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Re: Vaccination - Discuss CHICKEN POX... In comics!
« Reply #100 on: February 13, 2015, 09:26:32 am »
Chicken pox is a mere inconvenience worthy of COMICS!

Nobody is scared of chicken pox.  It makes for good laughs!

But now they introduce it to vaccines in MMRV...

... they add the V for varicela to allegedly vaccinate you from chicken pox!

Another unnecessary vaccine where there is NO DEMAND in the first place.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 09:39:47 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #101 on: February 13, 2015, 09:45:29 am »
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

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Re: Vaccination - POLIO Bill Gates Depopulation, 48000 children paralysed
« Reply #102 on: February 13, 2015, 11:10:35 am »
Would you trust your children with Bill Gates sponsored Polio Vaccines?

Unfortunately 48,000 children were paralysed for their trust

In depth discussion

Bill Gates Surprised by Eugenics Question
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Re: Vaccination - POLIO sv 40 from monkeys causing epidemic of CANCER
« Reply #103 on: February 13, 2015, 11:13:14 am »
Uploaded on Apr 18, 2011

In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations. He admits that Merck drug company vaccines (Polio) had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus from 1953 - 63.

For years, researchers suggested that millions of vials of polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals which caused human tumors, and by 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections were showing up in children born after 1982. Some experts now suggest the virus may have remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999.

In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. And there is the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner, as revealed in the video.

At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population, but this shocking video proves that it was deliberately added to the vaccine by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, which was "good science" at that time.

Just Who is Dr. Maurice Hilleman? Chief of Merck Vaccines Research

Now, for those of you who may think Dr. Hilleman was just another crackpot (he passed away in 2005), think again. He was, and still is, the leading vaccine pioneer in the history of vaccines. He developed more than three dozen vaccines—more than any other scientist in history—and was the developer of Merck's vaccine program.

He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization.

When he was chief of the Department of Respiratory Diseases with what's now the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, he discovered the genetic changes that occur when the influenza virus mutates, known as shift and drift. He was also one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.So Dr. Hilleman knew what he was talking about. And in his own words, "vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century."

Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer-causing virus to Vaccine
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Re: Vaccination - POLIO sv 40 caused epidemic of CANCER + AutoImmune crap
« Reply #104 on: February 13, 2015, 11:18:24 am »
The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have Viruses

Published on Dec 27, 2012
As they say, the proof is in the pudding ! Well done Dr. Tent, now to get the world to come together and stop this madness.

The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have Viruses

In this video see the history of POLIO and the sv 40 virus and the CANCER Epidemic afterwards.

And a host of people CURED by this doctor after getting rid of the viruses they got from their vaccines.

TRUST... there has been so much misplaced TRUST in these mega companies and their philanthropist backers.
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Re: Vaccination - Why I REJECTED the POLIO Vaccine
« Reply #105 on: February 13, 2015, 11:24:37 am »
In 2003 when I started doing my research, I had read and asked around that there were no longer WILD polio illnesses going around.

That the only people who got polio acquired it from their POLIO vaccines... something like BAD BATCHES... or quality control problems.

So I weighed the risks of getting polio from the WILD (none)


The risk of getting polio from vaccines (yes there is)

What is a responsible logical father to choose then?
Owing to my logical mathematical deduction, I chose to NOT give POLIO vaccines any more to my children.

But what about the success of Polio vaccines in the PAST?

Well that is past history.  I have to make decisions for my children in 2003 and beyond.
And in 2003 - 2015... there are no longer WILD polio viruses going around infecting people.
So this is how my logic goes.

Your logic may lie elsewhere so do discuss your decision making here.
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Re: Vaccination - Why I now reject the TB vaccine / BCG vaccine
« Reply #106 on: February 13, 2015, 11:38:48 am »
INFO on the BCG Vaccine:

In the Philippines TB aka Tuberculosis is a big deal, it used to be a death sentence, even famous Filipinos in the past died of TB, even a past President died in office of TB.

For children it is called Primary Complex.

The standard medical treatment of TB is a government sponsored TRIO of drugs you give for 6 months to TB patients.  My employee did this to his son.  His son was vaccinated for TB.  Yet his son still got TB.

As my first born son was vaccinated to TB, yet he still got TB.

