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Topics - Nicola

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For those living in the UK Barry Groves will be speaking at the "Westonaprice Festival For Traditional Nutrition" in London on 21st March 2010


Hot Topics / Paleo - just a nother eating disorder?
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:41:52 am »
Matt Stone believes that dieting has made us ill.

So most problems come threw dieting - paleo, low carb...

Some of the answers come from people who believe that Matt Stone has changed their life - thoughts?

I mean if I get to read Yuri's journal and others I kind of wonder if Matt Stone has "got it" and we are missing some thing?


Hot Topics / Supplements
« on: January 28, 2010, 08:00:37 pm »
Tyler mentioned this in one of the threads

The paleonu guy hasn't a clue. Vitamin D for example can be easily gotten from a healthy diet of raw grassfed organ-meats or raw (wildcaught) seafood. processed supplements are a waste of time in the long-term as they compete with other substances and can thereby indirectly cause other nutritional deficiencies.

...well I thought you take supplements because you mentioned taking fishoil?

As for me, I just invested in krilloil

The capsules are make of

fish gelatin, glycerin and water

Should I eat this too? Should I open them (I tryed this but the krilloil is kind of thick and not easy to get out)?

What happens to the gelatin, glycerin - I'm not shore it's a good thing to eat glycerin - that's not paleo...

By the way, krilloil should be kept at room temperature.


Hot Topics / MMS
« on: January 21, 2010, 09:42:37 pm »
Has anybody or does anybody take MMS?

I am going to take some just to see!

This is in German but perhaps you can translate via your computer

Nicola Harrison

Hot Topics / Why Humans Outlive Apes
« on: December 31, 2009, 09:42:43 pm »
Just an interesting read - the thread on "Bananas" made me dig this up...

I hope "New topic" is the right place to post this - if not Tyler will doubtless move it >:


Hot Topics / Plastics component affects intestine
« on: December 17, 2009, 12:15:31 am »
The chemical Bisphenol A used in plastic containers and drinks cans has been shown for the first time to affect the functioning of the intestines...

National Institute of Agronomic Research researchers in Toulouse found the digestive tract of rats react negatively to even low doses of the chemical also called BPA, the Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences journal reported.

Their research, also conducted on human intestine cells, found that the chemical lowered the permeability of the intestines and the immune system's response to digestive inflammation, it said.

BPA is used in the production of polycarbonated plastics and epoxy resins found in baby bottles, plastic containers, the lining of cans used for food and beverages, and in dental sealants.

Over 130 studies over the past decade have linked even low levels of BPA, which can leach from plastics, to serious health problems, breast cancer, obesity and the early onset of puberty, among other disorders.

The French study focuses on the first organ to come in contact with the substance, the intestine.

The researchers orally administered doses of BPA to the rats that were equivalent to about 10 times less than the daily amount considered safe for humans, a statement from the Toulouse institute said.

They saw that BPA reduced the permeability of the instentinal lining through which water and essential minerals enter the body, it said.

They also found that newborn rats exposed to BPA in the uterus and during feeding have a higher risk of developing severe intestinal inflammation in adulthood.

The study "shows the very high sensitivity on the intestine of Bisphenol A and opens news avenues for research" including to define new acceptable thresholds of the substance for humans, the institute said.

In May this year, the six major baby bottle makers in the United States agreed to stop using the chemical.


Hot Topics / Re: Zero-carb trials re well-done meats
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:58:01 pm »
I just have the feeling, that we are all full of shit and I don't know if eating raw, cooked, pemmican or, or, or... will ever give a normal human picture. I notice that both sides raw or cooked end up having cramps, loose bowel is it that people get clogged up and the raw meat makes them go (extra volume, acids?) or is the cooked meat better sitting in the colon but then again those eating raw meat have that sitting and those eating pemmican will have pemmican sitting in the bowels?

It's just a theory of mine, but it just seems to make sense. For instance, I didn't have any cramping at all last week and have been sailing along. Yesterday, there was a chuck roast cooking in the oven. I took it out too early and cut a slice off the edge of it. Unfortunately, I didn't stop with that slice. I got another piece that wasn't quite done yet. I had diarrhea last night, complete with stomach pain. It was swift and severe. And then last night, when I got into bed, I had some toe cramps. This morning, no cramps (even with flexing and standing on tip toes) and no more stomach distress.

