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Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Camping Raw
« Last post by smokeyquartz on May 26, 2023, 06:18:18 am »
I did a search and didn't find anything on the forum.  Are there any tips on how to eat raw while camping? 

I can use a cooler with ice but ice melts pretty quickly in summer and it turns into a sloshy mess.

I was thinking of maybe air drying some meat like I've read about others on here doing.  But I need tips for that, too.  The last time I tried drying meat it just became hard, dry, and tasteless, like cardboard.  It didn't have any of the aged tastiness that many here seem to relish. 

Thanks in advance.
Hot Topics / Re: Halal Grass-fed meat source in/near New Jersey?
« Last post by smokeyquartz on May 26, 2023, 06:12:20 am »
Wolf, you could try introducing them to kibbeh.  It's a raw meat dish that is middle eastern.  I was looking up raw food at one point online and found this.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by kelpguy on May 23, 2023, 06:04:43 pm »

thanks guys, nice vid!
Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Scotland
« Last post by gomomo on May 21, 2023, 12:31:20 pm »
Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by sabertooth on May 16, 2023, 11:55:27 am »
Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Vice article featuring Me
« Last post by sabertooth on May 09, 2023, 08:48:14 am »
Got to speak with Alex Jones; he said he will report on my case.

2:06:30 mark
Hi Guys,

I'm currently eating zero carb I'd say 1/2 raw 1/2 cooked plenty of fat, raw liver and heart adding other organs in soon when I get them also have eggs, salt, still and sparkling water.

I have one small meal in the morning raw sees me fine all day then in the evening I have cooked and im picking at lots in the evening especially fat eating lots of that beef fat trim in particular from the freezer im mad about it especially the yellow bits.

I have a history of overeating used to be 19stone always feel like im fighting overeating.  Ive putting on weight at the moment eating this way, feeling happy in myself mood wise but a little lower on energy and the weight gain is annoying and wondering whether a shift to all raw would help me feel satiated and get my energy levels back on track.

Any advice or experience you have to share would be greatly appreciated

Thank you ki
Welcoming Committee / Hello from Scotland
« Last post by Kittenki on April 26, 2023, 04:20:41 am »
Hi from Scotland

Its been so good to find this forum I'm 38 leaving in Scotland.  Im currently on my way towards Raw Zero Carb approach (im zero carb but still have zero additive sausages and bacon at the mo though I feel like they take away my energy) I quite like the work of Paleo Medicina and their approach and definitely feel better when I eat raw.

 This isnt my first foray into Raw meat i was raw meat and fruit for a while previously, raw vegan before that, keto before that, atkins many years ago for several years.  For sure feel so so so much better without dairy.  Still love eggs.  Read a great book on the subject of raw diet including meat on a library bookshelf in Auroville India a few years back which was a big inspiration wish I could remember the name! 

Also any tips or anything I need to know on eating raw meat greatly appreciated also, i've been going of instinct thus far and including plenty of beef fat trim and bone marrow, heart & liver in small regular amounts. Found a local farm who is going to supply brain Im looking forward to including.

I also want to do high meat any instructions on how to get started?  im on the lookout for a mini fridge for the smell issue have jars ready.

Great to be here and meet you all
Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« Last post by biowolf on April 13, 2023, 08:49:53 am »
Political Atheist is a negative death cultist who for some reason participates in a health forum to promote his death cult.

I agree with everything he says.. but.. I don't know we are still alive yes we are ruled by satanist and the artificial Inteligence will lock us down even further soon.. but suicide is not an answer.
Personals / Re: anybody from israel?
« Last post by gilh on April 12, 2023, 03:16:50 am »
I'm from Israel, and would love to assist with acquiring of high quality products here, and get to know other like-minded folks
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