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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #200 on: November 09, 2010, 07:06:18 am »
i have no idea why it embedded twice  :P
fixed :)
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
Livin' off the raw grass fat of the land

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #201 on: November 09, 2010, 09:58:20 am »
i experimented with a taste of raw honey (raw afaik, of course) last nite.. i stayed home puking all morning :( ... gross!  like the way food poisoning feels.  the idea of sweet is so repulsive to me atm, i'll never touch it again. -v

what a waste of an otherwise beautiful day!

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #202 on: November 09, 2010, 11:22:13 am »
thats a bummer you had such a bad experience. i'm with you on the too sweet thing. I don't think its fair for some to label it just sugar - as it must have some other kind of minerals or healthful properties that sugar does not at least for some..but to me the act of eating honey is very similar to opening a pack of equal in a diner and dropping it on a steak or something. grooooossssssssseeeeee. I do sometimes try it as some kind of aid/supplement whathaveyou and just a dab is enough of a compliment for me prior to feeling queasy. I can see eating alot of honeycomb..the only raw paleo equivalent to a moon pie.

I hope you keep trying new things though like you mentioned before. I've been trying to disregard alot of unconfirmed notions around food, and have been largely pleased with the results. The sky here went from solid white/grey to black at around 4:48 here, but hoping you catch another beautiful day soon.

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #203 on: November 10, 2010, 10:49:20 am »
a nice thing to say! encouragement is nice to hear, especially that i've been angry with myself about eating something when i 'should have known better' :(   i feel great today!, amazing what 24hrs can do :)   though i did learn my lesson well.  i'll have to try my experiments on friday night, lol.  and the weather was great again, but i was working for most of it. 

I've been trying to disregard alot of unconfirmed notions around food, and have been largely pleased with the results.

do you mean in general, or within a 'paleo community'?

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #204 on: November 10, 2010, 11:08:22 am »
a nice thing to say! encouragement is nice to hear, especially that i've been angry with myself about eating something when i 'should have known better' :(   i feel great today!, amazing what 24hrs can do :)   though i did learn my lesson well.  i'll have to try my experiments on friday night, lol.  and the weather was great again, but i was working for most of it.  

do you mean in general, or within a 'paleo community'?

nah, other than perhaps some opinions of others, or results in the past in totally different circumstances (afterall things do change even within the same person with the same situations/intake/whatever with time) how would you know? really.. I mean..speaking for myself i've done ALOT of experimentation with diet and have no clue really other than how I feel/look/preform and perhaps some lab stuff to say things are good, but who knows what major necessary factor (high fat, low veg, no salt etc..) is really causing this or what little variable might be missing/make things go even smoother more beneficial or even possibly be necessary long term. yeah I mean both, sometimes even I catch myself making food judgments here on things that I am not even 100% sure about (must be a shock to some that i'm aware of this :) ). but yeah..always good to have a clear pathway and schedule before you mess around to much with anything foreign so you know what is really what.

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #205 on: November 10, 2010, 01:49:50 pm »
nah, you're just as sweet as ever ;)

Lol - I was using less smileys than I normally would... I interpret that as crankiness... that is crankiness for me. :)

laughing.. i just though of a 'last comic standing' routine i thought was funny, only i don't remember the comedian's name??.. but his 'gig' was 'we gotta go girl'.. it's really funny, i'll try to find it :D

Omg, thank you so much for sharing that vid! "...three hours of bar equity into her..." - hilarity! ;D

Btw, the Pink vid you posted gave me goosebumps, a lot! I can only imagine what it was like experiencing that live in person. :)  I loved her costume! Would that make good bridesmaid outfits? Btw, I'm getting married - would you be one of my bridesmaids?? :)

I'm so glad you're feeling better. :)  I do tend to do my experimentation when I don't have work later that day.

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #206 on: November 16, 2010, 10:36:44 am »
i really struggle with the 'separation' i feel i must endure 100% of the time.  i just want a real and un-virtual friend  :'(  :'(  :'(

i will see cinna i a few months or so, and then i will stop my crying :)

@ cinna: i love that song!  and yes, perfect bridesmaid outfit... as long as you get married on a beautiful beach cuz i hate to be cold :D  i'll start planning your bachelorette party!

