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Messages - sabertooth

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Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 14, 2010, 04:57:11 pm »
Ahh, But some groups of people have adapted to grains, I work with a Palestinian who lives off of a diet of 50% grain and he is healthy as a horse. Latin Americans have adapted to beans and corn, fairly well.

Now Most adaptions to these desperation foods are not optimal, but they have ensured the survival of many non paleo groups of people.

We do build up antibodies against the aberrant proteins in plant matterial, and these antibodies are passed down through the generations and are the main agent that triggers these positive epegenetic adaptions.

So yes it is a sign that we weren't designed to ingest grain proteins, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and life finds away to adapt, these antibodies cause such trauma, that the genetic code is forced into making changes that will protect the organism in order to insure survival.
(This is universal in nature and it applies to the whole animal kingdom)

These adaptions do happen and are nothing to balk at, of course Its not Ideal and there are trade offs, the grain adapted people usually age prematurely and have crippling ailments that develop with age after the body losses its ability to cope with the toxic plant material. But by that time they have already done their gentic Job of reproduction.

Now something has been happening to modern people that has reversed the adaption process, which were far from complete, These epegentic adaptions to grains were very a recent and haphazard attempt by our genetic code to survive on the desperation diet of grain

The problem with grain is extremely multi faceted, because many other issues such as genetically modified viral injections, and agricultural poison that distroy the integrity of the immune system are emergent, and  any adaption against the harmfull effects of plant protein are being compromised

We were only in the most primitive stage in the evolutionary adaption to grains when modern industrial poisons were thrown in the mix, it is my belief that it is the accumulative effects of improperly prepaired grain staples, industrial poisons, and toxins in cooked and processed foods that has upset the very, very delicate balance that was allowing for moderate grain adaption.

These epigenic changes that allowed for the utilization of the desperation foods, are the first to deteriorate with the introduction of modern poisons.

Thats why so many modern people cant tolerate any grains even though the have descended from people who ate some grain and lived reasonably healthy lives.

I think allot of the problems people are caused by a combination of genetic damage and food intolerance's that lead to a condition of complete digestive meltdown.

Its mainline fact now that vaccinating has been linked to crones disease, autism, arthritis, MS, lowered intelligence. The man made viral assalts have already happend, and has caused a chromosomal chaos that is reaping havoc on the delicate process of genetic repair and adaption. These poisons aren't protecting us from disease they are obstructing the evolutionary processes that allow us to overcome biological obstacles.

This is sabotage and a direct assalt.
Mother nature has been violated

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 14, 2010, 09:40:36 am »
yes our genetic codes are living things, that adapt quickly and with intelligence to anything nature puts in its path, we are designed to mutate in order to insure the survival of the species. If a mother can survive the plague and reproduce, not only does the baby receive the antibodies to the plague , but the baby may also inherit epigenetic changes(caused by the mothers fight for survival) that could enhance the immune system in a way that would make them able to resist anything.

What doesn't kill you makes your offspring stronger

Eugenics is rarely looked at in such a positive light and its a shame.

The struggles that an organism undergoes through its life cycle triggers mechanisms hidden within the genetic code that can enhance the genetic expression of proactive traits.(this is my latest theory)
As long as there is no excessive environmental contamination, or nutritional deficiencies that could damage the DNA, then the DNA is free to do its Job.(to ensure survival, using any means necessary.

Don't you see, this explains everything including the origin of human intelligence. The genes don't just randomly mutate they orchestrate changes and conduct repair, pass on adaptions.( Its freaking wonderful )

But we are now corrupting this processes with the advent of genetically modified organisms, and environmental toxins, that prevent the DNA from expressing itself to the fullest.

In the case of genetically modified virus, it actually alters the DNA in ways that aren't beneficial to the organism. This is genetic witchcraft

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 13, 2010, 07:14:10 pm »
It was also caused by the consumption of rancid moldy grain , and poor sanitation
These people lived filthy lives and whatever plagued them isn't relevent to this new vaccine,

The plague is a convenient pretext to inject people with poisons(nothing more than using falsified history to scare a dumbed down public.)