But as with my son, his treatment was different because I was already a raw paleo dieter at this time.
So I treated my son with combined Beam Ray sessions + Raw Paleo Diet of mostly raw beef + raw beef muscle plasma blood daily (1/2 cup a day) + sunlight... for 2 months.
He got well in only 2 months drug free, faster, no side effects.
And very easy.
I merely combined pre-antibiotic treatment advice + rife technology

So what had this taught me?

TB is mostly malnutrition (as I read from research of Philippine history and Pre Antibiotic Era Medical Books).
That nutrition + rife works splendidly well.
That raw paleo diet for children is doable.

That the TB vaccine did not work for my child and my employee's child.

Cush 3rd Beam Ray Session for Tuberculosis

Actual video in 2009 of my actual child, and the actual beam ray machine, and our raw beef lunch.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 07:52:23 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #107 on: February 13, 2015, 02:12:23 pm »
I saw the possible side effects in a colleges daughter who was severely mentally and physically disabled from a vaccination, this was quite off putting so my wife and I didn't vaccinate our children. They are healthy and haven't visited a doctor for many years.  As GS says this may be due to reasonably good nutrition (a modern diet which includes animal products and fats, raw fruits and veges, as well as grains and a limited amount of sugar, with soda and bottled juice only occasionally) and they don't overeat which must help a lot, possibly because they grew up in a free school system and didn't develop the tendency to overeat that my brother and I began growing up for some reason.

There seems to be a lot of evidence available, if you look behind MSM, that people who have been vaccinated have more health problems than those that have not been vaccinated. For example:

There is also evidence that the monkeys used to develop many vaccines were previously used in the CIA efforts to develop biological assassination (they say the plan was to inject Castro with a modified virus and then expose him to radiation exposure to kill him - look up Dr Marys Monkey, there is an amazing youtube video about it, with Lee Harvey Oswald as the doctors body guard, both of who were later eliminated).

It is possible that vaccination may be useful in some situations, but do we really trust the money powers who are making billions of dollars from over prescribing, and will make billions more if people get sicker, to make the best choices for us?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 02:39:15 pm by Alive »

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #108 on: February 13, 2015, 07:25:25 pm »
Maybe if those who disagreed with me bothered to take the time to use correct spelling and grammar, their wild claims would get more respect.

But feel free to keep madly typing away, cluttering the forum with long, misspelled posts that no one will read.  Meanwhile, my trademark succinct style will actually be read. LOL

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #109 on: February 13, 2015, 10:32:02 pm »
Cherimoya, you are an intelligent guy but do you really think being a cocky douchebag is necessary?  Honestly, it just makes you seem immature, arrogant and egotistical.  It does nothing to further your point.

I just want to thank sabortooth and GS for giving me faith that not everyone is so totally insecure and so easily ruled by fear that they can see clearly that we are being willfully poisoned and exterminated when we agree to vaccinations.  I think this is the case anytime we agree to participate in most any part of the system and our current, global overculutre.  The rest of you are sad, scared and misguided.  The fact you don't understand self governance makes me cringe, you are so easy to give up your power and allow the government to make you sick, either by putting the fear in you mentally or putting the poison in you physically.  Death is a necessary part of life, buck up and realize that, because we have chosen an unsustainable way to live upon the earth, we are going to have to change our ways (which could be positive like limiting travle and wirking on local sustainability, or negative like continuing to live wasteful unhealthy lives and relying on pharmacuticles) and/or people are going to have to die, and it's not a tragedy, it's nature.  Id rather the here culled to bring things back into balance at the hands of nature then the herd poisoned and mutilated at the hands of man.

I'm typing these on an iPhone so give me a break on spelling, etc.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #110 on: February 13, 2015, 11:14:41 pm »
Well, I remember my own father telling me how  certain people he knew of his generation had to endure appalling permanent side-effects from things like TB and polio, even sometimes after recovering from the relevant illness. He was not a pro-pharma type of guy, indeed he was fanatically anti-conventional medicine in many respects, having had an incompetent doctor poorly fixing his broken arm and nearly dying from a forced regime on antibiotics which he only escaped by hiding the pills so that the nurse would think  he'd swallowed them. However, he was wise enough to see that some aspects of modern medicine, such as vaccines, were necessary to get rid of some very nasty diseases in his time .  My older brother has intermittent malaria from his time in Africa, so, while I am fortunate not to have gotten such a disease, I know that vaccines have greatly helped in this regard.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #111 on: February 14, 2015, 05:38:12 am »
Jessica, I make most of my posts on an android phone using the Dragon Swype utility, which makes typing easy by just swiping over the letters in a word, good value for a dollar.

