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Messages - sabertooth

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Grass-fed Rib-eye
« on: August 23, 2010, 07:39:00 pm »
hay fine but not ideal, hay can become moldy if not dried properly and mold toxins can cause quality issues
some farmers do use inferior quality hay to save on cost(I have talked to farmers and butchers about this)

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Grass-fed Rib-eye
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:10:19 pm »
not all grass feed is the same, some cows get moldy hay and others get pristine pastures, I have had quality issues with the grass feed at health food stores , bad taste, and negative feeling(instinct)

The only stuff I prefer is the chuckeye roll pasture raised black Angus I buy from a restaurant

The butcher SAM Knows quality and teaches a collage course on how to raise and butcher animals humanly and without drugs and chemicals, He knows I eat everything raw and I trust his judgment.

His father put him out with the lambs as soon as he could walk so he knows what it takes to raise good meat,

Some commercial grass fees farmers don't have any clue and feed their cows scrub brush and improperly stored hay, you can taste the difference

Journals / Re: Wolf's Journal
« on: August 22, 2010, 06:55:09 am »
you dont have to use oil, it just quickens the cleansing.

I eat a couple of egg yoks with some lemon water as a gentle daily cleanse{keeps things moving good).

Egg yoke with high meat is also a good purging agent.

Hot Topics / Re: fake meat within 5 years
« on: August 22, 2010, 06:48:39 am »
In Orwell's 1984 Winston and his commrads are served fake meat as part of their rations.
The day will come were big Agra will decide that real food is just not worth the effort to produce in order to feed the serfs, and just as soy is now forced on school kids and prisoners, this fake meat will be forced into the food supply in order to save rich men money, at the expense of the health of the working slave

Journals / Re: Wolf's Journal
« on: August 21, 2010, 10:08:58 pm »

Egg yoke liver flush

I agree grains are often a problem for the liver on top of everything else

Journals / Re: Wolf's Journal
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:14:06 pm »
I suffered bad acne off and on as a teenager,

I believe it is caused by the livers inability to metabolize excess hormones, and hormone byproducts then try to eliminate through the skin, causing an overstimulation of the oil ducts, and leaves you vulnerable to tiny infections and inflammations.

Liver congestion is often unnoticed and rarely considered by most people with acne problems

My liver was not able to eliminate the toxins I was consuming: at the time I was eating heavily processed foods, vegtable oils as well as cooked meat and cooked milk that was treated with bovine growth hormone and fed god knows what. I believe that the hormones in dairy can often tip the hormonal balance to cause liver overload.

Any topical treatments do not address the cause (liver overload),I think excess face washing made my acne worse, eventually I quit washing my face with anthing(just rinse with water) , and the issue
resolved itself, even before I reformed my diet

You may consider limiting dairy and trying an egg yoke liver flush,(it may take a couple of months to get the liver in good enough repair were it can begin to clear out the excess hormonal waste)

My early liver trouble went unnoticed and when I got older I got extreme liver congestion and had to do a more extreme flush to clear out the liver stones, I was big on dairy at the time and really wasn't aware that dairy was causing me so much trouble, once I eliminated dairy and processed oils my liver congestion went away on its own.

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 21, 2010, 07:23:14 am »
Truly insightfull Tyler , Its ashamed that it was Darwin that had the support of the money bags that ran the universities of his time and Lamarck who was of lower cast had his Ideas pushed aside (so I never heard of him in highschool biology)

These Ideas are truly empowering for those who have visions of a better future for mankind.

Imagine If you could devise a way to apply these theory's of proactive gene modification to benefit of human life, in just three generations we could return humanity to health and prosperity.(I have already began to take the first step with returning to the evolutionary diet, and hopefully raising my kids as paleo as possible)

The only fear I have is that there are the genetic engineers out there who are primitively aware of how to manipulate DNA for their own idiotic purposes, and I honestly don't believe that the Overlords of the current scientific cabal have whats best for humanity at heart.

We must stop them from playing God, who really wants a group of people no matter how principled, wielding that type of power over the sacred forces of life.

