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Messages - badboy9311

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Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Fighting naturally/fighting smart
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:41:16 am »
First off, what do you consider as "natural" ?
Natural brawling involving two animals/human are raw, technique-less and often just the sheer difference between
A. Size
B. Experience
C. athletic ability (strength, speed, cardio health etc..)
By saying natural you are basically discounting what human have learnt throughout the thousands years of violence and the knowledge that have accumulated, and natural would mean "brawling" in a sense.
Now, let's say you are open to learning, then there's a wide range of options.
My recommendation is the following: decide if you enjoy fighting on your feet, or on the floor.
Which one is more applicable? Both. that's the whole point of mixed martial art and the like..Ignoring one and you'll be demolished by the other. Likewise if you are interested in actually getting stronger, you won't just train upper body, but lower body as well.

So, how does MMA become natural? or be more naturalistic in terms of body involvement?
Simple: You learn.
Many movements in martial arts are just not very natural. For example: a simple blocking of a punch coming in from the left with a left shoulder raise (imagine tucking your head in) isn't very natural, at least not something you come out of the womb and knows how to do. Your natural reaction in this case is usually fully duck down or jump away, or try to put your hands up to block the punch.
However, the learning of this simple technique allows the fighter to take a hit that has little to no impact on his body due to absorption of the impact from shoulder, then he has his hands free so now he can attack his components. See how valuable boxing can become for hand-to-hand combat in this scenario ?
To say that one form of martial arts is not natural and does not make sense, is simply judging it from its specialized department. boxing being hand to hand exchanges on purely upper body level as example.
To jump out of this, learn Mixed Martial Arts. Start from the following: Muay Thai/Boxing/Wrestling/Brazilian Jiu-Jitzu
In terms of naturalistic movement, a lot of bullshit is floating around the globe..certain martial arts are simply not combat heavy enough to be contested, and can't even make it into real-world application. Take up one type of standing style first, or 1 type of ground style first, then go from there.
Once you've mastered one type of fighting style, you'd need a little basic from the others. For example, I used to be really involved in standing combat. All I needed was to learn how to defend against take-downs then im pretty much set in most situations. If you learn from the grounding style, all you need to learn is basic punching/blocking/kicking, then you're set as well.

In the end, fighting is size, athletic ability and experience. Natural or not..Doesn't really account for much.
If a "natural" style kind of guy got in the cage with a brazilian jiu-jitsu guy without knowing basic ground fighting style, he's done for. Same thing goes for the brazilian jiu-jitsu guy knowing nothing about stand-ups. I've seen both and you don't want to be in that situation.

if you're doing it for recreational reason, just go with a stand-up kind first.

To be honest i doubt I'll find that here in canada for these really tropical stuff. I mean probably I can find them, but it's going to be pricey..I'll try though

I just gave it a brief search..What does it do exactly again?

And GS, where should I go again, following your protocol from head to toe again? I'm going to be really busy and I've got a lot of "hustling" to do for the next month. How should I do detox? Or should I stick to RPD for now and wait for things to settle down?

I'm at the constipation stage right now again, my digestion system is weak as hell. I think it's in my family genetics to have weak stomach (my parents have weak digestive system as well, they just eat SAD)

I have some probably overdue LBB pills from ages ago, don't know if they're still effective, or I might just have to buy another pack of colon cleanse / castor oil.

I do see a lot of benefit everytime i do a colon cleanse + overdose on vitamin D3 (probably more like overdose comparing to the stupid FDA standard)

These couple days of sunlight did give me some help with the SAD issue, but it's quite temporary as I'll be back in deep winter very soon.

Oh wells, time to really go deep in meditation. The only thing that have always helped me to thrive during harsh times.

Lack of focus, Procrastination and Emotional pain

This is a post for myself, but also for those in the contemporary society.
For a lot of us, we're in physical pain and emotional pain.
Just on the subject of health alone, people come to this forum are often at their last resort phase. They either want to get well, or they are willing to just give up.
Mentality wise this time I'm better at this "fixing health" thing. I'm more focused, more relaxed than last time, because I know the plan A-->B, but at the same time life is currently giving me a lot of stressors. The feeling of riding a wave on a tiny raft during the storm of the century is kind of what is going on in my mind.

