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Messages - Löwenherz

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    How about you?  Experience or advice for knowing grassfed?

Hi RawZi,

thanks for your tips regarding beef, grass feeding and tripes. Due to extreme reactions it is very important for me to avoid every gram of grain fed meat.

Unfortunately I haven't found a 100% reliable method to distinguish grass fed from grain fed beef. Therefore I don't buy anything anymore in supermarkets or butcher shops. I only buy directly from honest hunters and reliable farmers. Which is problem when travelling. I had to realize that many farmers here in Germany lie when asked about their cattle feeding. Sometimes I got nasty reactions from so called "grass fed beef" and found out later that the suppliers gave me false information. The good thing is that slowly but surely the awareness about the grain-fed disaster is awakening here. Be happy to be in USA with lots of purely grass fed meat everywhere.

Please let me know when you find a good method...


Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:32:01 am »
Where in southern europe you thinking?

It should be a nice place in natural sourroundings that is easily accessible. I have found a wonderful place in Portugal, some kilometres north of Faro Airport in the hills. We have fantastic seafood there and very low prices for food and accommodations. Unfortunately 100% grass fed meat is hardly available and wild meat is scarce.

So, my idea now is to find a better place in southern france, department Aude or Pyrenees Orientales. Next week I will be in Perpignan and hope that some forum members here from France can help me finding good suppliers of high quality animal food... With many airports the region is easily accessible (airport Perpignan, Carcassonne, Beziers and Montpellier...)


Raw Weston Price / Re: Milk and Natural Selection
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:15:24 am »
After my initial raw vegan diet raw milk felt like heaven...

To make a long story as short as possible:

Raw dairy is PURE HELL for my body.

I will never touch it in this life again. For me it's a drug with exceptionally nasty side effects.


Welcoming Committee / Hello RAW-PALEO-WORLD!! Party ON!
« on: February 01, 2011, 01:23:22 am »
Dear Raw-Paleo-Friends,

I'm happy to be a new member of this forum. It's surely the best place for modern hunter gatherers in cyberspace! ;-) I'm 38 years old, male, living in Germany, my favourite food is fatty wild boar from the black forrest. This is my 12th year of raw living. My journey into raw food began in September 1999, inspired by Arnold Ehret and Norman Walker. It was a raw vegan diet and WOW, what an exciting change in my life. All my numerous ailments disappeared quickly. Of course, the raw vegan era didn't last long for me, as most of you can comprehend.

Here are some stages of my raw journey:

- high fat raw vegan
- low fat raw vegan
- fruitarianism
- instincto
- raw version of "natural eating" (Geoff Bond)
- primal diet (Aajonus)
- cooked Atkins and cooked zero carb (a short excursion back into the cooked food world)

Some years ago I had really great email-conversations with TylerDurden. Thank you very much, Geoff!! That was before I followed an raw zero carb beef diet like an idiot in 2007. I got ill like never before, I was near death with heart disease, extremely inflamed gi tract, mental illness etc. I will report about this disaster later. I needed THREE years to recover and still can't believe it myself.

I needed much longer than Tyler to realize that RAW PALEO LOW CARB is the way to go for me. I discarded all my sweet fruity tropical illusionary ideas and projects after they all miserably ended in physical and mental exhaustion in south and south east asia.

Most important for me is to avoid every gram of grain fed meat like the plaque! I have not eaten grains since 1998. My body is now extremely intolerant to any gram of grain and any raw vegan diet is definetely better for me than eating grain fed or grain finished meat.

Some things I have learned in the last years of my raw life:

1. Cooking is indeed bad for my body, even if nearly 7,000,000,000 other people are cooking.

2. Grains and dairy in any form (raw and cooked) are the two major health threats for my body.

3. Plant fats can't substitute animal fats.

4. High fruits consumption is disastrous in the long run. Unfortunately I needed many years to realize this as i was addicted to sweet colorful tropical fruits.

