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Messages - sabertooth

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Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 04, 2010, 09:52:41 am »
The game is the same throughout history, anyone ever watch "The Good The Bad and The Ugly". It was masterful in the way it exposed the corrupt power structures of the world. The good towns people would have some stooge portrayed by an ugly foreigner, set lose to terrorize them by a blond haired savior who would catpure the fiend and shake down the poor people for a bounty that was conjured up, and then he would free the ugly and slip away with the good peoples savings, and repeat the scam in the next town, At the same time the greater powers were ravaging the land in the name of a civil war, which was instigated by other corrupt men for their own selfish purpose (Angel eyes played both sides). Its the same story that has been used since feudal times - kings would orchestrate mock battles to gain control of the peasants who only wanted piece love and happiness.

They sent the hippies to Vietnam, they sent modern  troops after an ugly man named bin laden only to have him slip away again and again after they make off with trillions in deffence spending, Its the same racket and we must break the spell or it will never end.

Just as people find peace they become as gullable as smurfs(serfs) and allow the wolfs in sheep's clothing to Shepard them to the slaughter, good nature will always trigger the averouse of outsiders and eventually end a utopia before it can be established, But If the Elders can actually educate their young in the tribal ways of rights of passage and be wise enough to recognize and rout out disruptive traits from within then they may be able to build a functional utopia. This is why the industrialized established public education as a way to separate the wise elders and their teachings from the young who where viewed as factory fodder. Read "Dumbing Us Down" by John Taylor Gatto (it woke me up).

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men blessed is he who in the name of charity and good Will Shepard the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children and I will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who will attempt to poison and distroy my brothers and you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.

Each man must build utopia according to his own vision. Try not to be bound to the decaying remains of yesterdays structures, You cant fix the Juggernaut give up the feudal attempts and start a commune

Hot Topics / Re: Early man ‘butchered and ate the brains of children
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:32:58 pm »
I believe that the priesthood of the Aztec were human farmers and would feast on raw human flesh after the ritual sacrifice(it may of given them great strength and intelligence that they used to build an empire and work on the great mysteries of the universe(mathematical thinking , star charting, spiritual intuition)

I compromise by taking a spoon full of liquefied bacterial ravaged meat with a good portion of fresh meat an fat that way I get a large dose of bacteria to help me turn the fresh meat into the most optimal human fuel I have ever lived off of

I don't care for the flavor of liquid rot, but I get past it by gulping it down with a sip of water,(its my medicine)Its never given me any ill effect. Is it possible to get meat too high?

I think av rotted meat for over a year and ate it with aged meat, a raw egg and raw milk; so if that combination hasn't killed him yet then there may not be a limit to the highness of meat as long as its not contaminated.

Hot Topics / Re: Early man ‘butchered and ate the brains of children
« on: September 03, 2010, 03:37:23 pm »
we have been spamed

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 03, 2010, 03:27:06 pm »
"adversity makes men
prosperity makes monsters" Victor Hugo

Now there is an other option. When the comet comes to wipe humanity off the face of the earth, we could dig in, and form a newer blinder society of mole men that can then evolve to dwell in the safety of the darkness deep within the earths protected caverns.( life will find a way)Who knows maybe there are mole people that have yet to be discovered.

Welcoming Committee / Re: NEWBIE!!!! Q & A
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:46:48 am »
yes its all for the greater good, no offence, I just wanted people to know that there is exceptions to the lean grassfed paradigm, I appreciate people calling me out if I am wrong, because I do tend to get over zealous and even talk a bit of nonsense every now and then,

We all need to work to ensure that the paleo foods we enjoy are as pure as possible

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:27:56 am »
If the government cant stay small then it must be cut down to size
Anarchy is as much of a pipe dream as Utopia, I personally believe that (all is as it should be) and the revolution must be continuous and never ending in order to maintain equanimity. Possibly its all controlled by the stars(can you escape your fate) good society must be found within the calm after the storm and must be enjoyed before the last wave thrashes the new fangeld way upon the poor souls who make a noble attempt at living a good life. We hear of legends of shangral and pax romana, or Atlantis, even if these societies were real and near perfection, they never last, so must they be flawed or at least sabotaged by the jealousy of the gods,(just musing while listening to stefs perspective)sorry for being nonsensical

