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Messages - RogueFarmer

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Primal Diet / Re: absurd milk levels
« on: April 15, 2013, 11:26:55 am »
Past few days I've been drinking raw goat's milk, then raw cow's milk.
Seems there is no farting with raw goat's milk.
More farting with raw cow's milk.
We made raw ice cream too.

Hm, strange, cows and goats both seem to fart quite a bit.

Primal Diet / Re: absurd milk levels
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:47:20 am »
Perhaps milk has less of a stop because it is a complete food? What about the people who's allergies go away when they start drinking raw milk?

My cravings for raw milk aren't much more advanced than my cravings for raw meat. I think milk is also really cleansing, how do you tell the difference between an allergic reaction and your body cleansing?

Does milk cause mucous or the ejection of mucous?

Primal Diet / Re: absurd milk levels
« on: April 13, 2013, 01:47:52 am »
Yeah, there's no instinctive  stop with milk until your stomach is full up, similarly to most processed and heated foods. This is one more clue that milk is not a primal food.

What is absurd is to endorse animal milk in a paleo-diet forum.

I don't agree, milk is much more water than meat. I don't you can't drink enough milk to experience an instinctive stop except when it is the bulk of what you are eating. I do experience instinctive stops with meat, I think milk, but not fruit. What makes me stop eating fruit is that it makes me feel high and my intellect knows that is bad, my body however tells me to eat more and my teeth tell me to only eat it once or twice a day and never without fat or at least protein.

Primal Diet / Re: absurd milk levels
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:56:28 pm »

I can drink a half gallon of jersey milk without stopping.

I think I could eat 2 pints of raw ice cream, a gallon of raw milk, a stick of butter, 3 eggs and half a pound of beef in a day and feel freakin fantastic haha. Probably take it easy the next day though. The ice cream would also have 3 eggs in it, so that's 6.

Off Topic / Re: Teen's Strange Ramen Noodle Addiction
« on: April 12, 2013, 08:05:09 pm »
I knew gutter punks who didn't even bother to cook it and said it was their favorite food.

General Discussion / Re: six pack abs and the fashion of starvation
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:26:29 pm »
My preference of eating is whenever the thought occurs. Which usually means 4 or 5 times a day. I found that this eliminates hunger. On a day where I am very busy, I might forget to eat and not get a chance until 5 pm but still no hunger. I got in this habit from the advice of a body builder, that hunger causes the body to start self metabolizing. He said I believe wisely that eating right was more important than training for muscle building. This was by far the best I ever felt in my life. I sure hope hardship is coming to a close with the coming spring! No more hungry Emile!

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:12:18 am »

General Discussion / Horse Meat still popular in France.
« on: April 05, 2013, 10:39:22 am »
French gourmets won't give up on horsemeat

Haha, I got a kick out of this one.

General Discussion / Re: Just Reminiscing
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:41:32 pm »
For the first few months I was eating raw eggs, they were from my ducks who were living off of cow pats, spring grass and swamp muck, their yolks were so orange they were more orange than an orange, like a sunset, orange like a stop sign is red. They made me feel kind of stoned, but really really good and  clean and clear headed and happy. It was like the best drug ever.  I usually only eat eggs in season now and cooked eggs are grotesque. I don't eat a lot of eggs, I think I am going to go break open 5-7 of them and drink up.

We have these multi color duck eggs right now, pale whitish, blue, green, red speckled and pink. Same ol' duck egg though.

Muscovy duck eggs are better though.

Well there are livestock guardian dog breeds that will take on a grizzly bear or a human. Of course some humans may be willing to use deadly force. I guess these days it might become needed for farmers to utilize lethal force.

Cows because they are easiest to fence. Though starting out with beef cow herd would take quite an investment and a long turn around of 2-4 years. However you could buy a few milk cows and buy baby dairy bulls and raise quite a few beefers for cheap. On the other hand beef cow mamas are about the hardiest domestic stock because of their huge rumens and fat reserves they can live off of very coarse forage through harsh conditions, especially certain breeds. You can also buy weaned beef bulls and steers and raise them and sell them very profitably. Cows are the least labor.

Pigs because they are the best at rapidly improving neglected land although they need lots of brought in feed so to have a large pig operation you need to be located somewhere where you  can take advantage of a large nutrition stream. They need protein too which if you can't produce is costly. Natural pork is in the highest demand and pork production can be very profitable. It also can be the lowest startup, except not when you factor in the feed you will most likely have to buy. Depends on location and the environment.

Goats and sheep because they are the cheapest to raise and quickly reproduce allowing quick turn arounds on investment and ability to build up numbers quickly. However they are very at risk for parasite infestation and most farmers use poisonous anthelmintic wormers that aren't even very effective.

