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Health / Re: Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by goodsamaritan on March 13, 2024, 08:55:39 pm »

My friend and live in healer Vander Gaditano died a good number of years ago.

Vander's successors: 1st his wife, now lives with me taking good care of my aging mother.

Vander's successor: 2nd his youngest brother Caballero, he has advanced Vander's science, is into live in healing, you may contact him.  Send me a private message with some back ground information and I will pass on your request to him.
Health / Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by Aw on March 04, 2024, 05:46:41 pm »
I've been struggling with health problems for a while and have tried all manner of diets and health practitioners which have done little to improve things.

I'm considering making a trip to experience a live in healer. I noticed Vanderbilt Gaditano recommended on a site associate with this forum. I tried calling but the numbers don't seem to work. Does anyone have anyone they'd recommend for this sort of thing?

I'm not a terminal case, but I am keen to see someone experienced. I'm in the UK but can travel.
Info / News Items / Announcements / Participants needed! (Link fix)
« Last post by ellamayes on February 24, 2024, 07:24:05 pm »

My name is Ella, and I am currently writing my dissertation as part of my final year at Durham University, focusing on the paleo diet! I am recruiting volunteers to take part in a short questionnaire, that will take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The questions will ask about your knowledge of the paleo diet and your experience implementing it into your daily life. The one simple criterion is that you need to be following or have followed the paleo diet for at least two months. If this is you and you would like to get involved, please click the link below to take you to the Google form, which will provide more information and a consent form before getting started! Thank you in advance!

I'm aware the previous link might not have been fully functioning! So if you previously tried to fill out my form please could you try again? I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and I would be truly grateful for some more participants!
General Discussion / Participants needed! (Link fix)
« Last post by ellamayes on February 24, 2024, 07:23:24 pm »

My name is Ella, and I am currently writing my dissertation as part of my final year at Durham University, focusing on the paleo diet! I am recruiting volunteers to take part in a short questionnaire, that will take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The questions will ask about your knowledge of the paleo diet and your experience implementing it into your daily life. The one simple criterion is that you need to be following or have followed the paleo diet for at least two months. If this is you and you would like to get involved, please click the link below to take you to the Google form, which will provide more information and a consent form before getting started! Thank you in advance!

I'm aware the previous link might not have been fully functioning! So if you previously tried to fill out my form please could you try again? I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and I would be truly grateful for some more participants!
Welcoming Committee / Participants needed! (Link fix)
« Last post by ellamayes on February 24, 2024, 07:22:26 pm »

My name is Ella, and I am currently writing my dissertation as part of my final year at Durham University, focusing on the paleo diet! I am recruiting volunteers to take part in a short questionnaire, that will take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The questions will ask about your knowledge of the paleo diet and your experience implementing it into your daily life. The one simple criterion is that you need to be following or have followed the paleo diet for at least two months. If this is you and you would like to get involved, please click the link below to take you to the Google form, which will provide more information and a consent form before getting started! Thank you in advance!

I'm aware the previous link might not have been fully functioning! So if you previously tried to fill out my form please could you try again? I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused and I would be truly grateful for some more participants!
Personals / Re: What happened to svrn?
« Last post by sabertooth on February 16, 2024, 01:49:56 am »
Looked into a Reddit post that claimed Milkjar was killed by a Ukrainian Militia. Interested to know if anyone knows his last name, I’ve confirmed his first name is Alex.

If he was killed, I want to make sure he didn’t die in vain.
General Discussion / Re: Any experience with High Fish?
« Last post by FRANCIS HOWARD BOND on February 15, 2024, 03:42:47 am »
Derek ‘Sabretooth’ is facing many problems just now, and I hope he will find a way to resolve them fairly soon as they have gone on for such a long time.
Previously very impressed by his activities  and experiments, and I particularly liked the ‘Maggot Meat’ in the family video.    He was extremely clever to cover rotten meat with wire gauze to keep varmints off,  but having holes clear enough to allow flies to get in, and he put it on a shelf in his garden shed.   Very impressed by the density of both eggs and larvae distribution all over the meat, and cannot wait to get same for my rotten fish.    Although he is very busy now, I would welcome details of mesh hole size and gauze closeness to the meat, also whether kept in darkkness and left undisturbed for long periods.    As he is clearly a leader in this field I will be grateful for advice or tips.
General Discussion / Participants needed!
« Last post by ellamayes on February 13, 2024, 07:57:14 pm »

My name is Ella, and I am currently writing my dissertation as part of my final year at Durham University, focusing on the paleo diet! I am recruiting volunteers to take part in a short questionnaire, that will take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The questions will ask about your knowledge of the paleo diet and your experience implementing it into your daily life. The one simple criterion is that you need to be following or have followed the paleo diet for at least two months. If this is you and you would like to get involved, please click the link below to take you to the google form, which will provide more information and a consent form before getting started! Thank you in advance!
Off Topic / Re: 8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man
« Last post by TnMann on January 30, 2024, 05:20:12 am »
Monogamy is, if thinking in terms of game theory for quality of family life, the optimal solution for society: most players win with this model with minimal harm.

However, if thinking in terms of nature, polygamy is better suited.
Polygamy is if our natural instincts are allowed to play out. The best genetics reproduce the most. So more and more children are born either beautiful, clever, athletic, or all of the above. Generations born of polygamy are more likely to be chosen as mates because they simply have better genes. I believe this is true even in the event that their upbringing was insufficient due to a lack of a father.

Monogamy allows for more men to reproduce sure, but then the quality of human genes is lowered. This is made even worse by arranged marriages where even the worst genes are allowed to pass on.

In a polygamous context, the best males reproduce so that as generations go on, the genetic stock is improved. I do not know the limit to this, but it's easy to imagine the percentage of attractive, desirable people would greatly increase. So in a way, this is the better solution as more people are born as attractive, and able.

The polygamous male to female ratio of reproduction is at its worst (smallest) when there are few attractive men and many average or unattractive males caused by monogamy being forced for too long. The male to female ratio of reproduction is at its best (closest to 1:1) when more people in a society are attractive, healthy, with good genetics. So in perfect fashion, nature almost selects for monogamy if played out perfectly. To prevent genetics from deteriorating over generations, I believe a primarily raw diet is important as is the avoidance of unnatural medicine most notably vaccines which are especially potent at corrupting genetics.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by sabertooth on January 29, 2024, 02:10:26 am »
I’m still raising the 4 children that are now teenager, my current war with the state has put on hold any thoughts of expanding the tribe; its still a possibility I may end up in prison depending on how things go; but I’m not going to back down without a fight.

Will be talking with Weston Rowe next week, he and his wife just had their first baby and they are planning on raising him naturally . I’d like our conversation to encourage others who are into this lifestyle to start families of their own.
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