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Messages - kelpguy

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General Discussion / Re: Meat Sources
« on: September 13, 2024, 06:08:52 pm »
Have you any luck with organs?
I am in Frankfurt. Where can I buy FAT? (online?)

have you tried a butcher?
i'm in the filipines and pork fat is abundant in the wet markets.  also, on sundays, it's common for ppl with backyard pigs to set up a roadside table with freshly butchered pigs.

General Discussion / Re: Anybody read these books?
« on: August 29, 2024, 06:46:14 pm »
green papaya juice?  geeezzz...  and i thot beef, salt and water was the cure all.


The HUGE 40,000-Year-Old Paleolithic Site of Kostenki | Ancient Architects

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Pineapples!
« on: September 09, 2023, 06:01:19 pm »
one entire pineapple PER day is quite extreme... if you ate 1/8th of a pineapple per day that would be different

even aajonus recommended a few tablespoons per day with meat to help digestion

why did you eat one entire pineapple per day for years ? what did you hope to achieve ?

that was 20 years ago and i was living in panama at the time and i ate them because i was eating a fruit based diet and local pineapples where cheap, abundant and delicious.  pineapples and bananas, from my farm, were my staples.

it was about that time that started my transition from vegan to low carb.  i've recently started consuming more carbs hoping to find a balanced woe to deal with the heat.

i've been low carb, meat based in the filipines for about 2 years and having trouble with the heat.  the heat never bothered me with a heavy fruit diet; just eat more watermelon. 

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Pineapples!
« on: August 28, 2023, 06:18:46 pm »

i'd be careful with the pineapples; i was eating one a day for a couple of years and wound up with a mouth full of cavities.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:04:43 pm »

thanks guys, nice vid!

Health / Re: Arthritis in my knee
« on: October 26, 2022, 09:14:29 am »

I have severe arthritis in my knee to the point where I can barely walk anymore

If anyone has any experience, and has been able to heal this please let me know

search < dr. ken berry  arthritis > on you tube.

not raw paleo but try beef/butter/eggs for awhile and see how it goes, u can always add paleo foods back in later.

oppsss,i just learned about freeze driers. 

u can dry it with a (low temp?) food drier or in a frost free fridge.

search kelpguy on the forum; i've commented on several posts on my fridge making jerky.  my latest drying experiment was fridge dried, grass feed, filipino 3 bone rib roast for 6 weeks to see if it would improve the flavor; store bought filipino beef isn't aged. it did improve the flavor but not worth the trouble becuz our beef doesn't have much fat in it.

- search drying beef on utube. 
- also, shawn baker has made several posts about his food drier lately. not raw
- several carnivore type u tubers has been promoting mail order jerky; carnivore crisps, probably not raw but...

also,  some travelers eat a lot of eggs.

Journals / Re: Continue Dairy.
« on: September 29, 2022, 06:13:11 pm »
The local butchers do not supply fat trimmings, if butter is no good I'll have to eat tallow.

get some beef belly and mix it in with whatever ur eating.

also, search fatty cuts of beef 

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« on: July 25, 2022, 06:59:26 pm »
Weston filmed a good portion of his visit to my homestead and will be uploading clips over the following weeks.

hey derek and weston, good video, very informative, i enjoyed the finger licking parts <ha...>

i've been aging jerky sized strips of beef at 42 degrees in the bottom drawer of my refer with no problems. i've had a 3''diameter eye of round in the there for 3 weeks and i just put a small rib roast on the drying rack to test a thicker piece of meat.

Primal Diet / Re: Raw non steamed dates
« on: July 17, 2022, 06:51:22 pm »
raw non steamed dates?

if ur in the states, check out the date people. 

Health / Re: I have IBS at 19
« on: July 05, 2022, 05:59:41 pm »
hey libman...
people eating a carnivore diet are having good luck dealing with IBS, even cook fooders. definitely avoid avoid seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetables for starters, u can always add them in later...

check out Dr berry, Revero testimonials  and others on utube.

best wishes...

Health / Re: High Blood Pressure and Kidney health Concern
« on: May 05, 2022, 12:02:28 pm »
i feel i should add a bit to my post:
maybe ur a newbie to animal based diets?
u didn't give us any background on your situation but many health gurus are recommending doing an elimination diet to get to the root cause of your health issues; the carnivore diet seems to be a popular diet to do that.

search both kidney and high blood pressure on dr. berry's you tube site.
here's one of his monday nite live podcasts; he mentions paleo and other animal based diets at 9:15.   

his monday nite podcasts are a good watch!
also scan the ''success podcasts'' on shawn baker's utube site; the success podcast list is on the upper right.

none of the above is raw but should work for raw also.