But pretty much cows or pigs is the answer. Unless you live in dry lands areas though then goats and sheep.

Remember that a lot of people will tell you that this sort of farming or that won't work. Everyone thinks it won't work. You have to have a better strategy. It is like being a military commander. You must have the main offensive and two counter attacks. You must get the most out of your land by having multiple synergistic harvests. You must reduce costs and increase profits and quality prices. Then you need secret weapons. They want you to buy their sprays or feeds or fencing. You focus on what you need, bottom line, then look to see what can optimize the operation. Mineral licks, salt are mandatory and kelp is a good idea for livestock.


The other point I was making was that  3rd-world workers are so unskilled in every category, not just language, that, inevitably, their work is usually  shoddy.

Well most of them were farmers so I bet you would be surprised at how good they are in the fields lol.

Depends what you grow and what kind of farm you have. If you have a pig or chicken farm your biggest expense is feed. If you have a sheep and goat farm, or a deer and elk farm, your biggest expense is fencing. If you have a cattle farm, your biggest expense is cattle and all of these expenses may be overshadowed by the cost of land. However there are places in  this country where land can be rented as cheaply as 50 dollars an acre a year and less. Generally with the increased cost of land comes an increase in affluent customers. The more rural you are the more volume of scale and cheaper products you must produce unless perhaps you can ship.

This sheep farm's biggest expense is labor, but labor is cheap in Mexico. Dairy farming takes a lot of labor too. Grass farming and orchards are a lot less labor than most other kinds of farming.

goodsamaritan if you want potential profit projections for your area, you would have to give me estimates on the cost of land there per acre or cost of renting, the value of food and the prices brought at different markets, potential export venues and crops and forages that are known to grow there and are popular and what they yield per ha. If possible it would be needed to figure out what forage production can be for certain crops in winter in field and for summer with some shade as well.

I can't say I endorse it, but mexican farm laborers and certain American farmers work themselves literally to death. In California especially mexican migrant farm laborers are the rule. Also at slaughterhouses which pay horribly now a days. Most people in my country, do not know what it's like to work out side all day in the hot sun.

as far as

- business plans
- spreadsheets that shows how this is profitable
- a couple of case studies

goes, it is an economic endeavor, something in which I am not adequately versed. I only have knowledge of agronomy and something of American farm economics as well as alternative production models and organic management that with the right marketing can produce a premium. In America unless you have a large acreage and have everything moving right along (a very large investment in the operation), the only way to survive is by cutting out the middle man and producing a premium product sold to the general public at a competitive price. You must have a market and if your market is a wholesale buyer then you need to have nearly epic volumes. An even better strategy is to further vertically integrate and market your products through a vending service, such as a food cart or possibly restaurant. How's getting payed 30+ dollars for a pound of goat instead of 3-or-4 on the conventional market?

I think though that it is possible to farm livestock small scale with a large volume of scale in countries where rice farming is profitable because usually the ground is lain bare for the winter, but a forage for cattle could be grown then and an orchard could be planted to forages in the summer and cattle could graze the larger orchard area of a farm and stay out of the hot summer heat. Coconuts, macadamia and banana can all be grown in bunches and I believe do fine under grass, at least for sure the coconuts and there are several other fruit species and vines that can be grown on that. For species intolerant of grass, these are brushy sections that get grazed far less times a year than grasslands, perhaps skipping some years.

I think the real key is empowering local people with a stable food source if the farm economy is poor. Meat is expensive and highly valued, I would think it would be harder to get help and support from the local people growing grains, but if you could employ people and be a source of protein for a community I think there would be more community support. I know that the water buffalo is becoming rare and it at least used to be that Australia was importing a lot of them alive as breeding stock. It is possible one could help farmers have more access to them for working. If farmers could work together and form a union then they could have a share owned herd that would allow them more efficient use of their land, more productive crops, healthier livestock, better incomes, less pollution, higher quality of life, the list is really honestly endless.

I think it's kind of ironic that Amish people don't use electricity but will eat white sugar and white flour. I think electric fences are real progress, I think they are the tool to ignite the next leap in human evolution.

Hot Topics / Re: the myth of paleo times
« on: March 25, 2013, 08:02:11 am »
What about the myth that modernity is superior to the past? The myth of progress. Sure we have progressed beyond Rome, but we don't know hardly anything about anyone before rome, we really don't know all that much about the Greeks, but we know more about them than the Egyptians and we probably know less about the Sumerians. We know next to nothing about what humanity was like before, but we can study the Celts and of course modern and historical indigenous societies... I digress.

Was there a time when there was not madness at large?

