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Messages - norawnofun

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Health / Re: been constipated for 2 months, big belly.
« on: September 23, 2019, 03:00:12 am »
there are plenty of pics on the internet that show parasites in stools. you can also do a test for it, but it should be done on several days, since they can be hard to detect. but don´t confuse it with mucus, which you can get when you eat dairy. I would also say that eating a relatively high sugar fruit on a ZC diet was not a good idea, especially 2. No wonder you are bloated. I´d first start with some easy low carb veggies and berries. Some acidic nuts like walnuts can help a lot with constipation. Carbonated water helps as well.

Another thing to mention is that you aren´t ZC if you eat dairy, unless you ate butter or hard cheeses, but even eggs contain carbs. If I were you that would be a good time to do a fast, that should reset ur body and fix whatever needs to be fixed. ideally dry fast. For me it´s the best way to fix things such as a hangover. I recently started to drink coffee on some occasionally once a day, around 30-45 minutes after food if I have the feeling that things are moving too slowly. but only in sips and extremely slowly until i feel that food that´s stuck moves along. allthough coffee is not too healthy it does help with bile issues and constipation. You can also substitute with black tea. But if you drink it right after food it will make your stomach acid weaker, that isn´t a good idea either. Vitamin C can improve peristalsis, which makes food move along. Bell peppers, some berries have high amounts. Or you buy a liposomal vitamin c. Lastly, you could post ur ZC questions on the zero carb doc forum. It´s from Paul A. Mabry, a ZC advocate. you might get more detailed suggestions regarding your issue there.

Health / Re: fruits with the least anti nutrients?
« on: September 22, 2019, 08:00:49 pm »
What squash? I find that summer squash like zucchine is turning me down, pumpkin and butternut I like a lot. I used to think that I crave broccoli, but it turned out to be a "fake" crave. Problem with asparagus and artichokes is that they have a high fibre content. That can cause issues for some ppl, I stopped eating them. Organ meats are for sure better, allthough they contain purines which can cause problems for some people. But to eat them you need strong stomach acid and if urs is weak then some veggies can be easier on the digestion. As far as I read histamin intolerance can increase but also decrease. I used to have problems with lamb, now not anymore.

I think to reset your microbiome properly you should do what you like the most, fasting ;) Garlic and onion indeed can cause stomach cramps, among other issues, but they also contain sulfur which for some people can be very important. Another thing is that their compounds can kill parasites, that´s the main reason why I ate it. Also onion is more gently than garlic, garlic can sometimes be an overkill. Sometimes bad things do good. I find that with bitter herbs, they can help a lot allthough they taste shitty. I do sometimes want to eat/drink spicy peppers or tabasco. Many years ago I used to drink tabasco, i was so appealed by it. Maybe because I had some parasites that I wanted to get rid of. Also, one needs to look at countries like india, where they eat a lot of spices. I am sure its beneficial for them as their hygiene standards are pretty low and parasites are definetely an issue there. So eating spicy foods and herbs counteracts that. One thing that you could try when you are bloated is to drink water with a bit of cayenne pepper in it. I found that this almost immediately helps against bloating. I am certain that this action kills parasites which are holding on to the cell walls of, lets say the intestines. So by drinking this solution they "fall off". IMO and experimentation parasites can cause bloating, among food intolerances. And to kill them a dry fast would be the most efficient.

Yes, most veggies nowaday are hybrids, but they also have their benefits.

Health / Re: ALWAYS hungry
« on: September 22, 2019, 07:09:17 pm »
it helped because it´s the ultimate elimination diet. And because meat heals. Even if you follow another diet, which I did and cut out a certain food that causes sensitivities for 1-3 month, you can normally reintroduce it again. But I had so many and so little choice to eat (from meats it was chicken and white fish) only, that this reset a lot for me. what dairy did you eat? raw or pasteurized and from what animal. Also the type (high or low fat) counts. You might have not been in ketosis thanks to the dairy, like I wasn´t because I drank a lot of it. So you might have missed out on this important change (that does most people well). Since I wasn´t either I decided to try keto properly, this time by doing blood measures. So I know if I am in slight or deep ketosis. I think only then I will understand why people praise ketosis so much and what you health issues you can overcome.