Part of what got me here, I know exactly, is the lack of focus and procrastination.
I've been multi-tasking, and procrastinating my whole life. And these are all because I don't have the ability to deal with emotional pain and process them. The same psychological pattern that got me here cannot possibly bring me to the next level of health in life. It is always the same pattern as well, I multi-task, procrastinate because somehow the fear of failure overcomes my desire for a healthy body. Constant switching of lifestyle because I'm afraid of changing my identity, changing how others view me.

The fear of failure stems from my inability to handle emotional pain, which end up create more emotional pain for me.
It was the fear of being continue to stuck in atopic march that got me started, and now I'm half way there at 80-90% recovery on eczema, and fully recovered from asthma, suddenly I thought I could stop and just throw everything out of the window. This pattern has happened so many times and it's so painful to see for myself. Reading my old journal, I have recovered, but I was never at the finish line. I was never at the end of the line with perfect skin and perfect smile. It was the inability to handle the change that might encompass the new RPD lifestyle and health with my image of typical conventional lifestyle that everyone else is in, the SAD lifestyle. The cognitive dissonance of identity just never happened, then I revert to old mentality and habits.
The change of identity and the ability to handle emotional pain, is my current sticking point in terms of emotional aspect.
Let's solve this, I really hope this can also bring some pointers for people in the future.
If you, or precisely to say, your "mastermind" within you don't accept the emotional pain and identity shift along the way, you'll keep getting rebounds like me, you'll just keep going back to the same  hell you got yourself out of in the first place.
Cry, scream, yell, because the pain doesn't go away by hiding it..Cry it out..let it out..
Then, keep crawling back up, and face the pain..Let it run all over you.

Skin condition update: Keep getting new inflammation area, because of scratching
In shortly 3-5 days, I've gone from clear skin to body full of scars once again.
Oh wells, the reason is simple: I've crossed the threshold again and now I'm back at inflammatory state.
I believe I was just below the threshold when my skin recovered but never got fully lubricated skin again.
Now, let's push past the threshold again and go further. I'm committed to this, let's do it.
Currently supplementing with -
Kelp 150mcg x 6/day
Vit D3 4000 IU /day
Omega 3 (alaska fish oil pills) 4-8 per day..megadosing
However also been reading something bad on how fish oil causes oxidation. I believe there're pros and cons, It's anti-inflammatory, but oxidizes easily. Hmm..I need to learn more about this.
Keeping stuff simple recently, trying to reduce the inflammatory state as much as possible right now.
I've done it before, where the combination of Bowel cleanses + Vitamin D3 substantially reduced my inflammation, but this time I wonder how long it'll take because my body is going through a lot of stress itself.


Research breakthrough
Linked with leaky gut and liver damage if taking Omega-3 supplementation in their diet, using rat cells as research basis..
So..Omega-3 supplementation is not the answer, but lowering omega-6 intake?
Pretty Ray Peat school of thought, but none the less interesting..Hmm..

This site is great, I learnt so much to it..
The same answer just keep popping up to me lately in my research, that saturated fat of animals that eat their natural diet are the key towards health.

I feel like alice in wonderland, jumping down the rabbit hole.


As to "compromise" foods. Maybe try buckwheat over rice? Personally I'd take buckwheat.
I'd take buckwheat over rice anytime.
Well, buckwheat won't be on the road for me, in HK there're no buckwheat in the market (at least not that I can find without a lot of time..and I'm out out here again soon)

Good luck badboy9311

Thanks phil, you've always given solid scientific advice, I love it.
Please let me know what you think of my progress as I update this journal more

I have a "formal" hierarchy for eating on the road

I never made a formal hierarchy, but my hierarchy right now is
RPD> Cooked PD > PD including rice (so just cut out gluten and SOY pretty much) > Junk diet (all you can eat SAD)
The problem I guess is that I never made it clear to myself in my lifestyle. And cravings are nuts when you're cold and hungry all the time. Thyroid problem + SAD + emotional distress = recipe for disaster

Current compromise diet while on the road and travelling
Pick rice over wheat product ..I tolerate rice way better than gluten..
Pick cooked paleo over junk in restaurants..Fruits over those..Fruitarian + cooked paleo on the road