Since we did not live in such dire conditions anymore, the organizations who make bioweapons have to introduce artificial agents in order to sicken us.(they will call it whatevery they like ;Spanish flu , H1N1, black death)

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 13, 2010, 11:35:58 am »
This is my shout in the dark, I heard the most frightening thing over the radio today, this is real

The Department of homeland Security is conducting a vaccine study and asking for volunteers

Who are willing to take three experimental shots for possible weaponized air born bio attack.
[this is happining now}

It was a fear based add played on news talk radio during the Sean hannity show

It stated that the plague that killed two thirds of Europe could be developed into a bio weapon that no one has immunity to, the the Department of Homeland security is conducting a vaccine study and is looking for volunteers to take 3 vaccines over the course of 80 days, and that they would be compensated $$

It made the whole thing seem patriotic, (save the country by taking as protective vaccine against bio weapons)

The problem is that the only people capable of creating such bioweapons are the same people who will be making the vaccines and overseeing this study.

Ive been looking for links to the study,

This is the first time I have ever heard of the department of homeland security advertising to the public, to find guiniepigs to test "bioweapons" This is a sign

Durring the gulf war solider were forced to take anthrax vaccines, against strains of anthrax created by the same organizations making the vaccines(the results were devastating ;gulf war syndrome)

There is no way to prepare a population from this type of attack, any experimental vaccine realeased under that guise will be done so for nefarious reasons. >D

It may be impossible to tell what is really going on, are we being primed for a future slaughter,or just being kept in ignorance and weakness for our own good : all we can do is stay aware and at the first sign of danger. SCREAM BLOODY MURDER and ride out like Paul Revere.

There is also a voice that calls for caution, we cant get carried away with fear
and start raving like lunatics and be taken for the boy who called wolf.

The threat is real, but hidden in the ignorance of the masses.

Hot Topics / Re: BP oil spill and fish eating?
« on: August 13, 2010, 11:03:17 am »
The main effect of the spill has been on my pocket book$$$
I bought a dozen oysters today 11 dollars, before the spill they were 8 dollars.
The fish monger said that most the oyster beds in the gulf are closed so they have to get northern ones.
Fish prices are up as well and some fish are impossible to get.
Quality Beef prices are raising as a side effect, people seem to be eatting more beef because of the seafood scare causing demand to go up$$$
The beef I get comes in a 40 pound case(Kentucky black Angus)
Best stuff ever, beautifully marbled creamy texture, I told the butcher its worth every penny of what I pay for it, 3$ per pound
{it still bums me out about the price raise)

General Discussion / Re: Is melanoma from the sun BULLSHIT?
« on: August 13, 2010, 10:28:20 am »
People who evolved in northern latitudes lost the melanin in their skin and turned lighter in color as an adaption to less sun exposure. The body needs sunlight to produce growth stimulating hormones such as vitamin D. The less melanin in the skin the more sun rays are able to penetrate the skin and stimulate the production of these vital hormones. The more sun you are exposed too the more melon in builds in the skin, as a restrictive agent that keeps you from getting sun poisoning.

Skin cancer was never an issue in human history, even in white farm folk who worked under the sun all day.
As soon as these tanning lotions and sunscreens started being pushed on people, cancer rates exploded.

old news

Health / Re: Not washing
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:20:55 am »
Its kind of tragic that most young people wash the humanity off of themselves in preparation for courtship

How can you know If you have chemistry with someone who hides behind the veil of cleanliness?

I believe that there is a strong biochemical aspect to compatibility

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 13, 2010, 03:53:23 am »
It was about 7 years ago my hip began to hurt even though I hadn't Injured it, it was around the same time I was sickened.. For months I would have flare ups were my tendons would creak and pop and felt tight. I had it scanned, it showed nothing, I went to a sports medical clinic(nothing).

