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Messages - Löwenherz

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Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 16, 2013, 06:32:39 pm »
@ Löwenherz,
... I use to make me dried seaweed in a glass jug and drink the water throughout the day. I love this water more than anything!

Good idea! I wil try this too..   :)


Hot Topics / 85 year old fruitarian
« on: February 16, 2013, 06:30:23 pm »
Here is a 85 year fruitarian. He says that his arthritis healed on a fruit diet.

world travelor 85yrs speaks on health and eats durian

Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 16, 2013, 03:23:24 am »

how much water do you drink?

Have you tried snow as a source of water?

I find most mineral waters unpalatable..


Hot Topics / Re: Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery
« on: February 16, 2013, 03:20:11 am »
Gent, I must disappoint you: I know the man who kept the strict RP for more then 10 yrs, the diet a la Lex but every other day!!! (he ate once every other day) He did it after first outbreak of prostate cancer. It was bad surprise when he discovered the big shit again. The doctors saved him this time removing all tumors during two operations. Thus the strict RP diet helps but not 100% bulletproof cure. IMHO, any our experiments must be controlled by standard methods (blood work, x-rays etc)
Health and peace...

Could you please give us some more details?


Greg Ellis talks about the carb loading nonsense and ketogenic diets based on meat + fat:

Glycogen Loading is a Major Dietary Blunder
I really like this slightly aggressive guy. He is 65 years old and has ENERGY!  ;)


Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:27:48 am »
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;

Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO
For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw
For carbs 1 tiny teaspoon raw wild honey and maybe 2 tbsp raspberries from own garden, prefrozen, 2 big glasses of seaweed-smoothie (Wakame).
I am going to have 6 raw oysters right now for dinner, and maybe 150 g cooked mussels too.

Roughly estimated, the above listed foods supply 4.000 to 5.000 calories!!

That's huge. Is this really a typical daily food intake in your diet?

I wonder why you are still so thin with such excessive amounts of calories. For comparison: Angelika Fischer claims that she eats round about 1.500 calories per day on her mixed diet and she has relatively high body fat levels.

I noticed that I need more food/calories on a ZC diet but I think I never exceeded 3.000 calories per day.


Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:16:01 am »
To use fat for fuel instead of CH is absolutely better for longevity!

That's my belief, too, judging from my own body, AS long as we use saturated fats. I'm sure that unsaturated, high pufa fats (even raw) are much more damaging than sugars.

Nonetheless high carb doesn't always mean short lifespan. There are a lot of very old high carb low fat dieters in the media. Think of Charlotte Gerson and others. We can't find many very old and healthy low carbers, at least in the media. One reason may be that most of them eat cooked animal foods. Cooked fats are toxic. I can't eat them anymore..


Hot Topics / Re: Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:04:05 am »
I don't know.  I've thought of Lex's experience, but I can't get the innards that he gets, so I supplement for the missing essential minerals that are not in grass-finished beef from Eastern Ontario with the iodine protocol.

I think that this is working, so far so good, but it also seems to be a very long road I've taken.

How long have you been on a pemmican + supps diet diet?


Hot Topics / Re: Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:02:04 am »
My guess is,  as with others, the taste will come.

After 10 years on a paleo diet?? LOL!


Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:52:27 am »
Löwenherz, how do I know if I have good fat digestion? I dunno. I can eat huge amounts of fat and I feel great after.. My stool does float sometimes. Is that bad?

I would say if you can eat huge amounts of fat without any discomfort your fat digestion is excellent. Floating stools indicate undigested fat. But as long as you don't get diarrhea like fatty stools, I guess there are no problems.

Why do you think that heat shortens our life span? My friends in Sweden are convinced that their saunas are good for rejuvenation.

And what do you think about the theory that a high caloric intake shortens our life span?


General Discussion / Re: Overdosing iodine with natural foods impossible?
« on: February 12, 2013, 12:04:39 am »
I absolutely believe in taking minerals naturally, in food not in supplements if only possible. I guess they absorb better too in their evolutionary package. :)

Yes, that makes sense!

Today I found Wakame seaweeds in an Asian shop. I'm surprised how good they taste to me, much better than all other seaweeds I tried (and threw away) in the past..


Hot Topics / Re: Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:54:56 pm »
Put those two together, and we have the raw zero carbohydrate diet (pemmican) supplemented with the iodine protocol.

Speaking of pemmican...

William, do we really need organ meats in the long run? What do you think? What is your experience?

I could eat these fantastic tasting raw dry aged New York strip loin steaks every single day. The longer I follow a raw paleo diet, the more I dislike the taste of all organs.


Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:40:23 pm »
It never gets cold in Manila.
Does this work the same if I put ice in my bath tub?

Or that would not be right since I live in a tropical climate?

For me it would make much more sense to train HEAT resistance in the tropics instead of cold resistance.


Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:38:18 pm »
@ Löwenherz,
I have no idea what my ratios are.. I do not count. I eat quite much though. I eat very much fat. I can tell what fat I had today;

Reindeer marrow, about 4 tbsp
Grassfed raw butter, 4 tbsp
Raw organic coconut oil 3 tbsp
Raw grassfed beef fat.. a lot! Maybe 200-300 grams?
1 yolk, raw, from own duck
3 tbsp of raw EVOO

For protein I had around (I did not measured but, about..)
200-300 g raw reindeer meat
400 g raw grassfed beef heart
1 duck eggwhite, raw
How does this looks to you? Much fat or too little, in comparison to what you do?

For me, that's A LOT of fat. AFAIK one tablespoon are approximetely 15 grams. You mentioned 14 tablespoons + 1 egg yolk. That alone are round about 225 grams of fat. PLUS the beef fat! Your body is definetely a super fat burner. That's very good.

So far, I do better on lower amounts of fat and higher amounts of protein. A good daily intake during ZC weeks for me looks like 200 grams of protein plus 200 grams of fat (no oils for me).

Have you seen an improvemt of your fat digestion capability over time? Or have you been able to digest high amounts of fat immediately from the very beginning of your keto journey? I'm asking because I observe again and again that my fat digestion capability is limited, unfortunately. And I don't know if it's normal at that level. It improves very slowly on strict zc weeks. But fruits totally destroy my fat digestion. One week with higher fruit intake and I have to start at ground zero.


General Discussion / Overdosing iodine with natural foods impossible?
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:37:50 pm »
The author says that bromines in seaweeds prevent iodine ovderdosis (from seaweeds) in our bodies.

Taken from:

"Seaweed contains both iodine and bromine, which generally means you can't overdose on iodine. The reason is simple: bromine displaces iodine. But when bromine and iodine are present together, it makes for iodine bioavailability, while bakery products high in bromine will displace the iodine. The interesting thing is when bromine and iodine (found in nature) as in seaweed are found together, once the body doesn't need iodine it can easily be removed due to the presence of bromine. I have not seen any case of excess iodine consumption from taking of seaweed, but I have seen quite often excess consumption of iodine when they are added in the salt and taken too much. The reason is nature presents us with many minerals in their respective ratios and their antagonism preventing such an overdose and allowing the body to achieve greater equilibrium. This issue appears to be consuming foods from natural rather than chemical if you fear of any possible overdose."


Health / Re: Cant tolerate the sun/getting burnt
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:27:07 pm »
Sunburn is a symptom of iodine deficiency, shown by the experience with the Iodine Protocol of the palest of the pale, a Norwegian blond during a recent trip to SE Asia.

Another reason are PUFAs in our diet.

My experience: If I eat avocadoes, walnuts (or other highly unsaturated raw vegetarian fats which I consider TOXIC) I get extremely (!) sunburned, even in Germany. Raw beef fat and coconut milk protect my skin against the sun perfectly. Very low PUFA + high sat. fat intake = no sunburn.


Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 11, 2013, 07:18:04 pm »
Inger, thanks for sharing your keto experiences!

When I see this ice water hole...   ufff. You are a tough girl.

What is the fat / protein ratio in your diet round about at average?


Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: January 24, 2013, 05:53:25 am »
Great article! Thanks, William.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: November 19, 2012, 07:53:15 pm »
I've found that many things take months or even years to see all the changes that will result.  I was still seeing changes from my zero carb diet after 2 years or more.

Lex, if you review your zero carb diet from day one. What are the TOP 10 benefits, from your experience?


Here is a rare video with Ron Rosedale about carbs, VLC and thyroid health:

Safe starches? NO THANKS.  :)


General Discussion / Re: Treating PCOS and infertility with ketogenic diets
« on: November 19, 2012, 07:39:13 pm »
Good point.  Also, carbs tend to deplete the body of trace minerals, ..

Yes, especially fruits.

Long-term starch eaters seem to do better than long-term high fruit eaters.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 09, 2012, 12:49:17 am »
Sorry for jumping in the middle of this interesting conversation but I wanted to add few words re daily protein and meat intake. 

Hi zbr5,

what is you favourite source of fat?


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 09, 2012, 12:43:17 am »
@löwenherz - do you know any sources in germany where i can buy grass-fed organ meats and glands? apart from liver i've had no luck so far.

you can find meat selling hunters on this website:

Regarding grass fed beef and organs, look for Galloway and Highland cattle farms. These two breeds are winterproof and often 100% grass-fed:

Schleswig-Holstein is the grass-fed paradise in continental europe:

Look at

and here are some excellent sources:


Hot Topics / Re: Human Planet - Jungles - BCC
« on: November 05, 2012, 01:49:06 am »
Great movie!

I just read an article about the "instincto" guru Guy Claude Burger:

I didn't know that he was already convicted in Switzerland, long before his imprisonment in France.