I started eating plants again because I felt like and because my body has healed a lot, also because on cooked carnivore I had to drink a lot water, firstly because all that cooked meat is void of natural liquids, oppose to raw meat, and secondly I find that drinking dairy, regardless if raw or pasteurized, increases thirst. I´m not the only one that thinks that. Certain seed oils are indeed very bad, I do think that pumpkin seed is the least harmful. I was also craving it, I think that was because of the parasite issues, as it´s good against parasites. I think thats why I also used to eat so much pumpkin plus the seeds in general. They contain magnesium as well, and magnesium can be helpful to improving digestion. Theres a reason why many people incorporate mag supplements on a carnivore diet. Cramps and digestion are one reason. The first thing I reintroduces was tomatoes, which I previously couldn´t eat. They have a high water content, taste great, and their PH is quite acidic. I think they are great if you can tolerate them. Still nightshade but I think my body adapted. Now I eat around 30-40 carbs a day maybe. I don´t measure properly. But in a week I will, when I´ll start keto.

I did experiment with fruits after reintroducing plant foods again, however, I find that they give me big energy crashes. First I feel good, but then I have such as crash in energy that I literally need to lie down because I feel so tired. I think my body got used to eating fewer carbs. I experimented with many different fruits, including low carb fruits like watermelon but the result is the same. Problem here is that their GI is still high. That´s why I switched to berries only. Another thing is that sometimes I can´t stand the taste of something sweet, that can also happen with veggies like pumpkin. My body just wants more fat.

If I were you I would go by cutting out dairy first for a couple of weeks, before reintroducing anything else. See how you feel. Another thing that not everybody is made for keto or carnivore. There is a small group that seems to do better on carbs, for genetical reasons. They actually develop health problems on ZC or carnivore. Diets are not equal. Thats why I now think the best way to know what, according to your genes, you should be eating, is to do a genetical test. 23andme seems to reveal many thing, after you have put the results through several search engines like Genetic Genie, Prometheus, FoundMy Fitness. Too often people walk around blindly trying to figure out what diet suits them best, and sometimes they do more harm than good. And since you mentioned it, fasting, especially dry fasting, seems to be the best way to turn around health issues, but I can´t stand it either.

There is another thing that I didn´t mention either. I started to experiment with medicinal mushrooms. Just finished taking a complex but I can´t really say if it helped or not. Allthough I feel that I gained weight, which is good since I don´t have too much of it. I think I need to take them separately to see the changes. Reishi will be my first one. Lastly, just because I said that I eat cooked meat doesn´t mean I recommend it. Raw will always be superior.

Health / Re: fruits with the least anti nutrients?
« on: September 22, 2019, 04:45:48 am »
As you said, way too many hybrid fruits and veggies out there. Many were bred to become bigger, have less seeds and contain more sugar. Apples, Bananas, Watermelon, Strawberries, some cruciferous veggies, even the bigger version of tomatoes, are all fake man-made unnatural foods. Same goes for A1 cow breeds such as Holstein/Frisian, which were created to have bigger udders to increase milk production. Chickens used to be much smaller until they got bred to look like they look today. The foods that were consumed when nature was still nature were, at last in my opinion, meats and fats, berries, herbs, maybe some nuts here and there and fungi.

Anyway, I once did some research of low anti-nutrient foods, that was when I had a lot of food intolerances and when I did my AIP diet. Personally, I would consider cucumber, summer and winter squash, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, onions, garlic and some fungi the most tolerable when you have lots of food sensitivities. Also some berries such as black and red currant, cranberries, blackberries are ok. In Rasperries the oxalate content is once reported as high then very low. Even blackberries are FODMAP. For nuts I´d say the least troublesome in terms on phytic acid and PUFAS are macadamia, allthough I have issues with them. I used to have big problems with nightshades such as tomatoes, aubergines and bell peppers, now I eat tomatoes on a daily basis. Once healed, your body can adapt to previously inflammatory foods. Same goes for meats, Pork has lectins if not cured or put in an acidic medium, lamb is high in histamines, salmon can cause other issues, aged beef and meats are high in histames. Once you healed your gut you are able to eat foods that are known to have anti-nutrients. Even Li Ching-Yuen, the guy that lived to 256 years or longer reportedly ate goji berries on a daily basis, and these are nightshades. So, once you have a strong microbiome, I think your bacteria adapts and you can eat anti-nutrient foods without issues.

