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Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Pineapples!
« Last post by kelpguy on September 09, 2023, 06:01:19 pm »
one entire pineapple PER day is quite extreme... if you ate 1/8th of a pineapple per day that would be different

even aajonus recommended a few tablespoons per day with meat to help digestion

why did you eat one entire pineapple per day for years ? what did you hope to achieve ?

that was 20 years ago and i was living in panama at the time and i ate them because i was eating a fruit based diet and local pineapples where cheap, abundant and delicious.  pineapples and bananas, from my farm, were my staples.

it was about that time that started my transition from vegan to low carb.  i've recently started consuming more carbs hoping to find a balanced woe to deal with the heat.
Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Pineapples!
« Last post by antoine bechamp on September 03, 2023, 09:50:35 pm »
i'd be careful with the pineapples; i was eating one a day for a couple of years and wound up with a mouth full of cavities.

one entire pineapple PER day is quite extreme... if you ate 1/8th of a pineapple per day that would be different

even aajonus recommended a few tablespoons per day with meat to help digestion

why did you eat one entire pineapple per day for years ? what did you hope to achieve ?
i've been low carb, meat based in the filipines for about 2 years and having trouble with the heat.  the heat never bothered me with a heavy fruit diet; just eat more watermelon. 
Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Pineapples!
« Last post by kelpguy on August 28, 2023, 06:18:46 pm »

i'd be careful with the pineapples; i was eating one a day for a couple of years and wound up with a mouth full of cavities.
Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Pineapples!
« Last post by goodsamaritan on August 27, 2023, 10:01:47 am »
Been inspired lately consuming pineapples because the vendor at the side of the road who sells loads of pineapples has switched to selling pineapple juice instead!

The same fresh raw ripe pineapples, they put in a blender and put a block of ice in a big dispenser.

Then they sell it at 25 Philippine pesos per cup with straw as shown.

So convenient and so refreshing.  I've never eaten so much pineapples on a regular basis.

Their pineapples come all the way from Baler and this vendor stand is in La Union by the beach.

Hope you guys try this idea yourselves, makes feeding the family pineapples easier and more plentiful, super cheap!
General Discussion / Re: Raising your own Egg-laying Chickens
« Last post by Wolf on August 16, 2023, 05:43:25 am »
I can't believe it, I FINALLY got my chickens and decided to come here to look for advice on what to feed them and ended up on my OWN POST that I completely and utterly forgot about!  Even reading it I don't remember any of this!
Off Topic / The Numbers Plan
« Last post by smokeyquartz on August 11, 2023, 09:14:17 am »
Regarding the NWO globalist agenda for depopulation, I'm wondering how the ban against abortions fits the plan.

If someone's goal is depopulation, then that person or people should support access to abortion.  But many western civilizations are opposing abortion at this time.

Considering the NWO is actually the one in charge and their agenda is to depopulate humanity by using sterilization/disability-inducing shots and genetically-modified food and crops, why are they not supporting access to abortion?

Perhaps they have become too successful at their own game? 

I know the birthrate is significantly decreased continuously in the US.  There are some advantages for the government to have new births on a regular basis, and none of these advantages are any good for the parents or the new child being born.  The government receives the following advantages from children that it claims as its subjects:

-a source of income-tax and sales-tax revenue over the entire lifespan of the child (assume 75 years).  The government can pay back money owed to the World Bank and international loans from foreign countries from the child's forced payments.  In fact, it may be a condition of international loans to foreign countries that the birthrate be a certain percentage to ensure future tax revenue is sufficient to pay back the loan. We as citizens do not have access to the paperwork the US government signs when taking out a foreign loan.  A mortgage requires that the house be security on the loan.  Perhaps for a foreign loan to the US, the security at stake may be the state of Alaska? Who knows?
-if the child is born male, the US receives a free bullet-sponge for future wars.  In the US, men are forced to sign up for 'selective service" upon reaching adulthood.  If they do not give into the coercion of signing up to become a bullet-sponge if needed for wars, then they are denied certain benefits of the federal government.  One may debate this point and say "well, actually the government doesn't need humans to fight wars when they are creating AI."  But, at what cost is the manufactured AI soldier?  Is it 100,000? 200,000? More? The cost of a human soldier is much less to the government because there is no payment for it to be "manufactured."

So maybe they are dipping below the minimum population number that they need for government purposes. 

I have more thoughts on this and might continue it later.
Health / What to Eat for better circulation?
« Last post by smokeyquartz on August 04, 2023, 08:31:57 pm »
When I eat fat like eggs or marrow, I get edema. I also have veinous problems. Although I'm trying to follow instinctive eating, it's not helping this.

Can anyone recommend anything?

I'm thinking of doing less fats and maybe just green juice fast.
« Last post by biowolf on August 04, 2023, 07:37:27 am »
I guess you forget the nonsense you write pretty quickly.

Google or YouTube Joe Rogan..

The guy is taking Testosterone for 20 years.. Armour Thyroid(pigs dried thyroid) and peptides for HGH release..

The guy is strong vibrant and healthier than 90% in this board..

General Discussion / Re: Raw Chicken Jerky ... Safe/How?
« Last post by smokeyquartz on July 31, 2023, 11:56:38 pm »
You can make jerky out of any meat. I've seen turkey jerky and salmon jerky sold.

To make your own, you don't necessarily need a dehydrator. Just slice the meat thin and let it air dry on a wire rack. It will lose moisture and harden as long as it's exposed to the air. This is what happens every time I let meat out in the fridge uncovered - it becomes very hard and dry, almost crusted on the outside. Just slice it thin and air dry like that. You'll get jerky.
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