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Messages - badboy9311

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I never understand one thing...WHY is raw fat healing..?

what is it commercially called, just mineral salt? i'll try to look for them..

going to order the blue ice fermented cod liver oil, but should i order it with butter oil together?

What's the logic behind saturated fat and mineral salt? Where did you read/ know that from? ( I can't seem to find a detailed enough (backed by studies or science) site, that explains to me why it works, but merely sites that says success stories and how they did it..)

I dunno about vitamin and minerals, cuz im trying to cut out carbs so im eating marrow bones, ground beef, and some liver (maybe i'll order more soon)...where do you guys get your vitamins..?

I use Ivory soup (grinded) with this detergent booster (brand: borex)

i haven't bathed for at least 3-4 days cuz it's killing my skin..

What should i do next..other than eating raw paleo? Im so lost..I want to be cured asap and never have eczema again

crazy reaction after 1 day of not eating, sleepingwas nuts, sweating and scratching (unconsciously cuz too tired)

woke up with pain in wounds, although areas seems to be healing up it's painful as hell

probably have to look for alternatives to moisture skin now that coconut oil itches me..

Going to stop this VCO detox first, because i have a bus trip tmr and can't afford to be weak

what should i use to moisture my skin then?

my skin is very dry iin the winter right now

So far i've done fasting since this morning, on coconut oil and no other carbs/food

I squeezed a lemon mixed with water and put like a tiny bit of table salt in it (didn't buy rock salt)

So far i've taken too little table spoons of coconut oil and i think i have to up it to 2tbps/ 2 hr

Reaction: Had a small bit of solid poop, then followed with little bit of slush diarrhea (they come in small pieces)

Weird part is i've always had this problem, when i put on coconut oil it gets irritable from time to time..
sometimes really strong, sometimes just a bit

Today i put on some coconut over my body and it was so irritable i scratched in the bathroom for a good solid hour..

am i allergic to it? but i've always been using it
I dunno if it's cuz my eczema itch is masking the fact that im allergic? or is it just cuz yeast is reacting? or is it cuz i have so many wounds?

Today after eating coconut oil my skin won't itch thou, but somehow putting it on just irritates my skin
does that happen to you guys?

Going to do the VCO detox for today, thursday and friday
started the fasting since this morning, let's see if this works out

I'll stop the coffee then
bacon and egg was a temp. solution cuz i ran out of food, im back on track now
cooked it in bacon's own oil essentially, but i know i have to cut out the cooked food

btw, what do you think of this article?

Health / Re: What IS the cause of Eczema? or is it a combination?
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:06:20 pm »
thanks for the input guys
currently going to try the candida protocol first then, taking it step by step
going all raw again (not today cuz lack of food) starting tmr when my meat arrives
sad thing these meat are all frozed up and i have yet to have resources to be able to buy fresh meat + fish everyday


thanks for the replies guys, working hard to do candida protocals for now

coffee 1 cup
quick meal set (cold ham, cheese, some biscuit and grapes  (ran out of food in fridge)
egg+bacon omelette for dinner

half a cup of water kefir

Health / Re: What IS the cause of Eczema? or is it a combination?
« on: January 14, 2013, 08:40:23 pm »
Upon reading some sources, more or less all of them recommend probiotics as balancing strategy with the candida in the gut, supposedly to help leaky guts

among them water kefir is one of the easier to make ones, and also tastier so i tried

Health / Re: What IS the cause of Eczema? or is it a combination?
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:15:56 pm »
How long have you been on a raw paleo diet? And what does your diet look like?

In my opinion, if you want to get rid of eczema, you should go low carb.

Another huge factor is sunlight.

I assume you've already ditched the soap, shampoo, deodorant and all the other usual shite that the average person uses.
Replace tap water with spring water (avoid plastic bottles).

If you smoke and/or drink, give it up.

Perhaps cod liver oil would be useful to boost your omega 3 levels.

Also, if you are using any medication from a doctor for your eczema, I would seriously consider stopping the use of it, because most (if not all) make the situation worse.