Health / Re: ALWAYS hungry
« on: September 22, 2019, 03:56:13 am »
actually 10 kilo was the most extreme measurement that I took once. Usually the fluctuation between morning and evening was between 7-9 kg. I fixed it by doing a cooked carnivore diet for 6 months, including huge amounts of different types of raw dairy. However, digestion was still not as smooth as it should have been. The culprit was dairy and eggs. I did some experiments and I noticed that when your stomach acid is still not as strong as it should be, you should follow (or at least I do), a low PH (acidic) diet. Every time I ate something that was alkaline, it interfered with my stomach acid, hence all the issues like bloating, constipation, low energy and what not occured. Very often people don´t know what foods are acidic or alkaline, even some foods on a carnivore diet are alkaline, and they can hinder digestion. I plan to do a post about it when I find the time. So after carnivore I started to eat some veggies, cut out dairy, added some nuts and berries, and I have the best digestion ever. Allthough I still need to find the right balance I think I am on a good way. Will soon start a strict blood measured keto, to see if I can take it further. As of now I have the best digestion without constipation when I eat beef, pork, lamb, wild salmon for meats, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes (lots of them), green olives, peppers, onion and garlic for veggies, berries such as cranberry, blackberries, black currant and nuts and seeds such as walnuts and pumpkin. All these are acidic, if I for example eat the whole egg its not good, as I the yolk is acidic and the whites are alkaline. For oils I use olive oil, pumpkin seed oil and plenty of lard, plus ACV or balsamico. Once doing keto i need to cut out certain things, but things such as fruits, chicken or lean meats I don´t touch, as well as alkaline foods such as avocado or black olives. Also, water plays a major role. High PH water is bad for digestion, low PH or distilled, even carbonated is best, since it´s acidic.

Health / Re: ALWAYS hungry
« on: September 21, 2019, 05:51:51 am »
that used to happen to me when I had a lot of food intolerances and when I was constipated. Once my bowels bloated up and constipation occurs, I got thinner and thinner, until food moved and I shat, then I gained weight again, in very short time frame (minutes to few hours). I think that is caused by the food being stuck in a certain region in your intestines. Since we have villi in our intestines at different places, which are there to absorb nutrients, I think once food is blocked, you are "starving" the empty regions, which results in the unability to absorb nutrients, hence you get malnourished. That issue was extremely significant when I ate a mainly plant based diet. In the morning everything was fine, but in the evening, when all that food was stuck in my bowels, I looked like these african kids with that have Kwashiorkor. Add to that a lot of alkaline water that I used to drink, with all these stupid raw salads, I had a weight difference of 10 kilos between the morning and evening. It was a disaster.

Health / Re: been constipated for 2 months, big belly.
« on: September 21, 2019, 05:40:47 am »
Could either be the mix of cooked and raw foods, which some people report isn´t a good idea. Could also be detox and/or parasites. I find that sometimes, when taking something anti-parasitic, i get bloated. I don´t think its because I am "allergic" to that food or product, I think it´s because when a lot of parasites die, they can cause issues with your digestion, hence bloating can occur. Imagine a lot of them die all at once, they could cause a blockage in your bowels. Maybe that lamb had some parasites, maybe your body decided to naturally go into cleansing mode because it was time. Might have nothing to do with the lamb itself.

Science / Re: Veganism and lower IQs
« on: September 05, 2019, 05:25:47 am »
I´d say that Keto would be more accurate and doable. Def. more people know about low-carb/Keto than WAPF. The way I see it on social media is that most people go from paleo to low-carb/keto to cooked carnivore and then some raw carnivore, if they have serious health issues, as they want to feel better and better.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 18, 2019, 03:41:40 pm »
I would strongly agree that fungus mold can have a very bad effect on our health. Especially since we are surrounded by it in many places. Air conditions are very prone to have it. How did you know you have an issue in your house? Was it visible mold or did you just "feel" that this can only be the cause? And what do you think is the best building material to prevent mold?