I finally went to a reflexologist, She was an Indian witchdoctor/chiropractor.

She was good at aligning my back and spine, but the hip pain seemed to be located in the nerves.

The pain started to fade after about four years.

I am not familiar with JMT, though. Can you explain it to me in more detail? I've never tried it; do not currently have an opinion on it.

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:21:49 am »
I live near ground zero of the H1N1 attack. The University of Kentucky participated in the experimental live virus flu vaccine trails were live H1N1 was realeased. All wards of the hospital were infected, they prohibited children from entering certain areas. Me, My pregnant wife, and my two kids contracted it (confirmed by university doctors( It triggered her into early labor, thankfully everything was alright.)

They are now doing the same live virus trials on these brain eatting herpes mutants.
There isn't going to be any deadly out break, there will just be the everyday aches and pains type conditions that keep us slaves to them. And one day people will wake up with no drive or ambition for all the wonders of life, and never know why they never feel well.

All of this is just considered normal now

Hot Topics / Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:14:15 pm »
Its very controversial

What I am saying is that These mutant herpes have already been deliberately realeased as a soft weapon against humanity. 

Now days most people have anti bodies for the varieties of herpes that were released in the 70s and 80s and the initial infection may have been only a slight brain rash barely distinguishable from a flu. But could it be damaging us in ways not easily detected.

And as more of the more sophisticated versions are tested(realeased) There will be signs of damaged the those afflicted, but we have to know what to look for. 

I live surrounded by people already afflicted.
My friend Jamie age 30 crippled with MS
My neighbor Susie demented with MS, has brain plaque
My self, chronic fatigue trouble after Epstein Barr
My brother seizures, My sister diminished intelligence
Does anyone personally know the torment of formulaic.(there are millions of cases)
I could go on forever, with people I personally know that have these flare ups and immune reactions.

My own son had something called transient sinovitous were his hip joint locked up
one of my symptoms when I first got ill was my joints locking up. His eyes would dialate for days and he would act a little loopy, but after a while the symptoms faded.
If you didn't know what you were looking at you would never know it was neurological viral damage.         

I don't know where you all live ,but I can see carnage from my front door.

There are some bad things going on with the younger generation already,the last thing they need is to be exposed to brain eatting herpes.

Too late, The Green light has been given long before they were born.
There is an agenda behind this idiocy, People at the front of this issue must know what they are unleashing.They think they can experiment with live brain eatting viruses on human beings. This has been in the works for years only the failed experiments never see the light of day, while the victims get swept under the rug. Now they think they are close to developing a scourge that will only take out the undesirable traits of the soul, leaving behind a ghost in the machine(they are freaking mad)

I am not maniacal, I know that there are very complex reality's surrounding each case, and that usually other toxins have to be in place before a virus can do maximum damage. So if your body is free from toxic waste it may be immune to some of the harsh cleansing reactions(brain damage) caused by the man made herpes.

Hot Topics / Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« on: August 11, 2010, 04:53:33 pm »
This issue is up for debate I'm not sure if most people can truly understand the magnitude of what has already happened, nor are they willing to see whats on the horizon.

Its already been going on for years; people were contaminated with many varieties of genetically enginered herpes back in the 70s and 80s through "contaminated vaccines".( Does anyone honestly believe that HIV was the only dangerous retrovirus set lose at that time).

These scientist were monkeying around with the genetic codes of everyone who received these shots.

Chicken pox is a naturally occurring version of the herpies virus that most contract when they are children.
If you get it later in life it has the potently to cause all types of permanent neurological damage. Even people who catch it early can still be afflicted with shingles in later life, and have their nerve tissues attacked by the virus that emerges when the immune system is weak.

