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Messages - norawnofun

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So do you know of any remedy regarding hair regrowth and reversing greying? I know of some, but what are your suggestions?

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: March 20, 2020, 06:42:33 am »
Actually my diet is pretty easy I think. I just focus on important minerals (such as copper and mag), low carb and good quality meats and fats. The blends I already took and want to get again are and the 20:1 concentration, 200:1 is far stronger but I don´t have the money for that right now. That concentration might also be overkill, but I dunno. Both have huge amounts of Polyphenols / Flavonoids, which seem to regenerate organs pretty well. Out of all the supplements and herbal things I took, these felt right and did me well. So these 2 plus matcha green tea, that´s what I plan to take and ideally nothing else, beside diet.

If you would ask an experienced chinese TCM herbalist which organ is the most important, he should say ALL of them. I don´t think you should only focus on the liver, sure its one of the most important, but if you overburden one of them, then most likely all of them will be effected. I believe that Polyphenols / Flavonoids can fix most, if not all organs, thats why I go for them. Detox of anything, be it candida, heavy metals, parasites...put your organs in a lot of stress, why not give them a little hand? They seem to be a universal aid for many misalignments. I also think that my pancreas are messed up, as when I have some digestive issues due to eating higher carb, I always have some kind of pain in that region and I feel really weird, like too much insulin is going out. So just focusing on one organ suchs as the liver doesn´t make sense, especially if you don´t know which on is affected. Funnily enough the blends taste quite like ayahuasca to me, and I consider this drink of mother nature the most powerful and profound remedy of anything that I have ever tried.

Now regarding dairy, I did a little reseach and I found that Estrogen helps grow and keep candida alive. Not that I never heard of that but I think that might be the connection I needed to read to understand why I´m not improving 100 percent. See So I will ditch dairy and eggs. I am a bit uncertain regarding raw homemade kefir though. If it helps or hinders. So I did a batch of some raw A2 cow milk kefir, drank some and had this sensation at the thyroid. Then when reading about that, it shows that hormones/estrogen can also mess with the thyroid. I think I have a hormonal inbalance of all that dairy that I was consuming, so I will only try the kefir for a short period of time. Until then I make coconut kefir with the grains I have and see how that goes. Also, keep in mind that if you have candida and still eat yolks this might not be a good idea, eggs are a estrogen rich hormonal food, that would again feed candida. If I were you I would cut it out. Just because you don´t have symptoms, you still have issues with candida :)

I read conflicting reports about coffee being ok in small quantities on candida, but problematic in bigger ones. Here it says that caffeine would have a positive effect against c. albicans I also know about the concerns regarding mold, coffee beans and that you shouldn´t drink non-organic. Also about the withdrawal and stimulating/malicious effects on the adrenals. But I´m not sure if 1 cup or even half would make such a difference. Either way, Ill try swapping coffee with some strong black tea blend such as early grey, to see if that would have a similar effect, as of now the ones I tried don´t come close to the effects of good coffee. I am still very careful with coffee though, if I drink it too fast, I get some really bad stomach ache and bloating which results in a total kill of appetite, if I don´t have some fats some time after drinking coffee. Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration regarding your fungus comment is the fact that you cannot put all fungi in one pot, and generally say that all is created equal. If you have a look at medicinal mushrooms such as chaga and birch polypore, they seem to be the most effective fungi against candida, despite being a fungi. I never tried them but if you have access to them, I´d def go for it. Surely some of them can affect candida in a negative way, but when people put all fungi in one pot and generalize, not a good idea. I also read and heard that fungi has a powerful biofilm and that it attracts heavy metals and I can surely believe that.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: March 17, 2020, 04:28:11 pm »
Thanks for the update. Well for me I can say that life changed a bit. Im out of the moldy house, out of the humid, congested and filthy country I lived at. Now I live in a clean environment, air is superior, no moldy house. I thought the changes of moving will be more significant, but they aren´t. I still have the occurance that whenever I have food in front of me candida gets more activated and lowers my stomach acid. These fuckers are well adapted and smart. In the previous country I lived I had sun every day, but I did not see any siginificant change. But I do realize that breathing fresh outside air is very important to lower symptoms.