I agree with your assessment of CKs arrogance!

Regarding death, Anna Braytenbach says that in communicating with other species she found that like you they do not hold the attachment to life and fear of death that most people have. To other animals the progression of their family, species and of all living forms is more important than themselves. Would the elite plan to significantly reduce US population and return much of the country back to it's natural state be a good thing?

There are reports of the Catholic church rejecting vaccines in Africa and Philippines due to them containing anti fertility agents, creating anti bodies against pregnancy. Given overpopulation you could argue this is a good thing, or that it is totally unacceptable.

Will different populations and classes be given different vaccination formulations in order to further control human populations, and assist in the depopulation agenda?

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #112 on: February 14, 2015, 07:04:29 am »
Well, I remember my own father telling me how  certain people he knew of his generation had to endure appalling permanent side-effects from things like TB and polio, even sometimes after recovering from the relevant illness. He was not a pro-pharma type of guy, indeed he was fanatically anti-conventional medicine in many respects, having had an incompetent doctor poorly fixing his broken arm and nearly dying from a forced regime on antibiotics which he only escaped by hiding the pills so that the nurse would think  he'd swallowed them. However, he was wise enough to see that some aspects of modern medicine, such as vaccines, were necessary to get rid of some very nasty diseases in his time .  My older brother has intermittent malaria from his time in Africa, so, while I am fortunate not to have gotten such a disease, I know that vaccines have greatly helped in this regard.
You bring up the dilemma of medicine and you are right. Illnesses of the past were not particularly nice and vaccinations seems to send them scurrying. However there is a decent argument that the diseases have changed names as in polio becoming redesignated as multiple sclerosis.

The problem that Peter Wakefield had was the multiple vaccines. That was his statement that caused all the uproar. Someone in the UK had arbitrarily decided 'no more single vaccines'.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #113 on: February 14, 2015, 07:17:38 am »
Would the elite plan to significantly reduce US population and return much of the country back to it's natural state be a good thing?
Of course this argument sounds a bit conspiratorial but it fits with the plan of certain folks that had this agenda pre WW2 with eugenics. Just an update version.

There are reports of the Catholic church rejecting vaccines in Africa and Philippines due to them containing anti fertility agents, creating anti bodies against pregnancy. Given overpopulation you could argue this is a good thing, or that it is totally unacceptable.

Will different populations and classes be given different vaccination formulations in order to further control human populations, and assist in the depopulation agenda?

These words also may sound conspiratorial but when they are considered against the backdrop of a world in which "Economic Hit Men" like John Perkins freely talk about the US corporatocracy (especially) and ones from other countries whose agenda is to keep the populace hungry and willing to work in modern day slavery and to be dispossessed in their own lands in Africa because there is lots of untapped resources there, makes it likely that these conspiracies are real.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #114 on: February 14, 2015, 09:20:15 am »
Tyler and CK, simply pointing to anecdotal cases where particular diseases have been suppressed though vaccination is not the main focus my concerns regarding the safety of vaccination. Though none of our individual methods of persuasion, and grammatical tact may be ideal, there is still room for us to continue to discuss our differing views like civilized Cave Men, without stooping to petty insults. 

TB and malaria were naturally occurring disease which were primarily a result of poor environmental conditions. TB epidemics were from living indoors in smoke filled coal heated houses, or triggered by a combination of nutritional deficiently, and some other unknown cause. Malaria is something that occurs near stagnant water, where there may be a whole culmination of environmental factors which make one prone. A lot of those who died of it where people like imported slaves from sub-Saharan Africa who had no natural ancestral immunity, nor were they well adapted to the environment their masters forced them to live in, or the food they were forced to eat. Many colonial settlers were already on the edge of malnutrition and suffered from a number of imbalances, before trotting off to exotic places where they came down with exotic parasites such as malaria. We were not being told all the details of how the people who contracted the diseases lived in completely unnatural environments with polluted water and poor nutrition. For every story of an epidemic blamed on some microbial organism, there are countless forgotten generations of people who lived in great health in similar geographic areas, and were able to coexist with the very same microbes. I side with Be Champ and his law of the terrain over, germ theory any day ;)

