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Messages - Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 23, 2020, 06:59:59 am »
Usually most supplements are a hoax. Most people do not even absorb that stuff it just comes out the other end in urine or faeces. You don't need to supplement vitamin d afaik many reasons, mentioned one already. People might indeed feel good or imagine it. But it might also be simple a stimulant. It doesn't solve anything but gives you a short high I'd guess.
I've seen certain people benefit from certain supplements in the past. I do think that with very specific health conditions, supplements may sometimes be necessary. And while I do encourage everyone to get all of their vitamins and minerals from food, if you had absolutely no access to the proper food your body requires for whatever reason, a supplement can be a thing to consider.

First thing I would recommend to anyone considering vitamin/mineral supplementation is raw liver and raw fish liver, along with other seafood. As many other organs as possible is a good idea as well, for certain vitamins/minerals/enzymes etc... And if eating that doesn't work, then you should consider the alternatives for your own specific problem.

I've been completely raw for 3 years now, 90-100% carnivore. Never had any reason to eat anything cooked, but it's not my religion. While I do encourage people to keep their foods as raw as possible, that is not always an option for other people, and if I was in a hypothetical situation where I had to eat cooked or starve, I'd still eat the cooked food. I don't do well on large amounts of plants, specifically fiber, but I've consumed raw coconut fat, raw lemon juice, certain raw herbs and raw teas in the past. I've added larger amounts of coconut fat to my diet in the past when I wanted to gain weight, but as an addition to my diet, not as a replacement for the animal fat I eat.

Generally I don't mind adding some plants for medicinal or supplemental purposes, as long as they don't give me any trouble. As far as cooked food goes, there was no reason for it. I felt worse on it, and it was not as appealing anymore. I don't care what other people think of my diet either, so I would ignore any such requests to eat cooked.

And as I've already stated, Raw, Paleo, Carnivore etc... is not my religion. I do what I find is best for me, and that is what everyone else should be doing as well.

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 21, 2020, 07:15:04 am »
Found information about the nutrients in actual Cod Liver (not the oil).

It has an even higher amounts of nutrients than I expected, with a massive amount of DHA/EPA, D3, A, K2, and even Vitamin E and Iodine. And a reminder that most of these are the highest out of any food I've seen.

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 21, 2020, 03:31:33 am »
Most foods, including animal foods don't have that much Vitamin D in them compared to the sun. High amounts of fish might be enough, or eating raw fish liver (not to be confused with processed cod liver oil). Raw fish liver is probably the most nutrient dense food on the planet overall (with liver from land animals being second), as it has mostly the same or higher vitamin/mineral levels as livers from land animals, along with very high Vitamin D and Omega 3s.

Regarding Vitamin K2, that is already present in high amounts in any liver. Best source of calcium is bone marrow or bones themselves. Mollusks have a very high magnesium content if you want more of that.

Just to give you an example, raw Tuna liver had 130000 IU of Vitamin D3 per 100 grams. Source for Vitamin D3 in animal foods:

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 17, 2020, 04:05:06 pm »
Assume you have ruled out detergent dermatitis and similar household practical causes?
Considering how opposed they are to any sort of chemicals, I would be surprised if that was the case. They do wash their hands a lot using regular tap water, but I am unsure how that would affect them. And considering that they have put their fingers under quite a bit of physical stress in the past, it could potentially be related to that.

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 16, 2020, 03:43:39 am »
If you look at the first picture, you can see the shadow at the base of the index finger, that indicates where the "lump" starts. The skin isn't raised by much, but there's a noticeable difference between it and the surrounding tissue.

Regarding the yellow color, it might be the lighting, but it is probably a good idea to check just in case.

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 16, 2020, 12:49:53 am »
I think @Norawnofun is talking about the yellow areas on the fingers as evidence of too much vitamin A.  I have a couple books on natural health that say there have been reports of people's skin turning yellow/orange as a result of eating too many carrots, sweet potatoes, and plant-based vitamin A foods.  That could be the case here.  None of my books say that animal-based vitamin A would cause it, however.
If they are talking about the fingertips, that was a Lugol's Iodine stain, which they had apparently started experimenting with on the finger.