Keystone of Raw Paleo diet = Raw fat from good meat.
Raw fat = more energy = better metabolism
Raw fat = better sebum production for dry skin = less itch = faster recovery of skin
Raw fat = lowering of inflammation = less area triggering immune reaction
Raw fat = Bile flowing better = better functioning liver (need some research on the exact mechanism, but this is really what I suspect right now for most population having problem with their liver eventually)
Raw fat = filling = eating less crappy food = less craving that deters healthy diet.
Raw fat = Less fluctuation in blood sugar level = less mood swing and hence stable mood
Raw fat = better synthesis of vitamin D3 = less susceptible to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which I believe i have to a very high degree.
Raw fat = Testosterone production = better hormonal balance in this estrogen filled world
Raw fat = better sebum production in hair shafts = healthier hair roots
Raw fat = ? = prevent hairloss (I suspect it helps..just don't really know how)
Raw fat = providing essential fatty-acids = healthier thyroid (still trying to dig up the research)

I need a better research methodology than just reading and bookmarking. Been doing this lazy style research for my health.
Not going to slack now, I really want to break the nutrition and health myths to the bits and bring the world something out of my illness.

First though, going to have to fix my own problems once again, before I go around telling my friends and family what to do. If you can't do it, you can't advice it.

I really appreciate many of you throughout my journey giving me good GS, jessica, nummi, Paleophil..and many more..I am going through a lot in life right now and I am forever grateful during this down time that there are strangers that are willing to read my long essays of thoughts while giving solid feedback.

To all of you who've helped me throughout the journey, I wish you health and happiness from the bottom of my heart.

I think upping the fat content + continue supplementing regularly with iodine has already helped me a little bit in my cold situation
The name of the game really is eating more fatty meal maybe..

This could also be self-induced placebo effect, so I'm going to embrace on this and keep experimenting...

Just thought I'd thank @nummi for bringing that up..I did have to acknowledge that previously this year I was so tired + cold I had to rush to supplement store and bought kelp for supplement, and realized I could wave away a little fatigue and being able to function again..

Maybe modern lifestyle depletes our already low level of iodine in diet..More reading into that

Fatty meat is also helping me with energy supply already..just need to find more fatty meat + raw fat..

Current diet regime:
Raw paleo diet consisting of Marrow Bones, ground beef + beef liver
Cooked sweet potato to keep my temperature up
Have a last bit of eggs to cook off but following the above diet for the time being.

Going to have to take on an emergency trip to the other side of earth for a bit, and still busy as hell..
Going to have to do a cooked paleo diet instead, it sucks for couple days but I guess that's life.

Waking up to a hell of a skin itch and rash ain't no fun. Combined with cold hands and feet.
Health is taking a down turn, so I'm going to just stop it right here and turn it around.

Current supplement regime:
Vitamin D3
Fermented Cod Fish Oil
Vitamin Butter Oil
Kelp by Now 150mcg x 6 per day. (Need to contemplate how much to take..Trying to solve my thyroid issue/ cold issue..)
L-Optizinc by Now
Lower Bowel Balance pills from 2 years ago, ordered from same place that made humaworm, just found out I have more last night

these had to be stopped during travelling other than Vitamin D3 + Kelp, can't bring liquid on plane

Plane food's going to suck..oh wells..what can I do, i'll just take rice over wheat I guess.

Funny Observation
I've been thinking about if liver flush is a real thing or is it just a chemical reaction
Last night took Lower Bowel Balance pills and went to bed.
This morning woke up, took vitamin oil + Fermented Cod Fish Oil + went to washroom

1st bowel movement got the normal stuff out.
2nd bowel movement got some funny ball shape poop out. They all sunk to the bottom and nothing floated.
Could these be liver stones? If the fact that taking in high amount of oil can stimulate bile to squeeze out liver stones then why bother liver flushing? Just embrace the fat / oil and drink that for flushing of liver stones..
Sort of the same idea that GS posts about: the egg yolk/olive oil liver flush.

Just some thoughts.
I'm going to embrace on the GS journey again. Take on strict diet + detox first, and reverse my life again.
This is taking so long, but I must be patient. I need to build up a habit instead of letting it slip like I've done in the past.
Lifestyle building is the key of the game.

