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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2015, 12:20:24 am »
Completely the opposite.  I do not know why you came to that conclusion.
My first child got all of the vaccine schedules for his first 2 years of life.
Those are the vaccines of 2001 to 2003 in Manila.
He is the sickliest of all my children and I have apologized to him several times.

I have since given up on hospitals because they cannot deliver births properly, and they vaccinate children.  I have taken matters into my own hands and now deliver my own babies and am the doctor of my own babies.


Yes I understand what "they" wrote down as "history" of those diseases.

But as an engineer, whatever theory you got has to step up to actual experience.

As you can see by the children in my avatar some got vaccinated some did not... my experience tells me that vaccine alleged "science" does not work for my children, does not work for my genetics.

So I come to my own conclusion that the vaccines of the 21st century do not benefit and in fact harm my children.

Thus I come to conclude that any future children or grand children... I will adamantly choose with my 100% conviction to refuse vaccinations.

Because my engineering LOGIC and EXPERIENCE showed me their "science" about vaccination is FALSE.

Of course I don't know the details,,, but children often are as healthy as their parents, especially at the time of conception and birth.  Look back when you're first child was born at the diet/health of you And your wife.  There might  be a clue there for you that you might have over looked.

Offline jessica

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #51 on: February 11, 2015, 12:28:06 am »
I think it's funny some of you are so sentimental about human life.  Culling the herd is a good thing.  I don't care if your poison is not building up your own health and immunity, gettin vaccinated AND pumped full of toxic metals, living in an unsustainable, unhealthy environment like packed urban cities, working around those who dont care for ther own health such as in office buildings, schools, hospitals, gain an unhealthy lifestyle, etc...just respect my ability to self govern and choose a healthy lifestyle that insures strong immunity as well as limited contact with people who don't give a shit about healh and want someone else to do it for them.  I feel like the only thing vaccines have done is weaken viruses, people only die from these because they are sick and live in a sick world to begin with.  It's just a bunch of fear mongering to split up the populis and take the pressure and attention off the government.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 12:35:02 am by jessica »

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #52 on: February 11, 2015, 12:47:48 am »
CK and TD, come on..... Did you guys watch the 60 minuets expose on the swine flu hoax. Did you check out that goober who was the head of the CDC( who after leading the fraud had moved on to private industry) Would you trust someone like him to inject every man woman and child in the world with anything?

Do you realize that the only confirmed cases came from an army base(where all the solders routinely receive experimental vaccinations?
Most do not realize that the original Spanish flu outbreak occurred in populations that were receiving mass vaccinations of experimental concoctions during world war one. Soldiers received up to 17 shots of vaccines cultured in rotten cow organs, under the most primitive conditions. Many solders who were damaged and contracted strange types of neurological disease, were just falsely diagnoses with shell shock. After the war was over the left over vaccines from the war were given to millions of civilians right at the same time of the outbreak. There were doctors who noticed that the majority of people who died were the ones who received the vaccinations, but their work was suppressed and ignored. It was an instance of mass genocide that has been completely erased from the history books.

Did anyone catch the part where the vaccine that was tested for approval was not the same vaccine given to the public?( care to comment) This is a very important part of the issue, because vaccine producers often change the formula without ever testing it, they also will have different formulations, in which the wealthy are giving the single does shot( the clean vaccine) While the poor get the gun witch has a completely different concoction full of chemical preservatives. Even if you believe vaccine technology is effective and inoculations are prudent, you still must at least take issue with the fact that they secretly alter the formulas after approval, so that the vaccines many receive have absolutely no testing whatsoever! Then there are vaccines which after a few years on the market are secretly recalled because of serious adverse effects( like the chicken pox vaccine that gave my cousin a seizer disorder) and most of the damage is denied outright and swept under the rug.