My children are not being raised in an Dickensian slum, nor are they going to live in a swamp in Borneo.  TB and malaria are not much of a threat in suburbia. I try to have clean water, and provide healthy food, I let them play in the farm yard and roll in the muck, they never have had any bacterial infections and what little viral bugs go around they get over it just fine without any need for drugs. My biggest concern as a parent is not what microbe may arise from our environment naturally, it is what is being released through genetically modified viruses released in vaccination as well as the GMOs in the crops, and the myriad of pollution that is a part of modern life. The last swine flu outbreak was a genetically modified strain that was released in live virus vaccination experiments. The mother of my children was going to UK hospital for her prenatal care when it was released, we all got it, and it triggered her to go into early labor. This was before my raw paleo days and I got extremely sick, but we all recovered from it, without the help of drugs. We are entering an age where terminator genes are being imbedded into food crops, and it may not be long before  genetic modifications begin to be intentionally placed into vaccines. The same people who willingly allowed cancer viruses to be permitted into vaccines are still running the show, and regardless of the potential benefits of vaccine technology , I have very little faith in the scruples of the cartels which dominate vaccine development and marketing. Call me a conspiracy theories , but I just don't trust the foundations run by billionaires who publicly call for population reduction, who have control of the WHO, FDA, CDC, AMA, and whatever other world governing bodies involved in the racket which passes for modern medicine .

 In theory vaccine science seems feasible, but as we often know when ideals are put into practice the results do not always meet the expectations of the best laid plans of mice and men.

This issue of mandatory vaccines being pushed by the world government authorities is an affront to individual health freedom and liberty on many levels, the battle lines are being drawn, and I will not back down from this fight. I challenge anyone to an open debate on a point counter point basis, and we will let the witnesses decide for themselves where the truth may lie. Who will join the cause for the freedom to be a vaccine skeptic ( Are we lab mice, or are we cave men?) ( Are we live stock or are we the wild, and unbridled spirit of humanity? )

The main points being illustrated by those opposed to vaccines are willfully ignored in this debate! While the straw man tactics are employed to limit the scope of the discussion from the pro vaccine contingency, there are legitimate claims that vaccines have caused and are continuing to cause harm. It is very well possible that the original polio vaccine was contaminated, and the number of people who were adversely effected by the contaminate shots, by far out numbered the people " potentially saved from polio. Will everyone at least agree that the original polio shots where tainted and that a large percentage of people who received those shots later suffered from cancer? The scientist who worked on the vaccine admitted it for Gods sake?

 I continue to insist that there must be better ways to insure the health and vitality of the human race than what the current medical industrial model is pushing, the problem is that there are already so much money and power invested in the current system that the kind of scientific research that would be needed to verify and implement alternatives will not be conducted. If people want to see change in the insane governmental health policy that is being forced upon us, then it must be initiated through the grass roots, and practiced on the small scale, by regular people.

Here is a novel ideal, why not put it to a vote? There are a number of forum members and guest who are on the sidelines that are reading what is being discussed, let us have a vote on who believes that vaccines benefits out weigh the risk, and  who believes that there are potential damages which outweigh the alleged benefits of vaccination?
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #115 on: February 14, 2015, 11:09:51 am »
Malaria is easily cured

Last count was about 10,000 cured. It's cheap and very simple.

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Re: 1995 Tetanus Vaccine Abortion Agent / Anti Fertility hCG was REAL
« Reply #116 on: February 14, 2015, 11:19:05 am »
I have been a volunteer since 2003 and I spoke to and were close friends with the late NURSE and Nun and Founder Ma. Pilar Verzosa of Pro-Life Philippines about that 1995 incident where she and her friends had exposed the depopulation agenda directly injuring our FELLOW FILIPINA WOMEN and their CHILDREN.

That incident was as clear and REAL to me as I live in the same City, the same country, studied in the same university that EXPOSED this REAL conspiracy against HUMAN LIFE.

Life Communications -            Volume 5, No. 8                 June, 1995
This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to
those interested in Pro-Life issues.  All submissions should be sent to the
editor, Steve <>.
1)                 Across the Pond: The Philippines

Under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and the
Philippine Dept. of Health, more than 3.4 million women were recently
vaccinated against tetanus.  Beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) has
been discovered in samples of the vaccine, which has the potential of
permanently sterilizing the women as well. Professor Hermela Pagayanan of
the University of the Philippines discovered anti-beta hCG in the blood
serum of 30 women who received the tetanus toxoid vaccine.