5. Wild animal food is superior.

6. We are all brainwashed regarding health. Bananas, olive oil, whole grains, soy etc. are NOT healthy foods for human beings.

7. The fate of the animals we eat is our own fate.

I still don't know if it is OK in the long-run to eat meat from grass fed domesticated animals or if it is obligatory for perfect health to rely solely on meat from truely wild animals. I'm looking forward to discuss this topic with you.

I am going to organize a RAW PALEO PARTY in southern europe as soon as possible and I hope to see you soon!

Best wishes


that i wonder.

Unfortunately grain fed beef sometimes tastes and smells as good as grass fed beef, especially beef from France, really tricky. Grain fed beef from Germany (for exmaple) is much better because it usually stinks like hell and is therefore easier to identify as hazard.

Not later than 24h after eating I always get the definitive answer:

Grass fed beef makes me happy, self-confident and healthy.

Grain fed beef makes me mentally ill, aggressive, depressive, sleeplessly, MAD
and causes inflammation in my gi tract with cramps and pain.

Since 1998 I strictly avoid all grains like the plaque. It was one of my best decisions in life.
Now my intolerance seems to be maximal.

Grain fed meat is PURE HELL!


Journals / Re: Farm Diaries
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:44:11 pm »
Nice videos!

Do you know the prices for suitable grassland in your area? (buying/renting) I'm just curios, as I am currently comparing land prices in europe for my own farming project...


Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:33:33 pm »
Thanks for sharing your success!

To be honest, for me it was everything else than a success story:

1. I wasn't able to get rid of these worms without pharmaceutical products. I really don't like the pharamceutical industy. It was the first drug I swallowed since 1998. I was disappointed because all the other "natural" parasite killers didn't work. So, I am very interested in your story. I would be happy if you find a non-pharmaceutical remedy.

2. I don't think that tapeworms are benefical for us. In my case digestion was disturbed. And I had the feeling that these tapeworms affected me mentally, too. Since my tapeworm incident I suffer from fructose malabsorption, never had this before. Can't eat watermelon, apples and other high fructose any more, although, this could be a good thing, too. Maybe the drug caused my fructose intolerance!?

3. I still don't know what to think about parasites. And this means that I'm not sure if it isn't more intelligent to cook meat. I don't like this uncertainty! Beef tapeworms are harmless. But what's about tapeworms from wild boar?? They seem to be completely unfunny.

Here are some interesting thougths about parasites:

Does anybody know if the author is a member of this forum?

Best wishes


Health / Re: No pain no gain?? To detox or not to detox...
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:04:44 pm »
  Err, GS is called "Edwin" by his first name. "TylerDurden"(ie "me") is called "Geoff" by first name. I usually eat something like 3-4 raw fruits like 3-4 aw oranges per day on average. But this means nothing since I vary this amount all the time, due to circumstances, and have some days in which I eat no raw carbs at all.

Hi Tyler,

do you eat any other plant food beside fruit? E.g. salads, Vegetables..?

Aajonus believes that raw vegetables/salads hamper meat digestion. Would you agree with this statement?
He also thinks that fruits are detrimental to digestion of animal food. But my observation is that small amounts of fruits improve meat digestion in my system. Although, I had to learn it the hard way that high amounts of fruit are extremely damaging in the long run (skin, joints etc.). In the case of salads/vegetables I'm not sure about the effects.


Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: January 28, 2011, 07:11:56 pm »
Hi GoodSamaritan,

some years ago I got tapeworms on a raw vlc/zc beef diet.

I wasn't able to get rid off them 'naturally' that means by foods like papaya, carrots, coconut etc. Nothing helped. However I didn't try as many 'weapons' like you.

I then used NICLOSAMIDE and within three days the horror was over.

Please keep us informed! It is very interesting to know whether non-pharmaceutical options can work.

Good luck!

Health / Re: No pain no gain?? To detox or not to detox...
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:50:17 pm »
Geoff, what have been the reasons for you to quit long-term VLC?

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