Research Notes

Thyroid , Heat and Diet

Going to look into this later, really busy lately
But basically a moderate carb, moderate carb and high mono-saturated fat (so animal fat) would be optimal for thyroid function and temperature..need to review this soon

To me it sounds like you need rest and to focus on diet.  I would suggest doing cooked paleo and continuing to include starches while you transition back into a healthier Pattern of eating and eliminate caffeine from your diet.  Make broths with oxtails or other gristly bits and herbs, onions and celery and drink those with warmed meat, fat and greens.  Try doing small amounts of psychical activity, sub as stretching and maybe some body weight exercises and walks, but do not over exert yourself.  Your heat issues sound like low thyroid, add some seaweeds into your diet.  Try eating large quanities of proteins and fats for breakfast and lunch and a starchy dinner and see if that helps your body warm up.  Add raw milk to your diet if its accessible, it will help nourish you with vitamin d.  Switch up your protien and fat sources like fish, oysters and pastures pork if available.

I've included kelp into my supplement stack as of now. Taking it about 4-6 of those / day..recommended dosage.
Seaweed does not exist around here other than the junk food kind, but i'll double check
I'm lactose intolerant now, can't find raw milk around here either. Asked around couple years back apparently stores around my area don't really carry it because it's quite hard to deal with legal issues / potential drawbacks from customers

Really trying to pinpoint my issue right now..I'm going to review my own principles of health and turn this around.
1. Lifestyle + Diet causes health issue. Nothing else...Formulate a good lifestyle with good diet = health
2. Inflammation is the name of the game, the more inflammatory food = damaging system. The more anti-inflammatory food = recovering system
3. Natural food > Processed in terms of anti-oxidants, nutrient content and lack of AGEs
4. AGEs causes aging in the body, and the more I research into it the more I realize AGEs also link to all sorts of health problem
5. AGEs may also link to testosterone receptors in rats (recent findings)..Such an under-researched area in science..Cooked food vs raw food changes
6. Anecdote I find that western lifestyle just consist of higher chance of hairloss for people. Almost every family member of my own who've been to the North America society develops hair-loss (male)
7. DHT and hair loss is well documented, but the reason it causes miniaturization of hair follicle is still very vague. Immortalhair seems to provide very great source of information on the matter. Looking into the research further. Seem to be connected with adrenal, thyroid glands which I do have major issue with. DHT also seems to be less of the focus of issue here for me because I do not have that much body hair. It is either a) I have high amount of DHT and it's overly inflammatory for my scalp or b) I have low amount of DHT, but my body so inflammatory it's still attacking my hair follicle. More into the mechanism later.
8. Low libido seems to be connected with low testosterone..It make sense that I have low T because I've been training hard to couple years in weight lifting (despite on and off) but my muscle growth seems to not even compare with newbies who started for 1 year on bad diet. Genetics definitely play a roll but I think that the only way is compensate with better health to make up for poor genetics. Over the last 3.5 years I've transitioned from 130 - 140 lbs, which is very little for muscle mass despite I've gotten much stronger. Under eating/ Overtraining / Hormonal influence seems to be the only question here. Since I do take a lot of time off, I believe undereating and hormones to be the only issue.

Practical step first.
A. Sticking to a RPD..Making bone broth when cheap bones and vegetables are available
B. Scalp issue is causing more hair loss, it is possibly a combination of eczema + candida, or just scalp eczema. Either way I sort of see them as the same thing. Most hair are scratched off but minor thinning at the crown is coming out. Really don't want to go the drug way but If this doesn't get solved in a year that might be the only option
C. Stress release techniques: Stretching, Spiritual walks + Muscle release techniques
D. Upping fat content as prime key in diet. Fat is key to energy and calorie intake. Going to finish up the marrow bones I have right now first.
E. Looking into fixing my organs and make them run properly as well. The only difference between a guy who have no issue with health whatsoever despite eating junk all the time and me, is only possible in a better running system. The only way they have a better system is better organs, endocrine system and blood flow etc. Basically their engine is running better and body is able to regenerate and clean out the junk they're eating

I walk a lot. I used to go around town on my longboard but my friend sinked it to the bottom of the lake so now I walk majority of the time. It's actually the most pleasurable thing I get to do out of all the stuff I'm dealing with lately.

It's just that it's getting cold as well and I tend to avoid the outside. But at the same time not seeing the sun makes me sad as well.

Slacking, procrastinating, reversing to bad behaviour..repeated theme in my journal..what's up.. ?

