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Hot Topics / Re: Halal Grass-fed meat source in/near New Jersey?
« Last post by Wolf on April 01, 2023, 01:49:48 am »
My husband was actually able to find me sources of grass-fed halal beef here in New Jersey!  I am so happy for that.  However it is pretty much impossible for me to eat any meat raw in this family, not because of blood being Haram (it is also forbidden in Christianity which I converted from) since the animals are bled and there is no actual blood left in the meat.  But because the family all believes when doctors tell them it is bad for them.  Plus the whole idea of raw meat makes them queasy and it's not something they're going to change at such an age.  My husband at least will eat sushi with me and I was able to cook a rare steak for him that he liked when before he had only ever eaten well-done steak.  But that's about as good as it's going to get for me for a long time now.  I can't even find any raw milk either.   

These past few months have been difficult for me to try and find a balance between my overly-expensive but limited and plain diet, the overly-spiced and rice-filled curry and other ethnic dishes the family prefers to eat, and the SAD foods my husband loves that I also miss.
Raw Weston Price / Re: The Freedom Diet: Milk, Meat and Fish; don't eat fruit!
« Last post by IonSurfer on March 31, 2023, 06:21:52 pm »
For complete information about the Freedom Diet please visit here:

Raw Weston Price / Re: The Freedom Diet: Milk, Meat and Fish; don't eat fruit!
« Last post by IonSurfer on March 31, 2023, 09:38:11 am »
Updated opinion on vitamin C: raw milk (in adequate quantities) has easily enough to meet one's needs (heat treatment tends to destroy it). Carnitine from regular meat consumption might reduce some of one's vitamin C requirements as it performs many of the same end-functions as vitamin C. Otherwise, supplementation of vitamin C may be necessary.
Raw Weston Price / Re: The Freedom Diet: Milk, Meat and Fish; don't eat fruit!
« Last post by dariorpl on March 29, 2023, 11:30:28 pm »
So, an apple a day keeps the righteous away - who would've thought!
Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by dariorpl on March 29, 2023, 10:46:28 pm »
I would would not go into this by underestimating the DA, he may not be as helpless as you think, and there's a decent likelihood that when this comes to trial, he'll be putting up a fight, and to the extent that he's allowed to by the judge, he'll be showing stuff about your public persona to the jury, including your posts here. And while there's some chance the jury might listen about the bug hoax and pharma takeover, there's almost no chance they'll listen to many of the other intricacies that make you a unique individual, and that, in the eye of the general public, make you at best a nutcase, and at worst someone dangerous. All the DA has to do is show the jury a few of those and their brain will completely shut off to anything you have to say or argue.

My suggestion would be to not open that door for the DA, my understanding is that he may not be allowed to bring in evidence about your personal life until you bring that up first.

Best of luck and I'm here if you wanna discuss anything regarding this.
Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by sabertooth on March 27, 2023, 02:11:25 am »
The trial has been rescheduled for June 19th; ironically and preeminently Juneteenth is the commemoration of the emancipation of the slaves.

The invisible chains of an insidious technocracy are being used to restrain the once free people of the world; as we are being placed upon a federal reservation; we are being treated like property of the pharmaceutical plantation, and if these presidents are allowed to go unchallenged the death of liberty will follow.

I will be preparing to take the stand and making a stand before the people of my community whose cry’s for just go unheard. Pleading upon my honor that my actions were justified in defense of the life and liberty of All; All the while decrying the criminal abuse being committed by the corporate and government entities engaged in biological, psychological, and economic warfare against humanity itself.

Part of my strategy involves keeping a low enough profile in the pre trial period so as not to draw attention from those engaged in rigging the legal proceedings. Many of the high profile cases fighting the tyranny are going nowhere because of the corruption of our legal system.

Because my case is so seemingly minor and insignificant; in a time where chaos has engulfed the governing zeitgeist; I feel I can take the state by surprise and plead my case directly to the jury, under the radar. The delays have actually helped and now that much of what I was warning the peoples of 3 years ago is being publicly acknowledged, I may have a better chance of being exonerated.
Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by dariorpl on March 26, 2023, 11:06:48 pm »
I couldn't find any public records of the trial. Has it started?
Raw Weston Price / The Freedom Diet: Milk, Meat and Fish; don't eat fruit!
« Last post by IonSurfer on March 26, 2023, 12:32:19 pm »
Although fruit are meant to be eaten - the plants have evolved a mutually beneficial relationship with animals whereby animals spread their seeds in return for nutrition (this shouldn't be confused with eating the plants themselves which is mutually destructive), fruit is itself also harmful as plants bait animals with said fruit and then use them as a tool for the plants' own purposes not the animals' best interests.