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 15, 2020, 09:04:37 pm »
Looking at the color it could very well be a problem with Vitamin A. If you friend is eating foods high in Vitamin A, be it retinol or beta-carotene (and all the other types) from foods such as liver, egg yolks, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, dairy, supplements and so forth, he seems to no longer be able to safely store it in his own liver - it´s overloaded and therefore places "vitamin a" in different areas of the body, such as the whole skin, palms, finger tips, eye whites and so forth. Constipation can also be an issue because your elimination process is disturbed. You can start detoxing Vitamin A by staying between roughly 100-800IU per day. As with detoxing oxalates, detoxing A can also cause similar herx reactions. Here is a nice list of VA toxicity symptoms: and I´ll attach a list of foods showing the content of A in foods.  If u need more info lemme know

Also keep in mind that eating saturated fats together with VA foods increases VA absorption.
Looking at the color of what, exactly? It could be an issue however, considering that they eat liver every day. Perhaps also a Vitamin D deficiency, considering their lack of sunlight and fish.

I myself have consumed large amounts of liver for years now, but have never experienced any negative symptoms as far as I can tell.

Health / Re: Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 14, 2020, 11:05:42 pm »
Oxalate dumping after years on a carnivore diet? Interesting idea, it could also explain some of the unrelated problems that I have experienced myself in the past.

Although, to be honest, I am not sure what the problem is myself. They say that the lump is usually soft, sometimes more firm, and a bit firmer than the surrounding tissue. It's on the right side at the base of both fingers on the right hand (in the same place, oddly enough), and that the lump is usually smaller in the morning, larger in the evening. It seems that activity or food increases the size slightly. To me it almost looks like an enlarged muscle.

General Discussion / Re: Only eating organ meats?
« on: November 14, 2020, 10:53:53 pm »
I have tried eating only organs in the past, and it seemed to work, at least temporarily. I don't know of anything that's present exclusively in muscle meat that you would need, but it is always best to try and eat as much of the animal as possible (various muscles, organs, fats, blood etc...). You can experiment with it and see how your body reacts. If problems do occur, you can always add some muscle meat as well. Heart is technically a muscle, although I can imagine there being certain benefits to different cuts of muscle as well.

Health / Lumps on fingers. What to do and is it cancer?
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:28:43 am »
Sharing this here on behalf of a friend, since they do not have an account. I'll let them explain the situation:

hello friends. for a few years i have been doing a raw carnivore paleo diet. 8 months ago the skin on my index finger became scaly, and then eventually a lump with some red skin formed. its not as scaly anymore, and i think the lump is slightly smaller. recently the skin on my middle finger also turned red a bit, and i am worried about what is happening. i am willing to do whatever it takes to heal this problem. here are some pictures, sorry if the lighting is bad, it looks a bit worse in person

I keep all my organs/fat/muscle uncovered at around 32-35 degrees Fahrenheit/0-2 degrees Celsius, placed on some butcher paper.

I would suggest keeping it uncovered unless you are trying to make high meat. In the past, I've had meat at somewhat higher temperatures stored in plastic for over a week, after which it would gain a vile bitter taste. If you do plan on keeping it in sealed jars, I suggest airing it regularly. Since your problem seems to be your housemates, keeping it uncovered would be fine.

An update on my situation. I have experimented a bit and found that at around 32-35 degrees Fahrenheit/0-2 degrees Celsius the meat will keep fresh for weeks, if not months. This has been particularly useful for fats (such as bone marrow and suet), preventing them from going rancid fast.

General Discussion / Re: No grassfed beef at where I live
« on: August 11, 2020, 02:16:07 am »
So I just started the raw paleo last week. The only meat without gmo, hormones, etc. I could find was chicken so that's what I started with. Sadly, all other meats are of conventional animal farming and I feel kind of limited. I live in Croatia and grassfed doesn't seem to even be a thing here, people just aren't thinking about it. Should I avoid all beef since it isn't grassfed?
I highly doubt that it is impossible to get "grass-fed" where you live. I have seen in a lot of countries that good quality meat is available, you just need to know where to look. You are better off looking on the internet (in your native language), going to farmers' markets than regular supermarkets most of the time, although it still worth checking those as well. Remember that grass-fed is most likely not going exist as a term in your own language as it would in English, try and find farmers that claim their animals were free range/pasture raised, fed only/mostly grass/hay and very little grains/soy etc... With a little luck, you can probably find a term that describes something similar to grass-fed in your language.