I've been realized that procrastination is my number 1 problem in life currently, and it's having a huge toll on my health as well.
After the rebound I had from partying and stressful work during summer, I've recovered almost 90% again, and now it's sliding a bit back to 70% recovery state..

These numbers are obviously an estimate but also I can see my skin starting to turn worse and more areas getting inflammation.

Basically I've been undergoing a lot of stress academically and other factors in life as well. But I am attempting to reverse all these by focusing on my health so I have more energy to deal with curveballs in my life right now.

I'm quite sure that I have SAD and to a quite significant degree more than other people. People around me have told me that they get a "winter blue" feeling as well but I have fell into depressive cycles and back into negative thoughts since winter has started. It is ultimately the worst feeling for me and my greatest motivation to get out of Canada.

For now though, I'm having various attempts to recover my health.
1. Gut system health
Eliminating toxins first by following a full paleo diet again. Having trouble adhering to a full RPD lately because my body is so cold and I have so little energy. I feel like the only heat I can get is from hot tea/soup/hot meal. I'm going to consume more amount of fat as suggested and see if i do better.
Gut system has been having problem possibly due to stress and irregular sleep cycle. Sleep will be kept in check by going to bed early on weekdays when possible. Stressful days I will take 20 minute naps more often to recover from mental exhaustion.

2. Hair loss + Itchy scalp
My eczema have been way easier to control for me since the knowledge of RPD but my itchy scalp doesn't seem to go away. Possibly the dry skin factor + heating system is bothering me. I have yet to have a good solution for itchy scalp. I may do a VCO detox when I have the time to allocate 3 days off. Limiting carbohydrates at this point seems quite unfruitful for me because my energy and temperature is so low that I need warm carb in form of boiled sweet potato to stay warm.
In one way I want to try low carb and see what effects it would have on my scalp eczema (potential candida..? ) on the other hand, everytime I try to cut down on carb and eat protein and fat I get severely fatigue from my baseline level. I may just not be eating enough fat as well.

Also need to do extensive research into MPB as well, as I've started to have early signs of MPB and I'd like to stop it before it gets bad. Will start another thread on experimentation on that.

3. Lost of libido

GS have mentioned on his site that health symptoms are all stemming from causes, and address the causes, the symptoms goes away. Libido I believe is one of them, but I've yet to be able to combat my libido issue.
Zinc deficiency : I take NOW opti-zinc for  around 2 weeks, no significant improvement.
Cholesterol deficiency - I finish around 1 carton of eggs (12) everyday by making scrambled eggs with no benefit to libido
Vitamin D3 - Same thing, Been taking 3000 IU everyday for a while but still not getting there. Libido is working together with my mild depression and absolutely killing my joy in life at this point.

4. Eczema, my biggest problem

Eczema is coming back in form of rashes. Not significant enough that I lose sleep over but starting to have pain from showering and irritation from itch. This needs to be addressed and reverse back to recovery path.

5. Negative food
I've been "cheating" or consuming many bad food, such as cookies, extra artificial condiments, chips, coffee, alcohol, etc. These habit must go as they only provide short-term relief but produces more stressful conditions for me in the long-term.

6. Stress-release

Recently been slipping on weightlifting as habit, which have provided me a strict guideline and routine to follow before. I will return to training schedule of 3 days minimum a week, every week.

7. Under eating

Not eating enough is perhaps another reason that I am having many issues in my energy level currently.

8. Core diet currently

Here is the diet I am mostly following right now
Chocolate almonds (about half a pound)  Need to go
Dark Coffee (1 cup /day)
Scrambled eggs (6eggs/meal, twice a day) mixed with chili powder, condiments such as black pepper, salt.
Sweet potato (1/day)
Apples when I'm near school with no food to eat.
Alcoholic drinks on weekends
Artificial sweeteners in water for drinks

As many of you probably shaking your head, i know..I'm slipping into bad habits again.

I really need to address this problem of feeling is absolutely killing my desire+habit of eating RPD ..I've done enough research to know that RPD is the fastest way to recovery and robust health but I'm so cold that everytime I have thought of not having cooked food I get depressed.

How do I get out of this cold mess of thyroid problem/adrenal fatigue/ candida/  chronic fatigue?  It is driving me insane.

