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Messages - Löwenherz

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General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 03, 2012, 04:08:53 pm »
"Rohkost" doesn't even have to be 100% raw vegan, as a minority  include raw eggs and raw dairy within that term.

That's true, of course. I said that "Rohkost" is vegan in MOST cases. The whole vegan scene thrives on newcomers.. A very unreliable business model. tsss.

As for "unfairly", I do not view being deprived of sunlight and good food as being part of a prison-sentence. Being locked up is one thing, but other stuff designed to kill you off at an earlier age is not acceptable.



General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With The Primal Diet and Paleo Diet
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:56:57 pm »
The point is that they ate their meats cooked. The raw dairy intake did not change the fact that they got atherosclerosis.

I'm always very skeptical about dairy in all forms. I wouldn't be surprised if also raw dairy causes atherosclerosis.

Inuits and Masai seem to get all atherosclerosis. But don't forget that they never suffered from heart diseases on their traditional diets, according to various reports, despite atherosclerosis. Some authors believe that atherosclerosis could be a "normal" part of aging. (I don't like this thesis.)


General Discussion / Re: What's Wrong With The Primal Diet and Paleo Diet
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:49:46 pm »
The Masai do indeed have a strong atherosclerosis tendency  given their intake of cooked animal foods and raw dairy:-

It's not the saturated fat per se which is the problem, it is that cooking saturated fats creates a high amount of heat-created toxins, such as advanced glycation end products, which then cause atherosclerosis and a 100 other health-problems.
The Masai have eaten their dairy and meats cooked?

In most articles I have read it's reported that they have eaten a raw diet, at least all their dairy.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:45:28 pm »
I like hearing of other people's general impressions and central nervous system health is the prime reason I have turned towards raw paleo.
Dorothy, if you are interested in central nervous system health the books and articles about ketogenic diets from neurofeedback specialist Nora Gedgaudas could be an very interesting read for you.

"Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life":


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:34:34 pm »
LWZ is talking nonsense. "Rohkost" is often routinely confused with "Instinkto", both online and offline.

Tyler, I don't know where you live and where you got such false impressions. In Germany, in most cases "Rohkost" stands for vegan raw foodism. In the last two decades the scene was heavily influenced by two authors, Helmut Wandmaker and Franz Konz, both vegan. Beside them, in the years 1998 - 2004 the books of Norman Walker were found in the shelves of every german bookstore. Organisations like BFG e.V.  (the biggest one) are strongly and hysterically against the consumption of any animal food.

*What  truly amazed me was one  recent photo Iguana showed of GCB, in which GCB noticeably looked much younger than Aajonus despite being much older than him, and having had to, unfairly,  suffer a prison-sentence a while back wherein, presumably, he was forced to eat cooked rubbish.

What do you mean with "unfairly"?


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 03, 2012, 03:22:33 pm »
Fair enough. Can I ask at least approximately how many people or percentage of the people doing instincto that you met had mental problems and of what kind? I take such claims and observations seriously as it was what I noticed about the low fat vegans in general that I had contact with that made me stop and think deeply on that approach - and then even to re-think veganism itself even though it did not seem to have the same negative effects on me. I like hearing of other people's general impressions and central nervous system health is the prime reason I have turned towards raw paleo.

Nearly all of them showed signs of heavy mood disorders. For example: Many felt euphoric for a short time after they ate a huge pile of (overbred) Thai durian. They called it "himmlische Phase" (a translation could be "divine pleasure"). Their guru provided them with many such curious phrases. Half a day later these people were not seldom depressed and introverted. Beside teeth problems, digestive troubles, especially with fats, were common. Aajonus Vonderplanitz has written about this problem in his two books. He observed that high amounts of fruit sugar impairs our digestion of proteins and fats. Nearly all "instinctos" I have seen were very emaciated. They felt a deep disharmony in their life and usually thought that we are actually fruit eating apes from the tropics. The "instinctos" I met in Sri Lanka all ate huge amounts of sugary fruits and got massive health problems like staph infections.

A major topic in the"instincto" movement were the sexual teaching and practice (sex with children) of their guru and some of his followers. Many were skeptical but didn't want to talk about it.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:45:37 am »
Lowenherz - in an above post you said that Instinctos suffer from "massive mental problems". That's a big accusation to make - can you back that up with proof or at least some examples - anything?

