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Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:11:34 am »
I take it by supplements you mean the magnesium and potassium and iodine (dried sea vegetables). 500 grams (about 1.1 pounds) of all of them should last about 8 months if about 0.5 tsp a day is used, and this little "supplementation" should be enough to give the body the extra nutrient kick making sure you don't run into deficiency. Personally I don't consider it as supplementation, I just consider it part of diet, as food. For me 500 grams of MgCl2 would cost around 5 euros, KCl around 20 euros, sea vegetables around 15 euros, I think 1 euro was roughly about 1.2 dollars. Prices around the globe differ but since 500 grams of each would last about 8 months it's cheap, especially if you compare these to pharmacy crap (pills and powders, etc.) of which the body barely absorbs any and at the same price instead of 8 months you can only get one month supply of useless crap.

Difficulty breathing is an iodine deficiency symptom. Though there can be other causes as well. I know iodine deficiency firsthand, for years on and off before correcting diet, not a nice thing.
Many things you describe (physical weakness as well) seem to me like exactly magnesium, potassium, and/or iodine deficiency symptoms. I've personally had all of them. These are basically the primary minerals your body absolutely has to have enough, but foods (mass produced, commercial, and such) in general have too little of, plus these minerals are also used to get rid of toxins from the body (of which there's more and more year by year). I'd suggest to make sure you have enough of Mg, K, and I, because they are responsible for very many essential functions in the body (essential for overall metabolism and digestion; digestion can't work right if is deficient of these, at least this is my experience). I'd say if you have deficiency of these everything else pales in comparison since almost everything else is dependent on these.

Hot Topics / Re: Robert Schoch - Forgotten Civilizations
« on: August 17, 2014, 04:31:11 pm »
Why would you bet that?
The suppression of truth and reality via many methods done by governments and official institutions and corporations put into place not to help us live better but to oppress and suppress us and keep us as slaves without us perceiving any of it readily. Also religions and systems of brainwashing and indoctrination like schools that don't really teach anything relevant at all and teach a lot of lies and misinformation as if they are truth. And much else. It's been going on for thousands of years (at first religions and such things where lies are shown as truth, but now there's much much more; also the introduction of monetary system since babylonian times as a tool of slavery). That the "royal blood is sacred" as is depicted for thousands of years, the bloodlines of kings and rulers and such... but these "royals" ruling over us are retards at best... as if being a retard by blood is "sacred"...
Many aspects, bits and pieces we have and can find, all connected one way or another for the same goals. You see the connections you see, more or less, what's really going on, has been going on. Nothing nice or good in regards to us "the people".

If people knew what truly has been and why then matters would not be so messed up. These, similar at least, mistakes we see in present society have been done before. But the thing is we learn, we change for a better the more we know and see about the world we live in. "Authority" figures and such say people don't change, societies don't change, that everything has been in general the same for forever and will be forever - what does such mentality teach people? It teaches people to not change. Well, if they don't let us change then of course we won't change. We are taught to not change, especially for a better. Yet the systems in place are rigged to change us according to the agendas of the "royal bloodlines" and such people, without us readily perceiving it.
What relevant does an average person truly know and see presently, and of the past, of the world he/she lives in? Nothing.

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 17, 2014, 02:38:10 pm »
This extreme light-headedness. I've had it. During some months prior to going raw and starting to correct diet. Same thing, so lightheaded that if I hadn't just stopped, sat or lied down, I would have feinted. I think I for some very short moments even I lost all vision as well, all black, though if then perhaps up to 5 seconds.
I've had these cold-like symptoms for long also, but not much after correcting diet. Now they only occur when there's some excess toxins or such in my body, from rare times I eat some crap.

No point going to doctors, they don't know anything about human diet nor health nor what actually causes symptoms. They're there to prescribe expensive and harmful chemicals that don't heal nor cure anything, because never before having consumed those chemicals is not why you have these health issues.

Fatigue and tiredness can be a symptom of magnesium deficiency, potassium deficiency can contribute, and iodine deficiency. I'd suggest getting some magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, and sea vegetables for iodine. To be sure your body gets enough of them.
These are important minerals as soils are depleted of them and foods you can easily get are deficient of them or include too much of something that uses up too much of those minerals (like sugars). Magnesium is the most important, then Iodine.