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as
to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost
in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from
time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It is its natural manure." Thomas Jefferson

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High-meat effects?
« on: September 03, 2010, 06:39:24 am »
There is a mini fridge compartment in the bottom of the unit

Welcoming Committee / Re: NEWBIE!!!! Q & A
« on: September 03, 2010, 06:19:12 am »
Typically grainfed is more marbled, but this is special, It is Kentucky pasture raised black Angus fed on the mineral rich bluegrass and spring waters of central Kentucky.(black Angus can be well marbled on a pristine pastured environment). My butcher said he sells the top part of the chuckeye sales for 7 dollars a pound. This isn't grain fed nor is it scrub grass southwest beef, Its taste is creamy and clean(I just like to brag)
Sam the butcher takes pride in offering the finest quality meat for his restaurant and butcher shop

On the other hand I have had grainfinished from whole foods and its tasty but if I eat a lot of it I eventually lose my apatite for it. I have tried the grass feed that is Georgia raised, and it wasn't very good and I lost my appetite for it. The beef in the photo is by far the best stuff I have had so far( looks can be deceiving)
Its a myth that only grain feed animals marble well

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:44:12 pm »
I am still a hold out for the American Dream

Small farm villa, 40 achers and a mule where Me,the wife and my children can subsist off the free range live stock, and co-op with neighbors for the rest of our matterial necessities. Educate the young to live free and follow their hearts. And If they wish to go out into Babylon then they can allways have no worries because the homestead will always be there to take them back.

I have already taken the first steps, I free range chickens and have the kids gather eggs. I was milking two goats until I slaughtered them for meat, I want to raise the little ones in the spirit of tom sawyer and when they are older I will take them down the Kentucky river on a raft and adventure through Dannel boons national forrest. My boy loves to run through the creeks and I point out all the wild life(he says he is fishing for whales).I am going to give them a classical education. Perhaps they can carry on the torch toward the promise land.

This may be only a dream, but so what ,If I cant escape the dystopia that is encroaching around me then I would rather ride out like Don Quixote And proclaim my greatness and bring honor to the waste land while riding on my jackass, you are what you dream,

There have been good societies of people who have lived that type of dream I hold as an Ideal, they were called the vagabonds and gypsies, their camps were often full of life and cheer and good company, they were the fringe of society and although not perfect it offered the next best thing(something Real)

I believe our species is tribal by nature and large hive like societies are against our nature so no optimal communities can be maintained within the framework of the great society(cultivate a smaller garden; its much more rewarding than working on the big Agra farm)

I am not a wealth man but I am rich in other ways, (Its not having what you want its making the most of what you got)

Health / Re: Salmonella food poisoning
« on: September 02, 2010, 11:46:58 am »
I sometimes wonder if salmonella is just a scapegoat that distracts people from the fact that there are other contaminates involved in food poisoning that allow the bacterial bugs to infect those afflicted.  The recent egg recall was linked by the mainsteam with feed contaminated with "salmonella" but I'm not convinced. The feed might of been contaminated with other toxins that weakend the immune systems of the birds and allowed the toxic waste to be passed on to who ever eats it, and salmonella is singled out as a cause, while all other factors are ignored.(germ theory)

I used to eat raw chicken when I started out paleo, sometimes I would feel good after eating it and sometimes it would not set right with my instinctual intuition(no food poisoning, just a hunch)I did have diarrhea after eatting some chicken livers, so I quit eatting chicken alltogether, I keep 6 free range chickens and drink about 3 eggs a day.

Welcoming Committee / Re: NEWBIE!!!! Q & A
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:00:15 am »

I buy these chuck eye rolls 40 pounds 110 dollars, pasture raised black Angus, very marbled

Try and get fatty cuts , ultra pure raw fat is really the key to going raw paleo successfully.

