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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #275 on: October 24, 2012, 12:40:40 am »
I have a non healer friend who is as fair skinned as I am and said it took him 6 months to eliminate the chicken pox marks.


I'm exploring spleen health lately.
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #276 on: October 24, 2012, 11:45:25 am »
I still have some scars from getting chicken pox as a young adult. When I think back on it I realize now that even though I was exposed to chicken pox repeatedly as a child I never got it because my immune system was strong - even with an inferior diet. It wasn't until after a doctor put me on a powerful broad spectrum antibiotic for years that I was vulnerable to many of such diseases. The antibiotics made me weak. Building my gut bacteria and immune system up again made me stronger again.

Your immune systems must still be weak GS. I hope that it gets better and better over time for you and your family.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #277 on: October 30, 2012, 08:19:43 am »


shower valve leaking and drenching the walls from the inside causing mold and fungus formation

this is a big deal.
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #278 on: October 30, 2012, 08:28:52 am »
Spleen health / nourishing, foods, food temp adjustments, supplements for me and my boy for blood cleansing are all working.  In a few days I feel like I'm gaining weight.  That Panax Ginseng for energy is effective.  Those Tung Shueh pills to clean the blood, including the spleen  seems to help with better digestion and transformation of what I eat into meat. 

I'm thinking of how long I can take these supplements and then let go of them after they had been replaced with new foods, new habits.

I'm getting into more root crops like carrots, yacon, and ginger, etc.  Raw sliced ginger, fermented ginger. 

Studying Yin and Yang foods and habits.  More Yang foods and habits.  No cold drinks.  No Yin fruits in the morning.  Wait until my meats / fish are at room temperature instead of hurriedly eating them at refrigerator temperature.

Looking at Ayurveda, the papaya should be eaten before going to bed.

I've been making fish stock soup for my 2 boys lately and giving that to them in the mornings to warm them up.  I've been having some of that too while I'm transitioning the boys.  But I should get back to full raw paleo next week when their transition is done.

The fermented ginger and the ginger seems to increase my appetite... especially eaten with the meat.  I'll have to balance that, I don't want any future gout symptoms.  Need to study more spleen stuff and Yang stuff... I need to focus more on ayurveda next.

Turmeric + pepper + olive oil is a neat trick I tried.  Said to make the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric work 2,000 times better.

I'm betting this spleen health thing, Yang thing and ayurvedic teachings will make me gain weight and energy and muscle and stronger teeth in a month or 2 months.  I'd probably expect 5 to 10 pounds increase.  Maybe I will be 140 lbs or more by end of the year.  Let's see.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #279 on: November 08, 2012, 09:57:54 am »

"Panax ginseng is a super food.  Ginseng is a super food in the Koreas and the Chinese.  It is well revered, highly prized, highly priced in those cultures.  They can see that Panax Ginseng, in this case Sifu believes is 6 year old ginseng strips away all the minerals in the soil it is planted on.  It is mineral rich… super rich, and these trace minerals are kept intact in Panax Ginseng.  This kind of ginseng is then capsulized for commercial selling to peoples in lands where ginseng is not a native plant.

What is my review, my experience after more than 2 weeks of taking 3 capsules a day every morning?  The warmth works.  The blood circulation in my hands and feet works.  I am toasty warm on my feet and hands and fingers.  And that is what Sifu Sam expected.  He says if I felt TOO WARM, I can cut back down to 2 capsules every morning.

I was so impressed after 10 days when I finished the bottle, I asked to be resupplied 10 more new bottles.  I got from Sifu Jen Sam to make sure I got authentic Panax Ginseng Extractum from The Central Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Tianjin, China."

Panax Ginseng Extractum Capsules Review
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #280 on: November 10, 2012, 06:02:19 am »
Hi GS,

where can I buy the ginseng extract?
Your spleen healing, yang orientated and  ayurvedic diet is super interesting.
I also need to help my spleen, need more yang and I am far to much Vata in Ayurvedic terms.
I would also love to gain some weight, build muscles and healthy tissue.
Please tell me more about your new protocol.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #281 on: November 10, 2012, 06:21:29 am »
I'm driven to do this yang stuff and spleen improvement more for my 11 year old boy who is recovering from intestinal damage and has some eczema manifestations in his legs itching.

1. I get my ginseng extract above from my healer Sifu Jen Sam as he knows his suppliers will only give him authentic products.  You probably need to find an honest supplier in your country.

