/* * Patch for filter_var() */ if(!function_exists('filter_var')){ define('FILTER_VALIDATE_IP', 'ip'); define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV4', 'ipv4'); define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV6', 'ipv6'); define('FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL', 'email'); define('FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE', 'unicode'); function filter_var($variable, $filter, $option = false){ if($filter == 'ip'){ if($option == 'ipv4'){ if(preg_match("/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } if($option == 'ipv6'){ if(preg_match("/\s*(([:.]{0,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){1,8})\s*/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } } if($filter == 'email'){ if($option == 'unicode' || $option == false){ if(preg_match("/\s*(\S*@\S*\.\S*)\s*/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } } } }
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FYI to those talking about eating canned fish: canned fish is cooked to death. I eat some myself, but just thought I'd let you know so you maybe can be spared a cursing by Tyler or some other purist. Interestingly, canned fish is tasting less and less palatable to me the longer I eat mostly raw. It's too bad, because I liked the idea of getting some natural animal calcium from the soft bones.
Do you notice any thing good after eating canned mackerel? Have you eaten fresh mackerel? Do you feel both are equal in benefits?
This question is important for me while I am still unable to go raw Paleo due to social pressure. And also I am really unable to get good quality meat.
You mentioned that you eat canned mackerel. That's cooked.Oh noes! So? I am fine with rare meat as well. I guess I'm a heretic.
Why do you hate the term ZC/Zero Carb??
So you do not eat any non paleo foods/supplements?
Klowcarb has the complete opposite belief about marriage, children, and sexual exclusivity that you believe in.
Women saw men go to work and figured there must be some magic going on there. (jealousy)
Then of course when they got the job they realized it was not all that great. (surprise)
I doubt on a paleo diet if much if any salt would be needed.