I read about the warnings of keto and candida, however this does not count for everybody. There are people that do well on keto vs candida, then there are some that don´t. This is an individual thing and I think the most important thing is to listen to your intuition when doing any dietary changed. But the problem is, as you already mentioned, cravings. To distinguish between intuition and cravings. I think candida could possibly make you crave certain foods (such as dairy), for its own survival. Candida certainly messes with your brain. I notice that when there is a die-off it goes together with a pulling at the region of the brain stem and/or headaches, among mood issues. Personally I seem to do well on low carb, i feel mentally very good when I fast, until the point when I think fasting inaugurates a die-off, then I can get very agressive and moody. It´s pretty annoying. Then when I take somthing to kill them, all of a sudden my mood changes. I still want to try getting into ketosis, I think that might be the step I need to make a big change. If I feel like its doing harm, I´d stop. It´s silly to keep doing something allthough you feel shitty in it. The "hang in there" approach is not the best if you intuition tells you otherwise.

Now turning to the supplementation. You take a lot of things, like I used to. But I came to the conclusion that you need to be careful. When I did the parasite cleanse which for sure also helped for killing candida, you might overburden your organs. So now my digestion works pretty well but, I don´t have much energy, sex drive or will to do much. I used to work out but I stopped. What I will do now is to focus on bringing the organs in top shape, with the herbal blends that I had mentioned and matcha tea. I find that caffeine, be it coffee, black tea or green tea is pretty effective in killing candida. And there is scientific evidence that caffeine kills candida. I had mentioned that I had a huge die-off after drinking 2-3 cups of green tea, and also some kind of die-off when drinking black tea with lemon in the morning. Coffee is also a great aid if I drink half a cup to a cup max, it also aids bile flow.

I also noticed that taking a lot of spicy foods caused a die-off, but this also seems to have an effect of the thyroid. I read that candida die-off can cause thyroid "sensations" such as pulsation and I believe that. The foods I am taking atm is lots of meat, sardines (I think B12 is very important), berries, 100% dark chocolate, walnuts, low carb veggies (including cruciferous), raw sauerkraut, eggs and dairy among other things. I am still experimenting with raw dairy because I want to finally know if it aids or hinders. Same as with eggs. But it seems like that anything that interferes with your mind can hinder healing from candida. Since dairy and eggs have lots of hormones, I think cutting them out might just be what is needed for any candida sufferer. Maybe that´s the reason why some people with candida don´t do well on keto, because they focus on too much dairy and eggs for it´s fat content. Did you eat any of these 2 on your keto? I´m also convinced that candida lowers your gastric acid capability, so you end up not being able to digest your food. So there is definitly a connection between acid and candida. They want a more alkaline ph, otherwise they can hardly survive. That´s why, at least in my opinion and experience, its so important to focus on acidic foods (that have a lower ph) until candida is resolved, anything with a higher ph will just hinder your digestion. You want to create the most acidic environment in your stomach, so stand no chance. I realize this during fasting, your stomach fights them by trying to lower the ph to "digest" them, they counteract. During fasting I notice that I digest something when I burp, and thats candida, not parasites as I have always though. carbonated water also helps a lot, as its very acidic. I do drink distilled and carbonated water. I think distilled is the best water for cleansing, but not right after eating, as its ph is not low enough to increase gastric acid production.

The next couple of days will tell if I should stay away from dairy and eggs or not. I have experimented with both many times. But I keep on thinking they are ok. I guess I´m just foolish to think they are beneficial for candida. They have some pros but for this condition I don´t think there are any. I am also experimenting with raw kefir again, because I think that might actually be good against candida. And I´ll add raw marrow. Maybe a keto diet with raw kefir might just be what I need. Adding a lot of the right kind of probiotics should be the right way to kick out candida I suppose. I believe dry aged meat would be the best for that. But it´s expensive. I also take good amounts of pumpkin seed oil and the mentioned dark chocolate because I think magnesium and copper are very important. Liver I can´t handle. Fish I don´t feel like except sardines. Another thing, I read that floaters can be a cause of candida (whereas I though it´s a sign for parasites), and one remedy for that seems to be good is hemp seed oil. When I used to take it, back then when I had no clue about candida, it did me well. So I´ll buy that again. Lastly, I started taking bee pollen again, which I consider superior over many foods. I want to be sure to have a good immune system if I get corona, that plus high vitamin C foods should do the trick I hope. Because if you have this candida issue, how can you be certain to have a good working immune system? Especially if it has to constantly fight candida? Therefore, better to ramp up the nutrition. Not that I am freaking out as many others do, but I rather be as healthy as possible if I get it.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: March 04, 2020, 08:00:23 am »
Morley mentioned that candia can be caused by too much iron, I am aware of that. When I did the blood donation I felt no change whatsoever, either I don´t have too much iron accumulated or I would need more donations. So iron might not be the issue. I am also aware of the importance of bile as a digestive aid, nothing new for me here. One thing that I think helps bile flow is drinking coffee, very slowly and a cup or half max. At least for me. And regarding derek (sabertooth), in this video he explains his fridge and the process of dry aging his meats I am not sure if it works with frozen meat. I assume it does, but who knows? Doing high meat with frozen meat works too. Maybe he could answer your question directly here. And regarding candida there are 2 very good groups on fb that discuss candida. Lots of noobs but also several people with good knowledge in those 2.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: March 01, 2020, 03:44:02 pm »
mind going a bit more into detail?

