Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 14, 2010, 04:57:11 pm »Now Most adaptions to these desperation foods are not optimal, but they have ensured the survival of many non paleo groups of people.
We do build up antibodies against the aberrant proteins in plant matterial, and these antibodies are passed down through the generations and are the main agent that triggers these positive epegenetic adaptions.
So yes it is a sign that we weren't designed to ingest grain proteins, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and life finds away to adapt, these antibodies cause such trauma, that the genetic code is forced into making changes that will protect the organism in order to insure survival.
(This is universal in nature and it applies to the whole animal kingdom)
These adaptions do happen and are nothing to balk at, of course Its not Ideal and there are trade offs, the grain adapted people usually age prematurely and have crippling ailments that develop with age after the body losses its ability to cope with the toxic plant material. But by that time they have already done their gentic Job of reproduction.
Now something has been happening to modern people that has reversed the adaption process, which were far from complete, These epegentic adaptions to grains were very a recent and haphazard attempt by our genetic code to survive on the desperation diet of grain
The problem with grain is extremely multi faceted, because many other issues such as genetically modified viral injections, and agricultural poison that distroy the integrity of the immune system are emergent, and any adaption against the harmfull effects of plant protein are being compromised
We were only in the most primitive stage in the evolutionary adaption to grains when modern industrial poisons were thrown in the mix, it is my belief that it is the accumulative effects of improperly prepaired grain staples, industrial poisons, and toxins in cooked and processed foods that has upset the very, very delicate balance that was allowing for moderate grain adaption.
These epigenic changes that allowed for the utilization of the desperation foods, are the first to deteriorate with the introduction of modern poisons.
Thats why so many modern people cant tolerate any grains even though the have descended from people who ate some grain and lived reasonably healthy lives.
I think allot of the problems people are caused by a combination of genetic damage and food intolerance's that lead to a condition of complete digestive meltdown.
Its mainline fact now that vaccinating has been linked to crones disease, autism, arthritis, MS, lowered intelligence. The man made viral assalts have already happend, and has caused a chromosomal chaos that is reaping havoc on the delicate process of genetic repair and adaption. These poisons aren't protecting us from disease they are obstructing the evolutionary processes that allow us to overcome biological obstacles.
This is sabotage and a direct assalt.
Mother nature has been violated