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 18, 2019, 05:50:18 am »
By now I am pretty convinced that fungus/bad bacteria/candida overgrowth and certain parasites are the root cause of our illnesses. I think that there is a constant battle between good and bad bacteria, if we were to generalize these creatures. If, for example, your immune system is strong via ingestions of let´s say ascorbic acid (vitamin c), then white blood cells are more prone to eat these invaders that cause infections that try to weaken your body. It also makes sense what you said regarding the exponential increase of "bad" fungus. For years I have tried to pinpoint the root cause of my bad behaviour and aggression when I am at home, outside of the house I had no issues, but whenever I entered the kitchen I became agitated. I have removed the mold on the walls, i have changed the cooking plate, i have changed cooking pans, i took away the oven, i have tried to clean more often. But still, for some reason, whenever I go into my kitchen I have the feeling that the parasites in my body are much more active, especially upon turning on heat via a previous existing dirty oven or a changed cooking plate. It took a lot of time to rethink this situation, but as it stands I am convinced that parasites or however you want to call them like humid, wet and especially warm environments, like heat and possibly molds and are able to aggrevate your conditions and your symptoms to a much higher degree, as if you were to live in cold enviroments. As whenever I am abroad in a colder country, my symptoms of low stomach acid aren´t as bad as where I live atm. I am certain that low stomach acid is caused by these parasites. And low stomach acid is another root cause of many diseases. If gastric acid is strong enough, then they would not be able to survive as much and reproduce to the point where its hard to get rid of them.

To get rid of these things and recreate a natural balance is challenging, when I compare myself to the past years I can say that I made huge progress, but I am still not where I am supposed to be. Certainly a raw paleo diet can help, especially a combination of a ZC diet, dry fasting to starve them, and anti-fungal/mold/parasite remedies including lots of fats or fibre to shit them out would be your best bet. I am not a fan of enemas, since I experienced that you also flush out your own bacteria to digest certain foods. I do however think that parasites, according to my own year long experiences, do not like things such as coffees, garlic and onion, cayenne peppers, carbonated water, certain herbal tincutes, ascorbic acid, certain types of alcohol and certain berries, pumpkin oil and seeds, oregano oil, among other things. I am soon experimenting with medicinal fungi, as I find the idea of fighting a fungi with another fungi very appealing. As after all, our own existance and survival might just depend on the outcome of a battle between different fungi, which after all are bacteria in the end. And bacteria is what we are made out of.

Sometimes one might question the reason of our own existence. If you think of the intelligence that fungi have, you could possibly think that these fungi rule us and take advantage over us. Mycelium is able to create huge underground networks, almost as big as whole countries, so in the end it might just be a battle of "bad" fungi that want us to die, disperse into the soil to act as food for their companions, oppose to the "good ones" that want us to exist, thrive and expand our knowledge to whatever beeings they want us to become.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 16, 2019, 05:49:52 am »
I know what it means to spend a lot of money to get something desperately fast, because you think that´s it, this is the remedy that will turn everything around. I spent thousands of euros on supplements, tests, treatments, remedies and all types of "healthy" foods. Most were absolutely useless or gave me problems. Only a very few were beneficial. I learned that the lesser items I took, the more natural I ate, the better I felt and the faster I healed. Looking at the ingredients at your CBO I would say they don´t look too bad, but if you want K2 you can get it from natural sources as well. I mean you could continue taking it if it does you well, but if it doesn´t I see little usage.

When I used to take some of the supplements like wormwood tea, back in my plant based days, I felt so shitty but I continued taking them. Why? Because the nutritionist and my own head said that you need to take something longer in order to see the beneficial effects. You will suffer yeah, but it will pass. Well it never got better, just worse and I did that with many different items. If something does you really well your body will give you a clear signal for that. I experienced that myself with some foods/tinctures. Detox is different, sometimes you need to suffer to get better. And sometimes it can be a bit hard to determine if it´s detox or if it´s a a food/supplement that you should stop taking because it does you unwell. And this can be a problem, similar to the vegan idea of a constant detox. An endless endeavour and paradox that, instead of healing you, will make you more sick.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 15, 2019, 03:07:09 am »
Just listen to yourself. Concentrated butter oil? Does this sound like nature intended you to take this? If I were you I would throw it in the trash. I would not risk my health for that. I either stick to natural non-hybrid foods that can be found in nature, or I take things that people manufactured since mankind exists. These are herbal and fungal tinctures/extracts and naturally fermented foods. All these things can be done by yourself and do not need to be manufactured in a facility. God knows what conditions you find there.

