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Messages - RogueFarmer

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Off Topic / Where did KD go?
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:26:58 am »
miss that guy

General Discussion / Re: what qualifies as raw
« on: March 02, 2013, 05:04:24 pm »
Not mine and most others' experience. Most people find that the more one cooks the meat, the more it turns into indigestible, blackened  leather-like material. By contrast, most of us find that lightly-cooked meat is much easier to digest.

 leather like? as soon as the meat is subjected to heat it becomes tough, but if it is slow cooked for a long time it starts to fall apart. It only will get tougher if you are cooking at too high a heat.

General Discussion / Re: what qualifies as raw
« on: March 02, 2013, 02:26:30 pm »
Man you get tallow on your french fries?!?!?!? WHERE!!!!!!!??????

In America it's all fried in corn/cotton/rape seed oils. Lard and tallow or peanut fried foods are extravagancies here.

In my personal experience, cooked animal fats are way better and healthier than vegetable oils. When I started cooking with butter instead of olive oil, I lost weight, felt better and had way more energy. I don't think most vegetable oils are even utilized by the body.

I have to say in the case of meat that light cooking is worse than full cooking. When meat is lightly cooked it basically turns into leather and is indigestible. Only after cooking for a while does it start to break down in structure and again become chewable/digestible.

If meat isn't cooked right it is one of the least pleasant of things to eat.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: "The Diet of The Mountain Men"
« on: March 01, 2013, 10:47:16 pm »
how humbling!

General Discussion / Re: Importance of variety in animal foods
« on: March 01, 2013, 10:39:49 pm »
  That may have been  due to the formic acid in ants.

I'm sure. Some ants are more edible but I ate some carpenter ants that were about the sourest things I have ever tasted...more than a lemon, more than a warhead candy. Regular black ants are less pungent. Ant eggs are a traditional staple in parts of south east asia, from what I have been led to believe, even in modern times.

My favorite insects are cicadas. Big mouthwatering morsels. I think people eat those giant water bugs. I have read that tomato horn worms are edible, but I would do more research because tomato plants accumulate various poisons.

I accidentally killed a preying mantis last summer and wasn't about to waste it. It was really good, though chewy. Tasted green!

There is a maggot called a black soldier fly. The flies are nocturnal and poor flyers compared to houseflies so they aren't a nuisance. They eat fresh produce (unlike regular maggots that eat rotten produce) and meat and are really easy to grow!

They have a whole contraption that is basically like a compost bin only that it has a collection ramp and trap that allows you to effortlessly harvest the maggots.

Hot Topics / Re: Almond butter
« on: February 28, 2013, 09:25:30 pm »
Well to be careful I would figure out which fish are the ones that go up river (stripe bass is the only one I know of) or the ones who hang out at the mouth of rivers and avoid those. Would take some research. You can get on a party boat and go 15 miles out or so, should be clean by then.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. I think that fish are afforded a certain amount of protection simply because they live in ocean brine. I am not sure but I wouldn't be surprised if even the most organic grass fed meats are no less contaminated from air pollution. I wouldn't be too worried about it, but that's me. But I would be a little bit worried about the species, cause certain kinds of ocean fish like to subsist on human fecal matter found at the mouth of rivers!

Hot Topics / Re: Almond butter
« on: February 28, 2013, 04:15:05 am »
If you live on long island I would invest in a salt water fishing pole

Hot Topics / Ocean brine
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:47:51 pm »
I'm not sure I have read many people talking about this subject on this forum. I think it is incredibly important.

All life came from the oceans. They are vast reserves of the brine that spawned life, compared to the limited life recourses us landlubbers have at our disposal. Our blood mineral composition is close to identical to ocean brine, as is the blood of all animals.

I have read the point made that oceanic fish are healthier and more vibrant than freshwater fish and that they are much less likely to succumb to disease. Also it is seldom argued that freshwater fish are healthier than sea fish. Sea foods are commonly referenced as being some of the healthiest of all foods.

Like I said, life was spawned in the oceans or rather, back then, "the ocean", as it could very well be looked at today. But it wasn't simply fungus, animals and plants evolving to live on land that caused the verdant land we have today, it was actually the migration of ocean life onto land, via transportation up river and the consumption there of by predators. I have read estimates that the volume of salmon in the US coming up river was equal in nutrient value to 1/3 the amount of chemical fertilizers used in the US every year.