9. Core habit: Food Journal

From today onwards I will document my food in a food journal on my ipod

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Benefits of Exercise
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:49:24 am »
I feel like I can speak more on this now. Lifting was heavily correlated with my diet. While I was lifting my diet is easier to stay on track while if I slack and don't exercise, due to job or school or whatever slacking reason, I go into full on eat all I can buffet mode and eat the SAD junk.

I highly recommend all people of all ages do two exercise: pull-ups of variations (chin-up, pull-up, negative pull up) + diamond push-up (or simpler push-ups), along with body squats. those were what I'd do in the park while sun tanning my previously eczema-covered back.

You are the product of your environment:

Problem = Constant lifestyle switching, leading to body stop healing and go back to old direction of destruction.

New solution: change of identity, obsession on health and healing. Switch of entire perspective towards perfect skin display and energetic youthful feelings.

Reason lately I've been gone was that My eczema took a better turn and started to become not annoying at all. My skin became perfect other than a bit dry and itch when sweat.

But since I've came back to Hong Kong, the same lifestyle of constant eating out is bothering me again.
I think that now solution is in my head, so this time i'm stopping before it gets worse, and will strive for healthy lifestyle instead of a intoxicating lifestyle.

It's hard in an environment of distractions and temptations, but hey, there's a price for everything.

Health / Re: Eczema - A Journey To Healing
« on: June 13, 2014, 11:41:30 pm »
I'd like to share a little of my experience regarding recovery progress.

I call it the "Zero Progress Period"

This goes for both direction of good dietary/ healing measures, or bad diet.

For example: It'd take me a while for my body to act up and flare up, if I go with a SAD, or just plain junk.

On the other hand, it'll take me about 3-6 months to see progress, even if i do everything perfect.

From experience, since the outcomes isn't measureable right away, many people just give up during the zero progress period. (Depends from person to person)

Keep on going, I can see that you guys are in good hands of GS.

Health / Re: Eczema - A Journey To Healing
« on: April 11, 2014, 12:19:08 pm »
If you are interested there are two journals going on right now, one is mine, the other one is this guy named letsdoiteczema from Hong Kong.
He did more in short period of time but the basis of his recovery plan is RPD with correct supplementation.

I highly encourage staying in the game for LONGER time period.
I've noticed that there is a delayed period for results to start appearing: meaning that if you take half a year with 100% CLEAN diet, you will need to wait for a little bit for results to show at times. This is just how your body works. I've tried relapsing several times if you read my journal.

The key for me was sunlight (or D3), High Fat low carb raw paleo diet ( or even medium carb, doesn't matter that much honestly. Eat carb in relative to your activity level), and make sure you're resting a lot.

1. a supplement that helped me a lot is the  Dr. Christopher formula for Lower Bowel Balance , The point of it is to help your digestion system flow better. Better out = better absorption of nutrients
2. Sunlight + lots of Raw Fat, eat till you full
3. Adjust carb to activity level, avoid nightshades + legumes
4. Keep a journal, encourage himself to come on instead of you. This keeps him on track more.
5. Use the journal or his own diary to keep track of food habits. Very Crucial.
6. Try to induce better sleep by supplementing with magnesium oil / magnesium drinks, they calm my mood
7. Salt addiction is something i don't know much about, but it might be mineral deficiency ? What minerals are you potentially lacking?
8. Feel free to keep using this place, message me for help if you need anything, but GS and Haai has completely cured theirs while i'm at 85%

Health / How long does it take to get the libido back on?
« on: April 08, 2014, 02:55:55 pm »
I've pretty much lost my libido throughout the years of damage.
Now getting back into RPD, it's frustrating that I don't have much energy better yet libido to do anything
Like a podcast i've listened to previously, libido is a sign of health

I want to know how I can get my libido back on, other than indulging in Oysters (not an option until later in summer)

Can you recover from damages previously? and how do you recover? just from eating the natural diet?

I have sort of curbed my bad coffee habit now
Instead of drinking coffee every morning, now I only drink it when I needed a "lift"

It's almost like an "all or nothing" i realize when I try get back into raw paleo diet
It's hard too, because it requires quite a bit of discipline.