"The vials [of vaccine] we tested proved positive for beta-hcg while the
women had anti-bodies against beta-hCG," reports Sister Mary Pilar Verzosa,
RGS, of Pro-Life Philippines. "This means their blood had built up
antibodies against pregnancy. The women we tested had miscarriages,
stillbirth or premature births."

At the last court hearing, the Chief of the Philippine BFAD (their Food and
Drug Administration) admitted that the 3 brands of toxoids did not undergo
any internal testing or registration in his office before they were
distributed to the public health centers. He said that WHO confirmation was
enough... "We will ask other poor countries to investigate their
immunizations. In India, 12 children died of polio shots. We cannot keep
quiet. Our women who lost their babies are grieving," commented Sister Mary

Will these women be sterile for life? Or only temporarily?  Professor
Pagayanan writes that "no research has been done on whether these
sterilizing effects are temporary or permanent ... Whether there is an
antidote to the sterilizing effect is not yet known."

(Contact: For information and to offer assistance, write or call Sister
Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS, Pro-Life Philippines, Caritas Building, 2002 Jesus
Street, Pandacan, Manila, Philippines; phone or fax 011-632-50-63-32)

More here:

The following are excerpts from the BBC program:

    MARY PILAR VERZOSA: The women would say why is it that the tetanus shots that we’ve been getting have had effects on us? Our fertility cycles are all fouled up, some of the women among us have had bleedings and miscarriages, some have lost their babies at a very early stage. The symptoms could come soon after their tetanus vaccination – some the following day, others within a week’s time. For those who were pregnant on their first three or four months the miscarriage was really frightening.


    MARY PILAR VERZOSA: I began to suspect that here in the Philippines that’s exactly what’s happening. They have laced the tetanus toxoid vials with the Beta HCG.


    MARY PILAR VERZOSA: Oh boy that was really something when this came out of my fax machine. Report on HCG concentration in vaccine vials. Three out of those four vials registered positive for HCG, so my suspicions are affirmed that here in our country they are not only giving plain tetanus toxoid vaccination to our women, they are also giving anti-fertility.


Who was Sister Pilar Verzosa?

Do you think I would still TRUST, the lives of my children... to those very organizations and companies who funded / made this SABOTAGE / DEATH CAMPAIGN happen?


« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 11:36:23 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #117 on: February 14, 2015, 04:52:01 pm »
Malaria is easily cured

Last count was about 10,000 cured. It's cheap and very simple.
The red cross, however, vehemently rejects any notion that they used MMS to cure malaria. MMS sounds just like so many snake-oil products I have seen before on alternative health websites and books.
 I have a useful rule of thumb when checking any such product:- the believability of any product is inversely related to  how much guff they make about big pharma being oh, so dangerous. Non-spamming items just do not need such sales pitches.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #118 on: February 14, 2015, 04:58:08 pm »
SB, your claims re the origins of various major diseases is clearly flawed. For example, sub-saharan africans have sickle-cell anaemia, if one is just a carrier of one such gene for SCA, one is somewhat  protected against malaria, which means that sub-saharan africans have a better immunity to malaria than other populations.

On an anecdotal note, the author James Herriott, writing about his time as a vet,  reported that the children of the local slaughterhouse-owner were the healthiest children in the regions, "despite" living and playing with rotting, left-over carcass remnants/organs. Obviously, in such situations, they got in regular contact with very tiny amounts of  various pathogens which further stimulated their immune-system and made them more resistant to much larger or more virulent strains.Much like with the issue of vaccines.
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Re: Vaccination - does not confer immunity when injected directly in the blood
« Reply #119 on: February 14, 2015, 05:01:50 pm »
Much like with the issue of vaccines.

Flawed observation here. 

Those children interact with microbes with smell, touch, taste...

Vaccines are injected directly into the blood stream (bypassing what should be the immune system) and contain many different alien nasty components.