And then! Couple that with the knowledge that millions of years ago (can't remember exactly when but after the dinosaurs died out), the earth supported 6 times the amount of biomass (life) on land than it does today.

Finally, one has to question the quality of the soil. Man isn't the only thing that is hard on soil. The other thing is time. If I remember correctly the Appalachian mountain range is the oldest in the world. It's been rained on for so long that the soil has inherited a low cation exchange. High cation exchange is what promotes the most verdant vegetative growth and in turn the healthiest, shiniest herbivores and predators that feed off of them.

Chemical fertilizer harms the soil in a similar way to time and rain, but it's more like 1000 times as fast!

Also, on another topic but worth mentioning. The age that we slaughter modern farmed animals is a very new thing, less than 100 years old. Beef used to be 4-5 years old. Porkers were raised to 400 pounds or more. The average chicken in a pot wasn't no spring chicken! It was a spent hen!
The greeks preference was for a 5 year old bull. Native Americans hunted the biggest, oldest bucks and bulls they could find. They ate the tough parts and it wasn't uncommon to leave behind the tender pieces of meat.

Just some chuck roast for y'all to grind up into hamburger and add to your personal diet dictionaries.

I think some of this stuff is key. Especially since man has such an intrinsic and historical relationship with the sea.

Chew on some high meat and stew on that one for a minute folks. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the next step to be taken for those diligent raw dieters to surpass the sound barrier in age prevention and reversal.

Personally all sorts of seafood are about my favorites.... though I might be saying that cause I haven't had hardly much in so long. ;)

General Discussion / Horrific eating of raw meat in public
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:09:57 pm »
I thought some of you might find this humorous, perhaps not. This past halloween I dressed as a pseudo Viking (best costume I could come up with spur of the moment). Went to a gigantic block party (one of the largest in the US) and was consuming a fresh buck heart the whole time. Trying a little bit to eat it slowly and get plenty of blood dripping out of my mouth.

What a hoot! People's reactions were so intense. Of course several people told me I would get sick for sure.

That was fun. Next time hopefully I will have a nice forequarter to gnaw on!

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus's germ theory
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:02:01 pm »
Of course microbes are contagious. Look at all the people who got mad cow disease when they were feeding cows beef in the UK.

Or how infections spread in hospitals.

Aajonous has some wild beliefs, and pushes them on to his readers, followers, etc. The fact is his opinions are wild, without merit, and have no documented scientific references to speak of.

I do think there's some merit (though little evidence) to support that infectious diseases spawn on their own and aren't necessarily caught from somewhere.

When you think about it, HIV, herpes, and all those other diseases are claimed to be transmitted, and only caught if you catch it from someone. But then how did the first person get it?

Mad cow disease is contagious through prions, not microbes. Even then, the only way they were able to "prove" that prions are contagious was by surgically implanting prions from a mad cow into a "non" mad cow. Also, cows eating cows or cows eating sheep etc. was not the cause of mad cow as the chemical companies would like you to believe, rather it is probably mainly caused by drench type "grubbers" that conventional farmers commonly use to keep grubs and flies off of cattle.

sickening. Animal rights... How about an animals, intrinsic, natural right to be a prey species.

Personals / Re: Back online, gearing up for warfare!
« on: February 19, 2013, 06:32:36 pm »
It depends on what product you want and how long you are willing to wait.
If I could get some pregnant ewes or ewes with lambs this spring, the lambs would be harvestable in the fall and winter. There will be goat meat. On grass to finish (marble) a steer on grass it takes 24-30 months. I could have all manner of poultry ready for summer and fall but I am just getting started so not sure where I am going to focus. I need a ready market for whatever I grow if I am to be successful. When you factor the cost of feeding even a small herd of cattle, the return must justify expense to make a profit.