Re cherimoya_kid
usually my diet consists of beef liver, ground beef with some marrow bone fat in there
And i get my carbs either from cooked sweet potato / bananas
I've experimented a bit with cooked mussells and they sort of up my energy and libido for a bit but quickly went away

Re PaleoPhil
I'll have to read up on that. A lot of people seems to be popping up left and right able to curb their asthma and eczema, which makes me really happy honestly

Re Eveheart

I enjoy the idea of mindfulness towards habit changing and dieting.
I had to shake out of my own unconscious perfectionist attitude to understand what you mean. (i had to read it twice)
Thanks, i'll take that into my mentality. It's quite easy to overthink and become perfectionist. One of my worst habits

Re Jessica

I feel like this is quite hard to understand. I had to read it twice as well.
Resting was never part of my thinking. I almost always want to "go go go "
Hustling is my mentality and I always hate myself for not hustling enough.
Like my friend told me once: You know too much but do too little.

It's sort of hard, but I'll try to rest whenever possible. It's almost like I want to go all in and forget about my body's tiredness and keep pushing, but it won't let me because it's always burning out.

These couple days has been ups and downs. I feel like mood swings are correlated with my sleeping habits and diet.
When I get my goal align with my daily habits I am happy
If they are out of line I try to get satisfaction from others or other stuff like drinking booze (guilty)

Taking one step at a time.

Reviewing past journal right now, I can see a pattern of habits:
My framework is going to be established from the book "The power of habits" by Charles Duhigg
Basically the book has a simple concept: habits form by the following sequence:


for me, my current habits look like this:
Cold hands and feet-->coffee-->Warmth+Increased energy (temporarily)
changing it to
Cold hands and feet-->Hot Water-->Warmth

That would stop my coffee addiction to larger extent for my winters

Low energy-->Coffee-->Sudden upsurge of jittery energy
changing it to
Low energy-->  ?     -->Sustained level of energy

Can someone help me fill up the "?"

And if anyone has experience regarding thyroid/adrenal recovery please let me know

So far i know the solution is supplementation, but I'm still learning, and also doing some search function on this forum. Thank you

Currently in a new trial of 30 days of Raw paleo diet
Easier said than done, I've developed a bad habit of cheating reviewing previous dieting days
I've decided to put raw paleo diet as the predominant habit to establish first.

Today's menu
Pistachios (salted)  + Raw almonds
Ground beef (about palmful, didn't have time to finish)
Chocolate peanut whatever bar (guilty)
Beef Liver (till full, about 3 large slices)

Gaba (something to relax my mind with..been stressing out lately)
High Vitamin Butter oil

Cutting out coffee for sure, i'm suffering a bad feedback loop of feeling cold, need for coffee, then rewarded with warmth from coffee
Change routine: Hot cup of water

I'm suspecting a damaged adrenal, thyroid, and overall endocrine system i'm having right now, leading to my lack of size even after 3 years of training

One step at a time. 

I've been keeping a food journal of my own
Started slacking over the break again so I decided to just keep a food journal on my netbook
It's been working so far, and I'm eating 90% raw paleo, but quite hard to deal with temptation with my huge carb-craving and low energy

My energy is so low it's driving me crazy
I'm getting so fatigued I could be sleeping till I naturally wake, and still feel tired
This fatigue is killing my motivation to do anything.

I have no clue how to get my energy back up. It's like I NEED coffee. I almost can't live without it

This is what my day usually looks like

Morning: Coffee (sometimes with sugar + cream mixer), i know it's bad but i almost can't live without caffeine now
Afternoon: Raw Roast Beef/ Liver
Marrow bones gross me out but i force them down sometimes (not use to the fat eating part yet)

Sometimes I eat this thing called Poutine (quite a lot) to get rid of my hunger from lack of fat. Which i'll solve by eating more fat and also buy some carbs (but fruits and veges seem to not fill my carb cravings)

Im so tired, I don't even wanna move
Cold hands and feet not helping either.

Good news is my eczema is looking way better, from lack of stress over the break, and also recent new adaption to raw food

Health / Re: Urgent: Mom with possibility of having Cancer!! Please Help!!
« on: November 25, 2013, 01:10:20 pm »
I'm currently telling her to cut out Gluten and avoid stress at the workplace (aka ignore negative people) but she is likely to have to deal with them

The only reason I have yet tried to enforce paleo/rawpaleo diet on her is that she has her gallbladder removed and I don't know how this affects her ability to assimilate fat (A really good question for fellow RAVF dieters)

Another problem is:
Her lifestyle change is crucial and needed. At the moment, she is living a much sedentary lifestyle.
She has a curved spine and osteoporosis and high cholesterol as well.