Gut issues can cause fatigue and tiredness as well, as nutrient absorption due to gut issues is reduced.
Sunroots are good for gut, at least in my case. I'd suggest to get some to see how they work, though they might at the moment be out of season (I can grow my own and they're still growing), though they're root vegetables.

Overall I'd suggest to eat everything, to make sure your body gets all kinds of nutrients it needs. Though obviously no grains, no dairy as it contributes to acne and such, nor processed commercial crap. Also best to keep some hours between mealtimes.

Myself presently I eat eggs, then either some meat or fat, then some meat, then kidney and liver. A little honey. No fish at the moment available I'd like. Then ground egg shells (calcium), ground dried sea vegetables (rock weed or such for iodine), greens, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. About 30 minutes or more before mealtimes I drink this MgCl2, KCl, NaCl (I also add NaHCO3, Borax) solution, presently about half to 3/4 teaspoon of each a day in about 600ml of water.

Hot Topics / Re: Robert Schoch - Forgotten Civilizations
« on: August 17, 2014, 01:57:41 pm »
When I mentioned this on another discussion spot one person responded:
"Upon visiting the Mayan Peninsula (Cancun, Mexico and surrounding area) several years ago,  a tour guide indicated that the Mayan Indians have similar genetic material as well as some similar physical traits in height, hairless body areas, etc, to the Mongolians of Asia, suggesting that they have a common background, predating the drift of the continental plates."
Around Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, then Japan and India and what's between those. If you look at Earth map you'll notice shallow areas around the island and coasts there, rather massive areas.

Hot Topics / Re: Robert Schoch - Forgotten Civilizations
« on: August 17, 2014, 01:48:04 pm »
There are cities in the seas, under water. South of Japan and also India, around Indonesian islands.
Then the ancient mayan items, sculptures, pottery in central America found in the water filled caves to where they could have gotten only if someone put them there, as there's no direct, straight down, passage from top to bottom. Not just under water but also underground then. Those caves could have been filled with water only when the water levels rose around the whole planet, some 10-15 thousand years ago. So the ancient civilization there at least goes beyond 10-15 thousand years ago.
There's been found ancient cities, with melted rock building walls the kind you can only get from nuclear explosions or energy weapons all over the planet. Also numerous ancient glassed sand expanses in deserts, again the kind produced, now known, from nuclear or energy weapons. Technologically advanced weapons of mass destruction. All of these around the same time period.

The peoples back then weren't stupid. They would have known a "flood" is coming, so they definitely moved to other places, to higher ground. I doubt it went all peacefully, as is rather obvious from many findings.

Forgotten civilizations indeed. Forgotten largely by design and on purpose I bet.

nice fairy tales
Some elaboration? Some explanation as to why you'd say so? Something, anything?

Off Topic / Re: Steaming certain vegetables, good or bad on rawpaleo?
« on: August 06, 2014, 03:24:22 pm »
Yeah, there's no reason to steam veggies.

But why do you say broccoli is the worst? You may currently not like it, but others (me, for example) often like to eat some broccoli stem. Everyone is different, don't generalize and think that everybody is like you, please.
I didn't mean worse like very bad or even just bad, but to eat it in the amounts I normally eat cabbage would in my case definitely lead to some stomach issues.
Every time I've eaten broccoli I've felt like it shouldn't be eaten as much as cabbage, that as you say "some".
In fact where I live broccoli isn't eaten much at all anywhere. But cabbage is. Probably because it doesn't grow well here.

Never did generalize nor think everybody is like me, nor did I ever suggest it. If I had then I would literally had said so. Please don't presume to know what I think, because you do not. And consider that not everything is put into words that runs through the mind, and that words are not anywhere as accurate as thoughts and notions in the mind. So instead of presuming this and that perhaps first ask why I said something the way I did?

The OP talked about these items in the context of them containing antinutrients. And so, broccoli, though cauliflower should be about the same, can't eat either as much as cabbage without issues. But that doesn't mean broccoli is bad, far from it, it's good.
And obviously people are familiar foremost with themselves.

Off Topic / Re: Steaming certain vegetables, good or bad on rawpaleo?
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:15:16 pm »
But ive been steaming many other of my vegetables such as Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, and kale.
Don't steam those... just eat them raw. Broccoli is the worst of those in regards to eating raw. Cauliflower and cabbage I've eaten raw for as long as I can remember, they taste good raw. Cabbage I like (the hard cabbage particularly), especially if it's rather juicy, has never caused any issues, unless I've eaten too much at once.