Of course Dorothy. But the names of the people would be of no use for you. You would have to ask them personally. All of them realized after some time that they have to drastically, non-instinctively cut back the amount of fruit sugar and seeds in their diet to avoid problems, more and more the older they became.

BTW: In Germany the "instincto" - movement is long dead. And vegan raw foodism, called "Rohkost", was never confused with "instincto" here, as Tyler thought.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:35:23 am »
Iguana, you are a nice guy. I would like to emphasize that my harsh "instincto" criticism is certainly not meant personally in any way.

BUT the word "instincto" always reminds me of the most absurd (!) scenes, regarding nutrition, lifestyle and social behaviour, I have ever seen. Really. Highlights in this regard were my visits at Montramé in France many years ago.

In my view, your "instincto" diet is working for you (if it is) because you are not eating really "instinctively". How could it ever be instinctive to wait x minutes after eating food from group A before eating food from group B? As an example from your practice. I remember very well how all "instinctos" I met tried to apply an immense number of "absolutely necessary" defacto non-instinctive "instincto"-rules like food combining, eating cassia every morning to "detox", certain times for drinking, sniffing at countless foods from countless origins at fixed (!) times during the day, forced eating of animal foods if only fruit is smelling good for x days etc. They all failed.

So, I stop talking about "instincto" now.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:23:39 am »

why did you cut coconut out?
What are your fat sources now?
Do you consume any plant food at all at the moment?

Hi Elefant,

I have the feeling that animal fats are better on strict ketogenic diets. And I like it to eat 100% locally. Fats come mainly from beef and wild boar.

At the moment I eat no plant foods.. Organs are very important.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:10:18 am »
So, then low sugar vegetables are ok, but…  Where is the limit between low sugar and high sugar?

Carb intake on ketogenic diets lies usually between zero and 80 grams per day, dependant on the types of fats that are used. MCTs lead to higher ketone levels.

For your info, the “instincto” is not “sugar based”.

Defacto it is,
at least in all cases I have seen in Germany and France.

You must be talking about vegetarians or almost vegetarians calling themselves ”instinctos”.


Still go tacking in search of your way from the greatest thing on Earth to another opposed greatest thing? Ok, please let us know your results when you’ll have some years of steady experimenting consistently on the same diet, without always changing your ideas and practice.

Take it easy, Iguana.

I'm on a raw low carb diet for many years.

What I'm doing is finetuning this diet between ZC and low carb. Ketosis brings some amazing benefits.

Obviously you are unable to discuss anything beside your inctincto religion which is based on nonsense and ignorance in many regards. For example, it's very naive to believe that our body shows reliable instinctive feedback signals when we eat artificial foods that have never been part of human nutrition, overbred fructose bombs like apples and pears for example. If you feel such "instinctive stop" at all you have already eaten way too much of this damaging substance. Fructose is addictive and it's 20-30 times more glycating than glucose. And it's a particularly bad idea to eat overbred, tropical high sugar fruits frequently during winter times in northern countries. This was common practice amongst "instinctos" and the primary cause of their health troubles, including massive mental problems, besides "instinctive" overconsumption of nuts and seeds. Complete ignorance of the science about fructose, glycation, w6 fats, our dietary past and ketogenic diets is another principal characteristic of the instincto drivel.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 29, 2012, 08:21:44 pm »
After c. 3 weeks of going ketogenic, I swiftly deteriorate and get brain-fog, anxiety, heart-palpitations, and severely weakened teeth, and feel constantly massively dehydrated yet no amount of water consumption gets rid of the  feeling of dehydration. Soon I have to give up and go back to raw omnivore  or face imminent hospitalisation. Everyone is different, I guess. I wish I could go ketogenic permanently as it would lower the cost of my food dramatically.

Very interesting. It sounds like symptoms of a keto-acidosis, which diabetics can get.

You say that you have to go back to raw omnivore after a few weeks. Would vegetables be sufficient or do you need fruit sugar in such cases?

In my case I always get heart palpitations, a dry mouth, weakness and nervousness in the first two weeks. Thereafter these symptoms disappear, but only if I eat folate rich foods like liver on a frequent basis. Folates could be only one identified of several involved nutrients. Zero Carb diets based on muscle meats only never worked for me. They never sounded convincing to me, but I tried it out of curiosity and due to my taste preferences to steaks.

