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Messages - sabertooth

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Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 29, 2010, 05:37:27 am »
theres that straw man again , no one debate that sv40 as injected into people and it along with other poisons in vaccines have caused damage, whether or not its deliberate doesn't take away from the resulting causalities, Those hamsters shot up with the sv40 shots extracted from the Merck seed stock just developed tumors naturally.. ha debate the issue of retrovirus induced DNA damage I care not for the conspiracies either, but when the man behind the curtain speaks someone should listen.

General Discussion / Re: lime disease
« on: August 29, 2010, 05:26:51 am »
Its hard to quantify the improvements I have experienced over the last 7 months because of the many various conditions I was experiencing.

I was really sick last winter and was beginning to develop diabetes.
Within a two month span I caught H1N1 hand foot and mouth and some other stomach bug, I had chronic viral outbreaks, as well as severe dispare and mental breakdowns, I was wasting away to 135 pounds.

The winter before I had viral meningitis, and K-9 parvo,

A common occurrence seemed to be happening to me I would get a itchy rash over my thymus, sore throat and experience episodes of fatigue and dementia after eatting anything. The flu forced my wife into early labor and while she was in the hospital I made a vow to heal myself for the sake of the babies, that's when I found this diet.

I went cold Turkey onto a low carb diet of raw goat and deer diet with coconut butter, and within a couple of weeks my blood sugars normalized my digestive issues disappeared.

I still get that thymus rash and milder flareups of what used to be weeks of hell. I truly fell better and no longer have issues with depression and hopelessness, It seems that the diet has been the only thing to give me improved heath

I quickly got back up to 170 pounds and have increased vitality as well as mental clarity.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 29, 2010, 03:25:58 am »
If most scientist in the world jumped off a bridge would you follow :P

Most scientist are compartmentalized stooges of the universities that are run by the big money foundations. Just like the doctor in the video was a lower level henchman who didn't even know the whole story. The higher up overseeres of Merck also run the bio weapons labs for the government, they are run by the same people.With all the scientist kept in their separate compartments most never are privy to the who truth.

do you deny what the good doctor said in the video

There is no way for the scientific comunity to test whether the genetic changes involved in autism could have resulted from epigenic changes induced by contaminated vaccines (this is the point I make, all the details about who knew what and evil eugenicist are just the back drop I use to give this theory more shock value

Regardless of the human dramas involved, There is genetic damage occurring and no one is 100% sure why.

So when I find evidence that these contaminated shots are pr oven to cause genetic damage, I feel obligated to bring it into the forrum. No one has disputed the facts in( the truth about lies) in a way that puts my mind at ease.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 28, 2010, 05:20:38 pm »
what if those genetically engineered viruses were accidentally created by the process of vaccine production and not intentional additives, but hidden contaminates, It took years for the scientist to discover sv40 and even after it was proven to cause cancer in all animals it was tested in,  it wasn't take out of the vaccine supply until the 1980s.

SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing p53 in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen and SV40 Small T-antigen. p53 is responsible for initiating regulated cell death ("apoptosis"), or cell cycle arrest when a cell is damaged. A mutated p53 gene may contribute to uncontrolled cellular proliferation, leading to a tumor.

SV40 is one of hundreds of altered animal viruses shot into humans during the dark ages of vaccine production.

The media isn't omi present and the outlet of this information is restricted by the government labs that produce these vaccines, This is all documented, its just suppressed
this sums up my sentiments on the subject

If you want the whole story watch the whole documentary(in lies we trust)
Dr. Sabin who created the polio vaccine admits it was contaminated with cancer virus
listen to this mad scientist calmly discuss the reality of the situation. I don't think the Rothschild's will ever show this interview on your television Aha.(main stream media also says you will die if you eat raw meat)

I am still in disbelief my self at the degree that the cover up has been effective in keeping even the most well informed in the dark

Evil doesn't always have to be completely deliberate to be evil, The fact is, that the people who released this poison on us on accident isn't evil in itself. What is evil is the cover up that occurred once the scientist found out that their miracle drugs where dangerous poisons that should have been taken off the market. Instead they covered their tracks and kept doing it