Many are eating well cooked meat and believe to digest this better (no bloat, I don't know about the rest at the other end).


Info / News Items / Announcements / Colon
« on: August 04, 2009, 09:19:49 pm »
Have you ever thought of your colon - Goodsamaritan has often mentioned herbalcleansing; well it does not seem to be a good idea!

I got onto this because I am studying a product called "Oxypowder"...

Any thoughts?


Raw Weston Price / Price and Pottenger story
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:44:33 pm »

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Primal Body Primal Mind
« on: May 15, 2009, 07:53:38 pm »
Perhaps this is of interest

Hot Topics / Eat healthy, eat fast food!
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:15:34 am »
This blog will tell you that we have made our body not able to cope with food and the only way to get healthy, loose weight is to eat a lot of food's, just with exception of a few unhealthy ones!

Please have a look at the comments belowe; Bruce K. is the guy who runs the AV-Skeptics Yahoo group. He has been going on about PUFA's and eating low fiber, not mixing this and that...all the time. Well now he is binging on fast food and claims that this is making him healthy (weight loss, no bloating and satisfying elimination)!

So now we know; we are detoxing and ill threw "dieting".

Low-carb's a disaster in general, esp zero-carb and raw paleo. Those diets are the perfect way to screw up your metabolism. My experience &
Matt's and a lot of other people's is that you can lose weight while bingeing on carbs if you do it right. Like once or twice a week eat huge amounts of hamburgers (with the bun and ketchup and everything (pref no mayo). I lost 3-5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I don't keep track closely, I just go by the overall trends (every week or two weeks). The only thing I did differently was going out on weekends and eating like
3-5 burgers (no veggies, just meat, cheese, ketchup, and maybe some pickles). I eat at a different restaurant every week, so I don't get used to the taste.

Just yesterday I ate sausage, egg, and cheese croissant sandwich for breakfast, 5 cheese burgers for lunch, and 4 bacon cheeseburgers for dinner (just water to drink), then a cup of ice cream (Haagen-Dazs) , and an orange before bed. My weight is 3-5 pounds below what it was 2 weeks ago, my digestion is better, my skin is better, my health is
better. I must have eaten at least 2500-3000 Calories just yesterday as my weekly binge-fest. Now I'll go back to my normal diet - meat, dairy, fruit, honey, and the occasional roots, potatoes, and white rice. Cheating and switching it up is the most effective diet, ever. Matt Stone's ideas are making people like Michael Eades, Robert Atkins, Barry
Groves, Jan Kwasniewski, and Richard Bernstein seem more and more ridiculous and wrong. Their dogma that you have to cut carbs is dead wrong. You can eat carbs all day every day if you eat the right ones, and then eat whatever you want one or two days a week, and still be
losing weight, gaining muscle, restoring metabolism to that of a healthy young child, etc.


Hot Topics / Maldigestion
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:30:27 am »
After 2 messages on "Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo" I thought of posting this:


Info / News Items / Announcements / Pemmican - that's it!
« on: February 03, 2009, 01:19:48 am »
This guy, wife and children eat pemmican - that's it!

It's worth following up his messages and any more that he will be posting (I hope)!


Info / News Items / Announcements / Candida - Carbs - Cancer
« on: January 27, 2009, 07:55:54 pm »
Any thoughts  :o

I had a look at his video (Italien/German); sounds very interesting!


Off Topic / Craig
« on: January 21, 2009, 03:44:44 am »
Craig started this forum; why is he a guest?  ???

General Discussion / Hydration
« on: January 21, 2009, 03:41:24 am »
I asked Dr. Groves about "drinking" fruit for water because I found sooo much information against fruit and carbs:

Fruit will certainly provide water to hydrate. But so will eggs (75%
and most other foods. I would avoid fruits because they contain
 fructose -- 
a sugar that has been shown to be the most harmful to health of all the
natural sugars.

