I don’t know. Is there anyone having successfully experimented a “ketogenic diet” over several decades ? Have newborns been grownup into very healthy adults with a strict 100% ketogenic diet ?
Judging from my own experiences and the reports of countless ketogenic dieters I strongly believe that the ketogenic state is the normal operating mode of human bodies. The advantages over sugar metabolism are overwhelming. But the process of keto adaptation takes time and can be very hard. One of many really fascinating things, for example, is the lack of lactic acid in ketosis. Sporting activities become a completely new experience. Many people suffer from receding gums, caused by grains and fruits. In deep ketosis the gums grow back! Most dentists still believe that this is impossible. Most people on ketogenic diets sleep much better. Levels of concentration are higher, stable blood sugar levels, no spikes, no mood swings, much higher fertility. etc. In short, for me, we have enough evidence that a state of ketosis is very benefical for us.
And yes, there have been a lot of indigenous people over the world who "lived off the fat of the land". What a nice english phrase. Eskimos had caribou fat, some Canadians candle fish fat, Norh American Indians buffalo fat, South American Gauchos beef fat, many Africans elephant fat, Masai dairy fat, Aborigines emu fat etc. They all praised the fats. High fat, low carb means ketosis.