I believe CK and TD are overstating the benefits of vaccination, as well as inflating the risk of no vaccination, while at the same time ignoring the roll naturally occurring disease has in maintaining balances in nature. Even if a pandemic is prevented by mass inoculation, the underlying conditions which do not get addressed" WILL" manifest in some other way down the road. So instead of having an occasional plague of some sort( were the weak are culled), we end up with a chronically ill population, where one in three will die of some kind of cancer or some other degenerate disease that simply did not exist in previous history. This leads to the world of cradle to grave medical intervention which becomes more and more necessary in order to maintain a population of weaklings that are so decoupled from nature they would never be able to live in tune with the earth as our ancestors once had.

This point is controversial, but I feel it is one that must be made, if we are going to have an honest discussion.
Once becoming decoupled from the natural corrective processes that are artificially suppressed, those who in the past would not be fit to survive are enabled to reproduce, we are now seeing the beginning stages of chronic genetic degenerative conditions that are becoming epidemic in the post vaccinated world! New epidemics are arising of strange viral syndromes like sv40, Epstein Barr, and other unnamed viral epidemics which cannot be vaccinated for. Some think that these early childhood viral episodes prime our immune systems and strengthen our defenses in ways that vaccination with arbitrarily selected viral antigens cannot.
Its all about choices, and what kind of world you would chose to live in. I personally if given the choice will take my chances with the Plagues of nature, rather than submit my freedoms to the sorcery of science.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 12:58:28 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #53 on: February 11, 2015, 03:46:37 am »
I do not buy SB's notion that  various wild animal species affected by plagues are somehow "deficient". These beings are affected by survival of the fittest so are the best they can be.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #54 on: February 11, 2015, 03:47:08 am »
Do animals have the convenience of getting everything and anything they need at any given moment? I know we do... But animals need to hunt and search, or starve (I don't remember herbivores been talked about being ill nearly as much as omnivores or carnivores; makes sense... grass doesn't run). If they don't get what they need quick enough then they will not be at their best strength against illnesses. The same with humans; poor nutrition of general population - low immune system = high susceptibility to illnesses.

It's about the difference between the immune system and the illness. Which one is how strong in relation to each other...
How about instead of injecting a person full of harmful viral material (assuming there weren't extra toxins like mercury, etc.), instead not do that but boost the immune system? How about instead making the immune system so strong the illness cannot win, cannot even find a hold? Why ignore the immune system's potential strength and instead inject a person full of harmful and pointless viral material? Seriously... if someone gets sick, it's not because that person has not been previously injected with viral material... The exact same thing as is with drugs and pills for heart problems or mental problems, etc. - people don't have those issues because they had never taken those poisons before. Vaccines are the same.
We don't need vaccines, never have needed them...

If someone still would get ill, then there are so many ways to get healed without injecting poisons into oneself.

Also considering how long our species has been around... If vaccines were so damn important, we wouldn't even exist today...

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #55 on: February 11, 2015, 04:54:07 am »
Of course I don't know the details,,, but children often are as healthy as their parents, especially at the time of conception and birth.  Look back when you're first child was born at the diet/health of you And your wife.  There might  be a clue there for you that you might have over looked.
Exactly and that is why the research of PPL like Andrew Wakefield is necessary to find out these details.

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #56 on: February 11, 2015, 05:31:45 am »
I do not buy SB's notion that  various wild animal species affected by plagues are somehow "deficient". These beings are affected by survival of the fittest so are the best they can be.

My point exactly.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #57 on: February 11, 2015, 05:57:33 am »
Some diseases appear and become viral when the population of a certain specie in a given area is too great and pose a threat to the ecosystem's balance and well-being.

"As Mother Nature makes a desperate attempt to restore balance, diseases related to overpopulation of animals are imminent."

An example:

"CWD may be transmitted more readily within overpopulated herds and at deer or elk feeding stations where direct physical contact among individuals is more likely."