I eat about 2 pounds a day of my beef with a little of lamb fat (I get for free)

I was trying to buy a whole cow for cost savings, but SAM the butcher is such an angle he gives me these cases at wholesale,

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 02, 2010, 06:44:56 am »
The Founders of America were libertines at heart, many of them drank partied chased women , smoked cannabis an tried to have a good time, they hated the overreaching authority of statism, and fought the revolutionary war as a way to expell the British empire from their back yard. They tried to build a new state were liberties were guarantied, they didn't build a powerfull central government out of ignorance of what becomes of powerfull governments, they understood the catch 22 that once a great empire threatins the people of the regions of the world the only way to protect the people from that tyranny is to form a confederation that can meet that threat with equal force. Of course once the empire is vanquished there are always great forces from within that are eager to form their own empire. The founders knew what potential monster they were creating, they were only optimistic that the framework of their government would protect the people for long enough to be able to develop a better way. It was the best they could do. They all warned the next generation about the return of tyranny , but by then the money changers had already begun their building of the American empire. Listen to their warnings

History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance."
— James Madison

I sincerely believe... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816. ME 15:23

The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government ... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it. Andrew Jackson

I am convinced that there might not be much we can do to improve the state of society as long as the Rothschild's still controll half the worlds money supply, that we all use to build our societies. Don't believe me

Watch the money masters documentary on youtube

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:01:16 pm »
Utopia, stems from a Russian word that means, nowhere

Journals / Sabertooths wildlife sanctuary
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:22:59 pm »
Welcome everyone to my side of the jungle

come, gather round the carcass and feast on the raw experience and give thanks to the flesh of life that has given us a better way to live.

This is the start of my open ended testimony to the world about my transformation during the past 7 months on my diet, as well as an place were I can frolic in free thought and fathom the greater depths involved in human experience

I believe there is much more to life than Mir observable factual phenomenon and that paleo mans mind must have been livid with superstitions and spiritual intuition beyond our own understanding. I would like to get into the mind set of a more primal humanity and perhaps shed this thin Vail of the civilized  and once again live and breath in the spirit of our paleo ancestors.

I am emerging from a state of prolonged sickness that I have endured for about 6 years prior, and I could write a book to describe the hell I have lived through from chronic fatigue to unexplainable immune dysfunctions, blood sugar and digestive issues; also suffered mental problems. I believe I may have been exposed to occupational poisons working as an electrician, and possibly most of my sever viral episodes(Epstein Barr) were secondary causes that only occurred after the immune system was already damaged. I really don't want to get into it to deeply right now.(bad memory's) I can say for sure that the only thing to give me improvement has been the raw paleo diet and I am grateful for the opportunity to live life with new hope and optimism.

Hot Topics / Re: What's your idea of a perfect society?
« on: September 01, 2010, 06:55:31 pm »
The founders of the united states we very libertarian and understood that they were considered livestock by their colonial overloads, they were able to earn a marginal freedom(like the cows that banged their heads against the wall were eventually allowed some more free space) People of colonial America earned the limited freedoms provided in the constitution only by the colonials taking over the farm.
Its an unholy compromise that the libertarians were fighting for, which ultimate goal is not absolute liberty, it was only to obtain the maximum level of freedom that a controlled society will tolerate. They believe in the free ranged model humanity(even colonial slaves were given certain liberties) ,and I tend to side with this Ideal. There is a utility that is served by the subservience of the populations to higher organizational power, but we must never allow the Money Masters to forgit that human beings aren't productive in captivity and that we must be given some consesions or else we can and will take over the Animal Farm. This is the compromise that has been constantly being haggeld over since the first manors were established, and people flocked to them like moths to the flame, willing to serve their babalonyal masters in exchange for security and a humble home on the plantation. We the people must not accept the first offer and understand our worth and not allow ourselves and our children to be sold short. Live and expound the attitude that we diseve more than just chicken scratch.