If you cannot get that, try to at least get organic, if at all possible. The alternative is buying wild game/wild caught fish, but do be sure to check if it is indeed truly wild.

For meat (muscle, organs, fat), what would be the best temperature to keep them as fresh as possible in the refrigerator? I'm also curious about ideal freezer temperatures, mostly to prevent freezer burn.

Regarding high meat, would it be best to just leave it outside the refrigerator?

I have used class wide mouth mason jars to freeze meat and blood in with fairly good results. Also if you use a vacuum sealer the jars it seems to keep the blood from bursting the jar when it freezes and will also keep the meat from freezer burn if storing long term.
Thank you, I will try that. Do you also freeze fat, such as bone marrow and suet, in the same way?

I'm curious, what do you all think about using glass (or something else potentially???) instead of plastic for freezing meat, and how exactly would you do it?

Thanks a lot for the great reply. I think it´s important to have an alternative and better source of calcium than dairy. Even if you raise a child on raw dairy, it will likely get hooked up on it and once it won´t have access to it, it will resort to pasteurized dairy which is available everywhere. That will onset all kinds of health problems. Then beside the opioids, you have estrogen, the a2 issue, over consumption of calcium, among other things. Raising a dairy limited or dairy free child would therefore be a much better way to prevent disease I think. But that´s another topic.

I also think that bone marrow would be a great source, also because of its high fat content. And I did remember that it had some special nutrients, but i can´t remember what that was. One thing that I remember thought is that when sv3rige consumed it raw once, apparently he became pretty ill and had to go to hospital for 2 weeks as far as I can remember. I wonder why it could have caused such havoc? I know that consuming it from a healthy animal would be preferable, but eating raw conventional beef does not seem to be so much of an issue than consuming raw bone marrow? Is there something that one needs to be cautious with when it comes to eating it raw?

Regarding eating the whole bones, the best way seems to pressure cook them. Apparently it takes only around 30+ min to get fish bones soft enough to be eaten I could not wait 3 days in a crock pot like sabertooth does, that would take far too long. And when you say that Bones have 1000-3000% of the RDA per 100 grams, to which bones are you refering to? Bones from animals such as cow and lamb, or also fish?

Sv3rige was eating a lot of different things at the time, so I wouldn't be so sure it was the bone marrow. The chicken he was eating was probably a likelier source, although Campylobacter is present in cattle, swine, and birds. In most people, the illness lasts for 2–10 days. It is classified as invasive/inflammatory diarrhea, also described as bloody diarrhea or dysentery. Most do not experience complications as Sv3rige did, those generally occur in young children (< 1 year of age) and immunocompromised people.

Anecdotally, I and quite a few others have consumed large quantities of bone marrow and have never gotten sick. I have tried lower quality marrow in the past, the worst of which was completely inedible and disgusting. I'm sure it's possible to get ill from a sick animal, but as long as you listen to your instincts, the claims of getting sick from bone marrow because Sv3rige supposedly did are completely overblown. Obviously it's much better to eat healthy organs than sick ones, more so than muscle meat. You can eat raw conventional muscle meat and not get sick. You can also eat raw conventional organ meats and not get sick. Should you? No, obviously, and some people do have higher chances of getting sick than others. It would be good to remember that among other things, Campylobacter species are sensitive to hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which would mean someone with weaker stomach acid would be more likely to get infected.

I would generally recommend avoiding low quality meat, unless you have no choice. Determining quality is not as simple as organic or non-organic, grass-fed or grain-fed etc... (although grass-fed or wild-game is still usually much better than your conventional meat). Usually, the better the taste, the better the quality. If it doesn't taste bad then it's probably fine to eat.

So, no, I wouldn't worry about bone marrow specifically. Treat it as you would all the other organs in terms of risk.

Bone marrow specifically has a much higher amount of Vitamin E than the other fats, it contains alkyglycerols, high levels of the hormone adiponectin, stem cells, the highest levels of calcium (other than bone) etc...

I have a topic in the science section titled "Detailed Analysis of All Nutrients (Vitamins/Minerals) in Animal Foods" which shows the levels of calcium and all the other nutrients, and has sources for them. Different animals and different bones in the body have varying levels of calcium, hence my 1000-3000% of the RDA per 100 grams estimate.