General Discussion / Social gathering
« on: December 26, 2008, 09:50:02 pm »
I have just seen my mother&father, brother and sister (with children) at Christmas. They had a "normal" meal; first a little samon with toast, then a little meat, potato, brokkoli and some ice cream for dessert. They are all a normal size so I was looking for any illness that could be coming up...I felt soooo not normal again - me eating like we/you do and them eating "normal". I am not saying that I would like to eat what they are eating but I just know I eat a lot of raw meat and they would not even think of eating raw!

Oh and they didn't move much; my brother is 40 years now and I don't think he does more than go to work (to the office in his car)...

Christmas was a menu for you all too - raw meat and fat?... but what about the other members at the meetup? Are they all unhealthy or is this what will happen if they don't pig out on meat and fat?

I looked at the children and thought; would you eat that and will this just take time for things to bother you and for you to get ill?

Tyler, Lex and others; is your family all ill or have you just been extreme in your life and caused bad health that way. My father and mother have never eaten extreme but they don't eat all that healthy - just home made, 3 meals and very "ladylike".


Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is an autoimmune disease, in which immune cells (T-
lymphocytes) mount an attack on cells of the thyroid gland, which frequently leads to
hypothyroidism1. HT is not only the most prevalent autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD),
but it is also the most common autoimmune disease in the world, with a prevalence of
9,460 per 100,000 people1, affecting more women than men1.

As with other autoimmune diseases, part of the risk of contracting HT is genetic1. It is the
interaction between one's genotype and several environmental factors that results in
autoimmune disease. Although to our knowledge there are no trials investigating the role
of specific diets on HT, several lines of evidence suggest that the Paleo Diet could prove

1. The Paleo Diet doesn't include gluten containing grains, such as wheat, barley, rye and
oats2. This is very important, since these are the main triggers of another autoimmune
disease, called celiac disease (CD)2, 3. CD carries an increased risk for other auto-immune
diseases including ATD3-11, which may be explained by the fact that these conditions
share similar HLA haplotypes (genetic markers)12. The association is so strong that
researchers from Italy concluded that anyone showing evidence of ATD should also be
screened for CD8.

2. By being a grain and legume free diet, the Paleo Diet minimizes the intake of certain
dietary lectins that have been shown to damage intestinal cell walls13. This damage allows
passage of bacterial and dietary proteins (such as yeast and milk proteins, which are also
not part of the Paleo Diet) into the blood stream that should not be allowed there.

These proteins' amino acid sequences resemble amino acid sequences in our body's
organs and tissues13. Immune cells "read" the amino acid sequences on the bacteria and
dietary protein, and may begin to associate similar self-proteins with these foreign
substances, thus attacking both the bacteria or dietary protein and our own tissues13.
Although to our knowledge there are no studies investigating this chain of events in ATD,
studies from other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis13 suggests that this
may also be the case with ATD.

3. The Paleo Diet decreases the Omega 6/Omega 3 ratio, which tends to calm down
inflammation14, 15. The characteristic inflammation of auto-immune diseases typically
aggravates these conditions, including HT1.

4. The Paleo Diet provides a generous amount of various antioxidants16 (such as vitamins
C and E, carotenoids and various phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables) and
nutrients needed for optimal functioning of endogenous antioxidant enzymes (such as
manganese, zinc and copper, needed for the superoxide dismutases to perform their
antioxidant functions, and selenium - Se, which maximizes glutathione peroxidase
activities ). This is important, since oxidative stress is suspected of being involved in

Moreover, selenium deficiency plays an important role in autoimmune thyroid diseases18-
21, such as HT22. In fact, some trials have shown that selenium supplementation in doses
higher than 100 mcg/day decreases serum concentrations of thyroid peroxidase antibody
(a marker of ATD)20. It should be mentioned that selenium deficiency is likely to occur in
CD18, due to malabsorption, which is one of the characteristics of these diseases. Hence
there is one more reason for ATD patients to avoid gluten-containing foods.

Importance of Vitamin D

Another important aspect for ATD patients is optimization of vitamin D status. Vitamin D
insufficiency is a common condition, but was very rare among our hunter-gatherer
ancestors living in Africa, who received sufficient ultraviolet radiation from the sun to
synthesize all the vitamin D3 they needed.

Numerous studies show that vitamin D insufficiency can be involved in the pathogenesis
of autoimmune diseases 23, such as RA, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. As
expected, preliminary research suggests that it may also be involved in HT24,25.

