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General Discussion / Re: What do yo do with fish with visible parasites?
« on: August 10, 2014, 01:05:17 am »
Further experiment with Anisakis alongside Cod undergoing fermentation in refrigerator for five weeks found Cod tasted wonderful but adjacent Anisakis was still alive and fighting fit after five weeks at 5C to 10C no problem if you are rotting fish, he can survive inside it!

Hot Topics / Re: Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil Question
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:23:35 pm »
Offline Haai
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Re: Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil Question
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2011, 01:37:11 am »
I often spread/pour it on fish. It's nice with tuna.
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"Have no limitation as limitation" - Bruce Lee

Author of, 'The Raw Paleo Diet & Lifestyle: why I eat my meat raw and why you should too!'

Have you ever tried pouring it on raw beef, pork, lamb, chicken etc. to give it an enhanced fishy taste?

Hot Topics / Re: Taste of raw meat
« on: August 08, 2014, 04:35:08 am »
Eat raw seal, whale or walrus and other fishy meats like Inuit delights?   Not locally available, so what else?   Swordfish tastes like a fishy version of raw pork, tuna is firm and fishy, and there are similar meaty fish to try.   Making ordinary meats taste fishy was a puzzle?    Putting fish on top of meat in the refrigerator with a little downward pressure would allow delicious fishy juices to infuse into the meat.   They could be eaten together as a fish/meat sandwich.   Smothering the meat with raw fermented cod liver oil would impart a cheesy, fishy taste.   For high meat they could be made to rot together in the refrigerator, or quicker at room temperature in frequently aired jars.   When thoroughly rotten, a cheesy, fishy, meaty taste might result!   My experiments continue! 

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Re: Worms in my fresh, raw, wild salmon from whole foods--a short video showing them
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2010, 11:21:50 am »
At what point should I consider a piece of fish to be unacceptable? 1 worm, 2 worms, 3 worms?

I found NINE Anisakis worms in my recent piece of middle cut Cod.   When these were removed, under bright sunlight, it tasted great, and some of it went on to become high fish which tasted even greater, LOL.   Absolutely no stomach pains or discomfort afterwards, and confidence that any which got through, while surviving all our stomach acids due to their own protective coating, would die eventually and be expelled.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Putting In The Order For The Butcher
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:20:45 am »
A pity, because you wanted to eat the whole animal including tripe and intestines but were unable to retain all these parts.   If you had paid for the whole animal you mind have been able to insist on keeping everything after it was butchered.    Some carry out their own butchery to achieve this.

Off Topic / Re: The Moon is Not What it Seems to Be
« on: July 26, 2014, 05:57:05 am »
Online TylerDurden
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Re: The Moon is Not What it Seems to Be
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 12:56:04 pm »
This is getting a bit too odd. I mean, sort of flat-earth-society-like!

Thank goodness for Tyler and common sense!

General Discussion / Re: how long is raw fish safe to eat
« on: July 15, 2014, 03:16:21 am »

So pleased you also like ‘old fish’, which always has a lovely smell!   Going into Church I am usually offered a strong mint after enjoying fish for my breakfast! LOL    Whole house smells of fish, and I like it that way!

After a week fish smells and tastes better and a month in refrigerator it begins to be good.   Speed the process by cutting fresh fish into bite size pieces, put in a jar at room temperature, and air daily outdoors.   Helps to get it going and you keep it indefinitely at this higher temperature with airing.   A further tip is to leave previously rotted fish in the jar to start process with the new fish.   It ‘encourages’ it into a better condition

Am sure you will love your week old fish and probably soon find you prefer old fish to fresh like I do!

General Discussion / Re: how long is raw fish safe to eat
« on: July 11, 2014, 04:52:32 am »
Three pieces of cod each on a dish covered with cling film in refrigerator at 6 C, and occasionally aired:
One piece thawed from frozen and kept for one week.
One piece (the one with 9 Anisakis found in it and removed) kept for two weeks.
One piece kept for over three weeks.

First piece tasted slightly off (slight sharp taste) and good to eat.
Second piece was going rotten and tasted great!
Third piece definitely rotten, and tasted SUPERB!!!   Sharp taste in mouth and throat, and better than anyone could imagine (who had not tried similar fish)!   FANTASTIC!
I wonder how it would be after a few months?
The more rotten it gets the better I like it!
Use a calendar rather than a watch to judge how long to keep your fish!

General Discussion / Re: Frustrated
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:22:13 pm »
Stay with us and do NOT be discouraged!!!!!!

After 48 hours in ice compartment at -22C, and allowing plenty of time to thaw out soft, all 9 Anisakis in my discarded portion of Cod were totally immobile and hence presumably dead and inactive.   The experiment was terminated and the sample put in trash as no further developments were expected.