Starting in the 70s there was an explosion in outbreaks of new varieties, which except for herpies 1 and 2, got very little attention. Its important to remember that these varieties were injected into us along with other poisons ,in vaccines, so everything we have be taught about how a strong enough immune can handle virus doesn't apply

There are numerous varieties of herpies some are natural and some are frankensteinian
(Epstein Barr is of importance to me personally, because most of my health problems emerged after a severe mono infection that left me a convalescent for months)

I have noticed that many others who are infected with herpies 1,2,3,4,5,6 signs of neurological degeneration; MS ALS, dementia,chronic fatigue, fibromyiaga, chronic back pain,etc... at younger ages

Once it was injected into the populations it was then spreed through sexual contact, thus putting an end to the free love of the 60s

Cold sores are an outward manifestation of a virus that lives in the base of the spine and literally eats away at the nerve tissue. Herpies 1 and 2 may have been around for ages and it is just the poor state of peoples immune systems that triggers the outbreaks

The good news is that my mother must passed on some immunity to type one and two, because I have never had an issue with cold sores, however I did breakout in pox on my neck when I had shingles at age 22(very painfull experience).

The bad news is that the controlling bastards keep rolling out with newer and more damaging versions, before the population can develop immunities to the previous . We cant win , its being done by design.

These new conglomerations have been designed in a way to bypass the immune svstem and piggyback antibodies against our own nerve tissues directly into the brain.
(the technology is available)

Now there are being tested, genetically modified herpies live virus vaccines that are designated to go into the brain and attack certain receptor sites and hormones that deal with anger aggression and anxiety

Well if they do that whats left of the human spirit.( this is dark)

Hot Topics / Re: Fat Trimmings better than Suet?
« on: August 11, 2010, 02:25:32 pm »
I get fat trimmings for a dollar a pound and its my main fat source, It is very tasty compared to suet.
I let most of the fat melt out in my mouth then swallow the remaining tissue whole{very satisfying}

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High-meat effects?
« on: August 10, 2010, 04:54:00 pm »
That's the cooler I have

I buy RO water at the store(39 Cents per gallon) and use the hot and cold dispensers regularly

I keep it by the back door so I can air it outside

It keeps the main fridge from being rank

If the mason jars are closed the smell is fairly contained

Health / Re: Not washing
« on: August 10, 2010, 04:31:35 pm »
I nuzzle in the arm pit of my beloved and cherish the aroma,

I have been forced to use deodorant by my boss who doesn't appreciate my "male offence"
so I can only flaunt my pheromones on the weekend

Everyone was so sterily hygienic in my family that as soon as I had pit hair my mother and father were Bringing me sticks of deodorant(I hated the stuff).

I remember high school, I never got to smell a woman in full bloom, because everyone was covered in artificial scents. I would literally sneeze if I sat next to the perfumed beauties.

I always believed that covering up body odor may have served some social utility other than cleanliness

When people are herded together under someone Else's authority, whether it be a school or factory, the people in charge are not really wanting the herd to smell up their facility, nor do they want the more testosterone rich in the crowd asserting their masculine radiance.

I think that some people are just control freaks   

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« on: August 10, 2010, 03:51:52 pm »
There is nothing new under the sun

With billions of people having trillions of thoughts its hard to be truly original,

The task at hand for those with the motivation, is to compile the knowledge in a creative way that Will set fires in the minds of men, and prompt into positive action, people who would otherwise be inept.

Everytime I make a personal discovery of some universal truth, I quickly find that once I google it, It was known by someone else all along ; completely independent from my own research.

So let it be written and let it be done, with a passion that will drive others to find a higher calling; its the pioneering spirit.

Health / Re: Not washing
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:30:23 am »
human body odor is a little more complex than most want to get into

not only have people become overly repulsed by natural smells, but we also feel obligated to wash away our pheromones (natural musk), so that now people freak out if they are exposed to smells that in paleo times would conjure feelings of lust and fellowship.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High-meat effects?
« on: August 10, 2010, 07:07:02 am »
I have a little water cooler fridge which is large enough to hold 10 Mason jars, The temp is much warmer than the main fridge so it is perfect for aging meat.

High meat seems to lift my spirits and gives me motivation to seize the day

When I take the kids to the park I will eat a piece so I can be energetic and frolic through creeks, and try my best to keep up with my tierless three year old.

