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Off Topic / Re: A sad riposte to the depopulation conspiracists here
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:17:25 pm »
Well, I see your point in that most but not all species, however deadly, try to look after their young  in some way so as to better spread their DNA. So, love thy neighbour could be seen as being a useful  and indeed  much-needed trait, it is just that I view it as being far less effective re survival  than the survival of the fittest notion.
No, you don't see the point, obviously never have either, for if you did you wouldn't write such apologetic nonsense trying to "excuse" yourself and thus avoid the issue. You do not see the point, so don't lie and say that you do. You don't, you don't even try.
Not once did I say anything specifically about the young. Plus, you are completely missing the point of "both are absolutely essential". Which one is more effective or stronger is 100% irrelevant.
I was trying to point out the flawed "reasoning" of yours by shedding directions from logic onto your nonsense and showing how you bring out things that are irrelevant and actually don't accord reality, but obviously you lack the faculties to notice this.
You've been posting such illogical and messed up nonsense here for quite some time now, and its not limited to just one or a few areas... you've got the world figured out into quite a mess in your mind. Would be nice if you noticed it yourself... I expect people to have at least some inkling of logic and "common sense", or such, but you persistently are avoiding those from coming into effect in yourself as you demonstrate through the nonsense you keep posting without correcting yourself. People correct their mistakes when they notice them - it's one aspect of who we are, we do not like to make mistakes if we can help it. So I suppose the problem might lie in "why can you not notice yourself"?

From someone who eats raw meat... I expect far more mentally, for one would not be so small and narrow and short minded for many obvious reasons (as in fact I see others here exhibit of not being). But you are anomalous, and not in any good way (far too many signs of actually being a "shill").

Anyway, on topic, the article is absolute nonsense for the obvious reason that it leaves out, well, everything actually relevant and actually truthful, and there's a lot of it.
World wars are not some "natural things that simply occur", they are all, each and every one, designed decades in advance with specific goals! If the goal is not population reduction by 90% or more, or whatever, then it won't happen either.

Off Topic / Re: A sad riposte to the depopulation conspiracists here
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:53:49 pm »
I disagree. I reckon survival of the fittest was a bigger impulse, at least  in palaeo times. I agree, though, that civilisation requires far more of the "love thy neighbour" guff  in order to survive.
There is nothing to disagree or agree with, as it is obvious - the truth of it is right in front of you and me and everyone else. So if you cannot recognize it, never mind what should follow, then the question is "why can't you recognize it?"
So, why can you not recognize the simple truth that among the species on earth "love thy neighbour" is fundamental to survival?

Strength of one or another is absolutely irrelevant, as both are absolutely necessary! You remove either, and leave the other, and eventually it leads to total extinction. So, obviously, there even isn't a question "which one is 'stronger'?" because both are necessary.

This also begs another question - why are you concentrating on the completely wrong aspects (that in actual truth have nothing to do with the reality of how our world works)?

Off Topic / Re: A sad riposte to the depopulation conspiracists here
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:12:28 pm »
"Love thy neighbour" is not a survival strategy and is not really a solid part of Nature.
It actually is. You think all this we have, including our own lives and survival, came from individual effort? It came from working together. If there never was "love thy neighbour" in actual practice none of us would even exist!

Health / Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:10:13 pm »
Personally don't have problems with eyes but have noticed when I get somewhat too much sugars from food my sight gets "foggier". I'd say go "low carb", and at least occasional ketosis. Obviously all raw.
Definitely sungazing or such, though don't know much about sungazing in details (personally have only stared at the very bright sun in the middle of the day with my eyes closed). Eyes, among in general, do feel better after.
And definitely physical exercise. Body needs exercise.
There's mind part as well - "think yourself healthy" - though doesn't work that quickly (though even that is possible) but definitely can help. To work it needs absolute conviction of the reality that directed thoughts and intentions can make it better, no doubt of its working may be present because then it won't work. Essentially "mind over body".
Get rid of doubt and hope - both are bad. If you have them. Doubt is a limiter and preventer. Hope is a source of anxiety and an excuse not to act.
There's also "conditioning of space". If you want something to happen or get working that is hard to do then eventually you condition the area of your "working space" to better support your intention and goal, thus making it easier to work and the goal easier to manifest. Sort of like this. So, "condition" your home.
Having your living space with "positive" energy and intentions, so anything creating negativity has to go.
"Meditation" of some sort would be good as well.
Learning about the world(s) you exist in, getting to know the world and yourself, is also very good.