Let me give you an example. Just today I went into a shop to check how much the acerola berry powder is. I got interested because I am currently experimenting with the positive effects of Ascorbic Acid=AA (vitamin c). And Acerola has the 2nd highest amount of any Vitamin C food. AA is so important for a weak immune system that it can even put people out of a coma People that eat a carnivore diet and have a good immune system do not need as much. But if you are fighting infections, parasites, have low energy, bad digestion and and and, then I think Vitamin C is what you should focus on in order to regain health. I recommend looking into the excellent work of doris loh You will learn a lot of things about the importance of AA and about uric acid.

Now, the powder was around 20 Euros for a ridiculously low amount (100-200g I forgot). How do I know how much vitamin c is still in this acerola powder, how do I know how much my body can actually identify and metabolize out of this powdered thing, how do I know what chemical processes were used to manufacture this? Same as these FMCLO and other rancid oils. In the end I bought blackcurrant berries again. Just 100g have 200-300% of your DV. AA Off the charts! Yes, it has carbs but at least its not a chemically processed supplement. And it has many other benefits, especially for the eyes. That´s a real food that my body can metabolize. Not this crap that might help in the beginning, but will turn into a nightmare afterwards.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 15, 2019, 12:57:24 am »
read the articles and the user comments

more info can be found on the net. There are many health advocates that heal many things even though they are not on RDP. And many don´t even consider RDP. So if they can still eat other foods, but have other remedies for their sicknesses, they will continue practicing them if they see progress like Rami did. RDP people are usually the ones that have major health issues that could not be healed with everything else they tried. And don´t forget that many people, regardless of their knowledge in health, still consider raw meat very dangerous. Therefore they will never go the RDP route, unless they are extremely desperate or just curious.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 14, 2019, 01:33:46 pm »
I would never touch this

General Discussion / Re: your strongest health side
« on: August 14, 2019, 04:30:37 am »
@thehadezb. I would recommend eating organic cranberries and blackcurrant. Plus nuts such as walnuts. Cranberries have many benefits, super low ph, very low sugar, high in iodine (for thyroid), help against parasites and much more. Walnuts are the most acidic nuts that I know of. If you don´t break down your food constipation can occcur easily, especially if you eat foods that are acidic and alkaline together since that messes up stomach acid, which is an issue if you have weak one. Or if you don´t produce enough bile (to break down your fats), which acts as a lubricant.

Blackcurrant or Yellow Bell pepper have a high Vitamin C count. There are others which are even higher. Liver is good too. Vitamin C can increase intestinal motility and increases WBC, which kills pathogens and parasites that can cause constipation. It is super important for immunity. You can also try Vitamin C liposomal instead of eating carbs. Sometimes eating more fat is not the answer. You need to look at other factors too. I solved my year long constipation issues by adding acidic nuts, berries, stopped dairy due to estrogen which inhibits proper function of gallbladder (for bile) and now again, anti-parasitic foods such as onion, pumpkin oil and pumpkin, cayenne pepper, ACV, oregano oil, but also black tea helps. There are so many things against parasites. Basically going low carb/keto and anti parasitic foods was key, adding fats did not matter that much. And I eat cooked foods btw. I also drink lots of distilled water, helps a lot against constipation. Almost solved my year long health problems. Energy finally went up. But one thing I learned through these years, eliminating pathogens/parasites/candida or fungal overgrowth is the key for good health. Parasites are not necessarily a bad thing, since some of them consume waste matter, but there are the ones that can make your health go downhill fast and it´s hard to recover from them once they got out of hand and keep on reproducing.

General Discussion / Re: rami nagiel died of cancer.. how?..
« on: August 14, 2019, 04:05:47 am »
well, many people don´t understand that fermented cod liver oil turns actually rancid and causes oxidative damage, unless totally fresh. He was a big proponent of that. Including Ron Schmid which died as well. There are accounts of ppl taking it for a long time that got severely ill. Should have sticked to eating real foods.

Hot Topics / Re: Anyone Ever Made Natto?
« on: August 08, 2019, 01:57:01 pm »
Does natto reduce the estrogen amount in soy?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Verified unheated honey for newbie
« on: July 30, 2019, 05:35:01 pm »
the problem with honeycomb is the method of cutting smaller pieces out of the whole piece. and for that cutting presses are used where the edges are heated so they can cut through easier. then  you cant call it raw anymore. best is to get it from a small bee keeper that cuts it by hand

Health / Re: MRSA
« on: July 23, 2019, 06:15:23 am »
If the infection is always coming back then one can assume that your immune system is not strong enough to fight it. I would have a look at what you eat in the first place. I would also have a look at your enviroment. Mold, air, radiation, heavy metals, asbestos and what not can be triggers. Restoring microbiome should be achieved by a 2-3 day water fast, or even more effective a 36 hour dry fast. As far as I know parasites and candida like humid wet environments, so if you remove even water they should starve properly and you could possibly get rid of lots of things.