Here is the Google translation:

Guy-Claude Burger, L'Express revealed that in 1997 the practice appears, from 22 November to rape and sexual assaults on children under 15 years accompanied by death threats
Easter 1986. A devotee of alternative medicine and "alternative", the mother of Martha (1) has a week at the Château de Montramé (Seine-et-Marne) with his three daughters, the famous story of trying to cure instinctothérapie much talked at the time. Eating raw, according to his instincts olfactory to regain form, balance and health: smoking theory Guy-Claude Burger , founder and master of the place of the center - from listed in the parliamentary report on sects in 1995 - promises to cure everything . Not included in the program will do the old guru Martha, age 10, another guinea pig of his own doctrine, the "métapsychanalyse" an apology for pedophilia packed in a pseudoscientific gobbledygook. Revealed by L'Express in 1997, the criminal practices Guy-Claude Burger and his associates - including his eldest son, Christian, on the run since then - they will be worth to appear before the foundation of Melun from 22 November to rape and sexual assaults on children under 15 years accompanied by death threats.

Already convicted in Switzerland and France
Guy-Claude Burger, 67, is not its first appearance. Already convicted in Switzerland four years in prison in 1978 for abusing his own son, Christian, and Maya (1), 9 years in France and sentenced to three months suspended sentence in 1997 for illegal medicine, this character described by the surveys as charismatic personality, perverse, manipulative and amoral devoted his life to his two great battles: the instinctothérapie métapsychanalyse and, according to him only able to address various social ills. In the early 60s that Cellist develops his doctrine food. Summary: Pithecanthropus our ancestor, not only cooking his food, unaware of the disease. The occurrence of fire and its corollary, roast mammoth have plunged humanity in the throes of diseases as diverse as fatal, of which only a return to power "instinctive" could save us. In practice, eat "instincto" is to eat only raw foods - bananas, potatoes or turnips, but also pig kidney or horse fat - methodically sniffed to determine which excites the taste buds, a clear sign that the body claims. This dogma is stupid harmless if AIDS or cancer saw a miracle cure.

In the late 60s, Burger Expands "research" to the sexual instinct. His "métapsychanalyse" dedicated to public obloquy carnal intercourse between heterosexual adults, only good for procreation, and exalts sex between adults and children, a source of cosmic energy. His own children, and those received in the hydrotherapy Swiss farm where Burger gives his teachings suffer assaults pedophile guru, who finds himself in the shade. But his conviction in 1978 did not prevent repeated in 1986, with little Martha, a similar scenario: Princess sacred places, "child of the universe," the elected master, 10 year old girl, Maya lookalike - the little victim Swiss - Burger is subtracted by her mother and blinded clueless. "Check for a course of a week, I finally stayed a year and a half, and then I came back several times," said Martha, who is now 25 years old. This lovely Métis under clear and shrill voice says: "At the time, I was dropped, temperamentally, I had no friends, I hated school. Poor girl For a father and without n 'horizon was all the bars of HLM Nanterre, this castle was the absolute dream. " A twelfth-century mansion, stone blondes like wheat fields that ring its walls, where you can run and play, build huts and roll in the grass. When adults listen to you and believe you, even if it is only to curry favor with the owner.

Soon, the guru puts the child in bed and forced to spend every night with him naked. "When I think about the first time he touched me, he rubbed his cock between my thighs, I feel the same pain that burning sensation that I experienced then. Brewing my body as if a bad fire A home full of garbage. " A Montramé, everyone sleeps with everyone, children and adults involved in dirty rooms. The kids are wandering half-naked, suffering, out of sight of hydrotherapy, insistent caresses some permanent castle. Burger exudes affection and humiliation, Martha covers gifts which she has never dreamed to possess better. He climbed up on a pedestal to better deliver to the jealousy of his own children and his wife neglected - despite the "benefits" of instinctothérapie, she will die of cancer alone, away from the castle in 1994 . He dangled the 10 year old girl the main role of a film that would tell her "romance and adventure" with Maya, the true story that earned him prison in Switzerland. "From the movie, I was a little girl, it was my dream! Could resist? Says Martha. I was torn between this status princess revered by adults and disgust Burger, who became a surrogate father, m ' inspired. however he repeated so much that I had the chance to live how I thought anyway. " Daily, Martha must comply with the sexual whims of the guru: "In the morning he woke me up at 7 am 45. He had an orgasm before I go to school at 8 o'clock."

After a year and a half of this ordeal, Martha pulls the grip Burger - "society, outsiders, it was the absolute enemy" - and enjoy a trip to settle in an aunt. But as a teenager, its not repeatedly bring to Montramé: "You can not help loving the places of her childhood, she sighs. And everything was going so wrong in my life, I was so lonely and unbalanced Montramé that did not seem worse than life in society. " 

When the termination of another resident of the castle, Martha is questioned by the police, at the age of 13 years, Burger has done so much recite his lesson that the case is dismissed. It is this "volte-face" that Mr. Philippe Petillaut , one of the defenders of the guru, intends to use to refute the story of Martha "Burger mind, this is why we want to pay, attack against the lawyer. Yesterday, the medical lobby wanted his skin. Nowadays, the Catholic lobby waving trio infernal cult + guru + pedophilia. Burger What think looks or written, we have not condemn people for it. "

For its part, the lawyer Martha Me Olivier Morice , has obtained for his client a decision of the commission to compensate victims, who believes, on the basis of psychological assessments, the young woman has been a victim rape during his childhood. Remains to convince jurors that Melun Guy-Claude Burger nothing humanist, the good father, the misunderstood genius he claims to be.


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