Since eyes are part of your whole your whole has to be working well.

General Discussion / Re: Do you wash your hands? When and with what?
« on: October 22, 2014, 03:15:36 pm »
I only use soap on hands when they get some nasty or hard to get rid of stuff on them. Otherwise just water.

Washing hands because of fright of becoming sick is mainstream created nonsense. It is unrealistic. As we are surrounded by "lethal" bacteria and other microorganisms each and every moment of our lives from birth till death, no matter whether hands are washed or not. Plus mouth has very high defensive mechanisms against bad microorganisms anyway.
This "becoming sick because not washing hands" essentially only applies some bit to those who have no awareness over dieting or health, thus they eat all kinds of body and mind destroying crap. And so they will be susceptible to everything from anywhere. But in truth even in their case washing hands "due to fright of becoming ill" is pointless as they will become ill one way or another whether they do it or not.

Try to remove fluoride from your life as much as you can, as this substance is only poison to human body.

Off Topic / Re: Apology(allergies to electricity do indeed exist)
« on: October 18, 2014, 04:40:43 pm »
Just reading through something very interesting (rather long itself but well worth it). It is directly linked to the senses. Has very relevant points there regarding our species as a whole.
One important point, why would our species have developed senses that we seem to never use nor have knowledge of? Yet there they are, part of us all.

Off Topic / Re: Apology
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:49:06 pm »
Expanding the topic:

Closer to the end there is a list of senses we have, though there's definitely more. It's not just sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, nor the "6th" sense, there's a lot more.
If there's too much of anything and the receptors are receiving the "far too much" then just as with any sense it will create negative reactions within the body and mind that are acted out one way or another. This is especially severe if the person has absolutely no knowledge of the existence of these senses - how can you know what to do if you don't know this aspect of yourself even exists? If you smell something very strong and bad you know what to do, if you see something equivalent you know what to do, and hear and touch and taste - you know what to do; because you know these senses exist and you know what they receive.

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:51:17 pm »
Well, so far in your post(s) you have merely spouted rubbish without backing  it up with evidence. Err, as regards "lying", this is rather stupid. I mean in order to lie one has to be aware of it to do so. Never mind, perhaps English is not your strong point.

I am also highly amused by your post since it is YOu who is behaving like a troll. I , at least, provided some data to back up my claims.
Good luck finding reality, and yourself.

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:09:13 am »
Tyler, it is a very sad thing that you actually believe your own nonsense. You obviously lack self-awareness, and awareness in general to a significant degree. Sad, very sad.
Neither are you consciously in control of yourself, as is obvious. The outbursts are the evidence of this.
You as well are incapable of understanding what others are saying and suggesting with their posts, as you are also misinterpreting what I have said. Thus you make conclusions of me that simply are not true at all. Evidence is in your posts.

Emotions? Oh really? Care to compare your own posts to my "emotional" posts? Why are you lying here like this? Are you even aware you are lying? Stupid to ask really... of course you are not aware.

I addressed something I noticed, I brought it out, something obvious and fundamentally logical that you missed. And what did you do? Completely, 100% ignored it and "straw manned" and still do.

I've been on forums and argued quite a bit. I know a troll when I see one. I know how a troll conducts and behaves - exactly like you do. "Textbook trolling" is what you do. Now you might not be aware of it but you are doing it.