Doesn't steaming destroy flavor also?

You plainly confuse science with scientism!
Truth is I don't even know what scientism is, other than it's regarded as something similar to religions... Can't confuse something with something I don't even know what it is.

Learning about this and much else, I've got it sort of planned, mid august mind first into all kinds of stuff, without a deadline ( as it has a lot of information). Until then some diet and lifestyle corrections. Some later time, don't know when, when I've more or less exhausted that site and possibly some others, I'll probably start looking toward books.

As scientists determine what science really is then this means they can correct it. And they are correcting it, though it takes effort to get rid of preconceptions and biases and lies already prevalent. Slow progress. Eventually they should get to a point where "science" has to be rewritten down to the very foundation, as already some, if not all, founding principles are false (in the regard how people are taught science and how because of that they easily become to see the world). I remember what and how science was taught in school, a bit in university also, it's just messed up nonsense to an extensive degree, omits so much relevant, focuses on what isn't relevant, etc. All to form biases into people, to keep them from seeing the world as it actually is.

There probably is a thread about UFOs, but the problem with these kinds of topics is that they are all interconnected. It's hard to stay in one topic if something relevant to it pops up from another.
Also, if someone is ignoring the obvious or has a different understanding of something or is lacking some relevant information then it always tends to divert to "what is evidence" and "what is science" or similar, and onward from there. It's the "why can't you understand?"
The more I argue the more I realize how pointless arguing is. Best to do research, look at possibilities and impossibilities and not ignore anything relevant, and figure out myself. More or less...

There have been several conclusive UFO studies/projects done and they all show that no aliens exist. All that one can state is that a very small percentage of the sights they checked could not be attributed to a manmade or nature-made phenomenon. That in turn does NOT imply alien origin, merely that the scientists could not explain them right now, that's all.
Can not explain right now? Refer to what I've said about science here. Also, since you say they cannot explain at the moment then scientists shouldn't take an "absolute" stance about anything, yet they do.

You're saying they cannot explain it right now, which suggests they do not know. But they say it wasn't so, it cannot be so, that it is not possible, is not a possibility. That's lying right in our face. It can be, it is possible, it is a possibility, and if you lift the veil of designed forced stance of opposition and denial from yourself then you will come to see it actually has been and is.

There’s plenty of rational scientific evidence available. You don’t want to see it and you believe in all kind of harebrained conspiracy theories.

Or you are yourself an alien mandated by your pairs to discredit the fact that they are here, because they don't want us to really know it in an indisputable way.  ;D
I never said they aren't out there, in fact I've said the opposite, that they are out there, and it is very likely they even are here on this planet right now.

I suppose what I meant under "science" would have done better with more detailed elaboration... This mainstream "science" is designed in a way that many many possibilities and occurrences are not explainable by it, some aspects of reality this "science" simply ignores but if someone looked at them then could even with this faulty one explain to some extent at least. And thus many of these "out of this world" things are labeled as fantasy and impossible "by default" (for example for a long time this same science has said FTL speeds are not possible), either by not even looking at it because the default directions of science don't look that way, or by denying by purposeful design what is right in front of people. This at least was the original intent of "illuminati" created science, all so people would not find out about true reality via purposefully designed false way of looking at things. Though the designed "science" is gradually coming out of the closet, so to speak, so more and more of the previously claimed "impossible" is being explained even by this "science".

Well, we are entering a decadent age, so I guess some people will always be insane enough to want godlike aliens to replace a previous  religious belief.  One would normally expect at least a tiny piece of genuine evidence to be displayed to show that these  mysterious space-travelling aliens exist, but so far that has not been provided.
The "elite", illuminati, however to call them. They do not want people to know about those aliens. And so they do not let the knowledge into the public, they also don't let "scientists" and people in general do your so-called "scientific" studying and experimenting and whatnot. They are suppressing truth and ways of finding out truth, have been for centuries. The same "illuminati" designed the scientific method you are valuing so highly, it is with severe flaws and built on a foundation of lies and omission. So even if something was actually seen and was obvious then your precious "science" would not support it, because it is literally designed not to.
That's why there is no "evidence" you are referring to.

But if you throw aside this "science" then you'll notice there is so much evidence, even objective thinking alone provides a lot.