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: February 29, 2020, 08:10:17 am »
So, i finished the parasite cleanse some days ago. Nothing much has changed, allthough my mood is far better, i still have the same issue with low HCI. I assume its because the products of the cleanse also have antifungal properties. But, at least I can say that 99% I know what my problem was for all these years. Candida. No wonder why the medical drugs for parasites did nothing, nor did the mastic gum for the h.pylori I do not seem to have. All these things I saw in my saliva and puke was candida, in different shapes, allthough I can sometimes see some small worms, but I read that there is a parasite that likes to be in symbiosis with candida. Anyway, I leave it at that and focus on candida.

So its good to finally know after all these years what the issue is, only problem is that chronic candida can be a tough one to get rid of, since they can adapt well, apparently also to a ketogenic diet, but I guess its better than high carb anyway. There are many remedies that seem to work for people, too many to mention here, some of them I tried, but reading through the comments of candida sufferers, it can take months or years for people to balance it out if you rely on just supplements. I´m not interested in that. I´m pretty fed up of supplements by now, unless its something that aids detoxification of organs such as liver. Here I would recommend the herbal blend. It also seems that if you have the MTHFR gene, you might not do well on supplements.

I think the best is to focus on the fastest and most effective ways, which seem to be dry fasting in combination with keto or ZC, no dairy and eggs, alongside eating a lot of probiotics and fermented foods, that would take over your gut and lower the candida amount to a normal level. When it comes to meat I think the best food against candida would be dry aged meat, like sabertooth consumes, due to the natural probiotic bacteria that is created during the aging process. I consumed it some some days ago, it was the most amazing thing I ate in a long time. To say I crave it would be an understatement. The longer its aged the more I want it. Maybe even high meat would work, allthough if you have low HCI due to candida, you might invite the uninvited. I will also try raw kefir again, even if its dairy. I was eating natto for the first time as well, to see how it "feels", since my natural senses seem to be coming back. So far I can´t say much, but one issue I see alongside the (possibly still high) estrogen amount (unless the fermentation lowers it), is that the PH is very alkaline. Natto seems to be the only fermented food which is not acidic. When I ate it together with some meat my digestion was impaired. Same as with coconut meat, which I crave every time I see it, but it´s hard to digest, I guess the fault lies again at the higher alkaline PH level which isn´t good if you have low HCI. So best is to eat these things alone. Anyway, it seems that I know the enemy now so I can finally focus on fixing it once and for all.

But the most significant thing that I noticed is the change in mood. Candida can alter your mind tremendously. It can trigger sudden "out of the blue" aggression and anger, maybe because it can accumulate in your brain stem causing a whole lot of mess up there. It´s interesting to observe, but it can be not so nice for others. Coincidently, the foods that I found helpful and work for parasites, such as cayenne, garlic, pumpkin seed oil, green tea (caffeine in general), also work against Candida. No wonder I had always thought my problems were related to parasites only. Might also drink a couple of green teas again, because that triggered the biggest and most effective candida detox cleanse I ever experienced in my life some time ago. Will update again in some time.

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: February 25, 2020, 06:27:08 am »
@Susadele no, you didn´t get it wrong, thats how he explained it. I was also confused about the plastic wrapping, but the only way to find out is to try it.

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: February 19, 2020, 05:12:50 am »
@littleelefant I don´t know which supplements he recommends. You might find that info on his website There is his facebook group as well called for sure they would know it. But he also mentioned the castor pack precisely for people that can´t donate due to their weight limitation. Another way to circumvent this would be to do the blood donation in a non public environment, privately or even at home.