Therefore, it may be worthwhile for anyone with HT or any other autoimmune disease to
measure 25OHD3 in the blood, and to try to get the levels between 30-60 ng/ml (75-150

If you assume that for each 40 IU of vitamin D3, you can increase blood levels of 25OHD3
by 0.28 ng/ml (0.7 nmol/L)26 then you can calculate how much supplemental vitamin D to
take. For instance, if your 25OHD3 level is 19 ng/ml, and you want to reach 33 ng/ml, you
could easily estimate how much Vitamin D3 you'll have to take:

(33-19)x40/0. 28 = 2000 IU

Dietary Recommendations for Hashimoto's

In summary, if you have HT or another autoimmune disease (or if you want to avoid
autoimmune disease in the future), you may benefit from adopting a Paleolithic type diet,
with no grains, dairy, legumes, or yeast containing foods. You may also want to
supplement to get adequate omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and vitamin D3, and those
living in a region of the world where soils are depleted in selenium27-31 may want to
supplement with selenium also. Recent research by Dr. Cordain also suggests that
autoimmune patients may wish to avoid tomatoes and egg whites, which could also be
involved in autoimmunity. Fully referenced reports on these two foods are available in the
How to Treat and Prevent M.S. with Diet program, listed below.

References are available at http://www.ThePaleo v4n22.shtml.

Hot Topics / Raw fat
« on: December 14, 2008, 10:10:03 pm »
I would like to share this with you - it has opend my eyes to how the internet can get hold of our mind; it has happend to me with raw vs. cooked and just makes your mind go off (if you let it)!

Two answers from B. Groves:

Answer Nr. 1

There are actually no studies that 'confirm that animal fats are unhealthy'. The
ones that purport to show this invariably class saturated fats and trans-fats
together. In fact, all naturally-fed animal fats are entirely stable whether
cooked or not.

It is only the highly unstable, polyunsaturated fats, and their trans-fat
cousins, that have even been shown to be harmful, particularly when heated.

AGEs are not produced from heating fats; they are produced only by heating
sugars (hence advanced 'GLYCATION' end products). Glycation = glucose.

Fats only figure in the AGE picture when heated with carbohydrates. Cooking meat
alone, whether fat or lean, does not produce AGEs.

Answer Nr. 2

This is explained at my and But there is one relevant point,
below, I have missed. I'll have to add it on my website.

The relative susceptibility to oxidation of a fatty acid is dependent on the
number of 'double bonds' it has. Fatty acids are not attacked by oxygen at their
double bonds, as I had originally been led to believe, but at the carbon atom
between double bonds.

Saturated fatty acids have no double bonds at all, so they are stable.
Monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid (the major fatty acid in olive
oil and animal fats), have one double bond, so again they are stable. But
polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more double bonds which are generally
three carbons apart. These are not stable.

There is an exception to this, however. In 'conjugated' fatty acids, such as CLA
found in the fat of cattle, sheep, etc, which with two double bonds, is a
polyunsaturated fatty acid, the double bonds are only two carbons apart. With no
central carbon, these are also stable.

I hope that helps.

For me I am shore that many lives are affected to a unhealthy and unsocial way; our body can deal with a lot more than we think - it's just the mind!



Info / News Items / Announcements / Blog "Sacred Self"
« on: November 27, 2008, 05:54:16 am »

General Discussion / Salt is a chemical
« on: October 08, 2008, 06:33:16 pm »
I had been eating salt for a while and now I have not eaten any for 3 day's because I felt that salt was acting up in my system. I asked Dr. Groves about salt and then "the Bear" and this it what I know now...

This is my post to Dr. Groves and his answer:

Hi Mr. Groves

Sorry, I am asking again because I get different answers who ever I ask about salt!!!! I am told that salt is IN any meat:

Meat has the optimal potassium to sodium ratio, about 5:1. Plant
eaters have to add salt to their foods so that this ratio is hit.
When you look in the history of salt you will see that salt was
needed when human started eating big amounts of grains and plants.

Cat and dog owners don't give fresh kill; they get raw meat from the shops...The meat given in the zoo's is not fresh kill...

Even eggs have salt.