Now that it's winter it's so hard to get sunlight expose on skin, especially given my hands and feet are cold as hell
im pretty much doing all the things you said, i cut out alcohol, soap and stuff, only do my laundry with soap + detergent booster, until i find something better

low carb since long time ago on cooked paleo, now on RPD since jan 05..
maybe i'll buy some cod liver oil too..

bottled spring water sounds a bit hard to do..but i'll try to put that on the list
i do drink spring water from plastic bottle, made into water kefir..
but i've yet to find fair priced glass bottled spring least not for a student

Health / Re: What IS the cause of Eczema? or is it a combination?
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:10:53 pm »
no i haven't done long fastings yet, maybe i should start doing those
i did try a half day fast from waking up till afternoon (vco detox)
and it gave me some crazy diarrhea with white cloud

I've been raw since jan 05, about 75% to 95%? only cuz i still find it hard to withstand from time to time when im freezing cold to not eat hot food

raw diet mainly consists of ground beef, some cheaper cuts of steak (chateau briand), liver

For some reason marrow bones are hard to deal with as the fat is all solid and i find it rather hard to adapt to the taste
but ordering tmr for more cuts of fatty beef, maybe that'll help

Im using water kefir already to try and combat candida, cuz fasting is only realistic on days that i have no classes

Health / Re: What IS the cause of Eczema? or is it a combination?
« on: January 14, 2013, 05:08:02 pm »
hey GS thanks for reply
im 19 right now turning 20 soon
but i've had it since i was a kid, gone and came back when i was 15
asthma completely gone on cooked paleo, but now eczema is still here
i don't understand this ..

I've had great info from your site, but im very much confused as to the determining factor..

thanks for putting in your precious time in helping me out in the journal as well, really appreciate it

Health / What IS the cause of Eczema? or is it a combination?
« on: January 14, 2013, 03:46:58 pm »
I am searching endlessly for a cure for eczema..following mostly GS's advice on it right now..

But I am just so unsure, because I was essentially BORN with it (got it like when i was 2 or 3, along with asthma)

now i really am raising this topic, in hope of those who've solved their problems to give me a clue, answer, or even something to read at..

Im so lost, and I don't know where to go now.

Symptoms along:
Low energy
Low sex drive
Erectile dysfunction (no morning wood, can't get hard by my own)
Hair loss (receding hairline)
Brain fog in the morning

I really don't understand how can eczema be so complex..there's literally like 500 sites saying 10000 different reasons for it

Im on a raw paleo diet already, drinking water kefir to balance good bacteria, exercising regularly
what is missing..?

Okay, here's my plan for this year
this thread would not be closed and it'd be updated daily up until the moment i have eczema fixed
if anything i can achieve in 2013, it'd be fixing and gaining my health back, everything else is secondary
im naturally a smart guy but this health issue is staggering me in every moment since i was little
no more half ass

I've started eating 75%-100% raw daily about a week ago (Jan 05)

After a hard night of sleep (scratching a lot), woke up in the late afternoon with face of dried dead skin peeling off
Crazy weeping and itch in several places, and couple more after drinking some water kefir i made couple days ago
maybe i should try to make it more organic (in terms of sugar) and drink less? hmm
i used the recipe with molasses, white sugar, organic brown sugar, and some bananas, brew for 2 days
drank the whole 1.5 L (estimate)
gonna see how it helps my eczema for the next batch probably save it up and drink every day

Going to buy another bunch of meat tmr

Breakfast at 3pm
Raw Ground Beef mixed with Horseradish+sauerkraut (half a pound)
A slice of pizza

1.5 L of water kefir

Raw ground beef (half a pound)
3 carrots dipped in ceasar salad dressings
cooked beef liver (seared)

Colon cleanse pills from humaworm

Thanks very much for the advices
Currently waiting for my kefir to come in
My daily diet plan right now
Still taking humaworm + Colon Cleanse

Going to modify and add more fat into it , but for now supplementing with fish oil