Offline van

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #58 on: February 11, 2015, 06:11:30 am »
why are 'we' remembering the polynesians or the american indians who died by the thousands when infected by explorers/settlers?  I suspect some will say that if they were exclusively eating raw then they wouldn't have succumbed...   The point is new viruses/bacteria are bound to be mutating, just as they were 'new' for the earlier peoples mentioned.
   Why not simply use dead vaccination material with non poisonous carriers?  I don't see why other's aren't asking for that.  I do with my dogs when vaccinated.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #59 on: February 11, 2015, 07:15:28 am »
I do not buy SB's notion that  various wild animal species affected by plagues are somehow "deficient". These beings are affected by survival of the fittest so are the best they can be.

Please allow me to elaborate a little further, so I am not misunderstood, I am not suggesting that all disease (naturally occurring or man made) stem directly from nutritional imbalances, though I insist that such factors play an important role in disease pathology. There are indeed a multitude of other factors which lead to what has been referred to as plagues ( non of these factors in my opinion being due to the lack of vaccines)

Nothing occurs in isolation, and an aberrant strain of pathogenic organisms cannot and will not gain a foothold in order to launch all out genocide upon a species unless there are the right environmental conditions. The totality of biological environmental factors can never be( at least not yet) fully taken into account by our limited understanding of the nature of life from a holistic perspective.

Pandemics in the past have been blamed on microbial infection alone, and other very important contributing factors have been completely ignored. During the black death, there was a mini ice age, and many of the crops were infected with poisonous molds, while many of the people lived in abject squalor. Yes many died a horrible death, but we should not forget that many survived, and there were some parts of Europe where people still lived indigenously that didn't suffer at all. There is also a lot of evidence that suggest during times of plague those who survive gain genetic adaptions which pass on immunity to subsequent generations. ( this could explain why many with people with bloodlines from plague survivors are completely immune to diseases like AIDs.)

Though it is correct that epidemics and blights have wiped out large numbers of creature from all animal kingdoms, the issue does not stem from a lack of artificial immune stimulation, through vaccination. There are and have always been subtle and constant variations within the micro and macro biomes of earth. From time to time there are naturally occurring shifts in the balance, something may happen that causes a change in the microbial ecology( some new mold, fungus , or bacteria emerges and being opportunistic and pernicious, may take advantage of a slight change, which may be imperceptible to our scientific understanding, yet this slight environmental change is enough to upset the balance of entire ecosystems, and often times through no fault in genetic design there are certain species that get broad sided, by something they have never encountered before and there is a die off. Though usually this will not lead to extinction, and the survivors will become perfectly readapted to the new environment and their offspring will once again thrive, within harmony and balance with the organisms that nearly killed their grandparents.

These kinds of naturally occurring die offs, and viral purging of entire species, have occurred through the course of evolution, I insist that it is a necessary part of life, and by directly attempting to suppress the realignment process without fully understanding all the interconnections, we are making grave mistakes. By using vaccinations and drugs to suppress the proses of evolution and adaption(which are often horrid, crawl and painful from a human perspective) We are only kicking the can down to the next generation, and if we continue on this path, then there will come a time when the human race will not be able to survive without cradle to grave medical scientific intervention.

The choice is up to us. We can learn to realign with nature, and accept the inevitability outbreaks of viral realignments, and learn ways to best cope with the painful possess of evolution that wont be of determent to future generations. By doing so we can take our attention away from the dead end of germ theory, and develop modes and methods by which to optimize our capacity for peak immunity which will allow us to harmonize with life on earth as it is, with all the creatures and microbes as they are, without feeling compelled to dominate and mutilate the structure of nature to please  our apish whims. By letting nature lead the way and using our powers of understanding and intuition we could much better learn the lessons that mother earth has to teach us. Let us not be lead so far away from Gaias womb, by the delusions of the modern humans who believe that we no longer need to be suckled in her bosom, inoculated by her maternal antibodies, which have sustained us through the eons.