I've said quite enough to you. But you cannot understand... so to you it's all empty words.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: October 16, 2014, 05:41:23 pm »
Yes, I have always suspected that intelligence does not necessarily equal survival. There is a wonderful science fiction story called "Swarm" by Bruce Sterling which focuses on that point.
A brain does not equal intelligence. Plenty of examples among humanity.
A swarm mind - a collective mind - can be intelligent while each individual of the swarm alone might not be.
Furthermore, intelligence is not limited only to our physical world. It is literally possible to have a physical body but it's intelligence in another plane (like a swarm mind), connected to the physical body in some ways, as in fact it is with humans as well. Humans also have a collective (un)consciousness, but it can be accessed and used if you know how.
There isn't even enough information in DNA alone to warrant the development of a new organism. And whatever it is behind actual development has to have one damn intelligent aspect.
Intelligence also does not require the presence of consciousness nor awareness.

And intelligence essentially does equal survival, as intelligence in its core equals "the right choices". Cannot survive without "making" the right choices. But survival does not require consciousness nor awareness, not our kind at least.

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:15:18 pm »
I had indeed said just that.
You indeed did not. But either way, completely irrelevant because that was not the aspect of your post I was referring to.
Why are you going around the issue? Are you aware that you are going around the issue, ignoring it completely? Are you doing it on purpose? How about you "mature up" and start acting like an "adult" should?

I cannot help it if you became confused re the meaning. I am always leery of hysteria or conspiracy theories  whether in the RVAF diet or elsewhere. A typical conspiracy theory is that all soils are depleted. I do agree that some foods are deficient in nutrients if they are intensively farmed but the very fact that we eat the various foods raw means that we are eating foods much higher in nutrient content than cooked foodists would be doing, generally. So, it is very unlikely that my acquaintance RVAFer had low magnesium levels, that is until he started consuming raw dairy.
Why are you using the typical "troll tactics" here? By the way, this isn't the first time I've noticed you do this, in fact I noticed you're doing this about ten months ago. And you haven't changed. The funny thing is that genuine persons, individuals, they actually learn and grow from mistakes they make but you persistently are not admitting and accepting the mistakes you make and instead you take a defensive position and attack that which proves you are wrong and persistently try to go around the issue, instead of correcting yourself as you should be doing. Genuine people learn and change, you don't seem to exhibit such qualities.
Why are you doing this? Are you aware you are doing this?

"Conspiracy theory"? Not conspiracy theory, but merely a theory or a suggestion, and yes some are wrong, and also there is deliberate misinformation (oddly very similar to the kind you are spewing here...).
Just because something is branded as a "conspiracy theory" does not immediately, without any investigation or analysis or reasoning into it, mean it is not true or is true. Just as with any information, you have to verify it. If you don't even consider the possibility that some "conspiracy theories" might be true, then you are severely missing out on actual reality, because many of them actually are true. If you write them off as impossible and nonsense before even looking into them, then you can never know whether they are true or not, which makes you saying "they are not true" what exactly?

"A typical conspiracy theory is that all soils are depleted." Oh wow... generalization evidently without actually thinking over what you just wrote.

Why are you bringing in cooked foods in comparison to raw? Why are you again trying to go around the issue? This here was never about cooked foods! I will simply repost the part you completely ignored, as obviously it refuted your nonsense as you are trying to go around it, trying to ignore the issue: "Sorry but this says nothing about his magnesium intake. Refer to what eveheart said about soils and I said about toxins in our environment and in our body and the damage done by toxins that requires healing and thus extra magnesium along other stuff - it is obvious what all this means. Or does/did he live near water and ate lots of sea food or go swimming often, or did he get his food from some specifically magnesium rich place? Otherwise, sorry, but he was deficient in magnesium already prior to consuming excess calcium.
That someone goes low-carb does not mean they are abundant in all the nutrients they need, especially magnesium. It's not just how they eat, it's more to do where the food comes from and in what conditions it was grown."