My general thought is I like my meat more mature, more flavor. However for those who are not meat connoisseurs, or those who prefer rose veal or baby beef I will be raising dairy bull calves that could be harvested 4-12 months old. They would be fine for hamburger at a year. Good quality finished stakes takes 24-30 months, Big investment. Plus you have to feed mama and 3 calves if you are raising and finishing your own calfs. Long term turn around. I would love to get bigger into mama cows, but from where I stand they would basically have to be pre-sold for me to foot the bill. Dairy cows are much more handy for me because they have a much quicker return on investment and a paycheck throughout the bulk of the year.

Goats and sheep or dairy stocker bull calfs are a much better investment for myself to make at this point than mama cows because they pay for themselves the year you buy them. With Mama cows you have to wait 3 or 4 years to return on the investment and you need a buyer who will pay enough for the meat to pay to feed mama cow!

If there was a market for it, I would love to raise grass fed elk, red deer or fallow deer in the future.

I hope to do Muscovy ducks and guinea hens or turkeys as well and probably pigs too. Quail, rabbits, whatever.

There will be places to stay, I am hoping to perhaps have cross country skiing or horseback riding available there, as there is a nice trail. I am interested in doing an ice fishing business in winter.

Meat is big money these days you know?

the average cattle owner is 70 years old. Most of the old cattle fences are rotten and won't hold cattle anymore. There are less cows in the country today than any time since the 60's and cattle prices all last year were more than they ever were!

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: article on tooth decay and diet
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:39:13 pm »
It's funny because according to Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel, scientifically, dental bacteria do not cause tooth decay. Rather blood sugar spikes causes the body to cannibalize teeth and bones for calcium.

The average centenarian grew up on a farm and ate way better growing up than most people do now a days.

They might even have been eating higher quality meat than what people on this forum get, back then.

I have been meaning to write about it for a while, but what people called "beef" back then was totally different, even from modern grass fed beef and modern grain fed beef is like veal in comparison.

Personals / Re: Back online, gearing up for warfare!
« on: February 16, 2013, 10:01:22 am »
I have been raising my animals probably at least 75% forage for the past 4 years. There is of course a time of the year where the grass doesn't grow so hay needs to be fed and I haven't ever gotten that together on a large scale for myself yet, so I buy it, probably will again this year.

I have been raising my goats 100% grass fed for 2 years and my cows for 1 year, been raising goats for almost 5 years and the cows over 2.

The place was all woods years ago, then 5 acres got cleared I think about ten years ago, another 20 4 years ago, and another 25 or so last fall.
Kind of a neat exercise in forest to pasture transition.

Personals / Re: Back online, gearing up for warfare!
« on: February 16, 2013, 05:30:25 am »
Sounds like another dedicated RPDer gearing up to "go down in a blaze of glory". Best of luck to you.

blaze of glory? more like delusions of grandeur!

Personals / Back online, gearing up for warfare!
« on: February 15, 2013, 10:53:07 pm »
I have been in stasis for the past year and a third. Slam jammed by calamity after calamity.

Now I have a plan lined up and just in case, a backup plan.

I am moving into the proverbial wilderness, in one of the least populated areas of the lower peninsula of Michigan.

6 cows, 16 goats are going with me, hoping to get into some icelandic sheep after I settle.

Will have a 3 bedroom apartment and 100 acres to romp on.

I am going with the animals and my lonesome, I remember quite a few people here were interested in my projects, so if anyone is interested in helping out or whatev hit me up.

Northern Michigan.

From what I understand there is no danger of fracking happening anywhere near by.

Hot Topics / Matt Monarch Waffles!
« on: February 15, 2013, 10:31:16 pm »
[youtube]Why Cooked Food is Better Than Raw Food[/youtube]

This is annoying to me because currently I am in dire straits and I don't get very much choice in what I get to eat, though I have been eating "whole" foods... I really feel like shit, my teeth are starting to hurt. I am looking forward to being in a better situation where I can go back on an all raw diet.

I haven't experienced anything he claims about what a raw food diet is like... really pointing strongly to the idea that humans are naturally carnivores, at least from my perspective.

General Discussion / "Aged Beef" vs. "Aged Beef"
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:31:03 pm »
Well, I don't know when people started aging beef or rather, calling it aged beef. They have probably been aging beef for a long long time. But I bet whatcha don't know is that before the great depression, Americans ate another kind of "aged beef". Back then, local cow country fare was an old cow that had failed to have a calf and got fat. City beef were steers that were shipped by rail and often driven hundreds if not thousands of miles. These steers were allowed to graze on their journey and it was often planned that they would gain in weight on the trip, especially if the reason for the drive happened to be a bad drought.