When it comes to remedies there are more effective ones, Wormwood, Black walnut, raw honey in combination with papaya seeds, garlic extract (not just garlic), blackseed oil, and also cranberry juice (mixed water with cranberries) can be very effective. Even alcoholic drinks such as red wine, vodka, beer or cognac have parasite killing components. Red wine is king. Pumpkin seeds/oil, green tea can be effective as well. In fact I recently thought to make a mix of all of them in one drink and just down it. Wonder what the outcome would be. I had many parasites at one point, then one day I drank 2 and a half cups or 3 of green tea and I had the worst detox night ever. I puked up so many worms and thought I won´t make it. that was tough and I can thank my previous plant based diet for it. After that a carnivore diet kinda fixed this.

Have a look at This is how effective black seed oil can be to the blood cells and clean up your "system".

General Discussion / Re: Trouble digesting ground beef and suet
« on: July 18, 2019, 06:45:37 pm »
Maybe your fat intake wasn´t enough or you don´t eat enough. Or the answer might be below. Maybe the ground beef became contaminated.


Part 10. Testing The Size Of Pieces Of Meat (renewed on January 25, 2019)

This particular test was done during the spring of 2017. The test was carried out with raw, fatty ground beef I used to eat before I did the test, and with raw and fatty beef that was cut into half-inch pieces (I started to eat this type of beef after the test). I made 2 piles of meat – one was from ground meat and the other was from a cut of meat. On top of the piles, I made cavities and poured some water into them. In the pile with the cut up meat, all the water soaked in immediately. In the ground meat pile, the soaking in took up to 40 sec. In other words, raw, fatty ground meat behaves like a piece of dense, wet clay. In the stomach, fatty ground meat can delay digestion because meat and fat particles stick together into one big piece and interrupt rapid soaking of the stomach acid. Perhaps, you may try a mixture of raw, lean ground meat (which is cheaper) and raw fat cut into small pieces but I didn’t test this.

After this test, I use only whole cuts of meat or steaks if you will. Usually, I cut the meat and its fat into half inch pieces and eat the fat first. This way the feeling of satisfaction comes faster. If some pieces are difficult to chew, just swallow them as is or half chewed and they will digest really well since meat and fat don’t need to be chewed for a long time. THE NOTICEABLE CHANGES WERE: a feeling of heaviness in the stomach is much lighter after eating, meat digests faster, the bowel movements are more regular, and the desire to sleep after eating is diminished. CONCLUSION: it’s better not to ingest ground meat.

It’s interesting that the same conclusion was had by Dr. H. L. Newbold and his patients: ( He had an opposite explanation about the negative side effects of ground meat which is that it digests faster. …It’s possible to check precisely which explanation is more accurate but is it worth doing if the conclusion is the same (i.e. do not eat ground meat)?

Health / Re: Mucus, biofilm and yeast
« on: July 07, 2019, 03:40:50 pm »
I forgot to mention that on my carnivore experience I ate mainly ground. Basically ground beef and ground lamb, rarely pork, eggs and pasteurized joghurt is what i ate most of the day. Ground was easier to digest. I couldn´t handle a steak since my HCI was so low. And sometimes I had chicken legs (which are considered the fattiest cuts including thighs). I think joghurt is the easiest to digest and helps in constipation, instead of pasteurized raw one would be better ofc. Hard or semi hard cheeses and butter was the hardest to digest. I had lots of mucus from dairy though. Also, red light therapy might help as well, tyler is a fan of the redlightman, as far as I know.