2. I buy fermented ginger from a korean / japanese store, it comes in 1 kg bags and costs me some 7.30 US dollars.

3. My boy likes fish stock soup more than beef stock soup.  For example I will make a stock using 4 pounds / 2 kgs of it is for warmth.  Spleen likes warmth.  I give him soup every breakfast and dinner.  Lunch he is in school.  I get to eat the soup too.

4.  My boy also gets a digestive aid, blood cleaning aid called Tung Shueh Pills Cow Head Brand.  Again we got the authentic stuff.  On the internet, the US FDA did a pretty good job of demonizing these herbs.  But in my experience, and in my healer's experience, they work well, without side effects.  And yes, I felt it's digestive powers and I gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks from this entire regimen in combination. I just stopped taking this yesterday and see how it affects me.  I guinea pig myself for my kids.

5.  Avoid cold drinks.  Avoid cold food.  One mistake I seem to have made upon adjusting to raw paleo is eating meat and drink refrigerator cold.  Call me lazy.  Found out from TCM teachers on the radio that's very bad.  The energy we have to expend to raise the temperature of the food.  And the shock our system gets from cold food is too much, in our language we call that PASMA... seems the english language has no such word that describes sudden temperature changes by ingesting cold food and drink.

So it pays to be more patient with our raw meat and wait for it to get to room temperature or body temperature.  And eat the meat with some fermented ginger.

6.  Avoid direct or too much air conditioning, accept the warm tropical weather.

7.  Drink herbal teas throughout the day for more warmth.

8.  Spleen responds to touch so touch and hug away.

9.  Avoid fruit in the morning.  Have warm soup instead.  Warmth is important. Eat that papaya after dinner helps digest at night.  There is an epidemic of YIN lately in the world.  So concentrate on looking for and consuming YANG foods.  Of course we are yin here, as I explained in the video of Panax Ginseng, I've never been too hot.

Here is my boy's latest progress
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 08:49:59 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #282 on: November 10, 2012, 01:05:54 pm »
My first experiments today with heating refrigerator cold and a little icy beef in a toaster oven.

Set it to very low setting.

Set for 5 minutes.

For a change my meat is not cold.

The only time I usually get warm meat is when I go to the wet market.
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #283 on: December 30, 2012, 02:27:13 am »
I have a non healer friend who is as fair skinned as I am and said it took him 6 months to eliminate the chicken pox marks.


I'm exploring spleen health lately.

I am also fairskinned and have chickenpok marks.

I just got a spleen from Slankers. It's larger than I thought.  I have it sitting open in the fridge.

GS, how can I add my gender to my forum profile here? I tried, but I can't find any way to add anything to it. I asked TD in the classifieds section, and he responded about that part that you may be able to add it if I ask.  Thanks!

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #284 on: January 04, 2013, 10:14:00 pm »
GMA network channel 11 came over to the house to make an interview for a 3 minute segment to be shown next week Wednesday at supposedly 8 pm.

The topic was about "raw paleo diet".

They took videos of me eating various raw paleo diet stuff and interviewed me, asked my 11 year old boy, also asked the 2 drivers who were having lunch what a temporary raw paleo diet did for them.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #285 on: January 11, 2013, 02:44:48 pm »
A customer of mine called me up and said he saw me on TV.
The program is called IJuander
(In that facebook page I posted a link to our forum).

(look for January 10, 2013 episode)

Unfortunately it is in pure Tagalog.

I haven't seen it yet.  The production assistant said she will send me a copy.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #286 on: January 11, 2013, 03:04:49 pm »
January 2013 means I'm now 5 years on raw Paleo Diet.

What's up lately is I've given in to salt.

But not plain salt.

I like bagoong.  It's a probiotic with salt, fermented tiny whole fish called padas. 
Lately I've been following my salt needs and using this "padas" product.
Goes well with raw beef.

My raw animal food consumption these days is much lower than year 2 and 3.

I may be consuming only 200 grams of animal food a day, sometimes less.

I've taken a liking to raw starchier food.

Singkamas root crop, starchy bananas, starchy yakon, will try out more starchy pumpkin.

Mango season is early this time, late december and early january!  Usually mango season begins March.  It's not because of the commercial farming, even our neighborhood left alone mango trees are in full fruit.