The notion that we have alien DNA is all ridiculous and unscientific.
It is not ridiculous and not unscientific. It is absolutely possible and extremely likely. But if you are in denial, due to whatever reason, then of course you won't accept it.

It is self-evidently an attempt to replace  belief in God.
Are you joking?
This has nothing to do with religions or beliefs.

As G K Chesterton once said:- "When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything."
Now this is ridiculous and absolute nonsense. Aren't comments given by you supposed to be your comments, not someone else's? Are you speaking for yourself or someone else? How about instead of quoting some other people you actually try to exert your own mind toward finding a realistic and likely scenario? Just takes some objective thinking, just whether it is possible or not, likely or not, and approximately how likely.

  Personally, I consider the notion of star-travelling aliens to be hopelessly naive.
Naive? It's proved fact. Evidence is all over this planet.
If you are still in denial then you are naive.
Face reality and the likeliest possibilities and scenarios, and stop putting forth such naive nonsense, okay?

Star-traveling aliens exist. Period. There's no debate, no discussion here. This is absolute fact.
Our universe is probably trillions of years old. There have been found planets and stars that are even 30 billion years old in comparison to our planet of about 13 billion years. Now imagine intelligent life rose on a planet there, that would've been billions of years ago. Now imagine how far advanced those alien species would be now. And this is just one example from hundreds of billions of galaxies, hundreds to thousands of billions of planets per galaxy. Do the math, and stop denying what's right in front of you.

If you don't know for certain but it definitely is possible then do not say it is not possible.

No truly advanced aliens would likely care about some primitive apemen and would not even notice them. Plus, I seriously doubt that organic species could ever travel at FTL speeds. Only AIs might be able to do so.
Obviously they did. After all, here we are, without making sense from a natural perspective of how we got to our present state so fast.
The gold mined for thousands of years on this planet, and no doubt other elements also, where is the gold?

Of course could travel at those speeds. That we don't have, in the public, any knowledge of how to do it or that it cannot be done, doesn't mean it cannot be done.
By saying "no, can't be done" without having any objective evidence to support it, you are putting a block to many possibilities in your own mind. You are suppressing your own freedom of thought.

Off Topic / Re: The other bit of news in the media
« on: July 25, 2014, 12:24:07 am »
The Israel-Palestine idiocy is a product of the "elite". In general it's designed to be like this on purpose.

Israel is virtually in its entirety, including their weapons and army, funded by the global elite who control all governments and corporations. Those elite have all the money, they control it's flow, they give orders down the command lines who and what must do what and when. The general goal of everything is long long predesigned.
In fact the same bloodlines those elite belong to are responsible for the existence of money. They designed the monetary system, thousands of years ago. Money is nothing but a tool of absolute slavery, if you comply to it. They also designed major religions merely to create possibilities for conflict and wars which can easily be used to lead people in certain directions that suit the elite's agenda.
They've been instilling it into collective mind and consciousness of the people for thousands of years, so it would feel natural. And if something like this feels natural then people won't even be aware that they are slaves.

The Israel-Palestine idiocy is nothing natural, it's created on purpose. The end-purpose is yet to be seen but it won't be anything nice. It's probably also a diversion from something else; while people are focusing on Israel-Palestine, what is going on elsewhere?

If you remove all indoctrinated biases and such from people and ask those same people, any people, all people, whether they want war. The answer is, absolutely every single time, NO!
Wars and conflicts, and biases of the people which seem to create those, are all designed on purpose, because without governments, without corporations, without the elite, there would be no wars, if people were let to decide for themselves they would naturally find peaceful solutions that would benefit all.

Wars and conflicts are not the peoples agenda because what do people want, all people? A peaceful life. Wars and conflicts are all the agenda of those who are oppressing and suppressing people.
Wars and conflicts have specific effects on people, time them right, give people solutions to problems you created in the first place and due to previous indoctrinations and biases and designed blindness of the people they will accept your "solution". You end up designing the minds, needs and wants, of the people, without the people ever being aware of what is actually going on.

