ban's official site:
www.mgmbill.orgJust as female genital mutilation was legal in the U.S. until 1997 FGM ban nationally, the San Fran ban hopes to end sexism in genital mutilation and give boys the same protection girls have under the FGM ban.
The US is the number one circumcising country with the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS. Europe is the least circumcising continent with the least HIV/AIDS incidence. Coinencidence? I think not. The loss of the foreskin's immunological system that fights pathogens has been shown to fight against infection, leading us to believe circumcision INCREASES the risk of infection of STIS, UTIS, HIV/AIDS.
Use a condom and have a quick wash with a splash of water or a towelette or rag or a shower like everyone else cause any part of the body can get dirty like others and be done with your day and keep your baby males and females whole and yourselves too.
And as for the religious part, many religions advocate FGM but the law does not allow the mutilation of girls and the same should exist for boys. For Judaism, Bris Shalom is a Jewish practice without the genital cutting leaving babies whole. Groups like Doctors Opposing Circumcision, The Whole Network, Jews Against Circumcision, Quranic Path aka Muslims Against Circ, Intact America, NORM and NORM UK are celebrating this ban.
Llyod Schofield is still getting signatures for the ban to hit the 2011 San Fran ballot and is almost halfway done. You can add him on facebook. I have been waiting forever for a ban like this and hope it spreads nationally and internationally to many other countries. I've also heard Austrailia banned circumcision which is awesome.
Hope all Paleoers in San Fran sign the petition!