I will say it again. Just because someone eats a specific diet, does not immediately mean the person gets all the nutrients he/she needs. Just because someone eats raw and low carb, does not immediatelly mean the person gets enough magnesium.

Obviously you do not care not one tiniest bit about honesty nor veracity. As when it is shown that you are wrong you simply try to go around the issue of you being wrong, ignoring your own mistakes completely and bringing in irrelevant points as if that was what was discussed.
What are you doing here?

The entire time I've been here I have not noticed you change not one bit, but I have noticed others change, and myself change. People learn, people change, people grow. So why are you not? Are you aware you are not? Are you aware not changing is a problem?

It is obvious you do not care about anything but spewing nonsense and misinformation and irrelevant points. So I'm just gonna leave it at this.

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:52:03 am »
To clarify, I had actually stated that if there was an excess of calcium, as long as magnesium-intake was much less than the calcium-intake, there  would be a magnesium-deficiency even if the magnesium-intake had been sufficient for health.
You have said no such thing.

As for the person I mentioned, he had been on a rawpalaeodiet(low carb) for some time so must have been getting enough magnesium.
Sorry but this says nothing about his magnesium intake. Refer to what eveheart said about soils and I said about toxins in our environment and in our body and the damage done by toxins that requires healing and thus extra magnesium along other stuff - it is obvious what all this means. Or does/did he live near water and ate lots of sea food or go swimming often, or did he get his food from some specifically magnesium rich place? Otherwise, sorry, but he was deficient in magnesium already prior to consuming excess calcium.
That someone goes low-carb does not mean they are abundant in all the nutrients they need, especially magnesium. It's not just how they eat, it's more to do where the food comes from and in what conditions it was grown.
With all your supposed experience in dieting and health, how can you still miss such fundamentals? What are you doing?

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:51:32 am »
Whether you like it or not, the calcium:magneisum ratio is a fact of life. Indeed, I once came across one guy on the rawpaleodiet yahoo group who experienced severe magnesium-deficiency because had been consuming too much calcium-rich dairy. His magnesium-intake had been sufficient, it was just because he had switched to consuming too much calcium via raw dairy that he developed magnesium-deficiency.

And I did not suggest that magnesium-intake of HGs or whatever was too low, merely suggesting that excessive calcium might block the uptake of magnesium, thus leading to magnesium-deficiency.
This was not the aspect of your post I was referring to. Why would you not notice it?
You have anything else aside a "straw man" to provide?

You say you met one, but no details about how much magnesium he consumed. How did he know he was deficient in magnesium? You do notice the problem with such assertions, right? Now I don't care about "scientific" anything as I know science is mostly nonsense itself as it's founded on principles that don't accord actual reality, but I do care about actual objective logic and reasoning.
I do recognize nonsense. So no point nonsensing me.

You said excessive calcium might block magnesium uptake when magnesium already is deficient while talking about what causes magnesium deficiency! If this were true it would suggest further very obvious issues that simply make no sense at all.

Yes, soils are deficient, on top of toxins everywhere. Deficiency rather unavoidable if doesn't have an abundant source nearby, daily, in some form. A problem that also did not exist in the past in such extremes as now.
Plus many of the toxins in the environment are probably designed to make magnesium unavailable, by reacting with it and making compounds life cannot use easily if at all.

Starts sounding like those who want to rely on just "real food" are "crazy" as they will never get enough magnesium in our present world (nor some other nutrients). Except perhaps in some areas of the planet, like near not too polluted water.
Personally, for me it's impossible to get enough from just food (tried it, and not just magnesium, potassium and iodine as well). So I use MgCl2 daily, along other salts and stuff.

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:24:05 am »
Any modern magnesium deficiency is easy to explain. If the body absorbs too much calcium in the diet, such as via dairy, and not enough magnesium, then magnesium-intake into the body is blocked, and magnesium-deficiency occurs:-
If too little magnesium is taken then it does not matter how much or little calcium you take, because you are taking too little magnesium already anyway! Basic logic, "common sense", c'mon now!