Christmas and new year had me eating cooked meat at times.  Yuck, not so good feelings.  So January 1 I'm back to being strict.  No even tasting my kids' food.  Ask the others to taste that cooked food.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 03:32:26 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #287 on: February 12, 2013, 09:07:53 am »
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #288 on: February 12, 2013, 01:33:19 pm »
Seems magnesium deficiencies cannot be solved by food alone.

Magnesium oil is a waste product of sea salt production, both from modern and ancient oceans, known as nigari (sp?) in Japan and sea bitterns in Britain.
It contains lots of stuff I don't want to absorb, such as the poisonous halogen bromine etc. Sellers are secretive about the amount of bromine, but I got a copy of an assay from the mine in Holland, and it shows 0.4% bromine.

I take Iodine so as to force the bromine out of my cells, this makes healing possible that otherwise could never happen.

Everyone who has heart rhythm disturbances is magnesium deficient, as it is a precursor to potassium assimilation. Various kinds of Mg work, the best I've found is "mag malate renew"  by AOR, before that Albion Process  Magnesium Glycinate worked. Mg citrate also works, but is an effective laxative, so not well tolerated.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 01:39:58 pm by William »

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #289 on: February 12, 2013, 04:13:25 pm »
Magnesium oil is a waste product of sea salt production, both from modern and ancient oceans, known as nigari (sp?) in Japan and sea bitterns in Britain.
It contains lots of stuff I don't want to absorb, such as the poisonous halogen bromine etc. Sellers are secretive about the amount of bromine, but I got a copy of an assay from the mine in Holland, and it shows 0.4% bromine.

I take Iodine so as to force the bromine out of my cells, this makes healing possible that otherwise could never happen.

Everyone who has heart rhythm disturbances is magnesium deficient, as it is a precursor to potassium assimilation. Various kinds of Mg work, the best I've found is "mag malate renew"  by AOR, before that Albion Process  Magnesium Glycinate worked. Mg citrate also works, but is an effective laxative, so not well tolerated.

Hey William, thank you for sharing your experience and research.

Can you be specific on how you use "mag malate renew"?  How much do you take?  How and what problem did it help you to solve that diet could not?
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #290 on: February 18, 2013, 10:35:44 pm »
I stated taking magnesium maybe 8 year ago because that deficiency is one of the major reasons of heart arrhythmia - tricky because we feel nothing, but magnesium enables potassium assimilation, and it's potassium that prevents heart arrhythmia.

In the 1930s there was a report to the U.S. congress that said that 80% of arable soil was magnesium deficient - it will be worse now because Mg is not in the common fertilizer. This also applies to pasture land for beef animals.

I take one capsule of 870 mg after each of three meals/ day, or 3 capsules if I'm doing the "warrior diet".

This is part of my attempt to prevent and reverse malnutrition, since I believe that malnutrition is the cause of all disease.

Deficiencies vary across the earth, so those identified in the northern U.S.A. (Mg, I, Se, Boron) are not always the same as those elsewhere, and the common poisons probably vary as well, like mercury, bromine, fluorine, arsenic, anti-nutrients etc. etc.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #291 on: February 19, 2013, 12:09:18 am »
I've been using an inland sea mineral product from utah, but have just recently found what I think may be the best sea mineral supplement period, in liquid ionic form/low sodiom,, called  Blue Ocean Minerals.  Check it out.   It has the ideal mg./ca. ratio too, something that most other sea min products can't match.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #292 on: February 19, 2013, 09:40:46 pm »
I am experimenting with water kefirs.
A fellow health aficionado gave me some kefir grains to take care of.
The kefir grains seem to like coconut water.
I'm trying different stuff in them.

The magnesium oil makes me sleepy or crave more deep sleep.
Maybe it is working.

I bought a magnesium supplement guided by William's suggestion and got something with magnesium malate in it.
Tried taking a capsule just this evening.

I think the Blue Ocean Minerals sales pitches make logical sense and it is worth trying.

I am currently on a family vacation in the island of Mindoro.  The air is very very very nice.  A big change from the main island of Luzon.  Heard from the tricycle driver that the highway is finally finished and one can go around the big Mindoro island by car.  So I am plotting next time to bring my old car on a ferry and drive around the big island for a few days.
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #293 on: February 27, 2013, 08:58:06 am »
In my previous blog post I got rid of the magnesium oil supplementation.
Making me too sleepy.

These past few days my body is telling me to go really low carb.

But to do that I had to find better water than the reverse osmosis that we get from the water store.

I got the old "Hidden Springs" mineral water where we had much success many years ago.  Today I just put a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in my glass of mineral water.