Then of course you always have to be careful of any supplemental recommendations of any of these health advocates. There is no "guru" that knows it all. For example..he recommends cod liver oil, something that can be very dangerous. There is no health advocate I know of that seems to be right in everything they say. Be it Aajonus, GCB, Garrett Smith, Morley, Shawn Baker, Sally K. Norton, Dr. Berg... Always use ur own brain before taking any kind of supplements. I do believe that nature can provide us with most if not all of what we need, if our senses are working well and if you are able to connect with nature and yourself.

@dario I would recommend listening to these 2 podcasts and they give you a pretty good insight why iron is causing problems, why blood donation is good and how minerals such as copper first surfaced on planet earth.

General Discussion / Re: Iron overload on raw meat diet
« on: February 18, 2020, 03:25:41 am »
Morley robins suggested in his podcast on extreamhealthradio 3 things to get rid of excess iron.

1. blood donation. He mentioned that fasting before donating blood can release more iron during donation. He also mentioned that retinol helps autophagy.

2. Then there is a list of supplements that he recommends to get rid of it

3. and the most interesting one was recommended for people that, for whatever reason, cannot do blood donations. He said to soak a flanel in castor oil, wrap that in plastic foil and then put a healing pad over that, then place it on the liver. It´s supposed to heal eczema too. The castor oil method was apparently used in the older days as well.

He also said that the best source for copper is bee pollen, followed by calf liver (beef would have too much iron) and oranges on 3rd place, allthough I don´t understand why he would mention oranges, as it seems to be pretty low. I´d also be careful with too much liver, you don´t want to run into more issues when it comes to vitamin a toxicity. Dr. Garrett Smith has some good knowledge on this topic. Other sources of copper are oysters and hazelnut as you mentioned, but also pumpkin seeds. I think it would be better to go for the oil rather than the nuts itself, might be easier to digest and more bioavailable. 100 percent dark chocolate that has a high amount of cocoa butter, since the end product would be lower in oxalates (rather than only cocoa powder) would also be a good copper source. Mollusks also have good amounts of copper. Might even be better. Shiitake have good amounts too, also goji berries and capers are not too bad either.

Health / Re: Clicking/cracking knees and ankles
« on: February 13, 2020, 01:41:54 am »
I had this cracking issue whenever I ate too much pasteurized dairy, especially joghurt. I assume it relates to calcium overload/deficiency and/or a calcium/phosphoros alternation due to pasteurization. I never that this issue when I had raw dairy.

Health / Re: Tinnitus and Earache Won’t Go Away
« on: February 03, 2020, 07:12:37 pm »
in addition to that you can get yourself swedish bitters (ihrlich brand is good). I used them myself internally and they were very effective. Put some drops on a earpad and insert into the ear. leave it there for a while. i read that this can fix tinnitus.

Hot Topics / Re: Coronavirus Fear Tactics
« on: February 03, 2020, 04:25:58 pm »
I think it´s because he lives a very natural life, in a more rural area, gardening and butchering himself the animals he buys. I also wonder if he was always that intelligent and well spoken, or if it´s something that increased exponentionally with his long term raw food diet, am I correct @Sabertooth? He has a truly outstanding intellectual mind. Extremely calm when you look at his videos, and a genius when it comes to expressing important topics. I noticed that when have no digestive issues my mind is much more focused and clear and I do not get emotional. Happy gut happy brain. I´m certain that a diet that is designed for you, be it ZC, Keto... will increase intelligence.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: January 26, 2020, 04:13:39 am »
i eat plenty of salt and drink enough water, going overboard with water hinders HCI. And I know that the liver is extremely imporant, its one of the most important organs. And creating or taking HCI does not seem to be the problem for me, the problems seems to be something that hinders or lowers it´s production. Remove the root cause is what I need to focus on. And these causes are almost certainly parasites or candida

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: January 25, 2020, 04:41:36 am »
Update. I took the liquid HCI for several days now, before food, with food and after food. I took around 60 drops with each meal. Allthough it does give you more acid it´s not what I need. And the bottle is almost gone anyway. So this was a fail. From tomorrow onwards I will also stop the mastic gum, which I took 2-3 times a day (morning, eve and sometimes in between) for around 2 weeks. Recommended is around 1 gram. I took more than that. I took it unchewed and chewed, no difference. I took it on an empty stomach, right before food, with food and after. Before food is not a good idea, it made my stomach feel bad and killed my appetite therefore the preparation of gastric juices. With food it does not help acid production, and after food it does either nothing or it hinders digestion. When I take something I always aim to take it for longer, to make sure that this is not an adaption or die off phase, but in this case I am pretty certain that it did more harm than good. One thing that I noticed is that my thyroid seems to be swollen after taking it. I am uncertain if the problem is that I usually eat chilly (harissa) with it, or due to the mastic gum. Since I introduced mastic gum for longer than harissa, I think it´s the mastic.