Raw, preheat with oven if necessary (300 degree(F) for 5 minute)
(Eat until full)


1lb of Groundbeef

Colon Cleanse

1lb of chateau briand steak (2 pieces)

3 eggyolks/Liver

Colon Cleanse

Slowly confirming that my problem stems from Candida, as to strong reaction on scalp when i apply coconut oil on it, and intaking coconut oil (2table spoons) for 3-4 days gave me immense cut on sweet cravings but also some die-off symptoms (i assume so )
Had a day of crazy diarrhea after eating the usual (cooked paleo) but took coconut oil in the morning
In the waste there's white cloud (read it from sites saying it's yeast), not sure but i feel weird after intaking coconut oil everytime, but the next day i'd feel that my wounds heal up faster and has less inflammation

my skin is still pretty dry but has decreased itching

now i've gotten my sources, im going to start from today on raw paleo diet
still trying to get my sources to provide more fat, maybe i'll try to buy fattier cuts

Just bought some kefir grain online too hopefully it'll be here soon and i can start making kefir as probiotics
Maybe high meat would be an option too

Instead of killing the yeast and detox, im thinking of taking the route of making more good bacteria in my gut instead to fight the yeast, thoughts? or should i just pull it through?

Cold hands and feet, and the feeling of low energy is still driving me nuts, hopefully after going FULL raw paleo it'll help
Let's fix this in 2013

If you stuff yourself with enough raw paleo fat, you'll be too full to cheat.
Try raw root crops (singkamas, yakon) or raw squash.... let it ripen... raw squash is darn filling and tasty.

Okay will definitely try buying those when farmer market comes back

What I find is that cravings can be pretty strong when switching from a SADiet to RPD.

Those microbes in the gut are craving junk food. The thing is that RPD eliminates so much - cooked food, complex carbs, food additives, etc.

What I think would be helpful is doing your best to stick to RPD, but if you're ever craving something so bad that you need junk food. Instead of going for junk food you could try a lightly cooked piece of grass fed beef. That would provide the full feeling in the gut, which is typically enough to fix a craving. Without providing tons of junk carbs and additives which just continues are cycle of having a craving, satisfying the craving with junk, then repeating the process.

Ya i definitely notice my cravings are very strong upon the moments of switching just cooked paleo, and VERY strong cravings when i try 1 day on complete raw paleo

As far as animals go, learn to trap.

I might consider that in the future but honestly now i've found my sources i rather let people do it for me as hunting takes too much time, thanks thou, appreciate it

From Nov 27th up until now
my daily meals consists of the following most of the time

1. Ground beef lightly cooked with onions
2. Liver and Onions (lightly cooked)
3. Oven-cooked (slow) brisket (Some reason briskets are some tough i can't eat it raw..)
4. Bacon and eggs (pan-fried low)

Still going on the struggle between raw and cooked diet..but im in for the long haul
things i need to fix
1. source of meats
2. uping fat and raw intake

my thyroid check level came back
Thyroid (sensitive) : 1.01
Reference range 0.35-5.00
doc says im normal but why am i feeling like shit?
So im not really at optimal thyroid level? need some input on this

White coating on tongue is gradually convincing me that i have candida

Still going on with the parasite and colon cleanse

Eczema condition got worse after exam period (bunch of cheats..)
Cheats are horrible..must stay away from them..

Canada really has minimal fruits and veggies
I'll keep buying at the farmers market to buy real food (in season and organic)
don't want to pay the price of eating preservatives after reading recently on their side-effects
at the same time i have test results before that says i am allergic to preservatives and chemicals

Already replaced detergent with Borex washing enhancement with Ivory Soup, if i find any more natural alternative i might switch..for now it works

There are several connections I am currently making now:
Thyroid level
leaky gut
Mal-functioning Liver and Kidney
Yeast/Candida Overgrowth

I find that i somehow fit many of these symptoms and might be why my eczema is still remaining even though im basically eating cooked/mixed with raw paleo

Also trying really hard to maintain enough calorie intake, hence i bought a big chunk of fatty meat with a higher price [$6-8/lb]