I've got some beef liver, heart, kidney and pancreas and some beef muscle and fat... last night had some blue marlin sashimi and another kind of fish sashimi and sea urchin. 

This morning's hydrating stuff was mineral water with that touch of apple cider vinegar, I picked up below a tree a few bits of still green tamarind and a small fallen macopa fruit, a few slices of singkamas all of them not sweet and minimal.  That would all meet my carb quota for this day.
(amazing, no mangoes... or maybe I've just stuffed myself too much of them the past weeks)

I'm theorizing my body wants to get rid of the last old toxic fat I've carried for so long.  It is getting to be summer but I'm not feeling hot. 
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #294 on: March 01, 2013, 11:55:00 pm »
Edwin, I will be coming to your neck of the woods, maybe by the 10th.  Maybe you can give me some advice on where I can get my meat, and how to avoid paying Kano prices. :)

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #295 on: March 09, 2013, 09:13:39 pm »
Sandman, where are you?  Give me a call.
I sent you my number via PM.


Saturday is Market Day.
I read and listened to this Vitamin K2 theory of Dr. Kate
So I bought the high K2 foods she's recommending and testing them out.
I got gouda and brie cheeses and natto (fermented soybean) and grass fed butter and grass fed duck eggs.
(technically these aren't paleo but short experiments need to go on)

I bought beef that is sold as really organic and am experimenting with this too over the wet market beef I get.
Dr. Kate says her research shows grass fed but grain finished beef loses its vitamin K2.

Dr. Kate says that heart disease plaque build up is just like tar tar on our teeth.
If we are high in K2 then we should not be building up tar tar on our teeth.
Dr. Kate says K2 is Weston Price's factor X.

Read her discussion in this pdf

Raw octopus for dinner.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 09:24:04 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #296 on: March 18, 2013, 11:23:24 am »
My raw cheese Brie, Gouda and Natto for K2 experiment has great immediate results for me.
Clean tar tar free teeth.
In fact old hardened tartar at the back of my front bottom teeth for the very first time in my life were easily scraped off by my fingernails.  Stuff like that tar tar used to be rock hard requiring a dentist to remove.
Now I can believe for myself what Dr. Kate was saying.
Experiencing is believing.

I don't think Natto is safe for me or any long term consumption.
I can see bubbling itches on the back of my fingers when I eat Natto.
As expected, gmo soy is truly crap... even if it has loads of K2.
Good thing I did not give natto to my boy.

Raw cheese problem is constipation... hardening of stools so massive amounts of butter or raw fat needs to go with cheese consumption.

What Aajonus said about cheese being like clay is true for me.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #297 on: March 18, 2013, 06:00:26 pm »
Don't you think the K2 in grass-fed meat fat is enough?
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #298 on: March 18, 2013, 06:10:24 pm »
I am now questioning the quality of the beef I am getting, it may look nice and have the right colors and taste but I'm not getting the results I should be getting.

And maybe I am not getting enough of the organs that have K2.  Maybe I should strive to get brain regularly.

Dr. Kate says grain finishing kills the K2 content in beef.

Note how short my K2 experiments have been, less than 2 weeks and wow, the tar tar thing is truly telling.

Or maybe it is the properties of raw cheese as Aajonus Vonderplanitz describes:

CHEESES, RAW, NO-SALT-ADDED, are made from raw milk and
there is no salt added to the milk. Similar to clay, cheese supplies
concentrations of minerals that bind with radicals and poisons that the
body dumped into the stomach and intestines. Also, cheese draws the
poisons from the blood, nervous and lymphatic systems as they pass
through the stomach and intestines. Unsalted raw cheeses act like a
sponge to absorb those toxins, relieving nausea. Since cheeses lack
most bioactive enzymes, causing dehydration, eating raw fat with
cheese, such as unsalted raw butter or coconut cream, helps prevent

These are just my initial guesses in my experiment.
I do not know yet what idea will hold true in the longer run.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2013, 10:34:24 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« Reply #299 on: March 18, 2013, 09:57:46 pm »
I'm really interested in hearing more on your Vitamin K2 experiments.

I currently take a supplement to keep my teeth free of tartar (Thorne Lab's K2 (MK4) in the US) -- and it works extremely well. I eat the best eggs and cheese and organ meats I can find, yet without the supplement I cannot keep my teeth clean. I've just resolved myself to the supplement.

I admire your efforts to find the combination of real foods that provide your vitamin K2.


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