The reality can no longer be totally suppressed by the controlled media anymore about the true danger and magnitude of damage being done by vaccinations
India has put a ban after 4 cases of instant death within hours of the measles shots in children under 9 months. Children all over the world are developing neurological episodes and convulsions after vaccination adjevents are a key point in this discussion(i personaly belong to the thimerisol generation)
Studies done on animals in the 1920s conclusively proved that thimerisol was to toxic even for animal vaccines so why was it being injected into children 80 years later.
Do you honestly think that because they take the Mercury out and replace it with other toxic chemicals in vaccines that the problems will be resolved, these things are so unnatural and so anti paleo I don't see how it can be defended by anyone who reads into the subject.
I heard Mad Cow being brought up and I feel obligated to drop the knowledge bomb on the Mad Cow myth
Mad cow Disease was called Kuru by the Japanese during world war 2 where it was developed and experimented with as a bio weapon and unleashed on indigenous peoples. was claimed that it was spread by the practice of cannibalism ,by the researchers who resumed scientific studies after the Japanese were evicted,and Carleton Gajdusek won the Nobel prize for his research on the new decease that would slowly ravage the brain( Clearly a red haring)This man Dr.gajdueke was a monster, a stooge, and and convicted child rapist, who professed that the decease originated because of cannibalism.
The disease didn't exist until the Japanese began their experiments with extracting it from sheep's brains and concentrating the prions and injecting it into the natives. Its a wasting disease that took 20 years to begin cause the mad cow type symptoms, so by the time the western nations intelligence operations took over the research on the stricken people they were able to spin the data and did not menton the Japanese experimentation's in their Nobel prize report,(a red herring) Even in the sheep's where the disease originated, it wasn't a disease causing agent in the sheep's until the sheep were experimented on in order to develop the toxic concentrations of this quasi viral(prion) agent that triggers the brain wasting. The sheep's were inoculated with astronomically high amounts of the brain eatting agents and once they became diseased their brains were used to cultivate the weapon, So yes the disease existed in the natural world, but man altered it into a deadly agent. This is whats being covered up. Stanley Prusiner won the Nobel prize in 1997(an other red fish) for the discovery of prions, which were believed to be a causality agent in mad cow, kuru and possibly Alzheimer's and other brain wasting conditions.
Now I am just giving food for thought here and there are many More ideas out there regarding the origin and cause of the Brain wasting illness that is defined by the presents of these Prions. Some believe that Prions are a result reaction to aberrant protein metabolism and are natural cleansing agents that feed off of already degenerated brain tissue, and real cause is the aberrant toxic protein build up in the Brain due to unnatural diet , such as cows being fed dead cooked sheep bi products. These aberrant proteins and quasi viral cleansing agents get passed on to the humans who eat the deceased animals and over time begin to develop brain wasting Alzheimer's, etc. There is also evidence that these brain wasting conditions are now occurring in younger people than ever so it could be from contaminated beef, It takes 20 or thirty years for the kuru to cause the madness, and Alzheimer's disease follows similar lines of progression.
Maybe an issue for a new thread, even though autism and brainwasting caused by aberrant protein cleansing agents could be connected.
Now there are many other theories out there about the The cause and origins
The official story is just a theory that somehow it spontaneously occurred in sheep in England and was given to cows by the disgusting practice of feeding sheep offal to cows, then the infected cows passed it on to humans. But it doesn't answer the questions of the true origin which is most likely contaminated livestock vaccines, about the time of the first outbreaks in livestock there was a lot of experimental and very poorly developed inoculations being given to farm animals as well as the practice of feeding them decayed flesh, and if you think there are issues with human vaccination and experimentation then there must have been severe contamination of these animal vaccines as well. There was no way at the time to inactivate all the other pathogenic agents that developed in the vats of poison where the viral and bacterial cultures where brewing. This isn't a theory there is conclusive evidence that the older generations of shots where contaminated with man made disease causing agents, and I will not be told other wise