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #207 on: November 18, 2010, 09:06:15 am »
a very neat experience for me at the moment.. i reconnected, after years of searching, with my all-time fave childhood teacher.  he was the chorus and music teacher.  i used to help him carry his guitar or briefcase to his car at the end of the day because i would always be late at school waiting for my mom to come get me.  he used to call me "muscles", and he'd take me out to ice cream at the end of every semester.  he also wrote a ton of music, and i got to be in the chorus of one of the songs.  (you know the songs where there is a kids' chorus in the background?.. was one of those.)  was an awesome experience in the recording studio!! 

well, we got in contact last week, and today i received a care package from him with music (including song above) and photos. it's quite meaningful to me as i lost all of these kinds of things due to a tornado, and all the moving around when i was growing up that i've lost so much contact with anyone/thing from childhood.  i have some baby photos from my grandparents and some aunts/uncles.. but other than that, i pretty much lost everything to a tornado.  so even the photos he sent are so meaningful!

Offline Cinna

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #208 on: November 19, 2010, 07:45:38 pm »
i really struggle with the 'separation' i feel i must endure 100% of the time.  i just want a real and un-virtual friend  :'(  :'(  :'(

i will see cinna i a few months or so, and then i will stop my crying :)

Please don't cry. :)  We are connected, so there is no separation. :)

a very neat experience for me at the moment.. i reconnected, after years of searching, with my all-time fave childhood teacher.  he was the chorus and music teacher.  i used to help him carry his guitar or briefcase to his car at the end of the day because i would always be late at school waiting for my mom to come get me.  he used to call me "muscles", and he'd take me out to ice cream at the end of every semester.  he also wrote a ton of music, and i got to be in the chorus of one of the songs.  (you know the songs where there is a kids' chorus in the background?.. was one of those.)  was an awesome experience in the recording studio!! 

well, we got in contact last week, and today i received a care package from him with music (including song above) and photos. it's quite meaningful to me as i lost all of these kinds of things due to a tornado, and all the moving around when i was growing up that i've lost so much contact with anyone/thing from childhood.  i have some baby photos from my grandparents and some aunts/uncles.. but other than that, i pretty much lost everything to a tornado.  so even the photos he sent are so meaningful!

That is beautiful, Ioanna - I'm so happy for you. :)  I'm sure it meant a lot to your teacher, too! I can see you as a little girl, "Muscles" - so cute! :) 

Omg, my sis and I were also the last kids to be picked up at school. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad... By the time I was a sophomore, it was very bad and one of the "straws" that led to my dropping out of high school. To this day, it breaks my heart when someone says they'll be somewhere at a certain time and without notice or without informing me, they're not there when they said that they would be there. I'm usually running late (but sometimes I surprise myself ;) ) so I don't have a problem with people being late... I have issue with people not coming through. That's why reliability is so important to me. I'm very flexible and understanding - cancel on me, postpone plans, whatever - but just tell me beforehand, not after the fact. Don't leave me hanging, waiting, expecting... :)

I can't imagine losing so much in a tornado... :(  I'm so glad you have some "new" old treasure to cherish. :)

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #209 on: November 22, 2010, 11:30:42 am »
i love how when i eat my body turns into this little furnace and i'm so pleasantly warm, haha, a silly thing to say.  hope this is normal??  my first healthy rpd winter, and the cold is not so intolerable as i remember it.

@ cinna - i have the same issues, lol.  there's sort of an anxiety to waiting, especially when you're a kid.  on the days i was supposed to see my dad, he would pick me up from school or practice, but he often enough didn't show, so i was really tense on those days.  life before cell phones...

Offline KD

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #210 on: November 22, 2010, 12:39:36 pm »
i love how when i eat my body turns into this little furnace and i'm so pleasantly warm, haha, a silly thing to say.  hope this is normal??  my first healthy rpd winter, and the cold is not so intolerable as i remember it.

I believe yes, and thankfully because my external heat connection hasn't even hooked on yet! I sleep on the ground to boot. I'm not sure if the food itself immediately has an affect but generally by body feels less hit even riding around with a spring jacket in 40 deg on the bike. The only drag for me is its impossible for my food to warm up to 'room temperature' (presently) and eating cold food is sometimes less fun in the winter (although raw veg food is way worse). I find I have no problems in extremes so far in hot or cold. This complete winter will be the real experiment for me too, unless I duck out to cali!!!

Offline Cinna

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #211 on: November 23, 2010, 03:19:49 pm »
i love how when i eat my body turns into this little furnace and i'm so pleasantly warm, haha, a silly thing to say.  hope this is normal??  my first healthy rpd winter, and the cold is not so intolerable as i remember it.

