@ Löwenherz,
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;
Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO
For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw
How does this looks to you? Much fat or too little, in comparison to what you do?
For me, that's A LOT of fat. AFAIK one tablespoon are approximetely 15 grams. You mentioned 14 tablespoons + 1 egg yolk. That alone are round about 225 grams of fat. PLUS the beef fat! Your body is definetely a super fat burner. That's very good.
So far, I do better on lower amounts of fat and higher amounts of protein. A good daily intake during ZC weeks for me looks like 200 grams of protein plus 200 grams of fat (no oils for me).
Have you seen an improvemt of your fat digestion capability over time? Or have you been able to digest high amounts of fat immediately from the very beginning of your keto journey? I'm asking because I observe again and again that my fat digestion capability is limited, unfortunately. And I don't know if it's normal at that level. It improves very slowly on strict zc weeks. But fruits totally destroy my fat digestion. One week with higher fruit intake and I have to start at ground zero.