Health / Re: Mucus, biofilm and yeast
« on: July 06, 2019, 04:11:20 pm »
I have the same point of view as you, and I also noticed that HCI, digestive enzymes and many other tables cause constipation. I also believe that parasites or however you want to call them eat your foods. Up until the carnivore diet I was focused on plant based. In the end of this way of eating I could only digest a handfull vegetables, chicken and white meat. I then switched to a cooked carnivore diet and ate in the beginning chicken, bit of beef and lamb and pork (which was still hard to digest due to low HCI) little fish (wild salmon was still a bit of an issue) eggs, with lard, goose fat and tons of dairy, raw and pasteurized. Mainly cow and goat. During and before (can´t remember now exactly). I had issues with butter for some time. I tried many remedies and anti-fungal parasite methods before carnivore, the detox was very hard, i thought I´d die. Then I said enough and did cooked carnivore for half a year and in the beginning I felt great, had huge amount of strengh and gained weight finally. I still had issues with digestion though. Looking back I think that I should have cut out the dairy, which was hard because it helped against constipation, but then it caused it. The way I see it now is that when you are constipated and eat dairy, it helps and makes you shit, but then afterwards it causes constipation again. I know it did me very well for some time, but I also think that I had a problem with my gallbladder and estrogen (dairy), as I have found out by now, should not be eaten when you have gallbladder issues. The biggest issue on cooked carnivore was my previously low HCI, so I really tried and cut out all plant foods, that includes herbs as well since many are alkaline, and they inhibit digestion of acidic animal products when you have a higher stomach PH then normal. I also read that alkaline water with all its inorganic mineral content can actually cause digestive issues, there are people which can´t even drink normal water and need to get an infusion, it can also irritate the gut.

So what could try is the following:

- to switch your water to an either acidic low mineral content mineral water, or try distilled water. I also found that sparkling water is not liked by parasites/worms, furthermore it enhances digestion as it is very acidic, which helps breaking down your foods. At the very beginning of drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning I had this sensation in my pineal gland area and I could always puke out some worms. I would not recommend drinking still water with foods. also no still water close to food time.

- I would also do a 36 hour dry fast, that should kill many of the parasites I think and continue with a zero carb carnivore approach, that should starve them even further

- EMF can have an effect too, I would try an minimize it and you can have a look at shungite, which seems to be the best stone against radiation

- I would chew the foods properly and cut it in smaller pieces beforehand, if you have low digestive abilities and eat bigger particles, your body will have a hard time breaking it down which can result in constipation. And also eat slowly, then wait until you burp internally (stomach acid is working), then take the next bite.

- I would look at your environment. I experienced that this can have a big impact. Whenever I am abroad my digestion is far better than at home, maybe because I live i a very humid environment and that can aggrevate my symptoms? i dont know.

- Doing 9 deep belly breaths before eating can relax you. It worked good for me and my digestion was better

- Stress is cortisol and thats not good for digestion, especially gallbladder as I mentioned earlier, cut the stress by doing excercises, yoga, meditation or whatever. Connect with nature, go into the forest

- your problem could also be related to your mental state, I would recommend hypnosis or a guided ayahuasca with an indigenous shaman (unless you have serious mental problems and never mix and take it urself)

- I would recommend an experienced chiropractic, sometimes organs don´t work well because of misalignments due to bad posture, traumas and what not. Chiro can fix that, especially blockages in breathing, massage is not effective enough I think.

- maybe carnivore isn´t for you, so you could try a keto approach

There is also a body electronics seminar for healing coming up in august. I consider it the most powerful healing method that exists you might be able to revert all your health issues. I can send you more details via PM (I´m not the organizer)

- have a look at your teeth, do you have amalgam? then get this shit out by somebody experienced. Sometimes bad dental work can have a huge impact on general health, silicone fillings, root canal, death teeth, amalgam, implants which mess ur your meridians...

- coffee can help against parasites, as well as spicy foods, but if you have a weak gallbladder be careful with spices, it doesn´t match. In terms of coffee I would take it easy, because it can also lower HCI. So if then cappucino with non dairy milk, or americano. sipping slowly some time after food can release constipation. Drinking it too fast causes issues. I also found that eating raw garlic (a clove) kills a lot of parasites at one go. whenever i was blocked in the evening, eating that worked instantly, but it´s tough and you will likely also kill some good gut bacteria

- I also found that drinking a small cup of homemade coconut kefir (full fat coconut milk kefir with tapioca: ratio is 1 liter full fat coconut milk to 3 teaspoons tapioca), with a teaspoon of raw honey released constipation immediately