So after taking this into consideration I assume that I could possibly rule out h.pylori as a reason for my low stomach acid. A stool test came back negative some weeks ago and I did a colonoscopy some years ago and that was negative as well. The last test I could do, which they don´t offer in my country, would be a Urea breath test. Allthough there are certain things that work pretty well for me and that automatically combat h.p,  such as green tea, liquorice, red wine, garlic, onion, ginger and so forth, it does not automatically mean that I have h.p overgrowth.

I also took spirochetes into consideration, which can also be the reason for lyme, so I got myself one (or the most) effective remedy against it, which is Sarsaparilla, bought the whole pack, took it once and felt really shitty and bloated. I never took it again. There are sometimes things that you would try for longer, this is def not one of these things.

So what´s left for the cause of my low HCI? I think parasites and/or candida. I bought myself the original hulda clark parasite cleanse called Paracleanse (not the vegetarian version) which consists of Black Walnut Tincture, Super W Blend and Clove, which I expect very soon. Seems to be the most effective properly prepared plan against parasites. I tried a shitload of different anti-parasitic things, including medical drugs, but nothing really "killed" them. Here is the protocol for whoever is interested.

Then I was rethinking candida, and it starts to make more and more sense. I used to eat a SAD diet with daily alcohol and lots of stress. I also live in a humid country where mold is present everywhere in your surroundings, including a lot of pesticides sprayed on crop. Add to that antibiotics which I had to take (briefly but still) and I think I might know the root cause for my low stomach acid that I seem to have for over a decade. Add a high carb plant based diet to the mix and I think you have the perfect combination for systemic candida overgrowth. I noticed that when I was eating more carbs this christmas, i felt a lot worse the days after, and since I ran out of my herbal blends and my coconut oil, things ain´t going so well, even though I´m still on low carb. I still have the same problem when I go into the kitchen where I live, i start to feel really bad in the stomach and my appetite gets killed almost instantly. So I read again about candida and came across this post and she got rid of it with 10-Undecenoic Acid, (also known as Undecenoic Acid or Undecylenic Acid). This acid is apparently far stronger than in coconut oil (which is caprylic acid) and coconut oil is known to help against candida and yeast overgrowth. So I bought it and will see how it goes.

There are some interesting things to note here, when I go down to the kitchen with a blocked nose I feel pretty well, once I blow it I am certain that through my nose I inhale the surrounding mold that´s in the air and walls, so I start to feel worse, kill my hunger, my gastric juices and when I eat my food I can´t break it down, get constipation and all the shit that comes with it. It obviously comes with stress and stress lowers mag, so I think that´s why I am craving dark chocolate, pumpkinseed oil and lately seafood (mollusks) and I can shit happily again. I also cleaned my distiller yesterday and the fan and inside was full of black mold and dust. So what could I do? I tried to clean the mold which is impossible since its behind the wall. The only thing I could do is run around in a gas mask (i tried a normal mask briefly), have nose clips or a dehumidifier. But that´s not quite a solution...

Since many years I subconciously always want to open the window when I´m in the kitchen and go into the living room to eat, or even better eat outside. I never understood this behaviour but after many years of not understanding why (when you have digestive issues you can´t think clearly anyway), I think I got it. All that surrounding mold keeps aggrevating my candida (i did a test for that on several occations and it always indicated issues with candida overgrowth), which kills my hunger and HCI, and it also makes parasites thrive, since your HCI is lowered, and these parasites which I clearly have, since I see them in my vomit. Another thing I realized is that where I live is a LOT of humidity, and I instinctly hug the heater since there is no central heating, the heater emits dry air and after I felt bad and couldn´t digest my fuckin food again, like today, I felt instantly better after a couple of minutes. Another indication that humidity and mold will wreck havoc if you have candida/fungal issues in your body. That´s why a far infrared sauna, rather than a wet sauna could be more beneficial.

I mentioned before that I did a carnivore diet for 6 months, and that gave me lots of energy. I think it was because of the "low carb" approach, cutting out carbs (which aggrevate candida), all plant foods, but, I still had constipation due to the imbalance of calcium and magnesium. If I would have consumed more mag and less dairy carbs (more cheese and butter instead of yoghurt and milk), I might could have had the perfect balance to lower candida more significantly and and the same time sort out my digestion once and for all. Allthough I did a carnivore diet, I think I was never in ketosis, which, moving forward, I plan to finally do, this time properly and measured and at the same time take 10-Undecenoic Acid to kill the candida and possible do that parasite cleanse. Plus I plan to move from this moldy shithole I am living in, so if that will not do the trick then I don´t fucking know what.