I think it is time I posted here for you to read what those damn "vaccines" you adore so much CONTAIN... are so grossly NON-PALEO.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #120 on: February 14, 2015, 05:03:52 pm »
Tyler and CK, simply pointing to anecdotal cases where particular diseases have been suppressed though vaccination is not the main focus my concerns regarding the safety of vaccination. Though none of our individual methods of persuasion, and grammatical tact may be ideal, there is still room for us to continue to discuss our differing views like civilized Cave Men, without stooping to petty insults. 

TB and malaria were naturally occurring disease which were primarily a result of poor environmental conditions. TB epidemics were from living indoors in smoke filled coal heated houses, or triggered by a combination of nutritional deficiently, and some other unknown cause. Malaria is something that occurs near stagnant water, where there may be a whole culmination of environmental factors which make one prone. A lot of those who died of it where people like imported slaves from sub-Saharan Africa who had no natural ancestral immunity, nor were they well adapted to the environment their masters forced them to live in, or the food they were forced to eat. Many colonial settlers were already on the edge of malnutrition and suffered from a number of imbalances, before trotting off to exotic places where they came down with exotic parasites such as malaria. We were not being told all the details of how the people who contracted the diseases lived in completely unnatural environments with polluted water and poor nutrition. For every story of an epidemic blamed on some microbial organism, there are countless forgotten generations of people who lived in great health in similar geographic areas, and were able to coexist with the very same microbes. I side with Be Champ and his law of the terrain over, germ theory any day ;)

My children are not being raised in an Dickensian slum, nor are they going to live in a swamp in Borneo.  TB and malaria are not much of a threat in suburbia. I try to have clean water, and provide healthy food, I let them play in the farm yard and roll in the muck, they never have had any bacterial infections and what little viral bugs go around they get over it just fine without any need for drugs. My biggest concern as a parent is not what microbe may arise from our environment naturally, it is what is being released through genetically modified viruses released in vaccination as well as the GMOs in the crops, and the myriad of pollution that is a part of modern life. The last swine flu outbreak was a genetically modified strain that was released in live virus vaccination experiments. The mother of my children was going to UK hospital for her prenatal care when it was released, we all got it, and it triggered her to go into early labor. This was before my raw paleo days and I got extremely sick, but we all recovered from it, without the help of drugs. We are entering an age where terminator genes are being imbedded into food crops, and it may not be long before  genetic modifications begin to be intentionally placed into vaccines. The same people who willingly allowed cancer viruses to be permitted into vaccines are still running the show, and regardless of the potential benefits of vaccine technology , I have very little faith in the scruples of the cartels which dominate vaccine development and marketing. Call me a conspiracy theories , but I just don't trust the foundations run by billionaires who publicly call for population reduction, who have control of the WHO, FDA, CDC, AMA, and whatever other world governing bodies involved in the racket which passes for modern medicine .

 In theory vaccine science seems feasible, but as we often know when ideals are put into practice the results do not always meet the expectations of the best laid plans of mice and men.

This issue of mandatory vaccines being pushed by the world government authorities is an affront to individual health freedom and liberty on many levels, the battle lines are being drawn, and I will not back down from this fight. I challenge anyone to an open debate on a point counter point basis, and we will let the witnesses decide for themselves where the truth may lie. Who will join the cause for the freedom to be a vaccine skeptic ( Are we lab mice, or are we cave men?) ( Are we live stock or are we the wild, and unbridled spirit of humanity? )

The main points being illustrated by those opposed to vaccines are willfully ignored in this debate! While the straw man tactics are employed to limit the scope of the discussion from the pro vaccine contingency, there are legitimate claims that vaccines have caused and are continuing to cause harm. It is very well possible that the original polio vaccine was contaminated, and the number of people who were adversely effected by the contaminate shots, by far out numbered the people " potentially saved from polio. Will everyone at least agree that the original polio shots where tainted and that a large percentage of people who received those shots later suffered from cancer? The scientist who worked on the vaccine admitted it for Gods sake?

 I continue to insist that there must be better ways to insure the health and vitality of the human race than what the current medical industrial model is pushing, the problem is that there are already so much money and power invested in the current system that the kind of scientific research that would be needed to verify and implement alternatives will not be conducted. If people want to see change in the insane governmental health policy that is being forced upon us, then it must be initiated through the grass roots, and practiced on the small scale, by regular people.

Here is a novel ideal, why not put it to a vote? There are a number of forum members and guest who are on the sidelines that are reading what is being discussed, let us have a vote on who believes that vaccines benefits out weigh the risk, and  who believes that there are potential damages which outweigh the alleged benefits of vaccination?

