After reading more of your posts, I am taking to your philosophy (at least how I read it) on eating to be active, and not spending all of one's time thinking and planning/preparing a "perfect" diet.
Bravo! Living rich full and interesting lives is what it’s all about. Eating is just a small but necessary part of this. Think of your life as a journey. Like taking a journey in your car, you must stop occasionally for fuel, but fuel stops are not the point of the trip. So many of us become so obsessed with fueling the vehicle that we totally miss the joys of the journey.
Realizing this, I am a bit curious why you would spend extra time to mix in slankers ground beef into the pet food. Adding in the ground beef seems to be unnecessary when you have access to tallow, unless you are trying to reduce the percentage of organs in your diet. If you are trying to reduce this percentage, I am curious to know how you decided on the particular ratios.
Unlike many on this forum, I don’t believe that our diet consisted of just organ meats and that we killed animals to eat the liver and let everything else rot. Makes no sense. Way too much effort expended for the small gain. I pretty much believe that like the pig processor, we ate everything but the squeal.
I started mixing the pet food into the ground muscle meat because the taste of the pet food was more than I could tolerate at the time. Now I enjoy it but still feel that we should eat a wide variety of animal parts rather in the proportions that they exist in the animal. I have no idea if this is right or wrong, good or bad, but mixing the pet food with plain ground meat and then adding more fat has worked so well over the last 5 years or so that I have no inclination to change.
I spend very little time preparing my meals. Once every 2 weeks I thaw enough ground meat and pet food to last 2 weeks or so and once mixed I repackage into single servings (one serving per day) in very cheap ZipLoc sandwich bags. This whole process takes about 1 hour. I then refreeze and pull out one package each day to thaw for my afternoon meal. When it’s time to eat I add in extra fat depending on how I feel that day. One day I may raise the fat content to 60% of calories, another day I’ll make it 85% of calories – or anywhere in between. It all depends on what I’m doing, and how much fat I’m craving. If I’m working in the garden taking out overgrown plants with a pick and shovel, I’ll want far more fat than if I spend the day lying on the couch reading a book. My daily meal prep takes about 10 min and then I spend about 20 min. eating.
Counting my initial prep time, daily prep time, and the time to eat the meals, I spend maybe a maximum of 35 - 40 min a day fussing with food.