That post went again a bit overboard but I think it might help people give some clues. Will update again once I tried the undecenoic acid.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Who has read GC Burger's main book?
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:33:03 am »
alright then. thanks

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Who has read GC Burger's main book?
« on: January 22, 2020, 09:40:49 pm »
thanks. reason why im asking is that i dont want to buy the full edition now if he plans to bring out a newer one soon. than i rather wait

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Who has read GC Burger's main book?
« on: January 22, 2020, 06:44:20 pm »
thanks, how often is this book updated?

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Who has read GC Burger's main book?
« on: January 21, 2020, 07:35:36 am »
Is it possible to still obtain this pdf version of his book/work?

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: January 20, 2020, 05:48:14 pm »
I drank ACV religiously for several months every day, before food, with food, after food, with water, undiluted...allthough it´s acidic, it does not properly help create the real HCI. It does help for constipation if one drinks some minutes/hours after eating, but that´s about it. I know he said beet juice helps HCl, that´s why I tried it in the first place, but I found it to be pretty useless. His corn suggestion was far better. I also tried papaya and pineapple. Papaya helped only once, but it does not create or help HCI, it just gives you all the enzymes needed for further digestion, but if ur lacking HCI in the first place, its of no use. It´s also pretty high in sugar, especially pineapple, not a good idea if you fight candida or parasites. I got my liquid HCI today, going to try it very soon. Extremely curious about it. Will update.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: January 19, 2020, 04:52:25 pm »
Yes, tried herbs and bitters such as dandelion root, green tea, swedish bitters, 7 kräuter stern then different bitter alcohols such as fernet branca. And the 2 herbal blends from interstellar, which work well, but at the same time its not something that increases HCI, more something that kills pathogens (which I am sure diminish HCI). Then mint, wormwood I need to count as well, but these I have mainly taken after food. One thing though is that peppermint tea can help after digestion quite a lot. But you need to give it some time, drunk with a meal or right after won´t help your HCI, but it can help with bowel movements. I took wormwood in tinkture form and as a tea for around 10 days. Tea was a desaster, I was sweating and felt so bad that I had to stop. Tincture i took for longer and was ok.  For some time I also bit into a fresh ginger root after food and let it sit in the mouth for a couple of minutes, but didn´t swallow it. That activated my digestive powers greatly, id almost put it in the same effectiveness as corn on the cob. Carbonate water, right before the meal can also help a lot. But not with a meal. If food didnt digest well you can also drink carbonated water, it will aid digestion.

Currently I am experimenting with chilli and cayenne. I find that chilli oil is a bit too much, i think it can interfere with digestion, but thats maybe because of the addition of the "chilli flavor" that they put in there. But when I find I do not have enough HCI for that meal I am eating, I am craving something spicy, often mustard or chilli. I also tried tabasco, but you would need too much if you want good results. Jalapenos I also tried for some time, effective but red chilli is better. Yesterday I got harissa, a spicy sauce made of chilli, garlic, caraway, coriander, citric acid and salt. When I took this yesterday my digestion was very well. If that continues well I will make my own. Chilli is also great against parasites, garlic against h.pylori and has sulphuric acid helps for HCI as mentioned above, caraway and coriander aid digestion and lemon juice has low PH. Adding ginger might even enhance this "formular". I´ll see how it goes.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: January 17, 2020, 03:08:53 am »
Yes, I tried it raw juiced alone and raw juiced with carrot and ginger (that combo was good), I also tried it boiled. Juiced was best but it was more because of the ginger, not the beet. Besides, beets are way too high in oxalates, to take that for some time with foods to increase HCI is not advisable. Hands down the best thing ever to increase HCI was raw corn on the cob, this worked really well. I gotta thank AV for that suggestion. But sourcing raw organic corn on the cob is hard, especially if its not in season.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: January 15, 2020, 05:26:12 am »
Let me chime in here as well, because I think I am getting closer to heal my health issues and I wanna share my experience after reading tons of stuff from people and papers every day.

Let´s start with the most important thing, at least in my opinion. I am sure I might repeat myself but whatever.