Health / Re: Mucus, biofilm and yeast
« on: July 05, 2019, 03:55:45 am »
Well I was in the same boat as you kind of. Tried millions of things. If you still have constipation and malabsorption then you are not breaking down the foods that you eat. Do you get a hunger feeling before you eat, or do you eat for the sake of eating even though ur not hungry? I found that every time in the morning my stomach is too alkaline, therefore the hunger feeling is very low, that means that I tend to wait quite a long time in order to eat the first meal. If I don´t get that hunger feeling and my acid is low, then I will have a hard time digesting the food that I eat. That food then ends up not beeing properly digested by strong bile, HCI and digestive enzymes, goes into your intestines which have all the hard work to do, therefore bloating can occur and you see undigested food in your stool. Sometimes people focus too much on HCI, but your Gallbladder is as important, if not more important than your stomach acid. If you for ex. have gallstones, then the gallbladder cannot properly store and release bile, and without bile or too low bile you can have constipation. Bile acts as a lubricant, so you can eat all the fats you want, without proper bile you will still have constipation.

I recently did a liver and gallbladder flush according to Andreas Moritz since I wanted to know if I have gallstones, and I had. However after that flush (which involved an enema in case u don´t go to the toilet before the flush) I had a harder time digesting fats since you flush out all the bile as well, so it will take some days until the bile up again, which is important if ur on carnivore.

You could try that, many people sorted out their fatigue and other digestive issues by getting rid of the gallstones and kidney stones. But I think that after your raw carnivore diet you shouldn´t have any, so there is something else wrong. The only way to find out IMO is to do an MRI, like that you get a clear picture. You will get radiated but whatever.

If your stomach acid is low, then IMO your stomach environment is too alkaline to digest the foods. That happened to me due to my previous plant based days. Thanks to that I still have an issue digesting acidic foods. A cooked carnivore diet helped a lot to finally digest meats again, but back then I had dairy with it, and dairy has estrogen which makes the gallbladder malfunction (if you have issues with it), that and cortisol (stress) including carbs.

Another thing that you might have, as you mentioned, is fungus and yeast overgrowth and something like candida. I battled a lot with that and I believe that a zero carb carnivore approach is the best way to fight it. That including fasting. I recently read about a guy which had similar troubles, even worse, and he recommends a 36 hour dry fast so that your cells can press out the toxins/pathogens that they have stored in them. Your body cannot do this in a humid environment (when you drink water, especially the wrong type like alkaline hard mineral water that is full of inorganic materials) that these toxins thrive on.

Lastly I would look at your water intake. I was experimenting with different kinds of waters for many years, and I found that mineral waters, naturally sparkling, plastic or glass bottled, and even filtered water from a berkey filter cause big issues. Their alkalinity kills my stomach acid, to the point that when I wake up in the morning and drink water, I am no longer hungry and I get bloated. So I bought myself a water distiller to have clean slightly acidic water. That helps a bit but I am still not where I should be. I am thinking to manually carbonate the distilled water, I also read that drinking it ice cold can actually relieve these symptoms. My intake on this is that the parasites/fungus/bacteria or whatever like a warm environment. So whenever you drink something warm and you have low HCI, they come to life and diminish the acidity in your stomach, but if you drink something cold or very acidic (like sparkling water), they die or can´t do as much harm. I can vouch for the sparkling water, as every time I used to drink it, i could puke up worms easily.  There is one thing that always helped though. When I was bloated, my food wasn´t digested or I couldn´t sleep red wine always helps, the acidic grapes like syrah or carbernet sauvignon. Nothing helps better than that. It´s incredible. Red wine has digestive enzymes, can kill parasites, helps the liver (if drunken in moderation). I tried a shitload of things, and that always helps the most if all fails. A glass before going to bed in case you have indigestion, helps wonders and makes me sleep much deeper and better. Anyway, I would recommend a dry fast to kill as many parasites/pathogens/candida as possible, it also seems that there is a connection with mercury, somehow they hold on to it for survival.

Health / Re: Mucus, biofilm and yeast
« on: July 04, 2019, 05:50:39 am »
do you eat/drink dairy? And what kind of water do you drink

Health / Re: Science of Tooth Yellowing and Decay
« on: June 22, 2019, 04:24:09 am »
@ProsPerryT I would look at my water source. When I was drinking lots of carbonated mineral water my teeth were regressing a lot. Even normal mineral water has plenty of inorganic minerals which to my understanding are everything else than beneficial.

@van since you mentioned green apples, do you think they are beneficial for the teeth due to their malic acid content?

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