Not only that, but the huge profits that have been reaped by the same pharmaceutical companies trying to treat the conditions they are responsible for causing.(Its the farming of human suffering)
No one should be able to profit from this type of enterprize

The whole thing disgust me, and whats worse very few people realize the total corruption involved

Welcoming Committee / Re: Raw Vegan not practical
« on: August 28, 2010, 04:29:07 pm »
I have ordered meat from slankers and It seemed the most reasonable as far as price and taste
Quality is definitely a key issue when talking about eatting raw meat, or anything else

Beef is a good staple, for its easier to get good quality at lower cost than other animals
raw eggs are also good to start on, its good to have some variety, sea food often contains minerals that are deficient in land animals.

I order these 20 pound chuckeye rolls form a restrant, its all pasture raised, very fatty cuts
A lot of grass fed meat is lean so you may have to add a little fat trimmings to you meals, or bone marrow
Many paleos believe that the proper fat ratio required in the optimal diet( there is great benefits to switching from plant carbs to animal fat as the primary fuel source

washing with lemon is not necessary, many paleos believe that surface bacteria on raw meat are harmless and could be beneficial, kinda like a probiotic for meat digestion. Many of us eat aged meat and high meat with positive effects. ( I still drink a little lemon water, but not with meals}

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi Everyone!
« on: August 28, 2010, 03:59:22 pm »
Lyme Disease is often a symptom of an already weakend immune system and any medical treatments only temporarily keep the bugs at bay, and if the bodies conditions aren't improved there will be remissions.

It is a hidden epidemic that causes problems in many people who are completely unaware of whats happening.

I was ill as well with an unnamed condition that resembled Lyme, the doctors called it chronic fatigue , Epstein Barr syndrome, but I also had blood parasites.

The point is, that my immune system was fried and I only got relief from eatting zero carb raw paleo.

I really think that raw paleo fortifies and stimulates positive immune responce while the zero carb improves metabolic functioning and helps the body to starve out harmful pathogens

My suggestion would be to try to move toward Zero carb while slowly introducing age meat and eventually high meat into the diet.(I believe AV is right on about how high meat is the ultimate immune system building tonic)This has worked wonders for me

I am personally wary of any type of dairy, although some people can tolerate it , I think its less than optimal. At least try to phase out raw milk while switching to zero crab, and see if there is improvement,
If dairy/ carbs are causing any problems you should notice improvements fairly quickly.

Each paleo diet should be tailored to give you the maximum healing potential, just pay close attention to how these dietary changes affect you and once you become adapted to a high fat low carb diet you should be amazed at how you body begins to instinctively crave the food you need to heal

General Discussion / Re: lime disease
« on: August 28, 2010, 10:04:44 am »
Lyme is a very common issue that often stays dormant in most people who have contracted it, so they are totally unaware of the condition

Almost all dogs have antibodies to it so it must exist everywhere they do.

I have been diseased for about 7 years with no real diagnosis except chronic fatigue, and with all my symptoms Lyme was always a candidate. What ever you have I agree with TD that a raw paleo diet if correctly done will be your best hope for relief.

Its the only thing that's worked for me, and Ive been down the road of natural healing; most of it is smoke and mirrors based on naive assumptions and wishfull thinking,(raw paleo is radically different form anything else out there, and I believe it is better than anything I have found so far.)

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 28, 2010, 09:55:10 am »
convulsions are a very common adverse reactions to vaccines,

my brother got( ITP an auto immune condition linked to measles) after the measles shot and developed seizures in later child hood. His case was never reported

The original chicken pox shot(bioengineering herpes) had to be altered because it caused a 2 fold incease in seizures
(my cousin got a seizure disorder shortly after receiving the shot)
             I like how they call twice as many seizures a "slight increase"

The swine flu shot has caused a 5 fold increase in convulsions and other neurological disorders in children, and is now not recommended for children under 5

Don't believe the Numbers given by the CDC, the problem is much greater than most want to believe

 most reactions are relatively mild and never reported (that doesn't mean that damage does not occur)

These are the brain eatting bio weapons( its eugenics hidden in plain sight.)