Stomach acid. If you don´t have enough of that you will have leaky gut, SIBO, candida, fungal overgrowth, IBS, food sensitivities, mineral and vitamin deficencies (hair loss, hair greying, weightloss), fatigue, low energy, low libido, indigestion, bloating, constipation and and and. So I think that needs to be tackled first and it might solve all your health problems. Sources of low HCI can be a previous low animal product diet, such as vegan or vegetarian, simply because grains and plants don´t need much HCI and can also diminish HCI (grains especially). Low HCI means parasites, candida, fungus, h.pylori can thrive and they will lower your PH that is needed to digest your foods even further.

After some digging I found what i´ll describe now... How to get the mineral acid back for proper gastric secretion. You can either supplement BETAINE or you can try GLYCINE, an aminon acid and proton donor. So if Betaine HCI + Pepsin didn´t work go for Glycine. I tried several of different brands and different dosages of Betaine HCI and Pepsin but it did either nothing, or constipated. It can also damage your stomach lining and can cause more harm than good. Therefore I will try for the glycine:

Hydrochloric acid - That is a H+ (proton) and a CL- (chloride anion). Proton is the acid and chloride is the salt. You need to combine these 2 otherwise the HCL pairing won´t work and u dont have ur HCL.  Therefore, if Betaine Pepsin did not work go for the LIQUID HCL drops. Dr. Clark sells them. You can find other brands. You put a couple of drops in a liquid such as water and drink that with a straw, don´t put that on your teeth as it will mess them up. You can put it directly onto food, but then it will touch the teeth, not good. I did not try the liquid HCI version yet, but it seems to be working very well for people that cannot tolerate the tablets or pepsin. I will get it soon and report back.

Another option is Sulfuric acid - can be found in some cruciferous vegetables, onions or garlic. I found that I have far better digestion when I eat raw onions, especially red. I think they have the highest sulphur content of the 3 (white, yellow, red). So bingo here. Again to be combined with chloride (salt). Red wine is someting that is the best for my digestion, I mentioned that many times. When nothing works this always works wonders. I think one of the reason is because of the sulphites added, same goes for thick balsamic vinegar, seems to increase HCI.

Then there is Phosphoric acid - Found in meats, dairy and eggs in very low concentrations, but also beans and other veggies. As a food additive it´s mainly in Cola, called additive E338. As far as I can remember, my digestion was very good when I drank coke with meals, that was before I had health issues. So when I had bad digestion today and I felt bloated I thought fuck it, so I bought diet coke, and it digested my food pretty well. Reason for that was certainly the phosphoric acid, the caffeine (which helps against parasites as well), and the carbonation. Won´t do it again though, coke is full of crap and the worst u can drink. Interesting to note though is that coke is more acidic than lemon. You can get the food grade phosphoric acid in liquid drops as well. So there is another option to digest foods again.

You need to keep in mind that you need the chloride ion to pair it with the above acids, otherwise it won´t pair and create your HCL properly. One option for that is salt or food. If Betaine and Glycine doesn´t work, increase the chloride. Glycine is just the amino acid but it can help build half of the mineral acid that one needs.

Also, vinegar (like ACV) does not contribute to stomach acid reserves because the acetic acid is broken down into hydrocarbons that don't supply the free protons. 

Anyhow, after experimenting for years I am back to increasing HCl, not the other way around. If you try and kill parasites, tackle candida overgrowth, h.pylori, you could also try and increase HCI. I think once it´s back to normal things will balance out, or you at least do both, tackle the critters and supply HCI at the same time. After many years I can say that I feel best on the following "protocol".

1. Waking up on a glass of distilled water, or I just leave it out and drink later
2. I take "spice" and peel" from This guy does some crazy herbal blends, for different illnesses. And that combo is best for candida and h.pylori. Out of everything I have ever tried I think this is the real deal. However, I would recommend going for the stronger ratio (200:1). Atm i got 20:1 and i think its not effective enough, so the only thing I can do atm is maintenance, but I think increasing the dosage would be the best to maybe totally kill all the bad stuff inside my stomach and elsewhere.
3. i take a spoonful of coconut oil, coconut oil is pretty effective for molds and candida
4. I trink black tea with lemon. never did that before, but I find that it sorted out all my constipation issues and I am certain that the caffeine in the black tea kills parasites. I know that cuz when I started doing this I could vomit up parasites, easily without effort. It just came naturally.
5.Then I eat something. I also eat after almost each meal thawned cranberries with a piece of 100% dark chocolate (8g carbs per 100g only, organic and consistent of cocoa mass and cocoa butter, very low in oxalates opposed to normal chocolate) and roasted pumpkin seed oil (lower in phytates and higher nutrient count than cold pressed and I find that the magnesium really calms me down and aids digestion a lot. Point is that when you have low HCI and you try and eat things like liver or sea food for mag and copper, you won´t be able to extract lots of it cuz your hci is not able to break it down properly. Pumpkin seed oil and dark chocolate on the other hand side are easily digestible I found. Cranberries are anti-parasitic as well, plus the most acidic berry and lowest in sugar (unless you get the shitty american GMO ones). Low acidity aids digestion as I have found too.
6. after food I chew and subsequently swallow that famous mastic gum from the greek island, one of the most effective remedies for h.pylori and "bad bacteria" that exists. i take that twice a day.