Its happening now with the potential that lies within the genetically modified virus, virus was a way for evolution to clean up genetic damage and correct flaws, the herpies family of virus probably played a role in breaking down degenerated nerve tissue(a natural process)Now we have in development Genetically altered variants that have been designed to attack healthy receptor sites in the brain, where as the last generation unleashed wasn't so elegant, and just wreaked havoc througout the bodies systems

The technology is now being developed to an extent were the brave new world of Aldous Huxley could be created, after a few more generations of fine tuning the controlers could find a way of making the population into biological androids who's sole pourpose is designated at birth and who's natural instincts have be culled scientifically, Huxley couldnot forsee genetic engineering ;he thought world domination could be achieved through controlled breading and gestational poisoning; but to live is to adapt, and the poisons will build tolerance, so if the brave new world ever gets to be, then it will be maintained by the genetic altering of the human genetic code,

We must begin to put a leash on this technology before it enslaves us all.

sorry if I am maniacally ranting(Its my nature)

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 20, 2010, 07:25:42 pm »
My theory of evolution combines the theory of natural selection with the theory of intelligent design via active Genetic reconstruction, its really a revolutionary Idea.

The DNA is lord of itself and is capable of forming of its own intelligent design, based on environmental necessity(natural selection with a touch of artistic licence and a spark of the divine)

DNA contains the essence of free will, It can alter its patterns based on its perceived necessities, in a way that's almost like an educated guess for what is the most beneficial path to take , (its the ultimate mechanism for survival)Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it dead ends (the tail end of the process is what Darwin saw in natural selection)

DNA Intelligent design is the catalyst at the front of all genetic adaption(not random mutation)

This may just be conjecture and there is no real studies that I can site(but I have something more conclusive to offer)My human intuition tells me that there must be some truth into what I have discovered.

Penny for your thoughts


The Candida is a huge problem. Even zero carb doesn't completely get rid of it for allot of people.

I'm on a very high dose probiotic as well as high grade digestive enzymes, even with the raw food. Perhaps it will just take some time eating all raw to heal my organs. I put them through an immense amount of stress over the years with my AWFUL diet as a kid and severe alcohol abuse for about 5-6 years.

I had yeast growing out of both ends and had tried pro-biotics for two years with no effect.
I think that pro-biotics are practically useless if not harmfull on a raw animal food diet.
Acidophilis is only good at digesting diary and plant matter(which isn't Ideal to be eatting anyway}

I have also had past digestive issues ,leaky gut, poor digestion, fungal overgrowth, as well as high blood sugar, .

Cooked fats would pass out in oily stools and I would feel ill after eating anything.

Within the first week of going cold turkey onto a raw meat and fat diet my food began to digest and my sugars normalized.

I started high meat two months in and began to feel better than I can remember, I believe that the positive immune stimulating benefits of high meat offset any potental fears about aggravating candida

From my experience high meat distroys candida in the gut while zero carb starves it out.

(good luck)

Hot Topics / fake meat within 5 years
« on: August 19, 2010, 05:46:09 am »

They are cloning animal fat and mussel cells in huge vats and are going to feed it to the whole world,in order to save the environment (can we eat it raw) :)

At least it might replace soy

There are new FDA guidelines going to effect this year that require that oysters be put under refrigeration within one hour of capture(maybee this is part of an effort to prevent this bug from proliferating oysters in warmer climates

General Discussion / vaccum packed dilem ma
« on: August 18, 2010, 06:32:56 am »
I have dilemma concerning what to do with my unopened  vacuum sealed 25 pound chuckeye roll.
I have one already open and it might take a couple of weeks to finish it off. I am interested in aging the unopened pack, but am unsure of the best way.

This is pasture raised Kentucky black Angus, and possibly the best beef ever, so I don't want to foul it up.
Any suggestions?

Interesting historical fun fact

There is evidence that nomadic peoples using pot since before recorded history, it may not be paleo, but I do believe it can offer some relief from the pain that hangs on our neolithic soul.

I think cannabis can be used during the transition phase to raw animal foods(only for those already adapted to it)and only if there are real issues with appetite or other debilitating and painful conditions.

