« on: January 02, 2010, 10:19:45 am »
I have a question about ketones and how all that stuff works...
I went from a very high sugar diet, to a candida diet, then a month or two later switched it over to a 'zero carb' diet, although we ate say, liver and i also ate the occasional few raspberries since they were in season and growing all around where i was in the woods.
After id say, 4 months doing ZC, we had some hardcore cravings one day and bought a tiny ice-cream to share and that was the end of it, sugar forced its way back into the diet, so I have been eating some sugar now for a few months, sometimes with a sugar binge here and there (where i swear i thought my heart was going to stop ). Well ive had my fun and back to pure carnivorous again. now here is where my question comes in...
When i started ZC coming from high sugar -> dying on candida diet, I got the whole no energy thing (which was horrible working labor haha) but i picked myself up some ketosticks to kind of check out my keto-adaption thing, well over a few weeks i watched the color change less and less untill i was pissing negatives and I had my energy and figured i had keto adapted...
Well after adding sugar back into my diet for 3-4 months, i am still pissing negatives on my ketosticks... I dont really know what it means or if it means anything, but i always heard bear talking about the evilness of carbs and how they will knock you right out of keto-adaption even if you have just a little... So how does it work? since i keto-adapted, then added carbs back in, even though i was still consuming fat (bad idea im sure) did my body keep on burning the fat and do something else with the carbs? or since i hadnt been ZC long enough i kind of balanced myself in the middle somewhere where i used both up?
Another thing i kind of found with the whole energy thing (and my feeling of health in general), was that even when i felt like crap and felt like i had no energy.... I was still able to out-preform the guys i work with... Its like how you feel is normal, is just your idea of normal, so when you're used to being healthy, when you feel like everybody elses normal, YOU feel like shit.. haha