Journals / Re: Alberto's Journal
« on: July 19, 2014, 07:29:36 am »
I think the only thing left to do is making my own soap.
Using soaps isn't a good idea... (I'm assuming you mean the kind of soap sold is shops just not with the toxins, so just a basic soap as if from good ol' times)

Soap removes the natural layer of oil/fat and bacteria from the skin. Then the skin dries up. To try and prevent damage from such drying up the skin will begin emitting excessive oil/fat - you'll feel uncomfortable, especially after you've ditched soaps and then test soaps again.
Since natural bacteria that should be living on you are not there then any dirt and sweat and oil/fat on your skin will go rancid - where stench comes from.
Soaps and such things kill and remove the bacteria and oils/fats. But you need those things... they act as a defensive mechanism against some hostile external stuff.

I haven't used soaps or anything like that for about 5 months, except on my hands when they are covered with some really nasty stuff, but then I immediately apply some animal fat or olive oil.
I use a glove like thing made from hemp or something similar. Though a piece of cloth or a small towel would do as well. You just scrub yourself.

General Discussion / Silica from sand?
« on: July 05, 2014, 02:06:54 am »
When I was a small child I used to eat sand, repeatedly (also chalk and this stony white foamy-looking construction block and egg shells)... probably rather common thing but now silica got my attention and, well, sand is silicon dioxide...
Tried googling this a bit but didn't find anything satisfying at all. The little I found says toddlers/children are curious and experiencing new things. But then why would some, like I did, eat it over an extended period and basically whenever they can? (Though eventually I stopped.) Curiosity and experience, or simply like the texture as some explain it? I rather highly doubt that. I'm more inclined toward silica deficiency from "normal" foods, assuming you can get it from sand...

Wondering if anyone has some info on this and whether you can get silica from eating sand.


So much bad science here, so much.   :'(
Specifics? At least a few. Otherwise, what are you doing?

And then lets also go with your "bad science" --->> What is science? And why is it here, as you say, bad?

Tellinger only shows  a few photos of certain examples of ruins, hardly millions etc. , so you are exaggerating rather heavily. Basically, cultural diffusion would mean that if gold-mining had been invented c. hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago  then, soon after, other civilisations would have absorbed the techniques and practised them. No such evidence exists.
No evidence exists because you just made this "idea" up.

You don't make things up and then begin looking for evidence that would support the idea. You follow the evidence and it leads you wherever it leads you!

You say other civilizations would have absorbed the techniques. Give us proof that they would. Not that they "did", but that they would.
What do you base your claim on?

With your assertion you hint at viewing gold as some extremely valuable thing, and as if the value of it was inherently understandable. As if anyone should know it from birth onward, as if its value of some (magical) kind was part of life. Now why would you give ground to such interpretation? Are you even aware of what you are suggesting? (This is where other peoples absorbing the techniques would come in - because gold is valueless, it is just a mass of specific energy that definitely has good uses in some technologies, but that's all. And people who have no idea, no conception, about any really worthwhile uses for gold would just out of nowhere want to dig it up and process it? You can't even make proper basic tools out of it! --- your claim refuted.)

You think there is evidence to the "official" versions? Even logic itself doesn't support them.