My Brother has epilepsy and is often stricken with anxiety, he got some type of prescription that obviously doesn't work for him, I have suggested that he quit smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, and eatting Junk, and use pot to overcome the withdrawl of his more toxic vices, but He is as stubborn as he is stupid and refuses to take advice

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:33:22 am »
The reason that she can communicate with a keyboard could be that visual language skills require a different undamaged section of the brain than face to face verbal communication, it gives hope to some and proves that the brain is able cope with early damage well enough to develop the undamaged areas, but I don think it leads us to any new truth about the condition

Sad, cynical, and sorry deductions;(  

I use to volenter to help the autistic kids with physical education while in middle school, many were just like that girl in the video most of them I thought were void of soul, but now I wonder , maybe if they had the type of training that girl had, something more humane could of become of them.

Of course the same principled training regime if applied to the undamaged could have the same amazing results for anyone

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:21:38 pm »
Even the blind can rely on their third eye and with it the are able see into the abyss of ignorance with a clarity that can liberate us all ,from the darkness that shrouds the truth

Please keep in mind that I am part of the Thimerisol generation(children who were born in the 80s and 90s received more thimerisol containing vaccines than anyone in history and from my research I believe are the most damaged) If you study the history as I have you could discover that back in the 1920s thimerisol was being used in the development of animal vaccines but was discontinued because it was proven to be unsafe, even in the use of ANIMALS .This was discovered in the 1920s so why was it still being injected into children 8 decades later,(I tell you its sinister) >D

Something happened to my own mind as a child that left me dyslexic and withdrawn and awkward socially, I didn't really learn to read at grade level until I was a about ten,

The damaged brain is capable of forging new pathways and seeking new horizons in those young enough, that's why some autistic people develop savant like capabilities(Its the non damaged part of the part brain trying to cope with the loss of function on the damaged part)

So I am I high school drop out and conflicted soul who has no credential for arguing about brain science, and yet some voice is screaming from within that there is something not right, I never bought into the lie that infants needed to be shot up at birth with genetically modified hepatitis DNA,or genetically modified measles,diphtheria,tetanus, and on and on and on(whether or not it causes brain damage)

There is still no one who can tell me how and why is this herpes 6 virus is found in autistic children along with live measles and how the two agents cause the development of antibodies against parts of the brain. So until anyone can enlighten me on that front, I am going to scream foul play.

Just because all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put humpty together again, should not distract us from the fact that poor humpty dumpty was pushed to his demise by an evil hand.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Weaning
« on: August 16, 2010, 12:21:21 pm »
I was forced to make mt own custom formula when my wife couldn't keep up milk production for my second and third child's ravonous appetites.

Even before I discovered raw animal food diet, I was acutely aware of the piss poor quality of nearly all commercial baby formula.

What I did was take this stuff called Baby's only toddler formula(its the only organic formula that doesn't contain the toxic genetically modified fungus oil that is being called DHA. This is my latest conspiracy.

In 2004 the FDA Made it mandatory for DHA be added to all infant formula(seems reasonable)
Wrong, the only form of DHA being used is a profanely toxic form, that is derived from a Genetically modified fungus and extracted with hexane.

The trials on this stuff they call DHA showed serious concerns about sideeffects, It was given approval anyway and is now in every commercial formula. The brains of the baby's fed this stuff may be negatively effected by this unnatural form of DHA( this is a warning please take this threat seriously
I believe this is more sinister, the trials of this stuff proved that it is toxic but it was forced into infant formula anyway, I know this stuff causes more than Just digestive issues, It builds inferior brains.Please under no circumstance should you feed this to your infant.

Anyway I take 2 parts baby's only toddler formula(fungus oil free) and 1 part goats milk then top it off with a teaspoon of raw coconut oil, once a day I add Baby's only DHA(egg based)This is extremely digestible and has helped me to grow the most beautiful babies you ever saw:


Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:47:26 am »
We are all grasping at threads here ,it is highly speculative as to the true causes and magnitude of what is called autism{I call it brain damage}.

If there is a legitimate concern among so many people about vaccination, then why isn't the medical establishment spending the same big money on double blind studies on vaccinated Vs non vaccinated as they do on other less damaging conditions.

This is the conspiracy I think we all can agree on..

The problem isn't being given proper and thorough scientific investigation, so it leaves us all guessing.