As the farms grow into these huge conglomerations like the American Union and European Union, I agree that the food sources will be more and more corrupt, perhaps even deliberately altered in order to cull and weaken us( just investigate Gm soy and its effects). The loads of old England in the days of robin hood often put bans on hunting for the serfs, while they feasted on game meat(they often stood a foot taller than their malnourished slaves.Even they understood that If young boys were allowed enough game meat into their diet they would grow up so strong ,intelligent and physically powerful to be controlled). The overloads of today's world understand this as well and this is why most public school systems in the United States feed the kids meals that consist of 30% GM Soy(which is proven to make the males more androgynous). In the UK they put Sodium fluoride in the school milk (This poisons the mind). The water fluoridation programs were developed in order to knock off IQ points of the general population. I could go on forever about how we are the Intelligent independent spirit has been culled out of us just as the wild animals were culled off from the breading stock during the domestication of farm animals. The human farmers cant allow for People like Thomas Jefferson to exist, so in order to maintain the stability of the farm they must ensure that people wont be given the type of classical education, and organic diet that produced the Sons of Liberty in colonial America.

 Perhaps raw meat added to the mix of classical education would create a class of man like the Huns who were totaly incapable of being domesticated, so a raw civilization may never be possible without a centralized power conditioning the young to accept authority, and behave themselves

There was a book, Island, written by Aldous Huxley and on this Island in the south pacific a group of pioneering westerners merged with the Free living Islanders and created an Ideal society that used limited technology to enhance the lives of people, and without an evil hierarchy the people are liberated and spend their lives building a paradise were the children are educated to enjoy life and encouraged to maintain an open heart and free spirit. Of course they are surrounded by a world of evil and their Island is threatend by a power hungry colonel who wants to take controll over the entire region and steal the Islands oil supply(this was written in the 1960s) I suggest if you are looking for Ideals on building the perfect society you give this book a read, It really helped my Faith in humanity. The island people ate a lot of fish and I am sure they wouldn't mind people eatting raw meat.

The book opens with a quote by Aristotle,"when framing the Ideal we may assume as we wish but should avoid impossibilities"

Journals / Re: Wolf's Journal
« on: August 31, 2010, 07:42:15 pm »
My raw diet cost about 10 dollars a day and its cheaper than the organic vegtable crap I used to eat. I buy in bulk 40 pounds of pasture beef 110 dollars last me 3 weeks, Then I top it off with little extras like a pack of marrow a week , a jar of coconut butter, lemons, and occasional sea food or road kill.
Don't get discoraged get resourceful you may have to tell your dad about you diet in order to save money buy finding bulk sources,

We are often enthusiastic in telling people the wonders of paleo but leave newbies lacking on some details, like how Paramount it is to get ultra clean high quality food which may be too expensive to obtain, don't get discoraged and by any means don't eat supermarket franken feed meat, go foraging find a hunter and take his scraps, scavenge if possible.

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 30, 2010, 04:17:30 pm »
Don't mind My facetious nature, for I am the fundamentalist fanatic I was referring to, because this butter is truly the only processed food I eat, I do believe debate is important as a tool to squeeze out a consensus or at least a mutually understanding of what it is to be a modern day Paleo man.

I'm just a Wild Cat by nature so most of the negative insinuation is part of my feline nature and not an attempt to Buffalo my position, which I stand by, that this butter is about as raw as you can get when it comes to processed coconut, and its leaps and bounds above coconut oil in taste, digestibility, and nutritional content,(these are the issues I would like to discuss on this thread)
I know the importance of the whole raw thing is paramount but you must keep it into the context of the thread which is coconut oil which even if cold presses it is still a non paleo food concentrate, and I think the butter is better because it contains the nutrition of the whole coconut

Like you the oil just didn't set with me right, but the butter seems to work wonders, it has fiber and very low glycemic carbs that seem to buffer the fat and facilitate better digestion and absorbsion, I understand the issue of cost I spend 60 dollars a month on the stuff and I am fairly poor, so all I can give is my testimony and personal recommendation that anyone who uses coconut oil or who wants a better alternative should at least try one jar, I melt the butter and use it for a dipping sauce. Its truly a divine dessert.

I only found it by chance, before I was trying to mix ghee and coconut oil to add fat to my diet, because I didn't yet have a good raw fat source for the low carb approach, It was tolerable, but I didn't feel it was optimal. I fist saw non raw coconut butter on Marks daily apple and was interested in Trying it ,but it took a month or so before I saw it on the store shelf.