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 28, 2010, 07:38:26 am »
Explain this double standard

so why is it acceptable to say that grandparents who eat bad food could be harming their children ,

 but its conspiracy to suggest that grandparents injected with monkey cancer DNA altering virus(sv40,Ect) pass on that genetic damage to their autistic progeny.

I agree that there is DNA damage occurring on all fronts(chromosomal Chaos is the new scourge)
Faulty DNA theory doesn't explain the how or way these genes are going AWOL.

There is a lot of evidence that proves that the last generations of vaccines were contaminated with monkey retro virus that cause these types of gene errors,

HIV was not the only retrovirus injected into people

These viruses are genetically altered cross species hybrids that were bred in vats of the foulest concoctions you could imagine.

The retrovirus like sv40, Epstein Barr, herpes 6, ect.... cause a chain reaction called reverse transcripties, where the DNA starts to reproduce in backward codes, which triggers autoimmune reactions and lasting DNA damage that can be passed on and be diagnosed as genetic flaws.

50% of the first women given the contaminated polio shot eventually developed breast cancer(who knows what kind of genetic damage they passed on.( my wife's grandmother got breast cancer 5 years after the shot when she was 35)She struggled with it for 10 years and died at 45

Cancer virus don't just cause cancer, they disrupt the factoring of the DNA,That is at the core of Flaw theory

I am not naive, there are many other factors involved in what causes the gentic damage, but If you look deep into the cover up you will find that the early vaccine trials on the Africans were horrendously brutal

Entire populations that rarely experienced cancer, were developing tumors and crippling immune dysfunction and death, within months of being vaccinated.

Epstein Barr was first discovered in the Jaw tumors of Africans who were receiving these experimental shots.

to bad no one cares to look at what really goes on over there (Its genocide)
Just because the crime was never documented and posted on a web site doesn't mean it didn't happen

There is a white wash going on and the only organizations who could expose it are the ones who work for the bastards that perpetrated these atrocities.( its been whitewashed)


Hot Topics / Re: fake meat within 5 years
« on: August 27, 2010, 07:20:39 pm »
edible cancer yummy.

my grandmother visited a pork slaughter house when she was young and told me that all the pigs were infested with tumors, the visible tumors were cut off and the rest was thrown in the meat grinder, I wonder how much cancer people have eatten this way already -\

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 27, 2010, 07:17:01 pm »
There are 7 g carbs per serving and I eat about 3 servings a day so that is 21 carbs plus two glasses of lemon water that brings me to around 30 grams of carbs per day, it works for me
I have eatten about a 16 ounce jar per week for the past six months and along with my meat and fat trimmings,marrow,eggs,ect; it has improved my health and wellbeing dramatically.

I tried the plain oil with blueberries(Its just too high glycemic and always gave me sugar spikes and now for some reason anything high fructose makes my sugar drop into the low 70s an hour or so afterward) I think the ultra low glycemic carbs in this coconut butter is what keeps me in a good balance.

I wishfor anyone who thinks that coconut oil is a little bland and tasteless should give it a try

It does have a statement on the side of each jar that some here may find appealing

Artisana..always Full Power Rae
Handmade with care, our organic live foods
are crafted using a special low temp process that
always presever the life-essentail fatty-acids
enzymes and vitamines

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 27, 2010, 09:27:58 am »
It is a special raw blend of coconut butter minimally processed

Its a phenomenon in itself(like nothing else, quasi paleo)
its coconut with some of the indigestible fiber cold pressed out

check the web page out: Its Artisana coconut butter.

Its a shame that most people dont know about this stuff, I found it by chance sitting next to the oil at the Whole Foods. Its 13 dollars a jar, so I think the price deters most shoppers, but I can tell you its worth it.

