an excellent sugar source that will do all the right things without the negatives of fruit fiber & acids. Let us know how you do.

Hot Topics / Re: Merged DR discussions...
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:47:43 pm »
Here's the real truth about DRs B12 levels and why he MUST inject it to stay functional because his vegan nonsense doesn't work, he is Harley:

Remember, Harley completely cuts out anything to do with animal products and relies purely on raw fruit, veggies and nuts.

His results have got Susie really worried: "My biggest concern is that your vitamin B12 is one of the lowest clinical levels we have ever seen!"

Harley's B12 was just 78. That's drastically lower than the normal intake range from 145 to 637 and means our vegan could be susceptible to anaemia, blurry vision and loss of feeling in the hands and feet in the long term.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 26, 2010, 09:14:36 am »
I guess I am a sugar addict. Do you have any advice for me?

You're not a sugar addict, it's how our bodies are programmed to work. If you start your day with fruit your body will stay in sugar burning mode the whole day and you will crave sugar. The trick is to reverse the order and start your day with raw meat or raw eggs and then have fruit later in the day. You will eat much less fruit this way. If you do this for some time you will find yourself not wanting to eat any fruit because it disrupts your zero carb euphoria (read kick-ass energy and mental clarity). It should all happen naturally and not forced. That's how you go from fruit eater to zero carb carnivore. The energy from fruit pales in comparison to the energy you will have from raw animal fat. If someone told me this before the experiment I would not have believed it, but it really is the next level. (Btw it's nothing like nuts or avocado, raw animal fat is a whole different experience)   

Hot Topics / Re: Merged DR discussions...
« on: June 25, 2010, 07:12:15 pm » - 59

That's Dr. Robert Cassar, a former MD who injects himself daily with expensive HGH and claims we can live on superfood powders. Most people who go the superfoods route of powders and stimulants end up worse than SAD eaters. He only recommends these powders because he's been paid by a company to promote their products. He definitely has a impressive physique (see video below) but what you see is the result of steroids and hgh not superfoods. But people see his body and automatically associate it with the products he's promoting.

Hot Topics / Re: Merged DR discussions...
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:52:42 am »
His diet is blended bananas and dates, sugarcane juice and banana chips. He drinks liters of sugarcane juice every day. He can't just eat normal fruit and thrive. He needs 500-1000gr of pure sugar every day to keep the machine running. He spends hours on the toilet, urinating 14-16 times and crapping at least 3 times a day. This is what he goes through just to justify an illusion in his mind that he was not meant to eat animals.

I truly do appreciate the encouragement of this forum, of the people in it. This community is obviously enlightened and much nicer than the jerks i generally end up meeting otherwise in my walks of life. Thank you all for the support and encouragement, truly its a big help and as always, its appreciated.

It's really a reflection of who we have become as a result of this diet. We got so much energy that everyone we come in contact with we try to lift to a higher level of being so they can too experience these levels of health, energy and vitality. If there are disagreements it is mostly to discover what is reality and what is illusion, it's almost never about ego. So enjoy, read, ask and eat your way to health.

Off Topic / Life before death
« on: June 25, 2010, 03:51:06 am »
This a a series of photos of people with a terminal condition months before death and just after death.

A woman says "It’s absurd really. It’s only now that I have cancer that, for the first time ever, I really want to live".

Powerful stuff. Message is clear here, don't wait with living life until it's too late. Enjoy every day and express gratitude that you are alive and share this experience with those around you. Make every day at least one person smile and feel good about themselves. You've got the best diet in the world, so use it to live your life to the fullest and enjoy every damn moment of it.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:14:26 am »
My sex drive is crazy, too! 

*high five*

ZCers really do have more fun!

5. is it worth me getting hold of a copy of Aajonus Vonderplanitz book (or any other book?) on this to help me with questions/ guidance

Yes, get both books and the Primal Diet Workshop DVDs. They are filled with gold. Most of us here don't do raw dairy or vegetable juices but the rest of his stuff is top notch information.   

Hot Topics / Re: Merged DR discussions...
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:35:44 am »
He's half raw paleo.

But he's missing raw meat so that's why he has to inject b12 to stay functional.

Does anyone know what's it like to eat 3000-8000cal from fruit every day?

I do. It's not fun trust me.

You stuff yourself until you feel like a preggo and a couple hours later you're hungry again.

I've been both 80/10/10 and Zero Carb Carnivore. The fruit diet doesn't even come close.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 24, 2010, 03:49:37 am »
Update on ZC. I tried raw bone marrow for the first time this week. As soon as it melted in my mouth I just knew this stuff is extremely good for you. I can only eat very small amounts of it, it is that powerful. My thirst has lessened somewhat even though it is warmer outside. It could be that my body was not yet fully adapted to ZC so things are getting better as it is doing so. That or maybe it was detox/healing but I'm not sure. I can't help but notice that my sex-drive is through the roof. Makes the ladies happy for sure. One girls told me how she is eating only fish, fruit and vegetables. I told her yeah that's cool "I eat raw meat only". Instant deer in the headlights look followed by "are you like a vampire or something?". I bite her neck and we make out. I think it turned her on or something. On ZC I feel like James Bond or the guy from the Most Interesting Man In The World commercial. But at the same time I realize that one day I will grow old and die. If only ZC gave us immortality, how cool would that be?

