Hi folks, My dear uncle, a good soul, just died rather suddenly right when he seemed to be recovering from a bad virus unrelated to this topic. Luckily, he and I are both Irish (2nd and 3rd generation), and the real Irish are certain that their departed relatives are somehow still around nearby in the other world, even though I'm not religious (don't ask me to explain it, I don't understand it myself). Thus the wake is likely to be more like a family reunion than a mourning session, especially since he lived many years. I always get a kick when a non-Irish priest does the sermon and remarks on how happy the Irish seem to be at wakes and funerals.

I don't know about the younger generations though, they seem to be changing.
I'll try to quickly drum up some answers here. In case I don't have time for much more answers, I may have to leave it to Eric and Iguana and anyone else who understands the topic somewhat or has had a chance to read up on resistant starch to answer additional questions for now, if they can. Thanks guys if you can, and thank heavens there are some people here who see through the arguments and excuses for the dangerous chronic ZC/VLC starchless diets (I'm not talking about careful, intermittent days of VLC).
This is awful, because I think this topic is a matter of life and death too. Anyone who's familiar with my posts knows I've never said that before, and it indeed is not like me at all, so you know I'm not just making it up. How I do wish this was just due to my account being hacked.
Yes, I'm trying to frighten people and shake them up. I'm frightened myself. It's looking like a nightmare that we're only just starting to get the gist of. Richard Nikoley said that there will be more information to come. I had seen lots of reports of minor issues from cooked VLCers and ZCers before. Now it seems they are becoming more serious. From the early indications, it seems that insufficient starch, especially resistant starch, is one of the key factors. It's looking like Dr. McDougall was right to a certain degree, in that starchy foods are apparently important foods and probably shouldn't be severely restricted, much less entirely elminated from the diet.
I likely wouldn't have time to answer all the questions or debate every critic even if it weren't for this personal matter, because it's a perfect storm that is currently swirling in the Paleo and LC dieting worlds. All sorts of people are coming out and saying "Yeah, I have those problems too, but the LC gurus and most avid followers said to ignore them and...
just eat more fat
give it time
don't worry about it
that's natural physiological insulin resistance
constipation is no big deal, just take Natural Calm Magnesium
there's no such thing as a starch/carb deficiency
I don't see how resistant starch is necessary
you can get all the carbs you need from whole sweet raw organic fruits or ...
Sound familiar? It turns out it's mostly or all bogus. Don't believe them.
I thought of a temporary compromise solution. Chronic ZC has never been tried before by any human population (at least not one that survived) in all of human history (those who think it has are probably not going to listen to me, so I'm speaking to the rest of you). Given that there are now reports of much more severe problems caused by chronic cooked VLC diets (you'll find them at Free the Animal, Mark's Daily Apple and probably other forums) than the issues it is generally being used to treat, and given that we don't know how much of a protection rawness is from those problems, why don't folks who aren't adamant about it take a one month break from zero carbing, to give this thing time to play out, keeping an eye and ear out for more information?
Just a thought. I'm not telling anyone what to do, just praying some will pay attention and look into it, quickly.
Over the years you made 'discoveries' of all sorts that appear to you to be the next best thing, and now RS. And of course it very well may be. Let's see.
Heh, good one, Van. Luckily, there are half a dozen or so "experts" who are saying this stuff, including at least one MD (Spanish Caravan), and the number is likely to grow as more and more followers demand answers (if you're a fan of one of the gurus and they haven't spoken out on the topic, then it's time to ask them about it), so you don't have to believe me.
@Hanna, Thanks, hope this helps.
That's what I had before. These issues went away completely after I switched to low carb 5+ years ago. Whenever I increase carb intake esp starches I don't feel as well.
Same here, that's one of the early signs that the gut bacteria have been messed up. I'm working on trying to remedy that now myself. I'm currently using mainly potato starch and raw dried green plantain slices with some success but still have a ways to go. I hope I can fix this. There's plenty of info on potato starch, plantains and other RS sources from Tatertot at a couple blogs and forums, which you can probably easily find by googling Tatertot and resistant starch. Unfortunately for folks here, his focus and just about everyone else's is on cooked sources.
Thanks for sharing that important type of case I forgot to mention and my own at that {smacks own head}, ys. I'm praying that your and my problems with starches won't turn into the severe cases that others reportedly have been, and I hope to god that none of the people I told about Paleo or Dr. Bernstein, and none of the people they told about them, and anyone who was influenced by me here (which I hope is none) is in dire straits or headed that way. I've been trying to check around, but it's hard with a death of a great man in the clan.
Maybe I shouldn't post more links for now, because I saw someone accuse Richard that this is a marketing gimmick for his book. I have nothing to do with Richard's book, but it occurs to me that some might ass-u-me otherwise.
@mango I like Lex quite a bit too, which is why I'm trying to warn him. Boy do I hope I'm wrong about the importance of resistant starch and other prebiotics. I'm not taking that chance myself and I already appear to have benefited from RS, according to my glucometer and thermometer, and they haven't lied to me lately that I know of.

You're free to do what you wish, of course.
@Eric, Don't worry, I expected the hullabaloo, and you're right on the money as is often the case.
@Iguana, And you're on the money about the Inuit with their Eskimo potato, fermented stomach contents, tree barks and saps and such.
@GS, Right on, man--temporary, not long term.