It has the complete nutrition of a whole coconut without the tough fibrous material 

General Discussion / Re: Raw organs
« on: August 26, 2010, 04:44:02 pm »
I have eaten raw testicles and can testify that they are not tasty but they do stimulate my libido

My sentiments as well, although there is issues with contamination with forgin substances that could act as a catalyst for the growth of undesirable molds and bacteria.

I was making aged meat in my old coconut butter Jars, and I didn't completely wipe the butter out of the lids(figure no biggy)Wrong

Some of the beef got a greenish, yellow tent; instead of the light brown that indicates more beneficial cultures.

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 26, 2010, 03:42:33 pm »
have you tried it

Coconut butter is not the same at all, it has the milk cream, flesh and oil blinded into a velvety treat.{its like a more concentrated raw coconut with some of the fiber removed),<<<low temperature prosess>>>

Oil is just coconut grease

 Raw Coconut Butter is made using a low-temperature process (below 115° F.) that preserves the vital enzymes, vitamins, and proteins. It is made from 100% certified organic coconut, with no preservatives or other additives, in a facility that does not process any peanut, gluten, or dairy products.

Ingredients: Organic, raw coconut

This stuff is not like other cooked coconut butter please don't jump to conclusions based on other brands and try it before you dismiss it(Its freaking great)

Those wise geeks dont know what ends up :P

brown meat is often very tasty,
if it is greenish or taste bad them don't eat it.
The decay that turns meat brown is is often beneficial bacteria pre digesting the meat for our benefit

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:10:54 am »
coconut butter is far Superior in taste and digestibility compaired to oil.
please take the challenge.try a Jar (IM totally addicted to the stuff)

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:00:08 pm »
my brothers adverse reaction was never reported, neither were all the secondary infections I contracted within two weeks of each childhood vaccination, the asthma I suffered etc..
you cant play god with the immune system without adverse reaction.

The numbers are cooked My wife's grandmother got cancer from the first polio shots that contain es sv40(documented)

Many developed shingles years after the smallpox shots, people I personaly know

My grandmother was 13 when injected and she told me she didnt feel right afterwards

These viruses cause the genetic mutations that allow secondary infections with the geneticaly altered retrovirus that cause things like autism, these are binary weapons that
since there are more than one factor involved there is always plausible deniability.

Hot Topics / Re: bob becks blood purifier.
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:59:32 am »
After the class action law suits against Monsanto for knowingly dumping PCBS on a predominately poor comunity, they lawyer-ed up and paid off the right people to have their skeletons burred even while people were still getting exposed and sickened the medical Establishment closed the books on PCB poisoning Now only Union electricians can afford t get proper testing; its a crime (atrocity)

I also worked in an area that a later found out was contaminated with radon, I spent days wiring these basements that the home owners had to have radon removal systems put in afterward,

Anyway PCBS and other toxins are stored in the fats so that this raw fat diet I am on really is flushing out the poisons(I do truly feel better than I have in years and I have a hope of living a good life and forgetting the hell I went through.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:40:53 am »
I believe in magic ;)
I have been toying with theory's about the intelligence of the DNA and its drive to survive

Perhaps humanity is moving towards a new age where the hive mentality is the preferable model so that the Jack of all trade/ man of the world model is dieing off and being replaced by autistic androids who can be more specialized, allthough less pragmatic and nothing like the hunter gatherer, (which we all revere)

This is the new phase of human evolution(or degeneration). I am not being outrageous here. There is something occurring that needs to be investigated with an open mind.

Studies show an across the board decline in IQ of 10 t0 20 points, universally in developed nations. I see near sighted kids with loopy disinterested dispositions, everywhere. This is where humanity is headed, since independent minded, intelligence and self reliance is no longer required for survival our epegentic expression's are beginning to disregard those traits and allowing them to fade out. Our DNA reacts to the environment and this brave new world is creating a new type of man; a man that I think is a shadow of his past greatness. Autism prevalence is only one of many phenomenon that can be looked on as evidence of this woefull trend.

So, we are beset by our own decadence and now must rely more heavily on technology to help cope with the genetic decay.  