Aw, you're like "un radiateur" a la "The City of Lost Children"! Several years ago, I had a crush on Ron Perlman so I freaked out a little when I saw him at a performing arts high school musical (attending the show, not performing in it). He just seems so wonderful.

Last week, I performed at a lesbian nightclub event. The dj was redunculous (redunculously amazing). It was the first time they were having this event at this particular locale... Whether they hire me again or not, I hope the event becomes successful (it will be monthly).

I was toying with the idea of doing troupe work again. I thought a show last Saturday would convince me that I wanted to, but no... still preferring to solo. :)

This complete winter will be the real experiment for me too, unless I duck out to cali!!!

That would be the prudent thing to do. :)  When Ioanna gets here, we can finally be the Three Amigos - as the universe intended. ;)

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #212 on: November 24, 2010, 01:59:28 am »
Jefe: We have many beautiful piñatas for your birthday celebration, each one filled with little surprises!
El Guapo: How many piñatas?
Jefe: Many piñatas, many!
El Guapo: Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of piñatas?
Jefe: A what?
El Guapo: A plethora.
Jefe: Oh yes, El Guapo. You have a plethora.
El Guapo: Jefe, what is a plethora?
Jefe: Why, El Guapo?
El Guapo: Well, you just told me that I had a plethora, and I would just like to know if you know what it means to have a plethora. I would not like to think that someone would tell someone else he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora.
Jefe: El Guapo, I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education, but could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?

"Do you have anything besides Mexican food?"  - Dusty Bottoms.

Offline Cinna

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #213 on: November 25, 2010, 01:26:56 pm »
Hahahahahahaha! My favorite is the canteen/lip balm scene, lol... reminds me of my sis, b/c she's addicted to lip balm.

Wow KD, did you transcribe all that dialogue? Or did you copy and paste? Wait... nevermind. ;D

Offline wodgina

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #214 on: December 18, 2010, 06:34:43 pm »
Well,  IBS was my greatest obstacle... I'm not sure what else to use as a measure for improvement or if you have something in mind?  I don't think I've changed on the outside.  If you count these as improvements: I've learned to listen to myself over my peers, doctors, and 'gurus'... I have confidence (both restored and gained)... I just know my body is thriving now.  I have very dry skin at my heels... if that ever clears up I'll be shocked!, but I'll let you know. I used to burp all the time.. like in the morning during a workout I'd be tasting whatever I ate the last evening... that stopped immediately, I almost forgot to mention that it was so long ago.

I used to be into endurance training... mainly swimming and triathlons ('sprint distance', not ironman or anything close!) with weights on the side.  I did well in races, so I just kept doing them. I like racing, and I like the mental component... like I'm sure I've finished ahead of competitors just because I didn't 'give up' first. I started getting recognition in my town among triathloners... people were willing to pay me ridiculous amount of money imo for an hour swim lesson or so.  So the sport started becoming a life style.  I had to be sure to get enough sleep though or I will be an emotional wreck and very irritated.  My body type has never been as toned as I would like... more just skinny wo definition.  

Now I'm trying something new... sprinting and heavy weights... to see how my body adjusts.  It's winter, so I've been mostly wight training and joined a volleyball team, yoga on the weekend.

No.. I'm too scared!!... I tried a cooked chicken breast (was either from my farmer or hfs, and totally plain) a few months ago and that brought me right back to 'square one'... I have no idea why... but if chicken doesn't work, I don't know what will?  I hate it, but I am anti-social eater entirely  -[  

Any luck on the heels?

Did you keep up the sprints and weights?

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #215 on: December 19, 2010, 10:12:51 am »
funny you brought this up wodg, bcz i was going to also... my heels are still so dry/ cracked.   i haven't been doing anything special to care for them, but i was hoping for improvement there. where i live the summers are too humid and the winters are particularly dry.. winter weather shows in my skin.  so, anyone have the remedy for dry heels?

i kept up with weights.  although i feel stronger and increase weight when i can, i don't think it shows which is fine cuz i'm a girl, but geeeeez it's so hard to gain muscle!  kd is inspiring me, i think i may try a crossfit gym here.

as for sprints, probably not so well. i like longer distance too much so once i start some workout or whatever i don't want to stop.. i just keep going.. i think i'm addicted to the high!, otherwise wtf!  maybe that's why i can't gain muscle, lol. i think my body is boring, i want some muscle tone :)  what is really driving me crazy at the moment is that i love love love to swim, but i'm trying to stay away from chlorine (i'm allergic to it anyway).  so i'm really trying to be a land-athlete, but i don't sprint as well that way if that makes any sense.  i really miss swimming!!!!.. ridiculous, but that's what i see myself doing in my mind when i'm stressed at work or something and need to get away.. i want to swim!