You say calcium intake is "high" but magnesium intake is too low and then calcium somehow inhibits magnesium that already is deficient? Get it? Basically what you said is magnesium intake already is low, but that doesn't yet matter because calcium has to come into play as well and inhibit the already deficient magnesium! There already was magnesium deficiency before calcium came into play!

Calcium intake does not block magnesium! Think objectively, analyze what is said objectively, and try to compare it to actual reality. Try to recognize nonsense as nonsense!

And holy fucking shit! I actually took a look at that text you provided. Recommended calcium intake 1000mg a day? Are you joking??? It is at least double that amount.
And It gets even worse... Optimal use perspective 750mg a day? That text you gave is garbage!
And magnesium need is not 270-400 mg, it is 1-2 grams!
Do you actually read through and think through the information you provide? It certainly seems you do not.

Just because somewhere is something written does not immediately mean it is true, you also have to verify the origin of that text, and then that one and so on. Otherwise, what are you doing?

Personally, my daily calcium intake is around 2 grams, magnesium intake around 1.5 grams.

Anyway... another thing to look at when considering magnesium and calcium need is that those minerals are also used for neutralizing many toxins of which there are more and more as time goes by. Also to heal the damage done by those toxins, which again takes more. Older times, our world was not polluted, so not as much was needed from this perspective as is now.

General Discussion / Re: Humans Natural/Optimal Habitat
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:28:04 am »
The mind is like a limb. It enables the manipulation of the environment and objects. In this regard what the mind helps create is not technology but simply the result of using the limb. Us being who we are.

Why is without technology even part of this discussion?
To make truth clearer.
Our mind defines us.

What was once, long ago, however long ago, is in truth rather irrelevant in practical terms, because these are not those times and also in between there and now lies so much.
Instead of looking how our ancestors lived it is best to look what is best for us right now. What was best for our ancestors somewhere down the line does not immediately mean it is best for us right now, because down to the smallest detail it is not, only generally speaking it applies to a large extent but still is not a perfect fit (can't live in the conditions and environments of the past because they do not exist in the present).
The world is not what it was, we are not who our ancestors were; if we live in the past then we do not move on. And if we don't move on then we're nothing, as the past from this perspective of ours' does not exist and us clinging to something nonexistent makes us what exactly?

What was optimal for our ancestors is not optimal for us.

There are many possibilities and probabilities, some likelier than others. Plus many (most?) key pieces of knowledge not available to us... at the moment...

What are the reasons people love conspiracy stories? The stories must have met some emotional/psychological needs/wants. I heard a conspiracy story concerning the Malaysian airplane that went down earlier this summer. I confess I listened to it with much interest. It was fun. I don't believe it, of course.
Deep down everyone knows the official version is a total lie. Which means deep down they know truth is something else - a "conspiracy story".

The information that official versions are false are received by every individual on the planet aware of at least the official version itself, as official versions themselves have plenty of holes in them to suggest as much. All this information reaches the human mind, all these holes in the official versions alone are already showing a path toward actual truth which is not the official version, deep down humans are aware of these holes and facts. Since the official versions themselves prove they are lies then the question is not why people "love conspiracy stories" but the question is why do they "keep believing absolute nonsense" fed by the governments and oppose that which they have no proof against?

From stuff I've read: "The "falsifiability criterion" is the cornerstone of twentieth-century scientific method. It was developed by philosopher Karl Popper, who argued that one could never prove a scientific theory to be correct, because only an infinite number of confirming results would constitute definitive proof.
Popper proposed instead to test theories in ways that seek to contradict, or falsify, them; the absence of contradictory evidence thereby becomes proof of the theory's validity. "
Best those who are rather exclusively for "science" and consistently demand "proof" keep this in mind.

All it takes to disprove a theory is just one mere item.

As to official lies and propaganda. How much is there that proves them wrong?
As to "conspiracy theories". How much is there that proves them wrong?