It's not just the ruins and that specific area you need to concentrate on to to get an idea of the true scope of the issue. It's the entire planet:
1)Ancient "myths" and stories from all over the planet that in essence say the exact same.
Ancient stories from India describing scenes of nuclear explosions and radiation sickness.
2)Ancient buried cities in India with radiation levels tens of times higher than normal, with as well rock walls of buildings melted there and in other ancient ruins on the planet, also large fields of sand turned glass in deserts - all thousands of years old and the only way presently known how it can happen is with nuclear explosions.
3)All those mines in southern Africa. There are tunnels there that are even 6-7 kilometers deep, with such precision even today's technology couldn't do it. Documents uncovered stating that such tunnels must be kept secret, from the public.
4)Where's the gold?
5)Pyramids and structures built of stone blocks so heavy and so big with "modern" technology you can not move them! And what? They built them with ropes and pulleys?!?!?! Seriously!
6)Egyptian pyramids are not tombs - no corpses were ever found from there.
7)Pyramids in Europe, bigger than those of Egypt and much older.
8)Pyramids in China. Mayan, Incan pyramids, or however they're called.
9)Extremely likely pyramids in South Africa, as Tellinger pointed them out.
10)In mexico forests full of ancient cities and ruins.
11)Somewhere between Japan and Tai, I think it was, towns underwater, about 15 thousand years old.
12)Stonehenge and others like constructs are emitting higher than normal energy waves, which have been measured. They are also emitting sound frequencies. And they are reported to be hundreds of thousands, even millions of years old. You think some "cavemen" pulled them up with ropes and pulleys to specific energetic points on the planet, with such mathematical precision? Give me a break...
13)"UFO" sightings for all over the planet for decades and longer. And what does the media say about those? If they weren't real then why the fuck are there so many reports of "UFO" sightings?
But they aren't alien, definitely not all. It's our, human technology, kept away from the public.
14)Sightings of "bigfoots", "almas" and others all over the planet for decades and longer. If it was such a BS then why are there so many reports? And why does the media, without true investigation brand them as fantasies and lunacies? (Personally I'd say it's good there's no investigation - let them live in peace.)
15)Why are products we use designed to break quickly?
16)The first cars were electric. They had the biggest demand. Yet now there's combustion. New electric cars have come and gone. WTF is going on?
17)Why is the development of important and world-changing technology and knowledge being suppressed and hidden from the public?
18)Both world wars were funded by the same banks, which were owned by the same individuals.
19)Why are "primates" with 48 chromosomes? We are with 46... Dafuq??? And we're supposed to be "related".
20)Why is our DNA riddled with mistakes and flaws? The kind that are now known to be produced in genetic manipulation (genetic engineering), splicing or whatever it was.
21)Food and medicine. I think you know enough about this...
22)Why does money only exist in our minds as a concept? There is no such thing as money, yet people live by it. It's not natural. Who made it up? Where did money originally come from? Because it is not part of life. Life would not evolve to create such an abomination - because it gets in the way of life.
23)Why are humans being brought ever closer to total enslavement and control?

Wake up!

Here are a couple of  links debunking this nonsense:-

Good god, he is not even an archaeologist, just a former rapper and pharmacist.
How do you debunk ancient ruins a few hundred thousand years old??? They are there, fact of absolute reality. You can not deny it or refute it. They are there. There's nothing to debate or discuss here. If you deny it, if you oppose it, then you have not done your research!

The ancient astronaut thing... extremely likely it was true, in fact it is much unlikelier that it wasn't.
What has the "elite" done ever and always to those who present evidence to such concepts and ideas? They have always and ever branded those individuals insane and lunatics, and "conspiracy theorists", while generating lies and fantasies against them. And have they ever given them a chance to present and explain themselves to the public without the authority first biasing the public? No.

Do you also deny that the official stories about our history are lies and true fantasies, and half-truths?
Do you as well deny there's an "elite", that consists of ancient bloodlines - a few families - who have a global agenda?
Do you deny that those ancient bloodlines own (almost) every government and corporation and organization?
Do you deny those families have generated (almost) all money on the planet?

Michael Tellinger talks how society should get rid of money and work and live for the benefit of all (the exact same concept, with the exact same details, I came up with years ago completely on my own without knowing anyone had ever conceived the same, and when talking to others about it they simply oppose(d) it without thinking). If he lied about all the rest then why would he want such a thing? And if he was wrong then why are those ruins there? And why is so much connected to those ruins and those areas? What you insist about him doesn't fit with what he's done and who he is as a person! And, above all else, the ruins are there! Millions of ruins!

they simply destroy everything and try to start over.
They do have massive warehouses in mountains and underground storing seed variety of plants...

Since the planet has been through a nuclear war before, as well in the last 60 years or so global radiation levels have more than doubled, it seems life on this planet has become somewhat resistant to radiation. So, even if a new nuclear war came... it wouldn't be as successful.
As well, in Chernobyl, wildlife has basically returned to normal. Animals have increased radiation in their bones, but it doesn't cause mutations anymore. They're living there in peace because there are no humans.
In the beginning there were large patches of forest that turned rusty. Those areas are now beautiful green, though the original radiated trees are dead.