You gave your advice to Jimmy More about "zero carb"; well Charles is in grate form on "zero carb" - just meat and water - he stoped using salt because he had cramps in the night. Lex (raw paleo forum) had cramps and has added salt and his cramps have gone (they came again with high fat!!!).

His answer:

They are right that there is salt in meat. But is there enough if the animal has been bled? No other carnivore bleeds its prey before eating it.

I find if I don't add salt, I doc get cramps in the night! So perhaps, people differ in this respect. Or perhaps it depends what the rest of their diet is made up of.

Throughout recorded history, salt has always been highly prized. The word 'salary', meaning our weekly pay, is derived from the word 'salt; Roman soldiers were paid in salt. Admittedly, this was after the agricultural revolution, but it does demonstrate the high regard people had for salt.

No my cat didn't add salt, but she had no need to. If you taste blood, you will find that is salty. But we drain the blood from animals as soon as they are slaughtered. That is why it is necessary to add it.

You are right that Lutz doesn't eat salt. This is because he believes it causes cancer. He hasn 't lived low-carb, however, since he married his present wife, Helen, about 11 years ago. Unfortunately, at 95, Wolfgang is quite frail and has to rely on Helen for everything. She is a type-2 diabetic who won't do what Wolfie or I tell her.


Author: Natural Health & Weight Loss
Co-producer: Your Perfect Weight: Be slim without dieting (DVD / video)

Meat eaters do not need to dose themselves with salt. NO carnivore
ever eats salt. The body can control sodium loss to the point that
the loss per day is measured in micrograms.

My instinct is not to answer your nonsensical questions, as it is
blatantly due entirely to food obsession.

One time and no more, ok? If you are not happy and comfortable
eating this way, give it up.

Food is not something you should obsess about and if you do, eating
will be a chore or a worry- give it up and return to comfort, it is
perhaps better to live a short but happy life than a long and unhappy

Salt is in ALL tissues, the blood is not different in any way.
Animals bleed out when torn apart by a carnivore, very few of which
bother to kill their prey before eating them.

Cooking meat a little like searing, causes the juices to evaporate,
increasing the salt content.

Cramps at noght have NOTHING to do with sodium, the culprit is
magnesium, why somw people get low on this element is not something I
can answer, but it has happened to me from time to time. Eat some
magnesium, even a little epsom salts will do the job.



Info / News Items / Announcements / Don't sit; squatt!
« on: October 07, 2008, 02:36:40 am »
Found this on the AV-Skeptics Yahoo group (message from Bruce, the moderator):

"Your comments reinforce the general misconception
that diverticulosis is caused by a low fiber diet. This
theory arose because the underdeveloped world does
not get diverticulosis (or hemorrhoids or appendicitis
or colon cancer) and gastro-enterologist s couldn't think
of any other explanation.

"I believe I know the correct explanation: they use the
SQUATTING position for elimination. The SITTING
position is completely unnatural for this purpose and
puts a great strain on the sigmoid colon where the
diverticula most often develop.

"In the case of appendicitis, incomplete evacuation of
the cecum is responsible. It is physically impossible to
squeeze the cecum (or the sigmoid) empty in the sitting
position. Colon cancer is also a frequent result of this
incomplete elimination. The residue accumulates and
hardens, exposing the colon to toxic carcinogens.

"You can help people avoid a great many gastrointestinal
problems by recommending squatting. They can learn an
easy way to use this natural method for evacuation at my

I agree with this. You should never sit on a toilet. It's not
only un-sanitary, but it prevents proper elimination. You
should squat over the toilet. Primitive people didn't sit
on modern toilets. The observation that they didn't get
gastro-intestinal diseases does not prove that fiber is
the reason. We can find cultures eating a low-fiber or
zero-fiber diet without modern diseases. They lacked
modern toilets, and other technologies.


Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Exclusive meat eaters
« on: October 04, 2008, 11:54:37 pm »
It's all about insulin; just because raw sounds/is healthy, does not mean eat fruit -X, nuts -d and bolts -v because you CAN eat them raw!!!

Get the right fats and that means ANIMAL fat
Eat animal protein

Charles has opened a thread all about "Not by bread allown" and you can find many other interesting aspects on "meat and water" on this forum.


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