This post is absolutely amazing.

I see it exactly as SB.

I have done my own reading about Polio... TB etc etc. and found exactly the same things. TB... easily cured by good nutrition and sunshine! In Europe we had TB hospitals that used only sunlight... people were scantily clad all day long in the sun........

My doc tried to give me a tetanus shot... but I said no thanks. I read up on tetanus.... and i found it ridiculous!
We need to read up on every single illness to know why and how  and then we can decide. So far I have not seen one I want to take vaccines for.

Great point from SB about Malaria and how people have lived in those places it occurs with little issues. I even read, people who live in those places and suffers from Malaria once in a while have way less cancer. For us living in another part of the world, it might be deadly because we are not adapted to it, but I am not going to live in any place with Malaria anyways.

The swine flu thing was horrible. In Finland the government and media pushed the vaccines so hard many could not withstand the pressure.... Thanks god all my family was able to... but I fought for it quite a bit, I remember! Now, there are many that took the vaccine that suffers from horrible permanent damage... it was even in the newspaper.. but just briefly and the thing is forgotten about. No one talks about it anymore.. it just get silenced down... and soon comes the next vaccine. Do you think the damaged ones will get any indemnity? Of course not.

The flu vaccine is absolutely ridiculous too. Viruses changes all the time and there are many many different flu viruses.....
Any one with a normal functioning brain should get, it is a stupid thing to do. But they do not. Because of the pressure from media etc.

The metals they use in the vaccines today..... they are nothing you want to have into your body as we all live in high non native EMF.
Especially not kids! We live in a crazy environment... it is not like 100 years ago... not at all. Vaccines today is a different story. They are way worse.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #121 on: February 14, 2015, 05:11:50 pm »

On an anecdotal note, the author James Herriott, writing about his time as a vet,  reported that the children of the local slaughterhouse-owner were the healthiest children in the regions, "despite" living and playing with rotting, left-over carcass remnants/organs. Obviously, in such situations, they got in regular contact with very tiny amounts of  various pathogens which further stimulated their immune-system and made them more resistant to much larger or more virulent strains.Much like with the issue of vaccines.

Yep. This is how we need to vaccine ourselves. I do too. I am not too keen about washing my hands at all.... I get all kind of bacteria and viruses from all over.... raw seafood / oysters are full of viruses too BTW! I eat those all the time.....
This is how we need to vaccine ourselves and our kids.

Not poisonous stuff injected into our bodies through needles.
How utterly unnatural and crazy.
That is how the common vaccine practice seems to me. I have yet to see it being useful.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #122 on: February 14, 2015, 07:35:36 pm »

I think it is time I posted here for you to read what those damn "vaccines" you adore so much CONTAIN... are so grossly NON-PALEO.

Thimerosal , one of the ingredients and the one mostly criticised, has been debunked re causing autism. Dr Wakefield's evidence was wholly discredited on a scientific basis.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #123 on: February 14, 2015, 09:07:10 pm »
Thimerosal , one of the ingredients and the one mostly criticised, has been debunked re causing autism. Dr Wakefield's evidence was wholly discredited on a scientific basis.

Straw man argument.  Pitiful tactic.
You are debating with fellow raw paleo dieters here.

That guy is not the only one who is criticizing those vaccines. 
I will post here all the various ingredients in those vaccines you admire.
Let's see if you will still admire them afterwards.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 09:15:43 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vaccination - INGREDIENTS in Alphabetical Order
« Reply #124 on: February 14, 2015, 09:22:05 pm »
Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturer Information
(alphabetical order by vaccine)

We have listed vaccine ingredients (substances that appear in the final vaccine product), process ingredients (substances used to create the vaccine that may or may not appear in the final vaccine product), and growth mediums (the substances vaccines are grown in) for 31 vaccines commonly recommended by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.)

Controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains.

Though not listed, each vaccine contains strains of the virus being vaccinated against. Each vaccine entry links to the manufacturer's package insert that contains information about dosage, ingredient quantity, and how the vaccine is made. Some vaccines, like influenza vaccines, are modified frequently and you may wish to consult the package inserts online and your doctor for the most current information.


Or download a PDF I generated from the same link so you can print out all 23 pages.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 10:07:35 pm by goodsamaritan »
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