Mixing between cheap cuts and expensive cuts averages out my budget hopefully

23/11/2012 I also started both Humacleanse+humaworm
seeing some help in pooping but not magical i guess
Humaworm seems to give me a burning sensation near the bottom of my throat and lungs

I don't see big worms or anything either, but some weird strings looking stuff in my stool..maybe that is worms but just all wrapped inside

comparing to that, i find the coconut oil fast works better on my skin than this

Cheat meals: Chocolate cookies+golden oreo + some alcohol (one night)
2-3 Meals at conventional restaurant with Pho and Poutine (too hungry)

Really have to cut those out feeling it last night by increased amount of scratching in the middle of the night

To GS:
Do you know any good solution to thyroid problems? I'll get my thyroid checked soon
Am i doing the humaworm right? not really seeing much results (3 days in now)

Update for the last weeks

Been struggling to get meat, worked out the schedule lately
Good source for Marrow Bones + Liver on saturdays  (local farmers market)
Local farmers market for fruits and vegetables

my mixed meal consisting of cooked paleo+raw paleo (i mix them up so i transit smoothly)
organic raw egg yolks (2-3) in the morning (egg white taste disgusting to me..)
medium Fried no MSG no hormone smoked bacon 5-6 slices/meal(sometimes for lunch, dinner)
Stew beef broth consisting of garlic, ginger and sweet onion (hormone free but not sure if grass-fed / grain-fed, butcher said it is mixed mostly)

Also had top quality sheep ribs the day before, so tasty but kinda hard to chew
i guess i need some stronger teeth

one left inner teeth down below has some decay (a sensitive hole, seems to be hurting more), i'll see if im gonna go to dentist or whatever (mercury filling is bad i heard..what should i do?)

-noticed improvement when introduced raw food
-decreased flaking
-decreased new patches of eczema appearing
-decreased itching in shower
-faster recovery of wounds

Problem remain unsolved
-dry skin
-itchiness of eczema area throughout body
-itchy scalp

alrite had some steak today, pretty raw other than searing both sides
shitty meat thou, combination of grain-fed or grass-fed corn finished (don't know which, they say it's either)
cross-rib, sliced into steaks
ate some apples throughout the day, cheated a bit by drinking some egg nog and some chocolate sauce on the apple

did a liver flush this morning, although had some constipation issue (not moving very well)
managed too poop out a lotta poop
don't know if there're stones thou but definitely felt the urge to poop
will try to find a way to pick it apart and see what's inside my poop..

having tooth decay issue on one of my teeth on the left (dentist said i chew gum too much made a hole there, not infected but it's sensitive)
i'll try to do some oil pulling and see if it improves

also losing hair a lot lately..just feel like my hairline is receding..
how can i stop it???

i get dandruff and itch all over my head, i think it's eczema
the scratching definitely doesn't help but it's not stopping

i definitely need to find some cheap meat source and try to stick to a raw diet..
not having a car is a pain in the ass..

itching eczema all over my body, arms, legs, face, neck
cold hands and feet (started taking ginger tea today, had like 3 cups)
constant craving for more food + sugary stuff
low energy all throughout the day
irregular sleeping pattern (time management)
food coma right after eating food, poor digestion?

problem: lack of good meat
lack of sun light (taking vitamin d3 1000IU/pill, 2 per day)

Diet for the last couple days was a mad struggle

First off my sugary craving is crazy, im going to try to get VCO detox done.
Cheated off some chocolate and sweet candies, i guess im not getting enough calories from fat (nor am i eating enough calories i guess)

yesterday craved cooked food first thing in the morning too
so Question: how do you combat the craving for cooked food in winter (its freaking cold here in canada)

Having trouble getting enough meat because the farmer market closed before i went there, only got 2 lamb livers, 1 ground lamb and 1 lamb heart (tiny piece)

Going to go online and also through my town and see if there're more grass-fed sources
What are parts with good fat content?

For some reason can't take bone marrow straight, feels grossed out
am i just not used to it?

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