In your case, I would try to find out the underlying issues, if you are interested in a long-term ketogenic lifestyle. Measuring levels of blood sugar and ketones could be helpful..


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 29, 2012, 08:07:43 pm »
Anyway, didn’t Inuits eat seaweeds and also eagerly eat greens whenever they were lucky enough to find some?
Moreover, they all eat some cooked food, so we can neither take them as an example of 100% raw eaters nor match up their case with ours.

Iguana, ketosis is a metabolic state that is very different from "normal" sugar metabolism. It has principally nothing to do with plant free diets or debates about raw vs. cooked food. On a ketogenic high fat diet you can eat as much nuts and low sugar vegetables as you want without leaving ketosis. Even vegan diets can be ketogenic, raw or cooked. The key point here is sugar.

It seems to be your mission to tell everyone here every day that the sugar based "instincto" idea is the Holy Grail. I could talk hours about "instinctos" in Germany and how they completely ruined their physical and mental health. Emaciation, depressions, blood sugar problems, fruit sugar addictions and isolation were common. I have seen eight year old "instincto" children with a mouth full of cavities and countless other absurdities.

After many years I stopped eating fruit sugar because I noticed that it damages my body at an increasing rate. I will continue my ketogenic diet that is very similar to Lex's diet and will report about the results here from time to time. BTW: I don't eat coconuts anymore.

Most people here have never experienced the effects of a keto adaptation. Furthermore it's very difficult to get rid of our sugar addictions. That makes it even more difficult to discuss ketogenic diets.

Best wishes


General Discussion / Treating PCOS and infertility with ketogenic diets
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:01:49 pm »
Here is another interview with fertility specialist Dr Michael D. Fox from Jacksonville:

How to Eat to Get Pregnant
He recommends zero carb diets to his patients, "zero carb is the purest metabolic state".

The website of his clinic:


General Discussion / Re: Synthetic vitamin C causes atherosclerosis
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:52:33 pm »
I am still taking vit c. I haven't been able to come off without getting quite ill.

Which symptoms do you get?


Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:48:16 pm »
I've had flaky patches of skin and brown age spots on my hands, face and thighs have proliferated as I've gotten older, especially in the past 15 years or so.

I always get brown age spots quickly, especially on my face and arms, when I eat cooked fats or rancid raw fats like olive oil...
Unfortunately even raw frozen animal fats seem to be bad in this regard, but not as bad as cooked fats. Raw and fresh is always the best choice.

I guess that long-term cooked paleo dieter get much more age spots than long-term raw paleo dieter.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:39:17 pm »
An idea with seaweeds.   Most, except some of the softer varieties are very difficult to digest, unless prolonged cooking is used.

Do we really need seaweeds? Can't we get enough iodine from raw seafood that is easy to digest?

Somehow my body tells me that seaweed is no real food, but shrimps are perfect..


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:34:25 pm »
With the ones I've already planted, I've used some sort of  high-tech nutrient-rich substance provided by the shop and watered extensively, but that's all so far.

That's completely wrong. If these trees are too weak, let them die.
Nutrient-rich substances and extensive watering in the first months makes trees addicted and weak for their whole life.

If your goal is just to harvest as much fruit as possible, it's another thing.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:23:30 pm »
I don’t know. Is there anyone having successfully experimented a “ketogenic diet” over several decades  ? Have newborns been grownup into very healthy adults with a strict 100% ketogenic diet ?

Judging from my own experiences and the reports of countless ketogenic dieters I strongly believe that the ketogenic state is the normal operating mode of human bodies. The advantages over sugar metabolism are overwhelming. But the process of keto adaptation takes time and can be very hard. One of many really fascinating things, for example, is the lack of lactic acid in ketosis. Sporting activities become a completely new experience. Many people suffer from receding gums, caused by grains and fruits. In deep ketosis the gums grow back! Most dentists still believe that this is impossible. Most people on ketogenic diets sleep much better. Levels of concentration are higher, stable blood sugar levels, no spikes, no mood swings, much higher fertility. etc. In short, for me, we have enough evidence that a state of ketosis is very benefical for us.

And yes, there have been a lot of indigenous people over the world who "lived off the fat of the land". What a nice english phrase. Eskimos had caribou fat, some Canadians candle fish fat, Norh American Indians buffalo fat, South American Gauchos beef fat, many Africans elephant fat, Masai dairy fat, Aborigines emu fat etc. They all praised the fats. High fat, low carb means ketosis.