The nuclear card is becoming void.

its not something i bother talking about though, given that you would get looked at as if you were crazy saying these kinds of things (which is of course a programmed response), not to mention tortured and thrown in prison
I don't keep myself from talking. If they cannot comprehend then it is their problem, and I say it. What I've noticed when talking with such inferior minds (which they actually are; they could change it by beginning to learn) is that they insist that I don't understand them, when in truth I understand perfectly well. Then I try to explain why they don't understand, and that I do understand, then they don't even understand that.
If they oppose I demand proof that they are right and I am wrong (which has never been given). If they want proof from me then I will flood them with materials (materials they deny before I even have a chance to present them).
If I don't know for certain, I say so.

by the way how is things in Estonia? all i ever hear about is the Baltics being some of the most preserved and resilient places in Europe, despite the exploits of the soviet dragon
The soviet didn't break the "spirit". Then got free, but into the clutches of the "elite" (the entire thing, the soviet occupation included, was most probably predesigned by the "elite" anyway).
EU and its regulations destroy the independence here. Small farmers and jobs are ever disappearing in the country-side. People are moving into towns. Ever more cheap and contaminated crap labeled as food is brought in from other countries. Prices of products made here are many times higher than foreign crap, so people won't even buy homemade stuff as readily. Ever increasing taxes, plus new taxes. Obligatory pension taxes no one will ever see again.
How do you kill the independence of a country? First and foremost, make sure it doesn't and can't feed itself.

Same as elsewhere, ever closer to total enslavement.

Wages were first lowered. Then came EU and prices went up. Then wages went down again a bit. Now prices ever go up but wages basically remain the same. Work-hours go up, because can't get enough money. Then there's a bunch of jobless people. All by design.

Funny thing is the "elite" doesn't really have to do anything, they simply let their installed programs run wild, with occasional nudges here and there.
If only people realized they could create their own system, their own money, debtfree. Just throw away the government, simply don't listen to them, ignore them, all at once. (Or even better, a moneyless "system".) There is more than enough land to feed the entire country and far more, by having about 20% of the population spend 2-3 days a week working. Right now people work 8-14 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. For wages that even true slaves wouldn't accept.

In the constitution here it basically says that every single male since birth has no rights whatsoever if the state decides so, and every single male, coming of age, is obligated to go through military training/service/brainwashing (lasting about a year) whether he wants it or not. If opposes the "law" then a massive fine or imprisonment. And most of the population doesn't even know about nor comprehend any of this!
There's this medical control/examination, so some get lucky, get out of the idiocy. I didn't have to go because I was already then too smart for them (but I knew nothing about the "elite" nor all the rest, or the extent of the corruption). And what do they do with people who can use their minds for objective thinking? They basically brand them insane. Oh the kind of mess I would have created if they somehow had gotten me into that brainwashing program...
Each year the military crap produces people completely devoid of an independent mind, also produces people with health problems that steal many years of their lives. And people are lied about it in the news, as if everything is rainbowy and flowery, and unicorns run around playing with kids - as "tradition" demands.

A problem here is that many nations have gone over these lands, enslaving and subjugating people. A mentality such subjugation generated has survived, as mostly people here are, even if they see what is going on, indifferent to it. As long as they get enough food and clothes and a place to live, like real slaves, they are just fine...
Another thing is internet freedom. They can not shackle it. If they remove that freedom there will be riots overnight and government overthrow overnight (most probably).

Constant western propaganda and lies in the mass media. Plus the absolutely and completely irrelevant stories and peoples, in the media, shown as very important. And how they play with peoples emotions...

And how the "leaders" here make idiotic laws that are only bad to the people, and how they increase their own wages, yet say there's not enough money for truly important things that increase the welfare of the people.

Lots more.

Fucked up as anywhere.

ancient civilizations on this planet, that us contemporaries will never know about
Like some areas in India. Peoples becoming very ill and needing to leave.
Investigation led to digging up ancient cities, at least 8000 years old. Ancient cities is a common thing enough, nothing special. But. Those ancient cities under dirt had radiation levels about 50 times higher than normal. The kind you get from a nuclear explosion. As well, those cities had melted rock walls of buildings - the kind that is now known to be produced in nuclear explosions (from nuclear tests done in the last century all over the planet).
In 1850, or so. US western coast, I think. Death Valley. Came reports of ancient ruins with melted rock walls as well.
In Africa and Arabia, there are large fields of greenish glass. The kind that is known to be produced from nuclear explosions (known from nuclear tests done in deserts, in US, during last century). Those fields are thousands of years old.

In an ancient Indian text it describes a ball of fire descending from the heavens that impacts with the ground, produces extremely strong winds (stronger than any other), also a column of smoke and fire rises, and everything in a large area is gone. And that peoples hair and nails fall out. This is described in ancient, thousands of years old texts. (Nuclear bomb, nuclear explosion, severe radiation poisoning.)

There were discovered places with traces of uranium in the ground, with compounds the kind that are now known to be produced when mining uranium. And those places are also thousands of years old.