I do believe the magnitude of the issue goes beyond Autism

My own brother developed a life threatening condition{ITP} two days after the measles shot.
The doctors never even reported it as an adverse reaction and the whole incident was swept under the rug. My brother is not autistic, but he does have lower intelligence and did develop epilepsy in later childhood.

so according to medical authorities what happend to my brother is a conspiracy theory

my uncle Scott developed an autism type condition after the 10 month diptet, so my grandmother must be a conspiracy theorist as well , because she claimed that hour after the shot he started screaming and didn't stop for days

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 15, 2010, 08:49:25 pm »
I'm afraid that autism occur ed even in the eras well before vaccinations. It's ridiculous to suggest that autism appeared out of nowhere in modern times.

I am very aware of this fact

did you also know that live measles virus can be cultured from the brains of most autistic people, even though they never contacted the disease, It was injected into them through live virus vaccination.

Of course there were cases of viral brain damage before vaccination, what I am saying is that now these condition are being artificially created in much higher percentages of people than ever before

This is being done by design

Herpes 6 and measles don't naturally infest the brain of infants, its a one two punch crafted by the eugenicist scum that think they own us;it  culls the development of exceptional minds.

Even if it isn't intentional, then it is just being done out of ignorance and bad science,

Either way it needs to be looked into more openly and I am only suggesting my personal view.  

Herpes 6 and measles trigger auto immune anti bodies against brain tissue that and results in brain damage, that's a fact

my own Brother contacted ITP from a measles shot had a severe auto immune reaction and I think it damaged his brain although he is not autistic,

This is a very personal subject to me

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 15, 2010, 06:28:45 pm »
The data is being cooked on all sides of the argument, but the truth is that autism is non existant in non vaccinated populations, of coarse most non vaccinated people also live in less polluted environments, so there is a definite need for double blind studies using vaccinated and non vaccinated test humans under more controlled conditions. Such a study wont be done by an established medical research organization, because the truth would most likely prove my gut feeling that vaccines are the major cause of autism?brain damage occurring today,thus pointing out the criminality of the whole medical establishments policy on vaccination.

The white washing of atrocity must be exposed,damnit
Where are the funds for this crucial research going,
Iraq, Afghanistan, research on chemotherapy.
One in 60 boys is being brain damaged,one in 150 girls, and many others have milder damage , I think this should trump most other issues.

I also suspect that epigenics may be a factor, but there isn't any studies that can point to the how or why this could be causing brain damage in developing humans.

Vaccines may alter genetic expression that can often be misinterpreted as faulty genes

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:52:58 pm »
What also promotes genetic alterations is viral induced genetic mutation, our DNA is marked with redundant chains of genetic gibberish that some believe are left over from viral induced genetic changes that occurred throughout and probably contributed greatly to our evolution. Virus had originally been designed by nature as an agent for positive genetic change, I think AV called them cleansing agents. When genes deteriorate or get damaged I think it causes cellular changes that damage the health of the organism, virus could be a way that life uses to clean up the genetic mess.

The scientific overlords discovered ways of artificially recombining viral RNA from differant animal virus, and in the process has created some real monsters(retrovirus) and unleashed them upon the genetic code of humanity. Our genetic code has undergone a slow natural genesis from the humble beginnings in the primordial soup, until about the age of the genetically modified organism.

I am an advocate of the Ideal that within the past 50 years there has been a war going on within the Genetic code of all those exposed to or injected with these altered retrovirus. There are a number of conditions that can be explained by a process called, Reverse transcriptase, were a retrovirus hijacks the cells RNA and causes it to generate aberrant strands genes in a backward sequence, It is believed that this process is the root cause of autoimmune issues, chronic fatigue, fibromyalga, AIDS,cancer and even in milder cases, vague undiagnosed heath conditions that millions are suffering from. I personally suffered from a severe Epstein Barr reaction( There are records that show the Epstein Barr retrovirus was created in fort Dietrich Bio weapons Lab)It was discovered in 1961 when a doctor was Tring to discover what was causing cancer in the Jaws of Africans(who were vaccinated with experimental concoctions)He found Epstein Barr(herpes 4)

My Lympnodes in my jaw swelled up for 4 months during a major flare up I had.(it was living hell)

Epstein Barr is a retro virus and a member of the herpies virus family. The same family of retro virus  is now being redesigned to specifically target brain tissue and being tested in clandestine studies.