Further Reply:

1.   Discovered Anisakis in piece of fresh raw Cod just purchased.
2.   Extracted all Anisakis with immediate surroundings very carefully in bright sunlight.
3.   Enjoyed eating all remaining fresh Cod without further treatment, freezing, or condiments.
4.   Absolutely no discomfort, ill health, or adverse effects in days following this consumption.
5.   Parcelled Anisakis once extracted, were put in ice compartment of refrigerator at -22?C.
6.   After 24 hours, and allowing parcel to thaw out, Anisakis collateral to wage war in intestines found severely compromised.   Could not resume former posture when their position was disturbed.
1.  Removing all Anisakis renders fish safe to eat.
2.  Freezing fish for at least 24 hours (7 to 14 days is recommended) should prevent any problems.
1.   Anisakis fish best avoided by choosing tail end rather than middle cut of Cod etc.
2.   Anisakis belongs in marine fish environment and will not survive in mammals intestines including ours.
3.   Temporary discomfort can arise as they are immune to stomach acids and try to set up home.
4.   They will die and be cleared eventually through digestive tract.

What do you do with fish with visible parasites?
« on: February 18, 2011, 04:17:48 am »
So if you are chopping or chomping into a nice piece of raw fish, and you see some wiggly critters aka parasites, what do you do? Stop eating and discard it? Or continue eating the fish along with the parasites?

Lovely piece of fresh raw Cod yesterday, but many Anisakis worms in it.   Very carefully removed these with their immediate surroundings and am thoroughly enjoying remainder of fish as is.   Parceled up the worms in their surroundings and put them in the ice compartment of my refrigerator.    I will examine them from time to time to see if they expire within the two weeks of freezer time recommended for their safe dispatch.   Hope you continue to eat and enjoy your raw fish, as the worms, if eaten, seek a life in fish and not man so will die and be expelled eventually.   ENJOY RAW FISH!!!

General Discussion / Re: Raw Intestine - Can You Eat It?
« on: June 27, 2014, 11:57:26 pm »
Raw Intestine - Can You Eat It?
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:13:41 pm »
Inb4 "Use the search button" I made two vague/multi question threads on this before and never got a good/direct answer.

Can you eat intestine raw? That is after cleaning out the poo. The bacteria, e-coli, and poo worry me, parasites maybe/not so much. Has anyone ever eaten raw intestine of anything?

Bear Hunter
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:18:44 pm »
“Anyone experimented with entrails? Any good? From which animals? And how on earth do you ask your butcher to bag you up some of that!”

Thought you deserved an answer to your questions, so used collected wisdom of a number of our knowledgeable and experienced members:

“I also rip out the guts in one piece with my bare hands and separate it from the rest, but then I will strip of the fat from the intestinal lining and pick out the adrenal glands, as well as other tasty tid bits. Then I will squeeze the droppings from the lower bowels and save a small portion. The small intestine is a bit gross with digestive juice and grassy slime, but the lower track has digested grass pellets that are easy to discard. FYI”

“Stomach and intestines are eaten raw without health incident.  They are usually bleached or dyed first, but they are eaten raw unbleached/undyed.  Which animals are they from, GS?  I know of pig intestine and cow stomach and intestine.  I think the raw cow stomachs can be used more as food than the intestines that are used more in a medicinal manner and rarely”.

From the whole animal section:
According to John (Fire) Lame Deer, the eating of guts had evolved into a contest. "In the old days we used to eat the guts of the buffalo, making a contest of it, two fellows getting hold of a long piece of intestines from opposite ends, starting chewing toward the middle, seeing who can get there first; that’s eating. Those buffalo guts, full of half-fermented, half-digested grass and herbs, you didn’t need any pills and vitamins when you swallowed those."

Chitterling, otherwise known as Chitlins are the intestines of pigs.

Has anyone ever eaten these raw? Do they taste good? I'm thinking about picking some up next time I go to buy some meat along with some tripe and livers.     

Mmm sounds delicious. Must be weird if they still have whatever the pigs even inside. If I could get my hands on some lovely wild pig, I'd relish using the whole animal.

Hoping these comments help to put raw entrails, including stomach and intestines on our dinner tables.   (Hope also Members excuse me borrowing their comments!)

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw pork
« on: June 15, 2014, 04:20:44 pm »
QUOTE: edmon171
Boar Hunter

 Posts: 96

 Re: Raw pork
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2014, 04:22:21 am »QuoteI've gone past rare and into the bleu zone with the pork so I've got the hog on a leash right now, not quite by the horns. It is very delicious.