I'm absolutely clueless. I can only imagine starting the lifestyle change first is crucial as well to avoid stress and gain natural healing. But I'll still have to read into how this helps

She lives in Hong Kong at the moment (for a long time now) and I wish to bring her somewhere where she can have sunlight and beach and everything. Reality is she has a job and rarely gets a chance to go away. Now HK is cold and gloomy, and full of nothing but pollution

I'm going to re-read your recommendations, to start formulate a plan for her.
I think the diet is key first. I need to be there to help her however (this summer) , as she probably can't change without external assist.


1. Can I put her on Raw paleo diet knowing that she has her gallbladder removed? (meaning..can she assimilate fat well?)
2. She has a lot of poor lifestyle problems, I'll have to solve case by case. What to do in winter?

(I hope my lack of response does not put off some of you guys, as I'm going through my own eczema, school, and also my mom's issue [to which she seems too relaxed about]..again thanks for all your inputs)

I will listen to the audio program tomorrow during rest times

Good news, I have a fully functioning freezer now
Will soon start bulk ordering meat at $3/lbs for most (liver, marrow bones and ground beef etc.)

Ending this problem finally

Health / Re: Urgent: Mom with possibility of having Cancer!! Please Help!!
« on: November 20, 2013, 05:10:17 pm »
No I'd much rather seek out help first, but for now a lifestyle change for her is utmost important.
The saddest reality is I don't live in the same country with her most of the time. I'm studying abroad so I'll have to talk her into it over the phone.

I really don't want to do this alone, but most "healers" in HK are scammers and con-artists that don't know shit they're talking about

Hell TCM that is very popular in HK and China, now being seen as the holy grail for stuff, has NO BUSINESS whatsoever in authenticity. Top TCM doctor that was friend of my relative, who worked in major hospitals in HK doesn't have a clue to what to do with my eczema. Let alone cancer man

I'm not saying I'm not trusting healers. I'm just very skeptical about them

Point me a way fwadmin, or else I'd assume most healers are bullshitting themselves

re: GS

I never did one of those..I often find it really stressful to do one of those methods (like liver flush) when I'm already doing strength training, trying to study and eat right

re: Jessica

I use to just fry bacon and use the remaining bacon grease to fry stuff in there, mix it up
Stir frying stuff Asian-style is like putting everything in there and just making a lazy-go-to meal out of it

I'm starting raw as of yesterday.

Got a small grilling steak with egg yolks mixed together, mixed with some siracha sauce (cutting back on this shit)
Fills me up, but need more animal fat..

current supplement regime :
Now foods vitamin D3 (2 softgels = 10,000IU)
Now foods MCT oil (for energy due to tiredness)
Universal Liver Tabs (6/day)

Current Diet Regime:
Coffee in the morning at 5am (with sugar and mixed in fake-cream, guilty)
Light boiled Eggs 3-4
Poutine (most of the time due to being in a rush, replacing this soon)
Almond milk

Changing this to :
Grass-fed steak (cheap at one of the grocery stores near-by
Lamb shoulder chops from NZ (not the best, but it's alright)
Yam for safe starches (Can someone confirm me about the carb ratio?)
minimal fruits (haven't had any for a while)
Some avocados on the side

Some curious questions:
I'm currently having confusion with ..
Carb Ratio
Why animal fat?

Health / Re: Urgent: Mom with possibility of having Cancer!! Please Help!!
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:40:15 am »
Thanks a lot for all your recommendations, I've got a lot on my plate right now but definitely reading these and going to refer more to my mom

So far the easiest solution for her seems to be apricot seeds (something you can just buy and eat)

I'll have to read about some of the stuff you guys posted in detail and understand more, but really, thank you for your time!

It's going to take a lot to convince my mom that her health is in jeopardy within the current SAD paradigm and lifestyle (lost her gallbladder, obese..spine issues..)

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: bodybuilding and eating
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:37:15 am »
So, what ratio are you guys who actually do strength training combined with bodybuilding eating?
I'm currently low on animal fat, upping animal fat would mean $$ for me probably (not too much but need some investing on freezer)

What does animal fat do to you, with regards to bodybuilding/strength training per say?
I know for one it provides energy and boosts testosterone, what else?

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