Because it is in the reproductive survival interests of the plant that the animal deposits the seed a good distance from the parent plant it needs to get the animal to travel as far as possible after consuming its fruit and so it needs the animal to leave the plant from which it ate the fruit for something, and this something is to find a mate (to fornicate with) and it does this by making fruit sexually aggravating. Thus the animal seeks said mate and in all likelihood deposits the seed far from the plant and thus the plant's offspring are more likely to survive long-term, as for example if fire or disease affects one area, wiping the plants out, there may be offspring that escape said fate by being somewhere else where conditions didn't turn out that way. They also don't have to compete with their parent plants for sun, rain and nutrients.

Another evolutionary reason why fruit is sexually aggravating is that the plant needs to ensure that future generations of animals continue to eat its and its offsprings' fruit to spread their seeds, and the best way to achieve this is to select for as high a percentage of the animals that eat its fruit out of said animal population as a whole as possible, and it does this by hypersexually stimulating said animals that eat its fruit to producing more offspring than those that don't eat said fruit at all or significantly, thus overtime, because they mate more, the fruit-eaters come to dominate the animals' population and the population overall, which thus increases, thereby securing the future of said plant (the fruit will continue to be eaten and the seeds will continue to be spread).

Purely carnivorous species have a mating season which probably also stems from that of the plants, but indirectly, as the meat they eat will vary seasonally and thus affect said pure carnivores differently at different times of the year, maybe if their prey has recently eaten fruit then said sexually provocative fruit phytochemicals will be in the flesh or blood of the prey animal and thus provoke the carnivores too to reproduce

An example of fruits' effects in the wild is that bonobos and chimps (too distinct but closely related species) which are on different sides of a river that is they can't cross in the Congo Basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa. On the bonobo-side is much more fruit than the chimp-side, and the bonobos are much more sexually active, mating frequently all year round, whereas the chimps, like most animals just mate seasonally.

It is also because of an unnatural year-round consumption of fruit that humans too are hypersexual, fornicating year-round which leads to many of modern society's problems, the solution of which may be to restrict or ban plant agriculture (the other parts of plants which cause malnutrition, disease and ageing) and to move the world to a perfect diet of preferably raw milk, meat and fish (from purely grass-fed and pharmaceutical-free, humanely raised and slaughtered livestock, and sustainable wild-caught carnivorous marine fish respectively).
Dietary harmony leads to societal harmony.

As for vitamin C, raw milk has easily enough to meet one's needs (heat treatment tends to destroy it), or alternatively one can remain perfectly healthy if one consumes adequate quantities of carnitine by regular meat consumption as this nutrient performs many of the same end-functions that vitamin C does.

All fruit is the forbidden fruit! (sexual aggravation leads to the public's sexual excess, especially in conjunction with drugs or alcohol, which enables them to be pawned by the people of the same tribe as the multi-trillionaire international banking oligarchy (which controls nearly all of the world's politicians (and most everything else for that matter)), the politicians whom are all either blackmailed, bribed or otherwise corrupt (this was the real purpose of the sexual revolution, and year-round fruit production facilitated it; politicians who aren't compromised don't receive any press coverage until they are; i.e. politics is just a Punch and Judy show where the same group control both sides)).

Be vigilant (and don't be blindsided by any rhetoric)!

p.s. water, which is optional, is an anti-inflammatory sedative but is rarely unpolluted, so consume with discretion (i.e. if you are experiencing inflammation-based mental irritability): milk is superior for actual hydrating and doesn't have the same sedative-like effects.
Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by dariorpl on March 20, 2023, 07:52:15 am »
Best of luck tomorrow.
General Discussion / Re: Any experience with High Fish?
« Last post by FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on March 15, 2023, 12:31:44 am »
Any interest in this subject now?   Seems an excellent topic for conversation!
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