General Discussion / Re: My Blog!
« on: March 25, 2013, 02:02:37 am »
rehabilitation. In her case I am assuming rehabilitation was recovering from the accident she had. Usually though the word is used with some scorn because it is often the term used to describe places where people go to recover from drug addiction.

My buddy in high school had to leave class every day early so he could go to rehab for marijuana haha.

Haha, if only. I guess it depends where you are, but in the North East Mexicans charge better than minimum wage, 10+ an hour and it's not even tax deductible, so farmers are hiring mexicans, not because they are cheap but because they are good at what they do and they are willing to do it. Gringo just can't keep up, even if they "feel" like it.

However I am not talking about farm "jobs". I am talking about the exciting world of  entrepreneurism.
In the states and western europe we live in a "designer" world. For instance, in the 90's it was the first time ever in the world that land was valued more for it's scenic views than for it's productive capacity. This puts a hard bind on farmers because their land is worth more to developers than it is worth as farm land. However, it can be a huge boon to a creative thinker.

On the greyhound bus I was making this guy from Nigeria's eye's bust out of his head. "There are millions of acres of fertile land in America that people don't know what to do with. People will literally let you farm it for free so that someone is taking care of the land. In some places people will even PAY you to farm."

Which is exactly what I am supposed to be walking into in about a week.

And you are from the states? You must not spend very much time around this country.

Well, I don't want to argue, it's senseless. However I could point out that New Zealand's main economy is agricultural and last I heard about it the average dairy farmer there made 100 grand a year income.

Actually, farming is definitely the most profitable thing us humans can do besides mining. Mining and farming are how  the raw materials of wealth are created. Most people in the United States are not part of the wealth generating economy, they are part of the service economy. Lawyers don't contribute to the GDP.

Farming has an extremely steep and unforgiving learning curve. It would be very easy for eager newcomers to blow their load and lose all of it.

It takes about 5 years for most farms to even break even, if they ever do.

I think you underestimate how hard farmers work. Half of them are just plain psychotic about it. That's why there isn't enough new farmers. Farmers work themselves into early graves. Farm laborers work themselves into early graves. It's not something that you can just do in your 40's or 50's unless you got a lot of money to flush down the toilet. It's not something that you can just do in your teens and twenties unless you flush your current social life and the rest of your goddamn life down the toilet.

I mean some farmers go the corn planter rout, but who the hell would want to buy a million dollars worth of equipment to make a little better than minimum wage? Mechanics.

Farming doesn't have any higher barrier to entry than law school, med school, etc..  As a result, even if there is a temporary crunch where food prices go higher because of lack of farmers, it will resolve itself within just 5 or 7 years, and farmer incomes will go back down.  People go to the professions that make money.  That was law a few years ago.  Now it's not, because so many people became lawyers.

Successful modern farming businesses are a much larger hurdle than the typical white collar would be able to handle. Fuckers don't even know what work is.


These people in mexico have a 250 acre farm that gross's 7 figures.

They graze all year long but feed some hay in winter.

Off Topic / Re: a lesson in finance
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:06:08 am »
Invest in yourself and your own assets. Save enough money to buy something that makes more. If you have a business then you can funnel income into the business and not pay taxes because you may have gross income but not any profit. A lot of farms in USA are "investments" owned by wealthy people.

Also, buy things that are stable or increasing in value. Gold and silver are decent. Food and livestock prices went through the roof last year, will probably continue to do so.

Off Topic / Re: Cyprus Bailout: Welcome To Another Great Depression
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:23:59 pm »
Thank god all my wealth has a pulse and walks around on 4 legs.

Journals / Re: GoodSamaritan's Experiments
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:48:06 pm »
Livestock pick up K2 from rapidly growing grass. I was under the assumption that they had some sort of storage mechanism that they maintained K2 levels while they weren't eating them. K2 in animal fat is associated with the other fat soluble fatty acids. I notice for instance an old hen has much more yellowing of fat than a spring chicken and would think that such a chicken would have more K2. I would think the more grass finished a beef was the more K2 it would have in it. The kind of grass that puts weight on cattle quickly is generally the kind of grass that would contain K2. However there is some notion I remember that cool season grasses are especially rich in K2. This is what the website advertises. Perhaps tropical grasses are low or absent in K2 or for a large part of the year.
Are you sure he meant grass finished and not grain finished? I would think K2 would be less present in immature animals and more present in mature animals. It would probably be more prevalent during the rainy cooler times of the year when grass grows the fastest.

Off Topic / Re: What is your job / area of knowledge ?
« on: March 18, 2013, 01:50:39 pm »
I'm a milk pirate on the high seas of grass and briars.

Also been accused of being a hipster farmer.

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