I go to sanga at the Unitarian church and will eat a piece before and it will send my spirit flying
Its my form of rotten Nirvana

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:02:35 am »
Scientific health studies are usually, only taken seriously If the evidence is pointing toward the yellow brick road

There just is no money in proving that cooked food damages future generations, the Money men only want to benefit humanity if it can give them something in return.

I have made my own back yard studies and have confirmed with my hillbilly committies about how Feeding chickens meat will turn the males into warriors, while grainfed birds tend to be more docile.

I free range chickens and have allways found that roasters that eat meat are allways king cock over grain fed counterparts.

I had a roaster(a docile breed) That would eat dog food, meat scraps and bugs , very little grain, He quickly came to dominate the other to males that didn't have access to the dog food(premium brand no soy or corn}Something killed the other two roasters and finally my wife got tired of hearing it in the morning so I gave it to my Friend with two hens. It began to play fight with his dog and eventually became so territorial that it would attack anything so he gave it away;

to a man with some prize(grainfed Roasters that lived their entire life in a pin(domesticated).The first night My roaster was put in that pin he killed both males and began to breed the hens.

People aren't very different, If you keep them pined up and feed them a bunch of grain they become weak and domesticated. If you feed them meat and let them run free they become warrior nomads with a lust for conquest.

The ancient rulers knew this

In feudal times it was often forbidden for the peasants to hunt, and they had to pay taxes to the nobles who feasted on meat, while they themselves ate bread and suffered.

What makes you think the technocrats that oversee modern food production don't know what they are doing

Does anybody think that the TOP FDA scientist and big Agra business (MONSANTO) doesn't Know that using soy wheat and corn as a staple for the majority of the population is going to have harmfull effects?   Really..

Did the people of the land Join together and agree that we should genetically alter a toxic nasty tasting bean and put it into all possessed food and add it to all baby formulas                                                

Yes even non soy formulas have soy oil as a main fat source. Really

Are we men or are we chickens

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:46:30 am »
Its elementary really( organic foods promote alpha level sperm counts)

We are only as healthy as the soil our food is grown on.

Estrogen rich foods are like icing on the cake when it comes to the genocide being committed against  alpha males and females.

The initial phase was initiated in our grand parrents era with the beginning of wide spread use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers on the food crops, (most pesticides also have hormone disrupting effects )

Then it ratcheted up a notch with vaccination and fluoridation(fluoride is not only put in toothpaste and tap water it is sprayed on the crops and is extremely toxic)It distroys health vitality and virility of every animal its tested on. In amounts commonly ingested by children.

Before the soy generation was born they had already been epigeneticaly doomed to inherit the damage done to them by three generations of ignorance,(like in the animal studies were the third and fourth generations are sickend an infertile after the genetic damage was passed down)

That's why I blame the low testosterone and sperm counts on the entire industrialization of the food supply.

Cheap Assembly line production is good for machines, but food needs to be raised by a humane hand and a keen eye or else it is easily corrupted and contaminated

The organic studies do give some hope, and I truly believe that our genetic codes have mechanisms of repair, so that as long as we can maintain fertility and revert to our evolutionary diet, within a few generations these trends can be reversed and one day my grand children will breed like rabbits and embrace to the full extent what it is to be a "real Man or Woman".

I will make it my mission to not allow my grandsons to be biochemically gelded.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High-meat effects?
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:11:01 am »
I have been damaged and chemically unbalanced and only for my will power and the grace of god did I stay off of medications long enough to find high meat.

I wonder If HIGH MEAT IS JUST AS BENIFITIAL TO HEATHY PEOPLE starting this diet in an attempt to obtain Superior health.

If your already balanced, Then what more could high meat offer

Or if people were raised on high meat would there physical prowess be equal to paleo Man

Hot Topics / Re: Worms..?
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:01:48 am »
I had the same issues with ravenous hunger when I first stated this diet, but once the adaption took place.