Oh... Evidence against official stories is branded "conspiracy theories" merely because they actually refute official nonsense. "Conspiracy theories" are not theories nor conspiracy anything, they are proof showing how wrong official versions are and evidence showing what is really going on. They are what prove the initial theory given by the authorities wrong.
"Conspiracy theories" aka "proof against the initial story" wouldn't exist if we weren't lied to.

Oklahoma City Bomb had approximate yield of 2.3 tons of TNT based on damage.  Which is about right for a truck full of fertilizer.
Even the smallest tactical nuke available at that time - 155mm howitzer shell W48 yields about 72 tons.

What arguments you have that fertilizer could not have been used?  Just by looking at the damaged building that's exactly what fertilizer bomb does.  Like I said, the damage looks very similar to ISIL truck bombs and they use fertilizer.
This wasn't anywhere near satisfying as an answer. There are still too many possibilities more probable than "fertilizer bomb" to write it off with absolute certainty that it was not a micro nuke - but of course to realize this you'd have to be aware of other and at first glance seemingly unrelated subjects.
Fertilizer bomb is one that would correspond an official version, right? Well there you go, one scenario that is debunked already, just by it being official version level.
Just believing the official version or an official grade version, without yourself really having any basis that could justify an attitude of absolute certainty, because you literally do not know, is what's really beyond dumb.

The smallest tactical nuke available... that's the information given to the public by the institutions and organizations, which means that's not all truth or anywhere near all truth and in fact largely lies.

You are aware that a "fertilizer bomb" is much more believable (believe - to take something as true without oneself really having any basis for such absolute certainty) to the masses, than a micro nuke or some other advanced method?

At least say you weren't there when it happened. That you have not seen a fertilizer bomb yourself. Or any info that could write it off with absolute certainty that it was a fertilizer bomb. All of which in turn means you do not know and can not know with absolute certainty what happened.

If you do not have the knowledge in yourself then why assume a position of absolute certainty? Know yourself and your mind. Begs a question, if you don't have in yourself the knowledge that could warrant such personal absolute certainty - something your "subconscious" would know and thus would give you awareness of, then where does the mentality of absolute certainty in absolute ignorance come from and why so oppositional against views that are as well "speculations" at this point but still more probable?

Believing it was a nuke - that's beyond dumb.
Go ahead, explain away why it would be dumb. And where you get your info of absolute certainty that it wasn't a nuke. Tell us what you know that we do not.

Health / Re: Low immune system, fungus, and infections--what to do?
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:20:46 pm »
Vodka kills bacteria. All bacteria, including good ones. So best avoid it. Makes no difference whether vodka is quality or not, alcohol is toxic to the body either way. Personally, sometimes, quite rarely, I drink some alcohol myself but I keep to wines and sweeter stuff that taste nice.
Antibiotics also kill all bacteria, so best avoid this too.

How much water do you drink? Perhaps drink a bit more than you think you might need? To make sure your body definitely has enough. Clean and safe water.
Deficiency of water could contribute to some symptoms you described.

Baking soda should be good against fungus. Perhaps try drinking water solution of this? Might help.
Personally I make a mix of magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, sea salt, baking soda, borax solution and drink it every day (Mg, K, Na, Cl, HCO3, B). Fungus definitely hates this stuff.
Magnesium and potassium deficiency could as well contribute to the symptoms.
Then calcium. I eat ground egg shells each day to ensure my body has enough.

Then iodine. Though you said you eat sea vegetables... Then how much? Each day, every second day, third, fourth, etc? As iodine deficiency could as well contribute to these symptoms.

Not to consume too many sugars. Maybe maximum 40-50 grams (about 1,4-1,7 oz) a day.
Binging on fruits is bad. The excess sugar and fiber you get from them is what definitely can make antisocial and make the brain stop working and all the rest (I've had this).