Regarding eating the bones, as I've already said, you can always use smaller bones or grind them down into bone meal. Larger bones are usually more trouble than they're worth. Although one possibility would be to dry them outside for over a month. Of course you could always cook them for long periods of time, but that would most likely have similar negative effects as other cooked food would.

Just wanted to add to the discussion that some believe copper is as important as calcium when it comes to bone strength.

There are studies on pubmed showing that copper is necessary for tooth and bone density, and a deficiency or inadequacy of copper leads to weaker bones.

One to read is "Copper deficit as a potential pathogenic factor of reduced bone mineral density and severe tooth wear," in Osteoporosis Int. 2014 Feb; 25(2) 447-54. PMID:

Copper would be in liver and internal organs. 

Interesting to note, it says in the results section there was no difference in calcium level in enamel, only copper was low in the patients with severe tooth wear compared to controls.

This is the case with many vitamins and minerals, it's important to get them all as in many cases they are synergistic.

Bone marrow and brain have often been said by Aajanous and sv3rige to be the most toxin deposited areas industrial poisons will go to in an animal.
I remember sv3rige or frank also saying brain is a great source of d3.
Bone marrow and placenta apparently also have stem cells.
The best source of vitamin D3 (from what I've seen) is apparently in the organs, specifically the liver. Fish have a higher amount than terrestrial animals, and fish liver has the highest levels by far. I've not been able to find a good source for vitamin D3 in the brain.

Bone marrow and bones themselves are the best source of calcium. Bones have much higher calcium levels than any other food but are probably going to be harder to eat, especially for a growing toddler. You could try using very small bones, or grinding them down to to dust/bone meal. Personally, I would recommend bone marrow, but it's your choice. I would also suggest that you keep the bones raw if you were to eat them.

Both bone marrow and bones have a type of calcium known as calcium phosphate/calcium hydroxylapatite.This is also the main form of calcium coming from cow’s milk. Bones have around 1000-3000% of the RDA per 100 grams, while bone marrow has around 30% (mostly as much as dairy). Absorption of calcium also depends on what else you eat, and your own body's ability to absorb it. There are certain foods that inhibit calcium absorption. Anti-Nutrients like Phytic acid and Oxalates bind with calcium, while others such as Lectins, Saponins, Tannins (inhibition of digestive enzymes and bind to minerals), Gluten, Chaconine and others can cause various other gut related issues, lowering absorption.

Bone marrow also has some other unique properties which make it favorable compared to the rest in my view.

I myself do eat a lot of bone marrow and some bones very rarely, so calcium has never been an issue for me.

Since I noticed you were talking about Vitamin D and K2, various cheeses and other dairy products can have high amounts of K2 and some D3, although your best source of K2 from a non fermented food would be liver, as that has high amounts of it (150-500% of the RDA per 100 grams). Liver along with fish (fish liver is the highest source in nature that has been measured) would be the best source of natural D3 in food.

Health / Lyme Disease - Solutions?
« on: September 14, 2019, 09:13:54 pm »
Does anyone have any advice regarding Lyme Disease? I have a few ideas, but I'm interested in hearing what everyone has to say.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Current view on zero/low carb?
« on: September 14, 2019, 09:06:57 pm »
After years of raw zero carb, I would agree with Tyler that fat can be used to cleanse the intestines instead of fiber.

Personally, fiber has caused me issues in the past.

what i mean is that if you eat 100g protein with 100g of fat or below per day, this i snot ketogenic

if you eat 100g of protein with 150- 200g of fat per day, this is ketogenic

regarding salt, im not sure... but Aajonus claimed you dont need salt if you eat raw food(animal and plant origin), but you NEED salt if you eat cooked anything
If you ate 100g of protein and 100g fat, I would say that is probably Ketogenic, at least from my experience. You have to remember that 1 gram of protein is 4 calories, and 1 gram of fat is 9. So with 100g of protein and fat, you are eating around 70% fat and 30% protein by calories. You also have to remember that on a carnivore diet you aren't likely to be consuming more than 5-10 grams of carbohydrates a day, unless you drink milk or eat honey, or are doing something else which you likely shouldn't be on a Zero Carb/Carnivore diet.

It is also, from my experience, vastly easier to eat 100-200 grams of fat than it is 100-200 grams of protein. There is no source of very high protein natural food as far as I'm aware, and there's plenty of very high fat sources such as bone marrow and the fat you can get on the muscle and organs. Bone marrow can contain anywhere from 80-90% fat or more, while most protein foods are 70-80% water, then protein and vitamins/minerals.