I believe that these trends can be overcome by the spirit of life, which fights against degeneration and is capable of DNA reconstruction,

But with all the mad science that has been let lose along with intentional poisoning of the food water supply by the hidden hands of tyranny, I am a little uncertain about the future of the neo paleos like ourselves and our ability to protect our progeny against these afflictions like autism.

Its scary when your 18 month old first born son gets a viral infection that lingers off and on and he starts to act a little different and his eyes dialate: he also got some viral episode where his hip locked up
everything seemed to fade although he seems to have hyperactive episodes from time to time

It makes you wonder how much damage these things do. And then paranoid parrents like me read articles that say that measles and herpes 6 is found in the brains of autistic people(my brother had a severe reaction to the Measles shot (ITP) an developed seizures in later childhood. The more I study the more I believe these paranoid delusions that there are methods being deployed by design to bring about a quickening in the evolution of the autistic androids.

We are being culled!!!!whether or not its by scientific design or scientific ignorance; it is something most would rather not consider. -X

Fools rush in where angles fear to tread.( I ware this madness on my sleeve)  ;)

Hot Topics / Re: fake meat within 5 years
« on: August 25, 2010, 07:14:32 am »
Its more like rage against the machine.

I know artificial food is being engineered for the profit of the wealthy at the expense of my self

This synthetic future food will not corrupt the vitality of my progeny, so help me

You better believe that the ruling class wont be the first in line to eat soggy cloned pork.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:02:59 am »
The human brain is truly a freak of nature, and the genetic mutations that make it possible are very recent and and exist on a razors edge of genetic checks and balances. The Genesis and maintenance of the most complex living structure in the known universe(the human brain) is a very precarious endeavor on the part of the DNA and error is inevitable. The mutations that gives us genus also allow for our decent into madness. Autism might be a sign of the breaking down of this house of cards.

Whether  it is because of man made damage or a natural breakdown is the great controversy here, the truth may lay somewhere between.

Because those negatively afflicted with mild autism can still breed, they pass on the genes that could lead to more sever afflictions, or perhaps an autistic mind could lead to a positive condition such as the autistic savant.(Einstein may have been boarderline autistic) discovering what goes wrong with the autistic mind could lead us into the opposite direction which is to develop the human mind to its ultimate

Hot Topics / Re: bob becks blood purifier.
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:36:31 am »
yes I did use it as directed, I can remember a slight improvement after that first month, but then no further gains were made.

I don't believe my illness was primarily pathological even though I had high Epstein bar titers and blood parasites, I had a hair analysis done which showed my aluminum levels were off the chart as well as high manganese, cadmium, nickle,lead and potassium.  I also had low magnesium, selenium, and zinc.
I also believed that I may have been exposed to other industrial poution like PCBs and dioxins.

I believe that the blood purifier might have better results in a person who is less polluted.

I worked as a commercial electrician and was covered head to toe with metallic dust, asbestos

I changed out PCB filled ballast, and before I knew how bad the stuff was , often got it on my fingers.

I tried to get the doctors to look into the the issue of poisoning at the health department(waste of time)

One of the largest conspiracies out there is how the medical establishment goes out of its way to avoid linking environmental toxicity to illness, its a crime

They don't even test for PCBs in people anymore; only killer whales and polar bears,(I had that crap on my skin)

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: August 24, 2010, 11:26:23 am »
If autism is a natural occurrence or some genetic defect, then shouldn't the other great apes suffer similar conditions how many chimps do you see afflicted with this type of brain damage, if its natural to man and not chimp then what makes them immune; that 1 percent genetic difference must be to blame ;or is it environment?

I'm not sure??

Hot Topics / Re: bob becks blood purifier.
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:32:51 am »
I own a bob becks blood purifier I bought for 75 dollars on eBay.
I also used it to make colloidal silver.
It was when I was extremely ill and desperate for any relief.
It seemed to do little for my condition and I stuck it in a drawer.

Every now and then I will make some colloidal silver when I get sick,

since switching to raw paleo 7 months ago it hasn't been necessary

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