Health / Re: High Blood Pressure and Kidney health Concern
« on: May 02, 2022, 04:50:50 pm »
Good day!
What raw paleo diet or protocol do you recommend for high blood pressure and kindney health concerns.
Thanks for your answers!

i'd try the carnivore diet (pure) for 30 days and take it from there...

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Electrolyte mix
« on: March 16, 2022, 08:24:26 am »
i've been doing something similar to make a diy LMNT

following the ingredient proportions on a LMNT packet; 1k sodium, 200mg potassium, 60mg magnesium.
i spread the ingredients out on a 1m x 1m sheet of plastic and rolled it back in forth until well mixed, then stored the mix in air tight jars.

i've been adding 1 teaspoon to a 650ml water bottle for drinking and also using the mix as a salt on food.

i was still having leg and hand cramps after using it for a month so i started mixing 1/4 tsp of magnesium powder to a cup of my LMNT drink and i haven't had any cramps since.

also, i was having swollen lower legs (water retention) so as an experiment, i quit all salt/LMNT for 3 weeks and my leg went back to normal.  i maintained taking magnesium during the saltless period and no cramping.  i'm going to start slowly retaking my LMNT and find my limits.

Health / Re: Help with fissure
« on: February 13, 2022, 06:21:49 pm »
I started 100% raw beef a few weeks ago and had issues with constipation and hard stools. 

what about good ol' fashioned enemas?

Is dry-aging the way to achieve what I want?  Or am I just going to be making raw beef jerky?

how thick are the slices ur trying to age?  mine are thin (~3/16''/5mm), it's for snacks.  i don't have any experience with anything thicker than that but i would think much thiker, one 1 for example, would form a crust and slowly dry from the outside in and be difficult to eat.  proper aging requires a combination of proper temperatures and *humidity.*

sabertooth has a post on here about his meat storage fridge that looks to be more what ur looking for.
also, wet aging might work for you.  there's lotsa info on the web on aging meat.  one site i enjoy is the bearded butcher; truly skilled artisan butchers. 

i'm in the bush in the filipines and i get my beef from the slaughter house vender at the local wet market where it's hung in crudely cut up chunks or strips and displayed on hooks, nothing like the plastic wrapped products u see in a supermarket.  works for me; i usually get a chunk of chuck, a heart and some liver and grind it; currently 8kilos chuck, 1 heart (~850g) and 500g liver.  i sometimes add a kidney or two and or a brain.  i was adding fat, which they give me for free, but i've learned that too much fat gives me diarrhea.

i recently found some of my jerky, forgotten, in the freezer, in an open bag and it's too dry but still chewable.  it had been in the fridge for at least 2 months and i wasn't eating it so i moved it to the freezer.  it's at least 6 months old now; it's still a good chew but i wonder about it's nutritional values.  the fat on the slices gets crispy; kinda nice...

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Good Samaritan SOS
« on: December 23, 2021, 11:44:33 am »
I just renewed the 3 year Cleantalk Anti-Spam license

Current license is valid till Dec 22 2024.

Let's see if that does the trick.

tnx GS...

General Discussion / eat like a human
« on: November 18, 2021, 06:05:56 pm »
 an interesting vid; Dr Paul Saladino interviewing Bill Schindler PhD.

How to eat like a human, with Bill Schindler PhD 

searching Schindler on utube will bring up more of his vids.

General Discussion / Re: Raw meat leaders
« on: May 08, 2021, 06:12:49 pm »
examples, plz...

So you mean a plastic bag under the ring and band parts? Doesn't this prevent the jar from actually sealing properly?

sorry i wasn't more clear.  i think a canning jar with a good lid will give you as tight a seal as ur going to get.  you could put a poly bag over the canning jar lid and screw the ring down for insurance but the poly bag itself isn't going to stop the odor.

i'm in the filippines and i use poly bags for recycled jars, canisters, lidded cups, etc. that don't have lids with good seals/gaskets.  for instance, i have a salt jar with a plain lid (no seal) and i lay the side of a thin poly bag over the opening before i put the lid on so there are actually two thicknesses of bag.  it keeps the salt from caking.  also works for herbs/seasonings.

i have a 1liter poly jar with a plain lid that i use to get young coconut juice (buko juice) from a street vender. i put a poly bag under the lid and it keeps the juice from leaking out as long as i keep the container upright (on a motorcycle).  sometimes, i'll float a tomato or something similar in the jar; it helps to keep the juice from sloshing up the sides of the container.  i learned that trick by transporting water in open top barrels with a piece of wood floating on the water but now i'm getting off topic...

Ball/Kerr mason jars should be able to do this right?

Ball/Kerr mason jars should work with proper lids.  to make a good seal, i sometimes put a lite duty poly/produce bag over the jar opening before putting on the lid.  it also works for lids that don't have a seal.

Hot Topics / Re: Thriving and surviving in the 2020s
« on: April 22, 2021, 08:29:11 am »
it must be something in the water

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