Don't believe it please listen to Leonard, it explains the history of whats happening in detail
Its long winded but very informative and well documented

Off Topic / Re: Phthalates how can I avoid them?
« on: August 15, 2010, 06:46:09 am »
as soon as you get it home take the plastic off and store it in Pyrex container, the longer the plastic is in contact with your meat the more chemicals can leach onto the food.

Anything you can do to lighten the load of endocrine disruptor's should be done,

don't handle the store receipts

3% BPA by weight highly toxic

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:54:57 am »
Autism is a hack quack term that describes a type of brain damage that manifest itself in a number of mental afflictions.

Its a spectrum disorder which means some cases are severe and others are mild, perhaps some manifestations are so mild that they aren't ever diagnosed.

My uncle Scott was 10 months old in 1967, he was injected with diptet, days later he began to cry constantly and was never right after that, he had severe behavioral problems and he was always a little off, but because it was before doctors stated calling brain damage autism he was never proprely diagnosed.( my grandmother swore it was the shot, she is a nurse and highly intelligent, (I believe her)

Were do you drawl the line between autism and what is natural stupidity.
I have seen the blank look of those afflicted its truly horrible

I believe that milder forms of autism are often ignored or called something else like ADHD. It is a hidden epidemic that in most people my only manifest as childish stupidity and listlessness.

Its a bigger problem than is being portrayed,1 in 60 boys has significant brain damage{autism} I wonder what is the number of those only mildly afflicted.

My bet is its cause by brain eating bio weapon's
It is my gut feeling that this has been designed to keep highly intelligent people from developing the higher states of consciousness which would to break free from the tyranny we are being born into.

Its a way to poke out the third eye.

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:09:26 am »
I think some of these Revelations could spark a golden age of awareness to the true nature of life and give a refreshing purpose to the old Darwinian school of evolution.  Natural selection theory still leaves many things to be explained , and I wish more research was being done on ways to enhance the expression of positive traits, instead of just studying what causes their distruction.(wrong end of the microscope stupid scientist)

The willingness of the DNA to reform itself under environmental stress,  proves that the will to survive and adapt is built into the structure of life itself. Life does have a spirit that dives it to higher and higher states of being, We are the evidence, human thought being the pinnacle of the earth bound life force   (just my intuition speaking)

I would love to start spreading my theory to whoever will listen, but circumstances limit my productivity as an investigator , biologist , activist ,; I am also a father of three soon to be four and I work as an electrician, and a lover of my woman who thinks I waste my time on this nonsense.

I am epigentialy adapted to this Field of thought, My father has a masters in biology, my one grandmother was an English teacher and my other grandmother is a nurse who really thinks outside the box. I am intuitively aware of many things I am unable to describe and have had a number of life changing experiences that prodded me to seek out and speakout on the great mystery's.

The reality of my own biological existence has turned me into a shell of the man I know could have been, if only allowed to live as my paleo forfathers, I am always aware of this and it hurts to see what is happening before my very eyes to my fellow humans.

Through my trials with illness ,I have been rescued by this diet and the mode of thinking that is the essence of paleo man. Now out of gratitude I wish to spread the good word and help others as the good Samaritan and Taylor have helped myself.

I have now set my guns on exposing everything that is anti paleo, because you cannot achieve an evolutionary peak, while subdued by these modern day scourges, and its my intuition that the genetic alterations that are being forced on us through vaccination, which is at the very top of what is anti paleo, as well as an assalt on the greatespirit itself.( this is the at the heart of my madness)

To introduce cloned sequences  of hybrid viral DNA into my body against my will, is WAR against humanity
I think the next epoch of human existence will be severely marked by the ignorance and sickness caused by the artificial genetic alteration of our species.

General Discussion / Re: Is melanoma from the sun BULLSHIT?
« on: August 14, 2010, 05:41:52 pm »
Its kinda gross but Ia Mexican I work with claims that you can massage egg yoke into you skin as a treatment for dry skin and sunburn, which seemed to me absurd at first

But if you study the role of cholesterol in creating melanin and vitamin D as well as other helpfull hormones, it seems feasible.

He also says that you can use lemon rind for underarm deodorant, and tells my stories about his cousin who drinks blood and is built like a beast.(seems credible}

Maybee we should use egg yoke for paleo sunscreen

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