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #217 on: December 19, 2010, 03:06:48 pm »
funny you brought this up wodg, bcz i was going to also... my heels are still so dry/ cracked.   i haven't been doing anything special to care for them, but i was hoping for improvement there. where i live the summers are too humid and the winters are particularly dry.. winter weather shows in my skin.  so, anyone have the remedy for dry heels?

i kept up with weights.  although i feel stronger and increase weight when i can, i don't think it shows which is fine cuz i'm a girl, but geeeeez it's so hard to gain muscle!  kd is inspiring me, i think i may try a crossfit gym here.

as for sprints, probably not so well. i like longer distance too much so once i start some workout or whatever i don't want to stop.. i just keep going.. i think i'm addicted to the high!, otherwise wtf!  maybe that's why i can't gain muscle, lol. i think my body is boring, i want some muscle tone :)  what is really driving me crazy at the moment is that i love love love to swim, but i'm trying to stay away from chlorine (i'm allergic to it anyway).  so i'm really trying to be a land-athlete, but i don't sprint as well that way if that makes any sense.  i really miss swimming!!!!.. ridiculous, but that's what i see myself doing in my mind when i'm stressed at work or something and need to get away.. i want to swim!

Yeah I was hoping your heels had got better giving me some hope! because it's summer here and very dry and my heels are cracked...

The only time my heels didnt crack when I did a 2 week paddle/surf trip last year, I was bare foot the whole time and in the water all day and walked around in the dirt/rocks/shells my feet were filthy and although a bit of skin built up they never cracked.

I'm enjoying swimming more but I like the feeling I get after more. My mum (raw paloer) has really got into it actually, she started 6 months ago only being able to swim 50 meters now she can swim 1500m non stop. They do open water training but it's on the weekend when I work.

I might try some of the cream SteaknChop, I don't want any oily stuff because it will make my feet black. I've pretty much given up healing them. They have improved alot since going RPD though. Maybe it will take years like other things have or maybe it's a mind thing.
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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #218 on: December 20, 2010, 08:49:45 am »
you're mom is really super!  and your brother too, right?  will your family eat a raw paleo xmas dinner? :)
 i'd swim so fast in open water out fear of sharks!  :o

as for dry heels, i'm going to put a huge glob of cream on them and sleep with socks (which i really hate!) and see if i can undo years of damage overnite!  :D   actually, sleeping with socks, even in winter, is kind of a pet peeve... i'll think about it :P

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #219 on: December 20, 2010, 09:04:33 am »
.... i really miss swimming!!!!.. ridiculous, but that's what i see myself doing in my mind when i'm stressed at work or something and need to get away.. i want to swim!

Have you searched if there are any pools around you that use salt to sanitize instead of chlorine. There is one like that in my buddy's condo!

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #220 on: December 20, 2010, 10:12:15 am »
good idea!, i'll look.  i'm hopeful, but not expecting much.. it's not very progressive here  :(

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #221 on: January 08, 2011, 10:53:32 am »
i can't believe it, i did find one!  there's a sports complex that just opened by a former pro football player.  i was told the pool is salt water, i haven't tried it yet though.

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #222 on: January 08, 2011, 09:04:06 pm »
Not such a hick town then!

There's supposedly one where I live that uses bromine which is supposedly safer than chlorine.
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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #223 on: January 08, 2011, 10:56:26 pm »
i can't believe it, i did find one!  there's a sports complex that just opened by a former pro football player.  i was told the pool is salt water, i haven't tried it yet though.

which town is this?

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Re: Ioanna's Journal
« Reply #224 on: January 09, 2011, 12:02:10 pm »
Not such a hick town then!

There's supposedly one where I live that uses bromine which is supposedly safer than chlorine.

i'm still reserved about using it, the pool area just has a certain smell.  hopefully i can visit the ocean sometime soon.

about my heels, i've been putting this thick cream on them before work.. a ton of it!.. and then my socks over it and just let it absorb all day.  it's helped so much, though i've got a ways to go.

which town is this?

??? i prefer not to post this information, thanks.


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