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 30, 2010, 04:16:38 pm »'s/msg44670/#msg44670

I'm not a fundamentalist fanatic by any stretch of the imagination (not that you were necessarily implying that, but I'll try to put you more at ease by explaining this)--you only have to glance at my avatar caption "mostly-raw facultative carnivore" (it doesn't say 100% raw zero carber, for example)--to know that, and I've been on the receiving end of some tut-tutting in the past for being insufficiently pure in both my rawness and low-carbness, but that coconut butter is expensive and I am more interested in factual answers to my questions than opinions. I'm curious about coconut butter and do intend to try it because coconut oil is indigestible and nasty tasting for me unless I mix it in with something else. If you don't have the answers, that's fine, maybe someone else will. That's the beauty of forums.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 30, 2010, 03:49:56 pm »
The reality can no longer be totally suppressed by the controlled media anymore about the true danger and magnitude of damage being done by vaccinations
India has put a ban after 4 cases of instant death within hours of the measles shots in children under 9 months. Children all over the world are developing neurological episodes and convulsions after vaccination
The adjevents are a key point in this discussion(i personaly belong to the thimerisol generation)
Studies done on animals in the 1920s conclusively proved that thimerisol was to toxic even for animal vaccines so why was it being injected into children 80 years later.
Do you honestly think that because they take the Mercury out and replace it with other toxic chemicals in vaccines that the problems will be resolved, these things are so unnatural and so anti paleo I don't see how it can be defended by anyone who reads into the subject.

I heard Mad Cow being brought up and I feel obligated to drop the knowledge bomb on the Mad Cow myth
Mad cow Disease was called Kuru by the Japanese during world war 2 where it was developed and experimented with as a bio weapon and unleashed on indigenous peoples.
It was claimed that it was spread by the practice of cannibalism ,by the researchers who resumed scientific studies after the Japanese were evicted,and Carleton Gajdusek won the Nobel prize for his research on the new decease that would slowly ravage the brain( Clearly a red haring)This man Dr.gajdueke was a monster, a stooge, and and convicted child rapist, who professed that the decease originated because of cannibalism.
The disease didn't exist until the Japanese began their experiments with extracting it from sheep's brains and concentrating the prions and injecting it into the natives. Its a wasting disease that took 20 years to begin cause the mad cow type symptoms, so by the time the western nations intelligence operations took over the research on the stricken people they were able to spin the data and did not menton the Japanese experimentation's in their Nobel prize report,(a red herring) Even in the sheep's where the disease originated, it wasn't a disease causing agent in the sheep's until the sheep were experimented on in order to develop the toxic concentrations of this quasi viral(prion) agent that triggers the brain wasting. The sheep's were inoculated with astronomically high amounts of the brain eatting agents and once they became diseased their  brains were used to cultivate the weapon, So yes the disease existed in the natural world, but man altered it into a deadly agent. This is whats being covered up. Stanley Prusiner won the Nobel prize in 1997(an other red fish) for the discovery of prions, which were believed to be a causality agent in mad cow, kuru and possibly Alzheimer's and other brain wasting conditions.

Now I am just giving food for thought here and there are many More ideas out there regarding the origin and cause of the Brain wasting illness that is defined by the presents of these Prions. Some believe that Prions are a result reaction to aberrant protein metabolism and are natural cleansing agents that feed off of already degenerated brain tissue, and real cause is the aberrant toxic protein build up in the Brain due to unnatural diet , such as cows being fed dead cooked sheep bi products. These aberrant proteins and quasi viral cleansing agents get passed on to the humans who eat the deceased animals and over time begin to develop brain wasting Alzheimer's, etc. There is also evidence that these brain wasting conditions are now occurring in younger people than ever so it could be from contaminated beef, It takes 20 or thirty years for the kuru to cause the madness, and Alzheimer's disease follows similar lines of progression.
Maybe an issue for a new thread, even though autism and brainwasting caused by aberrant protein cleansing agents could be connected.    
Now there are many other theories out there about the The cause and origins

The official story is just a theory that somehow it spontaneously occurred in sheep in England and was given to cows by the disgusting practice of feeding sheep offal to cows, then the infected cows passed it on to humans. But it doesn't answer the questions of the true origin which is most likely contaminated livestock vaccines, about the time of the first outbreaks in livestock there was a lot of experimental and very poorly developed inoculations being given to farm animals as well as the practice of feeding them decayed flesh, and if you think there are issues with human vaccination and experimentation then there must have been severe contamination of these animal vaccines as well. There was no way at the time to inactivate all the other pathogenic agents that developed in the vats of poison where the viral and bacterial cultures where brewing. This isn't a theory there is conclusive evidence that the older generations of shots where contaminated with man made disease causing agents, and I will not be told other wise