General Discussion / Re: Raw Gourmet for me
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:10:09 am »
OMG, actionhero, THAT is a lot of eggs!  :o
Intresting to see how you feel continuing this eggdiet.  ;) Do you eat much meat too, then?

Ya, it's my breakfast. I have a 8 raw eggs drink and then 2 hours later another 4 or 8 raw eggs. It keeps me energetic and satiated until the end of the day when I have my raw meat meal.

24 eggs daily for 30 years? Sounds like another ridiculous AV claim. Thats around 1600 calories which means he's getting most likely more than half of his calories from eggs. This doesn't sound reasonable.

He said up to 24, not every day that amount. He also mentions observing thousands who have eaten up to 30 a day for 25 years without problems. I'm not trying to emulate this. I eat them because I find them extremely nourishing at the moment.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Gourmet for me
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:25:59 am »
in the long-term, they can cause various side-effects

Aajonus in his dvds or one of his books mentions that he's had up to 24 raw eggs daily for close to 30 years without any problems. As of now I can't comment on any long-term side-effects but will surely know more in a couple months.

actionhero, do you eat the whole egg?

I do.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Gourmet for me
« on: June 20, 2010, 08:40:47 pm »
Many RPDers find they do better if they either limit raw-egg-intake or cut it out completely.

Many but not all. I drink 12-16 raw eggs daily and they are digested perfectly. When I had fruit in my diet I considered raw eggs a weak food but right now on ZC they are extremely nourishing. It's either the fiber or fruit acids that somehow interfere with optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients. On ZC you become like a nutrient sponge extracting everything possible from raw animal foods. Just providing a different view based on experience.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:59:37 pm »
Raw honey and raw fruit are the most addictive of the RPD foods for me.

From a perspective of increasing your health, energy and vitality are you getting anything out of fruit? Or do you want to be able to eat them because you enjoy doing so even though they might not improve any of the above?

Something I just realized recently is that the less stimulation we have the more our health seems to grow.


Hi Harley, welcome to our forum.

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: June 18, 2010, 07:23:16 pm »
and don't mild nausea, reflux and now sore throat seem like bad signs? Maybe not everyone thrives on raw fruits.

Do you get these symptoms from raw honeycomb too? From my own experiments it wasn't the sugar that was causing less than perfect digestion of raw meat/fat, it was the fiber in fruit. I thought I had perfect digestion on fruit and raw meat but it was only after cutting all fruit out that I noticed a much improved digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat/fat. Then I tried raw honeycomb mixed with raw eggs and it did not upset the perfect digestion. So my guess is it must be the fermentation of fiber - or whatever is happening in there as a result of its presence - that is causing some problems. In my case it's just less optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients but with you it may be the same problem but slightly amplified. Maybe you could try the honeycomb+raw eggs drink to see what happens and if you are able to tolerate sugar better this way. That is, of course, if it sounds appealing to you.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello fellow cavepeoples
« on: June 17, 2010, 07:50:31 am »
Welcome, great to have you here.

Are you eating raw meat?

If not yet, there's a whole new level of awesomeness that you can experience.

Hot Topics / Re: Kills and Eats LIVE CHICKEN - video on youtube
« on: June 17, 2010, 07:35:35 am »
That chicken had the most honorable death possible.

In the hands of the most advanced predator on this spinning rock.

To claim otherwise is not having insight into reality.

There's nothing wrong with that video it's beautiful in every way.

Hot Topics / Re: Kills and Eats LIVE CHICKEN - video on youtube
« on: June 17, 2010, 03:28:48 am »
Carrots? Didn't you just stop being a fruitarian a few weeks ago?

I've hunted and raised animals since I was a boy, whilst you pretend to be an "apex predator" by going out and picking up some supermarket meat.

But thank you for proving my point.

Your relationship with food is broken and very naive. You lack proximity with animals and there for you severely lack respect.

Must be the sugar high from the carrot juice.

Hot Topics / Re: Kills and Eats LIVE CHICKEN - video on youtube
« on: June 16, 2010, 11:27:34 pm »
Honestly? This guy is fool and that video is disgraceful. And all of you who think that was 'cool' should be embarassed.

Sitting in the dark in some silly schoolboy uniform, with some stupid girl sniggering. I just see a disrespectful little boy begging for attention by playing a tough guy.

That chicken was killed for all the wrong reasons.

Go eat some carrots.

Journals / Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« on: June 16, 2010, 07:06:18 am »
Update on the raw honeycomb. From tomorrow I'm back to 100% ZC. I noticed today after very intense exercise that I'm way less energetic compared to when I'm 100% ZC. The honeycomb does take away my thirst but I'm not thriving as I did on ZC. I guess I'll just have to keep drinking water like a horse, there's no way around it. 

I don't know how long you've been eating raw meat but it can take a while to 'experience' raw meat fully. There is a first time you really taste it and it can be weeks after you've already been eating raw meat. Then in an instant something connects inside you and you become like a raw meat vampire. My first time I got goose bumps all over my body. Before that I tried salt, spices, fruit, greens, anything to mask the lack of taste but nothing seemed to help. It was only by exposing myself to that bland taste over and over that I got to taste it for the first time and experience it fully. Truly there is not a more nourishing substance on earth than raw meat.

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