Regarding salt, it never worked for me on a  carnivorous diet, even on a cooked one.

I'm pretty sure I watched a documentary on this and those guys were so sloppy looking that they reminded me of Sumo wrestlers. So much for a diet of raw milk and grass fed cow blood! What's up with that?
I believe the main problem was the large amount of milk combined with the lack of exercise.

If you mean me, I did actually have very good, regular sources of raw fat at the time. Mostly I ate raw tongue and raw marrow, and also raw eggs, at the time, so, presumably, my fat-intake in calories must have been extremely high. I miss the grassfsed marrow, as the marrow bones I buy now in Austria, are not 100% grassfed and selected mainly for dogs who don't mind marrow-bones with not much fat in them. I do admit I ate quite a lot at the time, especially when I started getting those insatiable hunger-pangs, so I think the excess protein, even if accompanied by fat, might have been the problem. But who knows?
How much did you eat and drink? I've noticed both excess protein and fat can lead to problems, more so in the case of protein. And did you use any salt?

glad to hear others chime in about fat and protein...  Early man Most likely had availability to plenty of fat.   I have availability also to plenty of fat, and choose to eat plenty with my meat.  My guess is that most would choose the same when the fat is a tasty as the fat I get or the fat that came off of a large animal after a fresh kill back then.

 I would love to be able to read more data on the balance of sodium as I've dropped salt now for maybe a month and do better with out it.  I know that Paleomedicina folks do you salt, but then they're not raw.
Van, I used to have the same problems most people report without, but with salt. After cutting out salt completely I felt good again and I've not used it in years now. I would assume that eating any salt messes up Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and other trace mineral levels in the body (especially on a low carbohydrate diet), which is why I felt so horrible after eating any salt.

General Discussion / Re: Why are SAD-eaters so fat!?!?
« on: July 02, 2019, 03:47:13 am »
I believe the reason I eat less on a raw mostly carnivore diet is because food doesn't taste that great. It's been well over 5 years since I had a McDonalds hamburger but I still salivate whenever I buy on for someone and bring it home in my car. Probably not much different that a junkie craving a shot of heroin...
I believe cravings are mostly a mental problem. After convincing myself that I do not desire those foods and not eating them for years, I have no interest in them whatsoever, despite being surrounded by them all the time. I would argue that on raw carnivore food can taste very good, but that depends on the health and state of the animal you are eating. I've had all kinds of muscle, organs, fat and whatever else taste both disgusting and great in the past. Not surprisingly, the more unhealthy the animal, the worse it tastes.

Some people, of course, find all raw animal foods disgusting, but that is again a mental problem, and I do not think that is what is causing your issue.

Any theories as to why almost everyone is overweight?

I read stuff like this:

and I'm mystified as to what is going on.
- why is it so easy to gain weight on cooked stuff?
- what purpose does this fat serve?
- why is it hard to gain weight on raw?
I would say it is easier to get satiated on raw food, and both protein and fat are generally more satiating than carbohydrates. Meanwhile most people eat a heavily cooked high carbohydrate diet.

Now, I do not believe it is simply a matter of how easy it is to eat something, I think there are many factors to consider in why a large part of the population is overweight. Genetics, exercise, toxic food etc...

I do not know what purpose the fat serves. It could be that because the body is used to using only carbohydrates for fuel in many cases, that the fat simply gets stored. Other theories I've heard have said that the fat is used for storing toxins. In any case, I think that being overweight is likely a sign of toxicity in the body.

There are other possibilities, of course. Even on a high fat, high protein diet that's completely raw, if you overeat all the time you might end up overweight as well. Although in most cases I do not see that naturally being possible, as most usually experience raw fat and protein as very satiating. Not to mention the other problems you could have with overeating fat, such as nausea or diarrhea, which would most likely prevent you from absorbing any more food. Too much raw protein on it's own would cause it's own issues, which is why a raw lower carbohydrate diet would most likely not be capable of making you overweight.

On the other hand, if you drink a lot of raw milk, eat raw honey, raw fruits, I could see how the large amount of carbohydrates along with other factors could make you gain too much weight. Raw dairy in general makes you gain weight.

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