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:37:23 am »
I have had raw whole coconuts and they are nearly impossible to get fresh in Kentucky, The ones I have eaten have given me headaches and weren't very pleasent to eat. This butter taste wonderfull and makes me feel good , what else matters unless your a fundamentalist fanatic. Its the only processed food I eat and its nearly raw and organic so I sleep good at night.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:25:04 am »
I think a lot of people like me feel powerless about things we cannot control, or we thrash out blindly at those people and ideas that seem to exert a negative energy over us. I know that most people are just as hopeless and lost about the mysteries involved in dread diseases like autism as I am.

The Ideal that there is nowhere to run and that we cant head for the hills as my ansesters did in the great depression, isn't a decree of powerlessness it is meant to say that we must make a stand and work to put a short leash on this uncontrollable technology that is now in the hands of people who do not comprehend the danger. To warn the people and ride out like Paul Revere should not be looked on as fear mongering or misanthropic fatalism. Its a battle cry, tyranny was never totally vanquished during the revolution, it was only kept at bay, every day is a revolution and we are all responsible keeping the light(one if by land two if by sea the British are coming the British are coming)

Tyranny isn't always the deliberate will of the evil spirit, it is also the ignorance of misguided fools who allow the existence of such evil. I just don't want to be a part of either , but sadly the duality of action and inaction seems to leave me smack dab in the middle of it. I know I must do something even if I risk pissing off the Torys. believe it or not, I have practiced positive thinking and transcendentalism, Its just hard to keep you center when your burning with madness and sickness as I was Pre paleo

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 29, 2010, 07:14:05 am »
In some tropical areas were coconuts are grown the temperature reaches 115  so I doubt that 115 could do damage that would cause harm to the nutritional qualities of the coconut, and with the indigestible fiber removed, the nutrients that are left are More bio available, so I think its not compromising anything , except  an Ideal that doesn't apply to coconut

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 29, 2010, 06:58:45 am »
I will make some digressions and try to tone down the maniacal rhetoric, Just
realize it stems from a belief that many people in my family have been harmed by vaccines(I know)
Its possible because of some faulty genes or what not ,but take into consideration that different tribes of people were designed to live under different circumstances and that a shot that is harmless to you may be devastating to me, there needs to be more research done so that those prone to bad reactions can be given safer alternatives.

I have native American blood in me and just as the native Americans where devastated by the white mans diseases, perhaps My family is being devastated by the white mans medical magic while the average European pure blood person may be unaffected

My contention is that I wasn't given a choice this was forced on me and I can not take it back

 My ancestors lived healthy lives without the white mans poison and that opportunity was stolen form me (Its a mater of liberty and Ideals as well as what is deemed best by the lab coat class. So please don't missunderstand my spirit in this fight. Remember that before Columbus there were 60 million natives living in Harmony with out these concoctions; yes life was sometimes brutal and unfair sometimes but at least they were free.

Genetic engineering I fear has the potential to do great harm whether or not autism can be linked to it or not, may be another issue.  please understand there is no where to run from this new invasion,  

My concern is that the genie is out of the bottle now and we may never be able to live and evolve as nature would intend, now that the majority of humanity is being altered by these artificial agents, and polluted with who knows what, and there is a sweeping under the rug of those afflicted with the new emerging conditions, I don't trust the numbers given out by the ones considered to be authorities or the explanations as to how the trends should be accepted as normal,(the price we pay for technology)

I wish to leave the reservation as one of a thousand points of light that will lead the way to a freer place, I might be wrong about the details of the world of mans powerstructure, but I am right about more pressing things, like the free spirits of my wife and children which I feel are threatened by that structure even if I cant articulate in the newspeak required by society, what the True nature of the danger may be, Its my intuition that tells me what is good and bad, not abstract scientific statistics or social commentary alone

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