I read all this in Ben Green's book "Wild Cow Tails". He claimed that such beef was tougher, but better flavored and gave more energy to work through the day. He said when he was little it was his job to go every morning to the general store and buy a steak for every member of the family for breakfast. He also claimed that the switch was made because of cheap corn, because people no longer had the money to age beef that long and because most people were riding around in cars by then so didn't have to work as hard and didn't think to complain. Their next generation grew up never tasting the taste of the previous generation and thus grew up not knowing what they were missing. Now Americans have a taste for juicier, paler, tasteless and mushy corn fed beef.

The Native Americans tried to kill and eat the biggest bucks, bull moose, elk and bison. Remember Ajonus said they ate tougher cuts? They killed the toughest critters they could. Similar to the Greeks whose preference was for 5 year old bull meat.

I definitely prefer tough shank cuts, neck muscle, organs and fat to the rest of an animal. I prefer older, darker meat animals.

How about you?

over fertilized plants are low in minerals so make up for the lack of rigidity with excess water.

Personals / Beating head into wall
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:12:50 am »
I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it

at least I am unable to stop. Never give up never surrender.

My herd is growing. I am making plans to build my herd until I can save up enough money to buy land. I am growing the business into the farm of the future.

I have gained incredible experience, I really know how to make a business of this now. I know how to grow food that I believe is superior to the wild game that still exists in most of the world. I know how to grow incredibly happy and healthy and thriving animals. I can take care of many many many of them.

100 acres could support several families. Joel Salatin farms with himself, his mother, his wife, his son's family, his daughter and his brother and his family, making a living off of 550 acres, only 100 in pasture. He claims to annually make 8000 dollars an acre.

I do not care where I live, just that I can contribute a valuable part to a community, that I can be part of a community who cares about me. There are plusses and minuses to everywhere, though I would like to live somewhere with good soil, hopefully 600+ feet above sea level.

I could manage more than one farm, I just need to find enough land to make a living for several people. There is more land out there that is wasted now that there is more hope for a back to the land movement now than ever. We can heal the earth. We should be payed to do it.

Anyone interested in hearing more or talking? Serious business guys.

Personals / Looking for an intern for 2012 season
« on: March 31, 2012, 10:54:28 am »
I am moving back to NY, I will be working at a grass based dairy I have worked before. There is room for a lot of projects, I am open to raise any livestock, will be selling at local farmers markets.

This will be near the majestic Delaware river valley in the Catskill Mountains. About 2 hours from New York City.

It would be cool to have a helper and someone to eat with and hang or whatever. I got a Greenstar Juicer, want to be following the primal diet pretty closely.

I am going to be strip grazing the farmers cows. I want to work at helping the farmer go organic or grass fed, his farm is close to organic but he feeds large amount of feed : ( . He has 200 acres on the top of a mountain, over a hundred head of cattle.

This is a great wilderness area on the east coast and I know many many areas for foraging, hunting and farming, I have lived most of my life there.


Hot Topics / Re: Eat better than a caveman ?
« on: March 21, 2012, 03:26:26 am »

Milk, honey and veggy juice lately.

I am not sure if I am doing good.

I am not sure if there is anybody out there I can get along with it's true.

Where is there a cool farm in need of cows haha?

Hot Topics / Re: Got Milk?
« on: March 03, 2012, 05:18:39 am »
I have three Jerseys, a Normande, a 3/4 jersey 1/4 holstein heifer and the prettiest calf is the daughter of that Normande and sired by an American Lineback, very big calf, kicks up her heels over her head almost every time she runs, gonna be a great cow.

I worked for 7 months at a pasture based dairy in upstate NY. They fed quite a bit of grain, but the environment was very harsh, I think I have very good genetics for grass fed dairy and it seems to be working out.

Will write more later.

Hot Topics / Re: Got Milk?
« on: March 03, 2012, 03:57:09 am »
I don't know why these photos are showing up so small, oh well : /

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