Definitely try to keep some hours between mealtimes, no snacking in between either. Drinking water and mineral water is okay in between, but no food.
Also try to not eat right after waking up nor right before going to bed. Again best to keep some hours (about 2-4) in between waking and eating and eating and going to bed.
And try to eat 2 times a day, and some days perhaps one meal. Rarely 3 times, if at all.
This would ensure you don't overstress your digestive tract and give it plenty of time to repair itself in between meals.

And maybe try to rely for a time on easier to digest foods as the bulk of your diet? Like fish and eggs and whatever else is easier.

Garlic and turmeric should be good for immune system.
Sunroot is something I personally like a lot, and is good for the gut in my experience.

And sunlight, plenty of sunlight.

I've now read really good stuff about hydrogen peroxide, but haven't tried it myself yet.
And raw cannabis, haven't tried this either. Don't know where to get it. Probably have to grow myself next year if can get seeds from somewhere.

Off Topic / Re: Human population explosion happened earlier than thought.
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:43:08 pm »
Who digs resources from the earth? Who processes them? Who builds tools and machines? Who grows food? Who transports goods around? Who comes up with new solutions to problems? Who makes discoveries? Who helps other people in need? Does money do all that? No. People do all that. Money is a problem that is in the way of positive and effective and as close to optimal progress as possible in every aspect of our community and us. Money itself is problem that needs to be removed. With money nothing can and will, never has, work right.
Then of course what would the process be like from a monetary system to no money system (no barter either). It wouldn't be simply ditching money one day and the next everything's working right, it would be a slow process taking probably about a decade while money is still used but ever gradually decreasing its importance and thus showing brainwashed and indoctrinated people that it actually is much better without.
Money was never meant as a benefit for humanity. It was always meant as a burden and prison people couldn't even see themselves.

Money is not responsible for space discoveries and colonization, and anything else that is actually needed and necessary. People are. People do all those things, people make all that possible.

When I see mentioned money for this or that, there's not enough, it costs too much, it's pointless waste of money, all that money could be used for those things instead, etc. I always look at who actually makes all those things possible, who actually makes all those things happen - people. Money does nothing except get in the way.

Off Topic / Re: Human population explosion happened earlier than thought.
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:46:56 am »
A simple truth is that almost everything that is official is a lie.

General Discussion / Re: Cleaning House... Homemade products?
« on: August 21, 2014, 02:34:22 pm »
I've read borax is used for cleaning, and very many other purposes as well (has been for thousands of years). I've also been using about 1/3 tsp a day, for about 2 weeks, in my salt water solution and drinking it, as a source of boron (an essential trace mineral, supposed to be effective for taking fluoride, and heavy metals, out of the body). It is actually about 50% less toxic than common sea salt, but authorities have for very long been describing it as extremely toxic and the kind you should under no circumstances consume or even get onto your hands (Australia actually has selling it banned in the country because someone decades ago made a mistake of trying to spread it as a treatment for many illnesses in mass and thus contacted medical companies - the result was it was banned because it actually helped against and cured many illnesses).
It's also used as plant fertilizer but the amounts used have to be very small as too much can harm or kill the plant, but if there's too little in the soil then plants can't grow right either.
The substance itself is naturally occurring, it is not artificial, not synthesized. It's dug from the ground. One major deposit was in USA I think, and another is in Turkey. Supposed to be some ancient lake or sea sediment, a salt really.

That money is also a religion... that was a good one. And it is so true! 100% true. An angle I hadn't thought of before.
Makes explaining why money is absolute nonsense to ignorant and blind people more effective, and more fun (in case there should be need to explain it).

Tried posting it... getting closer and closer to deleting my farcebook account. Most of the shite I've manually blocked with ad blocker anyway...

Farcebook regards actual truth as unsafe. That was funny... and sad.

Feeling sorry for all the kids going back to school very soon to get container-ship fulls of indoctrination and brainwashing. In like two weeks or so. Weird to think that I could teach far more to any child at my present rather young age than any of those brainwashed and indoctrinated "teachers" put together...