We must learn to recognize these affronts, and refuse to go along with people who pose as humanities saviors, full of pretension and arrogance, that insist indefatigable that science alone will provide the formula that will meet all our needs, and that all we must do, as the uneducated public, is to allow the lab coats to continue on with their experimentations unquestioningly.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 07:34:02 am by sabertooth »
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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #60 on: February 11, 2015, 08:24:17 am »
Fuck natural die-offs. The bubonic plague was a natural die-off.  You want to bring that back? ROFL

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #61 on: February 11, 2015, 08:25:59 am »
Some diseases appear and become viral when the population of a certain specie in a given area is too great and pose a threat to the ecosystem's balance and well-being.

"As Mother Nature makes a desperate attempt to restore balance, diseases related to overpopulation of animals are imminent."

An example:

"CWD may be transmitted more readily within overpopulated herds and at deer or elk feeding stations where direct physical contact among individuals is more likely."

in those cases the epidemic is spread by direct contact,  which is more likely with a larger population. So what? I'm not getting your point.

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Re: Vaccination - HUMAN Specifics - US CDC Guide for your reference
« Reply #62 on: February 11, 2015, 10:44:48 am »
Let's put some order in this thread.

Everyone is shooting off in several directions about history and other broad discussions of what vaccines are, even animals.

So my proposal is you guys and gals stick to this SPECIFIC HUMAN US CDC guideline...
... since it seems most of these vaccines are pushed by the US Govt empire anyway.

So as your reference, CLICK HERE

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Try discussing each vaccine one by one.

Don't tell me you vaccinate your children based on blind trust to your MD.

Even farmers choose only the vaccines they think they need.  Remember that your children aren't farm animals meant for slaughter at a young age.

So as your reference, CLICK HERE
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #63 on: February 11, 2015, 01:37:53 pm »
So my proposal is you guys and gals stick to this SPECIFIC HUMAN US CDC guideline...
... since it seems most of these vaccines are pushed by the US Govt empire anyway.

GS, what do you mean by pushed by the US Govt? I'm in the US, and nothing has been pushed at me.
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Offline raw-al

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #64 on: February 11, 2015, 01:51:04 pm »
Fuck natural die-offs. The bubonic plague was a natural die-off.  You want to bring that back? ROFL
Might I draw your attention to the welcoming thread:!-please-read/
where it asks that PPL refrain from fowl (foul) language:

"It is understandable that heated exchanges can occur.  But please keep any fowl language or other pointed remarks at the ideas themselves and not the individuals who make them.  Continual disregard of these basic common guidelines will result in warnings and possible removal from the group."

You raise an interesting point in response to ST.

Fact is that Broda Barnes wrote a book "Hypothyroidism: The Unexpected Illness" back in 1976.

He explained that hypothyroidism (HT) was at that time probably at about 40% of the population and he anticipated that it would be in the 80% range by the turn of the century (2000) because mothers are usually the carrier and they pass it on so each subsequent generation are so inflicted.

In the past HT was kept in check because if you are HT you will die at birth or not long afterwards. It causes your internal temperature system to malfunction generally causing a decrease in body temperature which can range up to 4 degrees or more from normal. Almost always less or cooler.

Your body uses heat for a number of purposes. Fevers are the body's way of killing parasites. Cool temperature in the blood vessels will cause fats so adhere to the walls. Obviously heat is necessary for chemical reactions and flowing of liquids etc.

So a child born with a defective temperature gauge basically dies of infections. That is the reason for the uptick in lifespans since the early to mid 1900s. We have found that increased standards of living with more food, better housing, sanitation, etc as well as medical things like antibiotics have allowed us to make it through the childhood period unscathed or at least less scathed.

However the downside as Broda Barnes explained in that book as well as another of his books "Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks" is that heart disease will be the next epidemic, just like HT. His prediction has borne out.

After reading a number of books on HT by Stephen Langer and Mark Starr etc, the symptoms of HT are easy to spot. I see them in just about everybody of my generation as well as a lot of young PPL.

These PPL have all of these symptoms which can be somewhat treated with desiccated thyroid and or synthetic hormones like Synthroid and iodine and seaweed etc.

Health is not a simple one and one is two. We are currently setting up a situation where the whole population is becoming fragile.