Sacre bleu!   There is not much difference between possible health risks with bleu (grossly undercooked) pork or completely raw pork!   You seem to have arrived brother!   I get my raw pork from the local supermarket with a squeal of delight!   No sign of a longer nose or curly tail yet!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw pork
« on: June 12, 2014, 05:14:43 pm »

Raw pork
« on: April 06, 2014, 05:02:29 am »
I've conquered most of the raw meats and organs out there. Some things got a quick sear but cool on the inside. I want to try raw pork and maybe do it regularly if its good.

I wondered if you have taken raw pork 'by the horns' (couldn't resist that one!) and enjoyed it like many of us?   It really tastes excellent and is one of my favorites along with raw chicken and raw fish, so good luck and enjoy, it is well worth trying and 'doing regularly'.

Journals / Re: The Butcher
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:58:59 pm »
The sheep I just butchered is infested with tapeworms, what should I do?
Should I tell the farmer? If I do, they might give them chemical wormers and that may pose a greater risk to the quality of the animal. At least with the worms I know that its paleo quality.
This is the third sheep I got from the farm so I am sure I have already eaten two animals that were also infected. I take no precautions with avoiding the entrails , so I probably have been exposed years ago. It worries me, that I may be infected and not even know, and the worms could be slowly growing and robbing me of my vitality. The only reason I found them is because I was experimenting with washing out the intestines with a hose, and they were flushed out.
I hope now you have found the culprit and identified it as safe, and I understand you have since been completely cleared of any symptoms for take off, you will enjoy all your flight with all other sheepish aspects down to the last of the entrails including every bit of stomach and intestines or poo etc. with no further doubts or fears for safety?   Good munching!

General Discussion / Re: Eskimoes and omega 3
« on: June 10, 2014, 02:46:17 am »
Thanks for welcome to group with common interest in raw fish and raw meat.   Perhaps as a fisherman my diet ideally should be raw fish, raw rotten fish and water, as Stefansson, for a prolonged period.   Love raw pork and raw chicken and rotten chicken, like lambs liver and lamb and beef rather less than previously.   Enjoy raw duck, raw turkey, raw cod, raw haddock, raw salmon, and oysters.   Greatly admire whole animal diets of members on this forum, and most of their diets to some extent.   Wish more members would try raw pork and raw chicken as very good!   I am particularly impressed by those who somehow manage to digest raw entrails, especially stomach and intestines.   Seems impossible to get raw tripe except as dried hard strips for dogs where grittiness is pretty indigestible.   Would like much encouragement to try these, but not much point if I cannot find any!   

General Discussion / Re: Eskimoes and omega 3
« on: June 07, 2014, 04:37:45 pm »
“I find I enjoy raw fermented mint cod liver oil and stink fish quite a bit now, and I like it more and more the longer I eat it. The more rotted the fish, the better, as far as I'm concerned, though I still don't have a taste for Asian fermented fish sauce--what the Romans called garum and the English Worcestershire sauce (the modern variant is a pale imitation)--for some reason. One problem is, the true fermented Asian version I tried is too salty for me.

Stink fish/oil gives me this lovely burning sensation in my throat that's not really burning--it's impossible to describe. An Eskimo once asked a European something along the lines of "Why do you Kabloonak like stink cheese but not stink fish?" Well, here's a Kabloonak who does. The Eskimo fellow was a bit off the mark, though--some Swedes apparently still like Surströmming. Must try that some day.

The downside of stinkfish is, the other day I forgot that it smells very strong to most people and 99.99% of Americans can't stand the smell of it and I grossed out some visitors by stinking up my home before they arrived. Smells good to me--very mild. LOL

Satya also warned me that fermented seafood/oils contain too much oxidized PUFAs. I figure that an excess might be a problem, but I seem to be faring well on what I consider a reasonable amount. I guess I can be a guinea pig for you more sensible folk. If the stinkfish/oil, fish head/bone broths, sashimi and other fish I eat kills me, I'll let you and Ray Peat know.  ;) So far all I notice is improved dental health, a mild sense of wellbeing, and less constipation since including more of the seafoods I mentioned and less ground beef. I'm not claiming that stinkfish is a superfood or anything and wouldn't want anyone doing something just because I seem to be benefiting from it.”

Room for another Kabloonak who enjoys stinkfish on the Forum?

As a deep sea fisherman, I can tick all the boxes:
1.   Really enjoy taste and smell of the rotten fish.(also raw fish) (tick box ?)
2.   Like it more the longer I eat it (tick box ?)
3.   More rotted the fish the better as far as I am concerned (tick box ?)

Eaten raw meat and raw fish since 1978, so I would like to share an igloo on the Forum!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: raw fish..
« on: May 31, 2014, 04:51:13 am »

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