Off Topic / Re: Andreas Moritz is dead
« on: October 27, 2012, 09:31:33 pm »
He died at age 58..


Off Topic / Andreas Moritz is dead
« on: October 27, 2012, 09:22:19 pm »
The well known vegetarian Andreas Moritz is dead:

He has written many books about diet and health. He recommended a diet based on carbs + fats, thought that animal protein causes cancer and heart disease and spreaded nonsense like his liver flush and liver stones theories. Nevertheless, I found some of his articles very interesting and inspiring.

It's sad and shocking that he died so young. He always looked very healthy. As far as I know he was round about 60 years old.

Does anybody know the cause of his death?

Death of Popular Health Author Andreas Moritz
Ironically, Andreas made a video 'Death Is A Limitless and Beautiful Experience' not long ago:

Death Is A Limitless and Beautiful Experience

General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:47:41 am »
Is he a raw-meat guru like Aajonus or more like Dr Mercola?

Not at all! He seems to be a "normal" human being,  a motivated physician in private practice. We definitely need more such courageous people!


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:43:41 am »
Well, my own ketogenic diet experiment ultimately was a disaster. And some others here also found it to be a problem.

Any info on this Dr Klaus Hoffmann? A website or whatever? Is he a raw-meat guru like Aajonus or more like Dr Mercola? I see that he recommends Africans to eat raw fruits as they are supposedly more adapted to them, but recommends Europeans not to.

Ketogenic does not necessarily mean Zero Carb or animal food only..

My impression was and is that your diet is ketogenic according to the low amounts of fruits you mention in your reports. It all depends on the sugar and fat intake. High fat, very low sugar lets the liver make ketones.

BTW: My own zero carb zero plant food dietary experiments were not fully satisfying in the long-run despite some tremendous healing effects. I always got very irritable and nervous after some days or weeks. But recently I identified missing nutrients as a causative factor in my case. Folates seem to be very important. As long as I eat raw liver on a frequent basis (small amounts are sufficient) or drink dark green juices as a suboptimal source, my zero carb Lex Rooker style dietary experiments are working very well with strong benefits. Due to my taste preferences I always tend to eat too much muscle meat and not enough sea foods and organ meats. I could eat New York strip steaks every day for ever.

I have read a book from Dr Klaus Hoffmann many years ago, I can't remember the title. As fas as I know he has no website. I will try to contact him personally next week. Yesterday I read somewhere that he retired recently, unfortunately. As far as I know he never investigated the effects of ketogenic diets. I just mentionend him regarding raw meat eating.


General Discussion / Synthetic vitamin C causes atherosclerosis
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:03:26 am »
I never understood how people can trust artificial products like vitamin pills.

Here is a nice article about synthetic vitamins:

Among other things, the author of the article mentions three studies about synthetic vitamin C:

1998: A British study found that 500 mg of synthetic C promoted free radical damage of DNA; the opposite of the findings with whole food vitamin C, a natural anti-oxidant.

2000: Reuters Health reports a study on men who took 500 mg of synthetic vitamin C daily. Over an 18-month period, they had a 250% increase in the thickness of the inner lining of the carotid artery, a measurement for the progression of atherosclerosis. That is, synthetic vitamin C induced atherosclerosis, even at .5 grams/day. Whole food vitamin C protects and repairs the inner lining of blood vessels and is a preventative against atherosclerosis.

2003: A study of men taking 500 mg of synthetic Vitamin C daily found that, over an 18 month period, they had a 250% increase in the inner lining of the carotid artery. This thickening is a measurement of the progression of atherosclerosis. In other words, synthetic Vitamin C induced atherosclerosis even at a dose of 500 mg per day.


Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 26, 2012, 11:49:25 pm »
Vitamin D has a significant role there is no doubt. But when we take D naturally from sun, it is divine. It has more usefullness than the man made one.

I fully agree. I would never trust artificial supplement products of any kind.


General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: October 26, 2012, 11:43:46 pm »
One thing our forum lacks is a lot of touch, feel, see, hear and taste and rubbing elbow to elbow so we can learn better from one another.  But yeah, discussions like this are very educational.

For most people, food is always a highly emotional topic . Food seems to touch our deep interior.

You are right, a personal conversation is always much better than just words on a computer display.

We should think about a raw paleo meeting again.


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