Now I start to feel immediately full and satisfied on a modest serving of meat and fat, without feeling hungry again for hours, even when I get hungry I don't feel lousy like I did on a SAD diet.

Once you clear out all the gunk and gluttonous garbage residue out of you GI tract the parasites wont have anywhere to hide and wont have any sicked tissue to feed off of

As for storing fat, Because there is a lot of moisture in raw fat It tends to go rancid, even If refrigerated

I go to whole foods and they sell me fat trimming's for 1 dollar a pound
I also have a freezer full of lamb fat that I get for free from a Mediterranean restaurant

keep a cooler hidden with ice If you have too.
Just buy a weeks worth at a time

Hot Topics / Re: Worms..?
« on: August 09, 2010, 03:11:47 am »
My parasite infections was a symptom of a damaged immune system,
I had a blood analysis and I saw with my own eyes Babesiosis, living inside my red blood cells.
I went to the doctor and even though I had a eosinipile count of 14(obvious sign of parasite infection) they told me the parasites I saw in the microscope weren't real. I also placed a pinworm in a stool sample that cameback negative.(so much for doctors)

I had this real bad

I tried some herbal cleanses and liver flushes, but by that time I was so sick and depleted and infested that I couldn't recover, I took vermox to rid myself of the pin worms< it worked(I think it poisoned me further).

I only began to feel better after going on this diet, Now I don't care If I have worms or blood parasites or Lyme disease,or GMO virus;As long as I feel better I am happy to offer the critters a home.

Raw Weston Price / Re: who was the healthiest tribe
« on: August 08, 2010, 09:49:34 am »
I personally hail from a long lived race of hill fokes(Scott's, Irish, German with a splash of Indian) that settled the mountains of eastern Kentucky

Most of the people in my family tree lived into their late 80s or 90s on an old fashioned cooked diet,

The human body is amazing in its ability to adapt to any environment, and regenerate it self.
But its a delicate balance that has been upset by the addition of industrial toxins into the cooked food supply.

My grand parrents ate organic, before they knew what organic was, they trapped small game,had chickens hogs, made and drank moonshine, and still lived healthy into old age,

 My grandmother is 86 and eats meals like sweat potato casserole or
Boiled carrots, potatoes,onions, with a portion of cube steak. and snacks on slices of banana

She wasn't vaccinated with poisons at birth, so her liver could handle the toxins produced by cooking
Her father who lived into his 90s fed her farm fresh food from the time she was weened from the breast.

Not only old age but quality of life is important ,I sware that my people kept sharp mind into old age without any of the problems that are occurring in this younger generation

My other grand mother and father drink like fish and smoke like a train and eat crap, and are still alive and well into their mid 70s(they have bionic livers I swore its true)

There wasnt any health problems in the family until we were hit with the curse of vaccination and factory food.

Now nearly everyone I can think of is afflicted the the diseases of civilization( no exaggeration)

Raw Weston Price / Re: who was the healthiest tribe
« on: August 07, 2010, 10:01:58 pm »
My 86 year old grandmother eats sweet potatoes regularly she seems to be in better health than most young people

I bake one for my children about twice a week and they seem to be doing very well,
I drench it in butter to balance the high carbs

General Discussion / Re: High Meat
« on: August 06, 2010, 06:39:06 am »
I went right into high meat about two months into the diet with no issues

The first time or two it had a mild laxative effect, but I felt fine

I think it was the raw eggs I would eat with it, because I noticed that after I switched to eatting red meat with fat and high lamb I was good to go
I still eat an occasional egg with high meat, I believe the bacteria rapidly inoculate the egg before digestion, and triggers some type of positive cleansing effect(just theory).

I don't eat it every day, Depending upon my whims I will eat it for two days and leave it for three, I did notice that if I eat it for more than three days it does lose its effects

I will eat it in the morning and work construction all day without fatigue,
where as I suffered chronic fatigue for 4 years prior to this diet

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