It is not likely that we will give up interventions to affect our health. Problem is when someone tells me I gotta do what they want me to.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 02:09:31 pm by raw-al »

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #65 on: February 11, 2015, 01:52:32 pm »
GS, what do you mean by pushed by the US Govt? I'm in the US, and nothing has been pushed at me.
If you work in a hospital or old folks home or certain businesses you are obligated to get vaccinated.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #66 on: February 11, 2015, 02:00:28 pm »
If you work in a hospital or old folks home or certain businesses you are obligated to get vaccinated.

Does the government obligate one to get vaccinated? It's a whole different issue in the private sector, for example, in my field of work, I am required to give annual certification that I am free of active TB. I have been offered free flu vaccinations, but I have never been asked to provide any vaccination information.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #67 on: February 11, 2015, 02:02:07 pm »
I do not buy SB's notion that  various wild animal species affected by plagues are somehow "deficient". These beings are affected by survival of the fittest so are the best they can be.
Eugenics for humans maybe.... might be the way to go?

It's a slippery slope, but hunose. There is a whole section in the War museum in Ottawa Canada dealing with it and it is quite mind-blowing to read about the PPL who were for it.

Years ago in the beginning of my career I used to do air ambulance. Sometimes we would fly preemies or premature babies. It was like a contest or an ego trip for Doctors to see how ridiculously premature they could keep a baby alive. The poor kid might be a vegetable, but that wasn't important. The child would not be anywhere near their mothers for a very long time.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 02:44:31 pm by raw-al »

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #68 on: February 11, 2015, 02:07:45 pm »
Does the government obligate one to get vaccinated? It's a whole different issue in the private sector, for example, in my field of work, I am required to give annual certification that I am free of active TB. I have been offered free flu vaccinations, but I have never been asked to provide any vaccination information.
Yes it is required or in some places or you have to wear a mask which is a joke.

To visit a sick child in the hospital I had to smear that crap (hand sanitizer) on my hands. Here is the explanation of why it is useless. Actually it's worse than useless because you are led to think it is useful.

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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #69 on: February 11, 2015, 02:14:26 pm »
Yes it is required or in some places or you have to wear a mask which is a joke.

And exactly which government made this requirement? In my mind, there's a big difference between a government mandate and a private requirement.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #70 on: February 11, 2015, 02:59:51 pm »
And exactly which government made this requirement? In my mind, there's a big difference between a government mandate and a private requirement.
A relative who is an MD told me about a co-worker who is required to wear a face mask. In Canada hospitals are all gov't.

She had to wear the mask because she gets a serious reactions to vaccines. Also bear in mind this is for a vaccine that was dissed in the middle of November, like it is every year, because the vaccine is useless.

OOps folks, got the wrong one (again) but hurry down to Walmart to get your vaccine because supplies are running low.

Dr Jennifer Daniels explains that scam here:

Here is the annual release

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...all 50 states require certain vaccinations for children entering public schools.


Let's get back to discussing the real issue... vaccine 1 by 1.

For example MMR.

Should you give this combo MMR vaccine to your child?
Does your public school require it?
Does your "health center" require it?
Can you get individual shots?
Have you investigated each disease?
Are you scared shit out of any of those 3 diseases?
Did you ask your parents and grandparents if they were scared shit about those diseases?
(My mom said... measles... that's nothing, my mom said... mumps?  Where's the party? We need to give you mumps!)
What brand of vaccines are you to choose from?
Do you have a choice?
Or does the doctor hide the package from you? (our old Pedia used to do that!)
Have you read any of the package inserts before you even gave the vaccine to your kids?
Have you investigated BOTH sides of the debate on this disease? Vaccine?
Are there are any current or past Class Action Suits regarding these things?
Do you trust the company that makes that vaccine?  Track record?
Have you had any feedback from around the world from several different countries?
Are these required in those countries?
What kind of side effects are to be expected?
Have you weighed the pros and cons enough to decide which way to go just on this vaccine?
Do you know families who had these vaccines?
Do you know families who did not get these vaccines?
How did their children turn out?  As teenagers?  As adults?