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 19, 2014, 04:19:01 am »
Yes, I know most eggs are trash, what am I supposed to eat then?  Shall I become a fruitarian?  Oh wait, most fruit is pesticide-full unripe overbred trash too.  Vegetables are the same pesticide-full overbred trash full of indigestible fiber and anti-nutrients.  Dairy is un-paleo trash.  Grain is the worst trash.  Should I eat nothing but cooked grass-fed beef muscle meat then?  I'm sure I won't develope any deficiencies there!

and I can't just afford to pay $50 for supplements that may or may not work(most likely won't work), not mattering how long they last because I certainly would forget about them after a month.  I actually can't even afford to buy food, I'm on food stamps which only gives me a bit less than $200 a month to buy food, and will not buy supplements for me.

Also I don't see how I could be deficient in iodine my ENTIRE life, let alone lately when for one I'm eating raw egg yolks and raw fish, and for two, I have been drinking milk, eating eggs, lots of cheese, and lots of salty foods, and iodine containing foods a LOT for most of my life.  I also do not have a goiter.  And if I start to eat plenty of bananas everyday, will that give me enough potassium and magnesium?  How about dates, avocados, and chocolate?  I need food sources of it if I want to be able to afford it.
Our world certainly is really messed up... But know that the troubles you have, the little to no money you have (I live by my parents, no job, no money of my own...) is not your fault. The troubles and problems are included in the design of the world you are forced into since birth (not referring to gods or religions).
I'd say magnesium is the most important of the minerals. Though first of course, before buying anything, you'd have to identify whether you actually might be deficient of something. I'd suggest to take these "daily recommended nutrient requirements" as a basis (which are rather bullshit but sometimes can be a useful tool for providing some directions to consider) and calculate, approximately, how much of these minerals you get and have gotten before.

They would work, with 100% certainty (if not then you'd have to be a really really really rare individual). In water those salts (MgCl2, KCl) go into ionic form. You can't go better than ionic form. Absorption rate should be about 99% or close to it, if not 100%, if your body actually has a need. As to dried sea vegetables, personally that's where I get my iodine and since I've got experience with iodine deficiency I can say with absolute certainty that it does work; I'm not having any deficiency symptoms, and other food I eat don't have enough iodine. Cranberries and lingonberries have enough iodine in them but there's not enough of these for all year round, and they have to be wild berries (don't really know anything about domesticated variants, maybe they have it too, depends on the soils, but then how much do they cost? Wild could free, go and pick, but then the issue is finding them... and if you live in a city then...).

If you happen to be near some beach, sea water. Go swimming, sea water contains Mg, K, and others naturally in ionic form. They absorb through skin also. Don't even have to swim, just be in sea water. But then there's potential water pollution...

If you actually were deficient of them and actually did need them then you would not forget it. And if you did in the beginning then you would, would have to, teach yourself not to forget (goes about anything really...).
Oh, and forgetfulness is a magnesium deficiency symptom. Though other things can lead to it also.

Most of "western world" is and has been deficient of iodine their entire lives. It's a reason why so many people are so sick and get sicker and sicker, but just one reason, but a major one. Fluoride gets directly in the way of iodine, make sure you don't get that crap.

As to affording foods to certainly get enough of those minerals... it's actually cheaper and much better health wise (if you can't get wild or "organic" products) to get the salts and dried sea vegetables. I spend far less when using these salts and sea veggies. But yeah... spending the 50 or so at once can be troublesome, I'm not rich either... don't even have a job... no fitting jobs.

If you want enough of those minerals from foods then you would have to eat wild or organic products only. Commercial variants are depleted of them, you cannot get enough of them from commercial products without other things in them causing you other health issues. Commercial products (commercial fruits and such are grown on depleted and poisoned soils) are loaded with sugars, but sugars need magnesium to be metabolized. So, too much sugar, too little magnesium - a recipe for health issues.

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