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General Discussion / Re: Eating chicken bones
« Last post by Fenrir on June 10, 2024, 09:08:37 pm »
Not that i think anyone is rushing to follow in my footsteps here, but i will say i have not been eating chicken bones in any regularity since this. Occasionally i do like to eat the ends off, i do love to eat the cartilage from between bones! But most bone has not been appealing listening to my stomach since this time, i think small bits are good but i dont know we are meant to be eating a ton of it the way a dog would.
Personals / Anyone living in France?
« Last post by Jion Jion on June 07, 2024, 09:26:00 pm »
Hi, is there anyone living in France? I live in the west coast of France and would love to meet up with people who share similar views of eating and living naturally.
Off Topic / Re: 8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man
« Last post by goodsamaritan on May 10, 2024, 07:02:28 pm »
(click to view and listen to Paul Joseph Watson)

South Korea and Japan opening up to immigration because their depopulation crisis seems terminal.

Once again I point to enforced MONOGAMY (+ contraception, abortion, food and water poisoning) as the leading CULPRIT of this massive terminal depopulation.

(See my photographic sketch with my fingers below, attached to this reply.)

You cannot rely on only the top 20% of women to be reproducing for the entirety of the civilization.  Enforcing monogamy has meant that the bottom 80% of women are contracepting aborting not reproducing.

You cannot FORCE women to reproduce with the bottom 80% of men.  All you monogamy pushers should open your eyes to this reality instead of blaming DESIRABLE MEN.

"In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man."

We are not descended from ( 1 man to 1 woman ) = monogamy has always been fiction that the world is aspiring for with disastrous results.  Muslims are correct in their recounting of history, the top men of ancient times were hoarding all the women, and Islam codified to LIMIT the hoarding of women to 1 man to 4 women.

MONOGAMY or BUST has been the mantra the past decades and plenty of women  are choosing BUST.  The fertility rates of below 2.1 or even below 1.0 underneath the numbers are more and more women having ZERO children.  Why?  They cannot get top CHAD to marry them in monogamy.

Off Topic / Re: 8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man
« Last post by goodsamaritan on May 10, 2024, 06:51:32 pm »


Can be explained by this maniacal enforcement of MONOGAMY.

I think it is 2023-2024 when the entire world found out that there is a DEPOPULATION DOOM.

100 koreans today (50 men and 50 women)

will result in only having some 5-6 great grand children in 100 years.

My next reply I will explain.
General Discussion / Eating chicken bones
« Last post by Fenrir on April 26, 2024, 04:44:32 am »
Seems pretty quiet around here, i ate a whole chicken leg quarter bone raw with the rest of the cut yesterday and it made me think of this place. I am getting great regenerative pasture raised chickens from a local farmer, havent eaten chicken much until more recently.

I have attempted to crunch raw chicken bones with my teeth before and it always seemed like they were too hard but this time it just happened i went to crunch the end and it was not too much effort so i kept going and pretty much ate the whole thing. It felt really nice when i did i yesterday but today it has felt like im still digesting it all day i can feel it in my stomach so i will likely go easy on the quantity. The chicken skin/meat is awesome but i think my stomach needs to work up to the bones.

It seems like a good food to include though i would think may be unnecessary to eat every day, i have struggled with sourcing since moving to a new town and have been eating mostly raw beef muscle and pasteurized heavy cream/cream cheese. Obviously not optimal and i realized yesterday i felt very deeply hungry and need to pursue the consumption of more whole animals once more. More organs and sinew/cartilage and other parts. Hoping i can find  good place to process local goats or sheep, goats seem readily available but no one seems to want me processing on their land.
Health / Re: Raw blood (lamb and goat)
« Last post by Fenrir on April 26, 2024, 04:33:24 am »
I think that if something doesnt seem right to you then it is best to pass on the blood, i have never craved the taste of the blood from the sheep I’ve slaughtered nor the livers. The meat and other organs have always been very appealing but i think trusting your body to know what it wants is best.

After two whole animals blood i would imagine youd be pretty full of the nutrients contained at that point. Will add that if the blood was kept fresh and not frozen i could see it going ‘off’ in that time, though i know some people here may have better ideas as to if that would be the case
Health / Re: Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by Aw on March 15, 2024, 01:35:42 am »
Many thanks for the reply, I have messaged you.
Health / Re: Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by goodsamaritan on March 13, 2024, 08:55:39 pm »

My friend and live in healer Vander Gaditano died a good number of years ago.

Vander's successors: 1st his wife, now lives with me taking good care of my aging mother.

Vander's successor: 2nd his youngest brother Caballero, he has advanced Vander's science, is into live in healing, you may contact him.  Send me a private message with some back ground information and I will pass on your request to him.
Health / Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by Aw on March 04, 2024, 05:46:41 pm »
I've been struggling with health problems for a while and have tried all manner of diets and health practitioners which have done little to improve things.

I'm considering making a trip to experience a live in healer. I noticed Vanderbilt Gaditano recommended on a site associate with this forum. I tried calling but the numbers don't seem to work. Does anyone have anyone they'd recommend for this sort of thing?

I'm not a terminal case, but I am keen to see someone experienced. I'm in the UK but can travel.
Info / News Items / Announcements / Participants needed! (Link fix)
« Last post by ellamayes on February 24, 2024, 07:24:05 pm »

My name is Ella, and I am currently writing my dissertation as part of my final year at Durham University, focusing on the paleo diet! I am recruiting volunteers to take part in a short questionnaire, that will take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The questions will ask about your knowledge of the paleo diet and your experience implementing it into your daily life. The one simple criterion is that you need to be following or have followed the paleo diet for at least two months. If this is you and you would like to get involved, please click the link below to take you to the Google form, which will provide more information and a consent form before getting started! Thank you in advance!

I'm aware the previous link might not have been fully functioning! So if you previously tried to fill out my form please could you try again? I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and I would be truly grateful for some more participants!
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