As you can see I am very deterimined to solve my health once and for all, with all that candida, h.pylori, parasites shit that comes with it. However, I think that atm all I can do is maintenance, because I am certain that I live in a moldy home and regardless what I do, I find that when I am in the fresh air everything, including digestion changes. So the only way for me to get out of this forever is to get out of that fucking place I am living at :) Anyhow, once I get my liquid HCI I will update here.

Edit: One more thing I wanted to mention. That´s iron toxicity. Well mentioned in and Morley mentions the connection between candida and heavy metals such as iron. Candida holds on to it. the more iron u got in your body the bigger oxidative stress and health issues you can get. I´m certain that dietary iron is not so much of an issue. After all I eat meat, especially red, every day. I think it more the toxic iron from cooking pans, showers, fortified foods (that I used to eat) that causes over accumulation. So I actually did something I never did, I went for a blood donation to start getting rid of the overload. Just to be sure I can rule that iron toxicity out which might be effecting my candida/parasites and other critters. I did pretty well, no fainting and was active the whole day. Being weak after donating can be a sign of low adrenals, so I def did not have that. Anyhow, I think its good to incorporate blood donation to download toxic blood and make way for ur body to create new one. Morley mentioned also something that makes sense. Back in the days we used to bleed much more, because of field work, hunting and what not, so blood loss and recycling of blood was something natural and normal, nowadays it´s not.

Thanks a lot for the great reply. I think it´s important to have an alternative and better source of calcium than dairy. Even if you raise a child on raw dairy, it will likely get hooked up on it and once it won´t have access to it, it will resort to pasteurized dairy which is available everywhere. That will onset all kinds of health problems. Then beside the opioids, you have estrogen, the a2 issue, over consumption of calcium, among other things. Raising a dairy limited or dairy free child would therefore be a much better way to prevent disease I think. But that´s another topic.

I also think that bone marrow would be a great source, also because of its high fat content. And I did remember that it had some special nutrients, but i can´t remember what that was. One thing that I remember thought is that when sv3rige consumed it raw once, apparently he became pretty ill and had to go to hospital for 2 weeks as far as I can remember. I wonder why it could have caused such havoc? I know that consuming it from a healthy animal would be preferable, but eating raw conventional beef does not seem to be so much of an issue than consuming raw bone marrow? Is there something that one needs to be cautious with when it comes to eating it raw?

Regarding eating the whole bones, the best way seems to pressure cook them. Apparently it takes only around 30+ min to get fish bones soft enough to be eaten I could not wait 3 days in a crock pot like sabertooth does, that would take far too long. And when you say that Bones have 1000-3000% of the RDA per 100 grams, to which bones are you refering to? Bones from animals such as cow and lamb, or also fish?

Carrot does not seem to have high calcium levels. How do you come to this conclusion? Comfrey I am not familiar with, why would u think its good? Looking up on eggshells i find that they are Calcium carbonate, which is inorganic in mineral water and also found in rocks and shells. It´s also used as an antacid and can cause poor digestion. Especially in people with low gastric acid production. One study showed more gastric output though. Apparently it´s also found in dark green vegetables. One reason why vegans might mess up on their diet, among other things, is the high intake of "healthy" dark leafy greens and vegetables. Since you will definitely lower HCI due to the lack of animal products on a vegan diet, eating something that surpresses HCI even more does not seem to be a smart idea. And giving eggshells to a toddler might be harmful for a not yet fully developed digestive system.

I also found that Calcium lactate, which can be found in hard cheeses on the occuring white cheese cristals is used as an antacid, so eating that, if you have low HCI, might be another bad idea and another reason why ppl on low HCI do not tolerate dairy well, at least some types of dairy.

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