In the 1940s. A lead scientist of developing nukes, when the bombs were dropped onto Japan, the scientist quoted a phrase from an ancient Indian text ("I am death, the destroyer of worlds" or something like that). The scientist was known to have an interest in ancient Indian texts.
Seven years later he was asked whether the bombs dropped on Japan were the only ones done on open land. He said "yes, in modern times".

Ancient texts, myths, even the bible, and all the rest. They are all riddled with hints of the past happenings, of true history, of true reality. They are also riddled with pure fantasies and lunacies, and misinterpretations and deliberate falsifications. But if you read, learn enough, about everything you begin seeing similarities and possibilities and patterns that are unmistakable and irrefutable.

This planet has been through at least one nuclear war in the past.
Who supposedly dropped the bombs, according to the texts? Atlantis (they were the aggressors, goal domination and control of the entire world; same as presently with the few families).
sure trying to uncover more of our past is nice and all...but at the end of the day we are what we are, and we are designed to go forwards
We were designed, most probably, only to be mere tools/slaves. Even if we aren't so any longer (not entirely and definitely not all of us...). But still, the global agenda of the few ancient bloodlines is to make us what the original design was - mere slaves/tools. As is evident from the ever more contaminated and altered food and planet, and systems and rules forced onto us, and the mass experiments done on people, etc.

It is important to know what was in the past, because the authority is lying about the past. Otherwise the past doesn't matter, the present and future does.
It doesn't matter that we are basically unnatural; that we are essentially, originally, abominations; "frankenstein's monsters". Eh, funny... What matters is what we can make of ourselves. All the noble and good causes and reasons are and always will be valid.

It's quite funny when you think of it.
Ever since you go to school, or just live in the system, even before you can think of the possibility that we might not be natural here, even before you even conceive the idea, you have these authority figures and text books and all the rest telling you that you are a natural part of life on this planet. As if it should be told, as if it wouldn't be inherently understandable.
If that was the case, then why are they constantly "reminding" us without us actually first coming up with the opposite? It's as if someone along the line knows something we do not. That if we investigate we will find out that we are not natural. So they precondition us to a made up reality just in case we should happen to even conceive the idea sometime in our lives.

If we really were a natural part of life here they, no one, should need to remind us that.

So we are conditioned, brainwashed, so heavily that even if irrefutable evidence comes to light we still deny and oppose it. Not me of course, nor many others, but most of humanity still does.
Evidence speaks for itself, and the little we have gleaned from many angles is plenty enough.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Evolution and Instinctive Nutrition
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:11:53 am »
I would recommend watching two 2 hour long movies provided there:'big-foots'-and-others-and-our-relation-to-them/msg122727/?topicseen#msg122727
And then there's provided a shorter video, in the third post, 8 minutes long that goes over something fundamental in some more detail.
The movies will answer who we are, where we came from, and why we are here. Or rather what we originally were.

About water: (Has, I think, Polish subs but other convenient versions have been removed from youtube, except those split into many pieces merely to annoy people.)

This is not a vegan or vegetarian forum. Meat has usually utmost emphasis here (and fats and organs).
Meat is and has been a "natural" part of our diet for "forever" (which apparently isn't that long...), and who we were made of, and it is absolutely essential to anyone who cares about true health. But people differ, and so differs how much someone needs. The problems come when you cook it or you eat meat from sick and maltreated animals. Basically, bluntly, meat you eat should come from animals that lived a happy and as natural as possible life (this is made ever harder, on purpose).

Trying to explain why you "crave" something specific we first need to know more about you, what your diet has been throughout your life. What pills and drugs you have been subjected to. Your physical activities and training. Lifestyles. Where you've been, what you've experienced. Everything really, because everything effects who you are.
So, easier instead is making you see yourself, your past, and possible futures, and the world you live in. So you could make the right decisions and choices on your own, with your own mind. Everyone experiences differently, and words are not accurate - this is why.

In both movies they have a time period: 200 000-300 000 years. Wasn't cooking food supposedly started in the same period?
If you've watched the movies... From personal experience you know well enough what cooking does to food and thus to those who consume it... Simply fits perfectly. Rise of consciousness - poison more, suppress more. Doesn't work after a point? Begin redesigning - GMOs, other poisons. Fits perfectly.

And anyway... where's the gold?

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