Just some guide questions for you budding parents.  This is your kid.  You want to know everything you can.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 03:49:35 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2015, 06:50:56 pm »

...all 50 states require certain vaccinations for children entering public schools.

Let's read that quote in context:
All 50 states require vaccinations for children entering public schools even though no mandatory federal vaccination laws exist. All 50 states issue medical exemptions, 48 states (excluding Mississippi and West Virginia) permit religious exemptions,and 19 states allow an exemption for philosophical reasons.

The part that says "no mandatory federal vaccination laws exist" means that the US does not require vaccination.

The part that says "All 50 states issue medical exemptions, 48 states (excluding Mississippi and West Virginia) permit religious exemptions,and 19 states allow an exemption for philosophical reasons" means that parents can sign a vaccination waiver. I was raised in a church where everybody got those waivers. It was no big deal. Same thing happens in lots of churches And everywhere else - they don't ask "Oh yeah, which church?" - parents sign what they need to sign and that's that.

The part that is not written is that, since we have a private medical system, nobody can actually track whether a child has been vaccinated. There are no uniform "vaccination ID cards" in the US, so you can pretty much write down what you want when you enroll your child in school. You have heard of outbreaks in the US due to unvaccinated children, such as the recent measles outbreak at Disneyland. If vaccination were mandatory in the US, as you claim, from where did these unvaccinated children materialize?

My cousin was never the same after he had childhood measles in the 1950s. He required thousands of dollars of medical treatment and hospitalization each year, and he died of common complications of childhood measles at the age of 27.
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Re: Vaccination - Let's discuss MMR. Due diligence.
« Reply #73 on: February 11, 2015, 07:13:32 pm »
You americans figure out your semantics with your state or federal definitions.

My real concern... please. is Specifics 1 on 1 .  Please do your due diligence.

Let's begin with MMR. 

Let's get back to discussing the real issue... vaccine 1 by 1.

For example MMR.

Should you give this combo MMR vaccine to your child?
Does your public school require it?
Does your "health center" require it?
Can you get individual shots?
Have you investigated each disease?
Are you scared shit out of any of those 3 diseases?
Did you ask your parents and grandparents if they were scared shit about those diseases?
(My mom said... measles... that's nothing, my mom said... mumps?  Where's the party? We need to give you mumps!)
What brand of vaccines are you to choose from?
Do you have a choice?
Or does the doctor hide the package from you? (our old Pedia used to do that!)
Have you read any of the package inserts before you even gave the vaccine to your kids?
Have you investigated BOTH sides of the debate on this disease? Vaccine?
Are there are any current or past Class Action Suits regarding these things?
Do you trust the company that makes that vaccine?  Track record?
Have you had any feedback from around the world from several different countries?
Are these required in those countries?
What kind of side effects are to be expected?
Have you weighed the pros and cons enough to decide which way to go just on this vaccine?
Do you know families who had these vaccines?
Do you know families who did not get these vaccines?
How did their children turn out?  As teenagers?  As adults?

Just some guide questions for you budding parents.  This is your kid.  You want to know everything you can.
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Re: Vaccination
« Reply #74 on: February 11, 2015, 07:19:46 pm »
With your cousin suffering from measles complications...

... do we assume the measles vaccine in 1950 would have prevented it?
... which measles vaccine was given credit for bringing down measles incidences? what brand? what edition?
... is that supposedly effective measles vaccine still available for sale today? what is it? Where can we buy it?

Why is this MMR the only thing on the CDC recommendation? What makes them think a combo is better than the original allegedly successful measles vaccine. Why should i assume the effectivity is the same?

How have manufacturing techniques changed from 1970 to 2015?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 07:25:20 pm by goodsamaritan »
Linux Geek, Web Developer, Email Provider, Businessman, Engineer, REAL Free Healer, Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Truther, Ripple-XRP Fan

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